Friday, October 2, 2009

How do you Via?

Ohhh, it's Friday again...I still have almost two hours to get this up and count for being on time for the Friday Five. But why push it...I'm tired. Five for the week:

1. Did you visit a Starbucks today? If so, you were probably encouraged to accept the Via Taste Challenge...duh duh duh(that is supposed to sound really dramatic)...Starbucks has launched their Via Ready Brew (aka instant coffee) nation wide...which means huge store sales goals. Today we got to dress up as "How do you Via" in, when do you use via....I put on my golfing gear...because who has time to stop for coffee when you have a tee time to make? One girl dressed up as Darth Vader...for those Star Wars conventions that are apparently coffee-less. It was silly and fun. Really though, Via is a grgeat option if you are going to be somewhere where regular coffee isn't convenient...camping, meetings, school, etc. It dissolves in hot or cold water OR even can make your own little latte at home. Give it a really is 10x better than any other instant coffee out there. If you want to get some, feel free to contact me and we can put the order in at my store (so we can get a little closer to our outrageous sales goal!)

2. I went to my littlest sister's soccer game last weekend (she is in college...she isn't that little...but c'mon, how crazy is it that my youngest sister is in college?!) I'm not much of a soccer be honest, I find it pretty boring (don't hate me, I'm sorry)I mean really, a game that can go on for that long and end in a tie...or with a score of 1-0...lame. BUT, it was really fun sitting out in the chilly evening with my dad and grandma, cheering on my stud of a little sister. Watching those gals run all over the field got me feeling pretty motivated to get back into my track I started that back up again this week. I'm just hoping I can stay motivated through the rain...I miss my Chicago gym with the indoor track.

3. The Seattle Public Library had a giant book sale last weekend...luckily one of my friends reminded me, so we hopped in the car and jetted over there...we spent a couple hours looking through boxes and boxes of was a little overwhelming...they were $.50/book...I came away with 13 new ones...very exciting. Though one of the books I have had reserved at the library finally came in, so I haven't actually started reading any of my newly purchased books. I should be set for a little while though.

4. Big happenings tomorrow night at The Triple Door. The Ian McFeron Band is playing one of their few yearly Seattle shows. They are bringing in a couple of guest musicians, recording and videotaping the show...and, of course...the delightful menu with food prepared at the Wild Ginger restaurant upstairs (seriously, the green beans...yuuuum). If you don't have your tickets yet, you should call the Triple Door and make some...the early show atarts at 7pm, and the late show at 9:30 (late show is 21+). I'll be selling stuff at the merch booth, as usual...see you there.

5. About time for me to get going to bed...I am doing an overnight babysitting gig tonight, and need to be up bright and early to cook something fun for breakfast. We just had such a fun night. After dinner the girls talked me into letting them have some dessert (they don't eat many sweets, but know they can always talk me into it)...well, we discovered their ice cream collection was down to about two bites...but they were already cozy in their pajamas. I took them out for their first ice cream grocery store run in pajamas. They thought it was HILARIOUS. Then...we played you remember that game? Where you pick boys names, kinds of cars, careers, pets, etc...and then you pcik a number and go through the list crossing items off until you have your whole future planned out? Haven't played in years...and let me tell future is NOT looking too bright...though it did let me know that I will be living in a mansion in Paris...that sounds pretty awesome.

Have a great weekend. Try some Via (but buy it from me!)


  1. When your said playing M*A*S*H, my first thought was Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, but that's just me - Michael

  2. no, no...mansion, apartment, shack, house
