Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Thankful For...

Happy Black Friday...hope you found some super stellar deals out there at 5am this morning. I didn't make it out to shop because I got a weird charge on my card last week and had to cancel my card, and am patiently waiting for a new one to arrive. I am not thankful for people stealing my card number and buying chinese food in Chicago. But, here are a few things I am incredibly thankful for:
(sorry this didn't go up yesterday...I had it written and then the internet cut out and I lost almost the whole thing...grrr)

1. First of all, I am so unbelievably thankful for my faith in God. Life isn't always easy, and things you expect to happen- don't...opportunities you prepare and prepare and count on, fall through...and people can be disappointing. Without my constant faith that God will open the right doors- even if they aren't the ones I expect, bring good people into my life- I don't think I would be able to keep my positive outlook. I feel fortunate that I grew up being taught about God and that my belief has only grown as I have gotten older...I have known this peace my whole life. For that, I am so thankful.

2. At Thanksgiving yesterday, I told my family we should do the whole "what are you thankful for" thing- we have never done that. But after trying it, I actually think it is kind of silly, sitting at a table surrounded by family, because if you don't say how thankful you are for your wonderful family, then you are kind of a jerk. But seriously, I have the most supportive several families (oh, the blessings of being a kid of many families) anyone could EVER have. And I would like to include my fabulous friends in my family group...because most of the time, it's your friends that are near you and with you to get you through life's trials- they are the family you get to choose. Without the amazing group of people around me (friend-family and family-family), I would never have the courage or confidence to go on the adventures I do...thank you.

3. I feel so lucky to be around in a time, a city, and with people that make me think anything is possible. It truly is...whether it be a new business idea, a creative project, etc...rather than just think and wonder about it- we live in a time where it is possible to make those ideas a reality. I am surrounded by an abundance of creative people that are constantly challenging the usual, and it is so inspiring. A year ago I decided to write a book, because I have experienced a ton of cool places and people, and because- well, why not? Who knows if my book is any good, if it will ever get published...but I am 110 pages into it- I think prior to this, the longest thing I had ever written was a 15 page paper for school...I never would have taken on the project if I didn't know anything is possible. Life should never be thankful.

4. Kids. Kids know the secret of life...playing. I do a good amount of babysitting and I have the greatest nieces and nephew, so I get the opportunity to be a kid, and just play, fairly often. And let me tell you, it is impossible to stay stressed out, or worry about much of anything while there is some pretend going on. Besides being fun, kids make you feel great...they don't judge you, they don't have unrealistic expectations...they just want you around-YOU are always enough. Highlight of my Thanksgiving...I arrived at my grandma's house, stepped into the kitchen to set my stuffed mushrooms down, glanced out in the living room- and there was my nephew, staring at me with a huuuuge grin on his face, waiting for me to notice him. As soon as I did, he raaaan over and jumped at me. And then dragged me to his play table where it was insisted I sit and play until he had to leave. Who would have a thought just a hug and some puzzle blocks could make someone so get life.

5. Finally, I am so thankful for skype. Several of my very best friends are scattered around the country (a few in other countries) and because of skype, I can not only keep in touch with them, but I can SEE them...I can watch their facial expressions as they share stories of their day. They can move their computer around and show me where they are sitting or what they are cooking, or what projects they are working on. It obviously isn't AS good as being there...but it is very close. I try hard to keep in touch with my friends that don't live near me- email is obviously a great way to do that. Phone calls here and there. But I think I would lose the closeness of my friendships if we didn't make dates to skype and see each other. Thank you Jessica and Jessica and Rachel for making time to skype with me and keep our friendships a priority. Jen- I am expecting skype dates with you now! Anyone else?

Obviously, there are so many other things in life I am thankful for...I am so so blessed, but those are the things that are coming to mind at the moment. Hope you have had a great weekend!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday 11/20

Hey! Hope you had a good week. Mine was full of early mornings, lots of writing, and rain- so much rain, with some wind thrown in there. Here are your Five for the week:

1. It is with a heavy heart that I report- I think my blowup mattress bed is dying. Every day when I get home, she is more than a little bit deflated. Where I used to put more air in her MAYBE once a week, I have had to do it every night this week. I'm not sure what happened. Was I irresponsible and let a tack fall under her? I suppose it could be the fact that she is lodged in between my desk and dresser- forcing me to shove my workout clothes drawer into her sides every day. That might be it. Regardless, she is certainly dying, and it will soon be time for a new bed. Luckily, I will be getting an actual bed sometime in the near future...I am just waiting for travel arrangements to be made. A real bed. I sure am growing up.

2. My book club is meeting on Friday...I just finished our recent choice earlier this week. We read "Wordy Shipmates" by Sarah Vowell. The book is Vowell's commentary on much research and actual writings of the Puritans who created America. This is a subject that could be terribly boring....but Sarah Vowell's observations and comments are hilarious! She manages to put together an interesting, educational, and entertaining story about those crazy kids that made America...the "city upon a hill". Some examples from the front: " Was Massachusetts Bay Colony governor John Winthrop a communitarian, a Christ-like Christian, or conformity's tyrannical enforcer? YES!" or "What was the Puritans'pet name for the Pope? A. The Great Whore of Babylon". I enjoyed (enjoyed might not be the right word, since lots of people died, but maybe found it interesting) to know about the Native American tribes that were involved way back when, and are now the owners of the Mohegan Sun casino...where I've been. It is still a slow read- there is a lot of information, and you do have to pay attention...but Vowell makes it doable.

3. With all this rain and wind and general stormy-ness of the week, I have reintroduced pho into my life. I enjoyed some of that cozy noodle soup, and delightful cream puff pre-dinner dessert several times this week. In fact, as I write this, I am killing a little time (I know, I should be working on my story...but hey, I am getting there- I have written over 25 pages this week...give a girl a break) before I go meet my pal for some pho. The last time we got together to eat pho, we came up with possible reasons or excuses for ways to convince the waiter that we would need multiple more cream puffs. I think we might try them out tonight.

4. OMG! Guess what came out today?! As if I need to tell you...if you have been any part of normal civilization for the past few weeks, you have seen the previews involving hunky, pale vampires and husky, tough werewolves...and of course an awkward and klutzy mortal girl. Yes! New Moon is out. I can't actually go see it tonight...but tomorrow- oh yes, I'll be there. And there will be a full report next week, I'm sure (unless somehow next week is VERY eventful and there isn't room to include a dumb little movie review...very likely). I just want you readers to know...while I may put on a "Crazy Twilight Girl" show for you...I am aware of the ridiculousness and am not really THAT crazy...I mean, I enjoy the whole getting really into something and being excited for it...but I'm not going to go stalk the actors or anything. I probably wouldn't even stop for an autograph if I happened to be eating in the same restaurant as them. So don't judge me. I'm just excited. :)

5. Okay, so...I think I have come to the conclusion that I want to stay in Seattle. I mean, I would always move if the right job came along (come on Disney...already!), but ideally, I'd love to work for Disney from here (they do have an office here...I know there aren't a ton of jobs out there right now- I also know there are SOME though. Sooo readers here in Seattle (or elsewhere that might know of something interesting...) if you hear about or know of an opening, I'd love to know! Much of my work experience (other than making coffee!) has been in promotions, marketing, special events, etc...but I don't want to limit my options to that...I pick things up if you know of something...pass it along, please! Thanks!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday, the 13th

Hello, is Friday (I'm not going to's actually Thursday right now...Friday for you though!)...I am currently sitting in my hour before my shift (which starts at 5:30am...I know, I'm crazy), but I wanted to carpool, and gosh knows I always have something I can be catching up on! I have had a busy/exhausting/fun ya go:

1. First of all, I have been a bit better about the procrastinating on my writing...I actually had 3 days of writing the number of words I am supposed to per day to meet my NaNoWriMo goal. And it feels great to be back writing productively. I cleared my desk off in my room, used the "genius" function on my itunes, and drank massive amounts of tea...and have just been a-writing. The thing I like amount this writing contest is that it is all about even if I can't find the exact word I want to use, or the phrasing that sounds right, I write it down anyway...because really, editing will happen later. This way I am less worried about the words being publishable and more concerned with finishing, getting it all down. Which has been very freeing. I did miss writing yesterday, which means I have a lot of catching up to do this weekend. That's the tough part about this contest...if you miss a day, there is a lot of writing to make up for, because there are no days off from writing for the whole month.

2. Went to a trivia night on Monday with a few pals. I have been wanting to do trivia night for a looong time...I found a website that lists a bunch of trivia night options for each day of the week, by neighborhood, in Seattle. The downside of trivia night is that it is during the week, and it is usually late at night (the one we went to was an early one, and it started at 9) it is toough to do when one has to wake up at 3:30am. So we found a day that worked with the early morning rising...Kate's Pub in Wallingford. The host was fun and took a liking to Willow...which meant that when he told the group he would give everyone a hint about one question- he gave us the answer. We didn't win...but did alright. If you know of any good trivia night places, let me know...we want to make it a regular thing, and while the group really likes Kate's...I really like trying out different options. Here is the website for finding a trivia night, if you are interested:

3. Adventurer's Club made our way to The Round this past Tuesday. It isn't so adventurous for me, since I have been several times- though every month is totally different! but Rachel and Willow had never been, so I think it still counted for a club meeting. I know I have written about the Round before, but I really think it is worth writing about, and checking out, if you've never's such a cool event! The second Tuesday of every month (though not this december, the holiday show is being held at The Triple Door and is on Dec 1st)...they bring in 3-5 musicians from the area who sit in a round and play songs, one by one...the other musicians start joining in on the other's songs...and in between rounds there is slam poetry, and art being painted in the background all the while. What impressed me most this week was one of the poets...he is from Youth Speaks...and wad to have been a high school 17 years old, and here he is standing in front of a huge room full of people older than him, and he is just belting out all these words and emotions. It's so brave. If you are interested in checking out The Round, here is the website:

4. I went to two movies last weekend- saaw the Time Traveler's Wife...for book club. It wasn't very good. I really liked the book, but figured it would be a tough movie to make...and I dn't think it would have made much sense without having read the book. And while I LOVE Rachel McAdams...and am fine with Eric Bana...the acting was not great. Though the end of the movie was still a tear jerker...and definitely a book/movie worth talking about- which we did, at Denny's over peppermint hot cocoa. I also saw Where the Wild Things Are. Most of the people I know who had already seen it were disappointed. It definitely isn't what you are expecting from the kids book....but I knew what it was about going in, so I was prepared. And I liked it...again, definitely a movie worth talking about after. It's both sweet and so sad. And really makes you think about all the emotions kids have, and that it is important to listen to them and respect the fact that they DO have those feelings.

5. With my newfound writing routine, I have also started my workout routine back up. I go through phases where I'm really good about working out, and then I'll go weeks without doing anything on a regular basis...I have found that if I go straight to the gym from work, then all is good...but if I have to stop home first to grab my stuff...chances are, I won't be going to the gym. I'll get distracted, and occasionally decide that a nap would do me more good than a workout. BUT, since the new writing schedule, I have been going to the gym straight from work...and discovered that when I work out- I don't feel the need to take a nap. I have so much more energy...despite the lack of sleep during the week. I did slip once this week and took a nap, and regretted it the moment I woke up...luckily I was meeting someone for a greenlake walk, so I was still forced to get outside. I really need to find some effective working out that isn't running though...sometimes it is hard to feel motivated about running on a treadmill. I wish I could play a would be ideal.

Alright...I need to pack...headed to E-burg for the weekend. Later...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Happy Friday, friends...hope the week was fab. I'm going to share a secret with you right now...I'm writing this on Wednesday....why?

1. Because I'm a procrastinator. Such a terrible procrastinator. Right now I should be writing. I have committed myself to writing for NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month)...I am supposed to write 50,000 words by November 30th. That's about 150 pages. Which means I need to average about five pages a day. As of November 4th, I have half a page written. I blame it on my 4th grade teacher. He gave us a report to write- on anything we wanted. I decided to do mine on Michael Jordan. And I started it the night before it was due. My mom was pissed. And it was a poorly, poorly put together project (certainly not worthy of Michael's greatness), and she figured I would learn my procrastination lesson with my bad grade. I got an A+ on that report...and had Michael spelled wrong throughout the entire thing. Procrastinator for life. Thanks a lot Mr. Atkins. (by the may seem that by writing on Wed, I am actually NOT procrastinating...but I should be writing my novel, so therefore I am.)

2. I just got my new health insurance card and made all my doctor appointments...I went to get my moles checked...certain that the inevitable skin cancer would be found somewhere in one of my moles. Instead of getting a thorough check, the doctor made me feel kind of dumb about going. Her: "well is there one in particular you are concerned about?" Me: "Not really. But the people I know that HAVE had skin cancer had it from moles that they WEREN'T concerned about, so I'd just like to get them checked." Her: "Do you have skin cancer in your family?" Me: "No" Her: "Oookkaaayy (followed by a you're wasting my time look)". Then at the end of the check- of which she found nothing out of the ordinary, she said "I wouldn't wait a decade to come back, but you really don't need to do this regularly." Thanks doctor. I'm trying to be responsible and proactive about staying healthy, and she is telling me it's unnecessary. Won't be returning to her...though, on a brighter note...apparently I don't have skin cancer.

3. Okay the end of daylight savings has thrown me way off. I can't handle it getting dark sooo early. I got home at 4:15 the other day...made some soup, ate...looked outside and got the feeling it was time to start getting ready for bed. Then looked at the clock. 6pm. It felt like 9. BUT, I have been getting a good amount of sleep lately...I figure if my body is feeling ready for bed, I might as well go to I have been getting 7-8 hrs asleep, despite my early 3:30am alarm. THAT is exciting. Not very productive though, I tell you. Of course, you know what else isn't productive? Procrastinating. Not productive at all.

4. I was babysitting the other night, and after the kids went to bed, found myself browsing through their cookbooks (something I do from time to time while babysitting the sleeping children) and found a book called "artisan bread in 5 minutes"...whaaaat? 5min? So I began reading. The book gives a basic dough recipe, and then a bunch of variations you can do. And it tells you to make this dough- which literally took less than 5 minutes to mix kneading- and then store it in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, because it is enough for several loaves. There is a two hour period where the dough needs to rise, but then once that is done, you have dough for bread, for two weeks. I made the dough, let it rise and stuck it in the fridge last night. I haven't actually baked it yet, so can't tell you how it turned out (I was too tired to wait a half hour for it to bake last night at 8pm...that's right, I was in bed at 8pm.) I'll let you know next week...but finally, FINALLY I am making the bread I have been wanting to make for weeks.

5. Once again, I got nothing...sorry. This is Friday afternoon now (I wrote the first three on Wed), and I need to nap before I work out and before book I don't have the patience to think of another something going on this week. Sorry. I'm disappointing, I know.

Have a great weekend!