Monday, December 31, 2012


My goodness, Christmas went by so fast! I know that it always does, but I had been feeling like the days were going by at a pace I was comfortable with...and suddenly it is December 27th. Yikes.

We definitely took advantage of the holiday season and did plenty of Christmasy stuff.

1. We went to WildLights at the Woodland Park Zoo. It was their first attempt at Zoo Lights, and was maybe a little bit disappointing. Most of the Zoo was closed off, with only the reptile house being open to see animals...I know that in the evening the animals have been put to bed...but if there isn't anything to see, then the entry should be cheaper. They did have a reindeer, which was a highlight. There were a few light structures put together in the shapes of animals, but mostly they just put lights around the trees and buildings. I mean, it wasn't awful...we enjoyed walking through and chatting with our friends...BUT, I think the Woodland Park Zoo can do a better job...hopefully next year.

2. We went to a holiday concert. Usually I go to The Round's Holiday show, but we missed it this year. I was also hoping to make it to the Cathedrals show...but again, that didn't work out. But boy, we did go to a Holiday Spectacular...the "The Surfjohn Stevens Christmas Sing-A-Long Seasonal Affective Disorder Yuletide Disaster Pageant On Ice"...woo. There was a giant wheel of fortune type wheel that was spun to decide which song we would sing next. There was confetti galore, blow up unicorns, dancing and singing, was a little bit crazy...but a lot of fun. My favorite parts of the show didn't include all of the favorite parts were when they sang slow, pretty Christmas songs. It was definitely an event to get into the holiday spirit.

3. Christmas parties. We went to a few, and I LOVE Christmas parties.I just don't feel like there are very many opportunities to get dressed up anymore...but Christmas parties invite sparkle. I also love all of the tasty treats that come out. I tried a new appetizer that I found on pinterest that turned out to be a big hit...I thought they were pretty (and again, sparkly), but they were actually pretty delicious too. The cranberries were soaked in maple syrup overnight and then rolled in sugar...then put them on top of some brie and a cracker...easy and yum. And then, of course, Christmas parties are a time to see some of your favorite people that aren't just family. I don't actually like the white elephant gift exchanges...probably more just right now because I don't have ANY room for stuff I don't need! But, those are still fun to open and laugh.

4. Christmas movies...Brian and I were Christmas movie slackers this year. I didn't see Christmas vacation the 23rd. Miracle on 34th St was on at my parents house on Christmas Eve, and then Home Alone was on at Brian's parents on Christmas Day. I found Love Actually on sale at Target the day after Christmas, so we watched that one a few days late. We got a few in at the last minute.

5. And then the crazy family running around for the actual Christmas days. We did the same thing this year as last...didn't want to leave any family traditions out between the two of us, so we spent a good amount of time on the road going from one place to the next. It really isn't as bad as it might sound...we start up in Shoreline for an early-ish dinner with the Terreson's and grandparents, then to my grandma's in Des Moines for the end of the meal/present opening. There are always a ton of people there, so the present opening is crazy chaos...everyone tearing packages apart at once- kids pulling their new toys out (Brian finding the cool boy toys and joining in on that playing). Then we drive down to Bonney Lake and catch up with my parents. Go to sleep there and wake up Christmas morning to Santa's surprises, and delicious Christmas bread. Then we pack up the car and head back up to Shoreline for 'Christmas Morning' (afternoon) with the Terreson's and then to grandparents for dinner. Busy, but great. We have done this for two years now, but I think we might change the plan up next year...we'll see...we need to create some of our own traditions.

6. And then one of my favorite traditions is getting up early (ish), and meeting my mom for day-after-christmas-shopping. We used to get up at the CRACK of dawn to hit up the Disney store...but the Disney store isn't what it used to be, so it isn't much of a priority anymore. We still get up earlier than we need to (every year we say 'we really could meet later') and wander around a mall together. Mostly just to chat and sit in a Starbucks. I love it.

And now Christmastime is over for another year. Sad. It's kind of like leaving know you will be back, you know Christmas will come again in a year....but it just seems SO FAR AWAY.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Five Pointer

I want it to snow. We haven’t even had any close calls…where you are sitting in anticipation wondering if that giant raindrop was actually a snowflake on the windshield. I tried that once a few weeks ago…it was very clearly a raindrop and there was no sign of snow in the forecast, but I still wanted to believe that just maybe...Brian said no way. If it isn’t going to snow in real life, I want it to snow on my blog…but I just don’t want to go through the hassle of figuring out the code stuff (I did it last year and it wasn’t that big of a hassle, but the wordpress bloggers automatically got snow on their blogs without doing anything…I’m thinking I should move over… for effortless snow, among other reasons!). 

My blogging has been so random, unorganized, and far between this year. I think about things I want to write and then I don’t do it. In an attempt to be more organized (and feel like I have some sort control in my life), I’m going to attempt the bullet points again. Maybe a Friday Five will be a new years goal? 

·       1.   I finished my first quarter back at school! I turned my final in last night, and am now just awaiting my quarter grade. The class I took was Lifespan Psychology, which was super interesting…though maybe wasn’t super great for my already over-thinking about everything self. I think this was the first class in the history of any class I have ever taken where I actually did all of the reading. It is also most certainly going to be the highest grade of my college career…perhaps a correlation there? Maybe. Or maybe I know that my grades really count right now for getting into nursing school, so I went after every point possible. Regardless…the first quarter is over, and it was great. I love school. Next quarter I am taking an Anatomy class with a lab…which means I have to actually ATTEND school. And probably dissect stuff. I think this class will definitely be more challenging, but I am super excited! 

·         2. Along with a new class in January, I will be starting a new job! I am going back to the nanny gig. I found a new family to work with that seem great- I really enjoy chatting with the parents, and am looking forward to taking care of their two kiddos. Per usual, I have had some anxiety about the change- changing jobs, working with a new family, wondering how my days will be taking care of a toddler and an infant (sometimes those days can get loooong)…but I spent half a day with them today- we are easing in so I can learn schedules and the kids can get comfortable with me while their parents are still hanging out- and it was great. I know there will be some long days, and some challenging days…but it’s also going to be a lot of fun…legos, science center, coloring, laughing….it’s hard to think about your own worries when you are hanging out with a kid. 

·         3. I want a cat. I have been interested in getting a cat for awhile…Brian and I have talked about it- him getting one at his house or me getting one at mine (when I lived in my old place), and we decided it would be best for us and the cat if we waited until we are living in one place. But Brian’s roommate has been catsitting his parent’s cat this past week- Poof (that’s the cat)- and boy has it rekindled my cat needs! Poof looks like my favorite cat from growing up (Grizzles), though he isn’t quite as friendly…not that he isn’t, just mostly shy. And then I discovered one of my friend’s blog, and she is a big fan of her cat and just got a new kitten, and the pictures she has posted are KILLIING ME. Luckily Poof has really grown on Brian too, so I think there could be a kitten sometime soon after we get married. 

·        4.  Does anyone have any makeup brand recommendations? I’ve never been much of a makeup person…as in, I think it is too expensive and I have no idea how to put it on. So I occasionally wear mascara and chapstick. In my old age, I am starting to think that maybe I should invest in a few key pieces and learn how to put this stuff on. But, I don’t know which brand I should look into. I want simple and easy…basically just natural. I’d prefer something that will last awhile, since I don’t put it on all the time. Something that isn’t going to kill my skin. I’m also thinking about wedding makeup, so ideas there too…help?

·         5. Finally, Brian has been having to work in the evenings and so we have been spending time in a few different coffee shops (I don’t have to go with him obviously, but I loooove sitting and ‘working’ in coffee shops so much…I think it is fun to be here with him while he works, and I pretend to work)…we have been to Chocolati a couple of times because they are open late. Both times we have sat a table with ‘dates’ happening at the table next to us…funny and awkwardness. And I have to say, I LOVE the chocolati hot chocolate. Brian isn’t a fan…and I know it is horrible for me…but it is such a treat…like drinking melted chocolate. Mmmm. The peppermint patty has been the ‘special’, so I really treated myself. 

All for today…next post will be a roundup of the holiday to-dos we have been up to… busy busy with Christmasness! Now if only it would snow!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Marriage Equality Day!

I love seeing the pictures of couples lined up to get their marriage license today! Holding hands and celebrating together! It makes my own (upcoming) marriage feel more real and important. I didn’t post about this when Ref 74 first passed, because I still had some bit of doubt that it was real- I actually had dreams about ballots being recounted- but seeing the pictures today and the joy on the faces of those relationships finally being recognized equally- I finally feel confident that it is real. Congratulations and best wishes to all those soon-to-be married folks! 

The holidays have arrived! I stopped at the bank on Tuesday and the bank gal greeted me nicely and said ‘so are you all ready for the holiday?’ And I automatically gave her an emphatic NO! which came out almost Scrooge-y. I had a moment of panic and then realized- hey lady, it’s only December 4th. C’mon…let me ENJOY the season! The build up and preparation is just as important and magical as the actual day!

Brian and I went and picked up ol Doug 2 on Sunday night. Last year we names the Christmas tree Doug, as in Douglas Fir. Well, when we got to the Christmas tree farm (just kidding, we went to the Fred Meyer parking lot), we were in search of the perfect Doug 2…and we discovered that our Douglas Fir from last year was actually a Noble Fir…how silly we felt. Apparently another name for the Noble Fir is Christmas Tree. Our tree is still called Doug though. Anyway…so we found the perfect tree, brought the car around, and were given about 50 feet of string to tie the tree to the top of Brian’s Camry. We tried, we really did. But there was no way we were going to get that tree from Ballard to Phinney- up the big hills, without Doug ending up on the side of a road or on someone else’s car. Brian made a brilliant suggestion that I scoffed at and then realized was perfect. So here we are, in the car, with ol Doug in the backseat- top and bottom hanging out the rolled down windows. No big deal. The car smelled great. Why buy a tree car deodorizer? Just put a TREE in the car. 

I just got an email from theknot (I signed up because I needed some kind of checklist) that reminded me that today is December 6th- and we are 4 months out from the wedding! How crazy! We met up with a friend on Tuesday who is helping with us our invitations- which I am so excited about! And I got my dress…which I am THRILLED about. I was having a hard time imagining myself in a wedding dress, because I just don’t like them that much. I tried on a bunch of dresses that were fine and I’m sure would work out fine, but just nothing that I would totally look forward to putting on…and then I found one that is SO much more ME than any other…it is not a traditional wedding dress at all. I hope Brian will be okay with that. :)
I went to an info session at PLU today about their Masters program for Nursing. I feel pretty confident that it is the route I want to go. Cost, time, opportunity- it just makes the most sense. And as much as Tacoma doesn’t thrill me, I do like the idea of being at PLU. There is still quite a while before applications and such (program would start June 2014 at the earliest), but that is going to be my goal. It is obviously quite competitive, but I actually left that info session feeling more confident than I did at the North Seattle CC Associates Degree program. 

Okay…must go…since I am in Tacoma, I get to visit my dad at work!