Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Amazing Race!

Gum wall
My legs are SO. SORE. Particularly my calves, shins, and feet. Brian, my friends Willow and Rachel, and I did an Amazing Race Seattle competition on Sunday. When I got up and dressed on Sunday morning, I was imagining more of the obstacle/task parts of the show Amazing Race…which prompted me to put on jeans, a sweatshirt, 
and a pair of TOMS. You know, rather than running shorts, a sports bra, and tennis shoes…which turns out, would have been much more appropriate. Because we RAN all over Seattle…for just about 3 hours.
Ivar's on Pier
The event started up on Capitol Hill at Cal Anderson Park…the way the game worked is we were given our first clue, which prompted the team to find a specific location- once there, you take a picture of your team (to prove you are all there), email it in to ‘headquarters’, and then they email you back your next clue…which sends you off to a new location. The only rules were that your team had to stay together (3 of the 4 team members needed to be in the picture), and no wheels, other than a bus were allowed (no car, bike, rollerskates). As I said, we started at Cal Anderson Park…first clue sent us down to the gum wall in Pike Place Market. Most of the 
teams headed to a bus stop to wait for a bus…we decided to get a jump on everyone and just run there…no waiting for bus stops, and separating ourselves from the other teams. It worked…we were ahead of most teams…but almost 2 miles later, we were a little exhausted…with 8 more stops to go! The next clue took us to the Space Needle, and then to the Ivars on Pier 54. We still weren’t interested in waiting on a bus…we’re still running/walking/running. We knew there was one team ahead of us the whole time…this group of guys in Sounders jerseys…they were always on their way to the next clue just when we reached the current clue. And then there were two other teams right around us…one stop they’d be behind us, one stop in front of us…just depended on the route taken. After Ivars, we headed to Safeco field, 
Bruce Lee's gravesite
and then to Uwajimaya, then to Pioneer Square (all to specific spots at each of these locations), then to the big public library, and then we had to get to the cemetery where Bruce Lee is buried. At this point, we had been run/walk/running for somewhere between 7-8 miles (we mapped it when we got home)…we were all dying…felt that our knees were going to fall off, ankles doubled in size, joints not working as they are supposed to (somehow we just kept getting the energy to run a little bit longer…we would see a team following us and that competitiveness would kick in and make us move a little faster), and the cemetery was 2 miles away…so we hopped a bus. This particular bus was already driving right next to us when we realized we needed to catch it about a block and a half ahead…so somehow we dug down deep and SPRINTED UP HILL to get on this bus….and we made it. We were still in the front pack of teams…and then, we decided to get cute. The other front teams made a run for the front gate…we decided to try and find an alternate entrance…turns out- there isn’t an alternate entrance…and that’s when we fell behind. We missed the next bus that the other teams got on, putting us over 20 minutes behind. But at that point, we were so tired, we were okay with just sitting down and waiting. And that’s the story of Amazing Race Seattle. Very fun…so sore.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

a quick check in...

Okay, I am very happy living in Seattle. The weather typically doesn’t bother me. I think the grey, rainy days help you to appreciate the times when the sun does shine (or when the snow does fall, for that matter). But I could really use a couple of sunny days to help me remember that I don’t mind this drear. I’m feeling pretty over it at the moment…I am motivated to run, I REALLY am, but not in this awful rain…I’ve even convinced myself that it will be fun to run in the rain…like being a kid and dodging puddles and not worrying about getting soaked…but then when the time comes to actually do it…ugh, it’s pouring and wretched and I’m not doing it. ->I started writing that yesterday, and then it ended up being a lovely evening last night, complete with a run and a very pink sunset. Just when I was starting to feel depressed, I got a little of what I needed to keep me going. And then it snowed this morning. 

Speaking of this morning...guess what I didn't do? The St Paddy's Day Dash. Ohhh, so lame. It's such a fun run to do...and I don't know if you remember my run last year? I ran the whole second half of the race with Detlef Schrempf...what a highlight! I knew it was coming up, and I knew it was this weekend...but somehow I never put together that this weekend was so soon. So I missed it. I'm sure Det was disappointed. 

Speaking of not realizing this weekend was St Patrick's Day...I'm currently wearing a purple sweater. WHAT? I love color themed holidays. Ugh. Luckily, I grabbed my Sounders scarf on the way out the door, since tonight is the season opener! I don't get to go to tonight's game (split my season ticket, so I only have half the games...and tonight isn't one...wah wah wah)...BUT, I do get to hang out with my pal, Olga, that I haven't seen in far too long. We need to watch Breaking Dawn...

This past week wasn't too busy...though it seemed full due to the number of games that needed to be watched each evening. 

On Tuesday we went to a RadioLab listening get-together. I love listening to podcasts at work while I file, but hadn't listened to any of the Radiolab podcasts yet, so was excited to hear one. We listened to one about Choice...which was super interesting and entertaining...definitely went home and downloaded a few other episodes for file room listening. It was also fun to listen to the podcast with a few other people- we were able to talk about it together after, which I don't think I've ever been able to do. I liked, whenever you get together with a group, there is usually food involved...and I'm always a fan of that.

Wednesday was the second game in the CONCACAF aggregate...ish. Not good, not good. We won the first match 2-1, and well, did not win the second. So we were knocked out...super bummer. And it was a pretty ugly game...hopefully they have been able to let that game go in getting prepped for tonight's season opener. (did I mention I'm bummed to not be going to the game?!)

One more week until the Hunger Games movie comes out! 

And I bought some Snoqualmie Falls pancake mix...and it is bomb. 

Okay...that's all for now. I know I had other things to write...but I need to pay attention to these basketball games! Bummed Gonzaga is out...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sweets, sports, and SLEEP!

Yaaaawwwnnn, I have not been sleeping well lately. So tired. It probably has something to do with how bare my neck is now that my hair is all gone (I kid…I am starting to get used to the shorter hair and almost liking it now). But yes, very tired…

My mom was in town on Friday! She was attending that mentoring conference that we go to every year- Guiding Lights (I’m bummed to not attend this year…I love that conference…it was just so expensive)…so we met up for Melting Pot happy hour after work on Friday! Yummm.

Speaking of yum…Lent is in full swing and this is the first time in, oh I don’t know how long, that I’m still eating sweets. I didn’t give up sweets. In fact, I didn’t give anything up, or add anything. I have even eaten meat on Fridays. I’ve NEVER not done anything for lent…in elementary school I used to give up going on the bars at recess on Thursdays (the bars were my jam…I was quite impressive on them…there was no way I could’ve completely given them up…so just on Thursdays- that was the day I had girl scouts and so would be wearing a dress…it seemed like the most appropriate day to give up swinging upside down). I feel like I should feel guilty about not doing anything, but I don’t (although I did spill to my mom almost immediately upon seeing her ‘I had chicken in my burrito today and I’m eating sweets!’). I have been feeling a little rebellious against religion lately…really not wanting to feel connected. Not in my faith- feeling great there, but just with religion. I am pretty sure it has to do with all the republican campaign stuff all over the place…I just don’t want to have any kind of connection with some of the things they are saying based on their religion.

Moving on…we went to the Sounders game on Wednesday…the CONCACAF game that I posted about in my last blog. That article I linked to helped me understand what a big game that was…I still struggle totally understanding the way soccer teams work because their schedule is so different than other American sports seasons. They have their regular MLS season, and then various other ongoing tournaments…like the Open Cup and CONCACAF…and they are all of equal importance…I always feel like the season should be most important and worry about players getting injured during the side tournaments, but really, all are important. Sounders won…which was huge- they have to go down to Mexico and play game two of the aggregate, and as long as they win or tie or stay within one goal with two goals scored, they will advance (advancement is the team with the most goals between the two games and if there is a tie, then away goals break the tie…so many rules!). I am really enjoying soccer more and more…though I wish the flopping wasn’t a part of the sport…it really takes away from how impressive those athletes are.

Ohhh, and March Madness is almost here! Can’t wait! Though I’m so sad the Huskies didn’t get in…but jeez louise- can’t believe they lost to Oregon St in the Pac 12 tourney. Uhhh! Such a disappointment. No excuse for missing free throws. Brian and I were sitting on the couch watching the tournament seeding on tv and waiting/hoping for Washington to be announced…never was. Go Gonzaga!

AND…we went to a Stealth game on Sunday. The Washington Stealth is our professional lacrosse team up in Everett. I love going to those games…they feel a little less structured than other professional sports games (not because it is unorganized…just has a different feel), there is loud music, I don’t really know the rules of the game…but it’s all very fun. Brian and I were on the Kiss Cam! We didn’t kiss when it landed on us…we made disgusted faces. Silly, silly.

And finally, despite not giving up sweets for lent, I have decided it’s time to get back to healthy habits. I have developed some bad habits over the last year…or more accurately, have quit most of my good habits. I haven’t been running as much as I should be (as evidenced by the 35 minute run I did this weekend that my legs are still sore from), and I haven’t been eating good-for-me foods for some time. Time to get creative with vegetables again. And not eat burgers on a regular basis- those should be a treat, not a standard. Desserts as well…a treat, not a norm. I need to get more sleep…I used to be a morning person! Now I wake up feeling awful….I have known this change needed to happen for a while, but then Friday night, in the middle of the night, I woke up to one of those unbelievably awful and paralyzingly painful calf cramps. I actually get these semi-often (I think more than most people?)…and I thought, okay…my body is letting me know it is missing something…whether it be regular exercise for those muscles, or necessary vitamins, I don’t know (apparently it could be that my blankets are too heavy, but whatever)…the nice thing about working on being healthy is that your body actually feels better. There is a noticeable difference just in the way you feel throughout the day. Looking forward to that. And sunshine.

Alright, that’s all for now.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Catch up!

Oh man, so much going on…if I go into any detail about the recent happenings (I make it sound like there have been exciting happenings…nothing overly exciting, just busy), this could turn into a novel. I’ll be brief…

  •  Last potluck we went to, I made almond croissants from scratch. From scratch, I said. I had blisters on my hands from the hundreds of hours rolling butter into dough. (okay, not hundreds of hours, but it felt like it)…they were delicious, but not as good at the ones in a bakery…and for the amount of work…won’t be doing that again. Croissants- from scratch!
    Tanner up top
  • My cousin Tanner won state for his weight class in wrestling! He won last year too, but then was injured during all of football season…still pulled off the victory. Last year in the finals, he pinned the guy in under a minute…this year we were on the edge of our seat the entire 3 rounds…felt like I got my money’s worth. What a stud!
  •  I went on a trip last (long) weekend! I went to Berkeley/San Fran/Oakland for my long time pal Rachel’s 30th birthday. What a treat of a weekend it was! A brief outline…there was wandering down cute college-y streets, window shopping, relaxing and reading (!), discovering that Oakland isn’t scary, making new friends, fancy dress up dinner at Chez Panisse (this gets its own bullet point), and just getting an extended visit with Rachel, who will be off on another exciting adventure soon
    Chez Panisse
  •   But back to Chez Panisse. Oh my- the food…the service…the ambiance…the company…everything was just unbelievably perfect. We thought we were going to have to sit at two tables (8 of us, small restaurant), but they figured it out and got us all into one. We shared a couple bottles of wine (accompanied by non-pretentious, but smart wine conversation), we shared oysters that were a little bit magical, I got an asparagus appetizer…and then a pork shoulder over some polenta sitting in this sauce/juice stuff that, as Rachel said about pretty much everything she ate, ‘made you believe in love’. We passed around the table one of each of the desserts…I mean, the whole thing was just everything you could have asked for.
  • My 4th/5th grade basketball season has come to an end…we had our last game last Tuesday and then our banquet on Thursday. Wow, I feel like I learned a lot between the first season I coached and the second. I was/am so proud of the team…they improved so much throughout the season, and I actually think we were one of the top teams in our league. But even if we weren’t, their hustle and heart out on the court made it fun to watch every game. I’m REALLY going to miss coaching! Until next year…
  • Sounders season is back! We went to the free game last Wednesday…in the fuh-reeeezing cold. Super fun…we won 2-0, and looked pretty good…definitely a little rusty playing with each other (plus new players), but they were going after everything. Just recently they traded two of my favorite players- Fucito and Neagle…which bummed me out. Big game this week (Wednesday) in the CONCACAF tournament (quarterfinals)…tickets are still available!
  •  I got my hair cut this weekend. It is very short. I’m sure I’ll get used to it. And it will grow. But for now…it’s very short.

Okay, I’m going to stop there…