Friday, April 24, 2009

It's April 24th...a Friday!

Happy Friday to you. I think I jinxed the Thursday time machine epiphany from last week by writing it on here, and letting my co-workers know about it. It didn't happen so much this week. It wasn't a slow week...but just about the length a week should feel like, I guess. I'm sorry Thursday time machine...I won't call you out again.

I have a busy, busy weekend ahead of not a lot of time to write this up...sorry.

1. I got to see one of the kids (Addy) and dads (Rob) I lived with in Europe on Monday..and Grandma Ya-ya...if you were a follower of my Europe blog, you are familiar with all of these characters. They were in town for a relative's birthday and made some time to see me. We met up in Pike Place market- at the original Starbucks- Rob needed to get the starbucks card that is only found there so he can impress his Starbucks baristas back home. We wandered around the market, watched the fish guys, sat and enjoyed some yummy donuts from my favorite little donut stand, and then went out to the park at the end of the market, that has amazing views of the puget sound, the cascades, Mt Ranier, and about a dozen homeless guys sleeping in the grass. Addy saw them and thought it looked like a good idea...she walked up on the grass and layed herself was adorable and hilarious.

2. I took a marathon walk yesterday to the library...the only one I could find that carried the next Jessica Darling book in the series...I'm on the 4th book now...of 5. The fifth JUST came out last week (when I first posted about this series I said there were seven...not so, I was misinformed, only five. Sad.)Anyway, I walked myself to the library, found the book, and have since been the girl that is reading everywhere she goes...on the bus, on my breaks, on the elyptical machine at the gym, walking down the road- I do finish a paragraph and look up while I cross streets. Safety first. I did, however, come extremely close to plowing right into another walker today on my way home from the gym. I think that was his fault though- HE wasn't reading...he could have moved to the other side of the sidewalk. I got the book yesterday and I am just about halfway through...because I am reading it everywhere I go...but soon the series will be over...darn me and my obsessive self. I am especially enjoying this one because Jessica spends some time at Princeton...which is where I will be headed a week from today!

3. As excited as I have been about the sinshine poking her head out lately, it was a nice relief to have some rain yesterday. Both because I am a Seattleite, and am really only comfortable in my raincoat with a slight drizzle around me, and also because I have had major guilt about sitting inside and getting stuff done while it is nice. So I haven't been getting much done...Catholics and our guilt. I have been out walking and visiting- which is most definitely a great thing...but my room is a bit of a mess (shocking) and my writing isn't going anywhere. I love you sun...but I need some rain sometimes too.

4. On one of these sunny days, I made my way out to West Seattle to visit my very pregnant (in the most adorable way!) friend Chrissy. We went down to Alki beach, walked along, stopped for coffee, and sat on some stairs on the beach. Now, it was sunny...but it is still April in Washington. It was not warm. I was wearing a sweatshirt, Chrissy had a sweater on. And there are girls (even a few guys) laying out in their swimsuits on the beach. Walking along the pathway in their bikinis. It is cold! That is ridiculous. Alki elementary school is really close to where we were and there was a class out on the beach, picking up garbage, it looked like. This little boy came up to Chrissy and I and asked if we had been smoking because there were cigarettes on the ground all over the place. We assured him that we weren't to blame, and then cracked up. First of all...Chrissy is clearly pregnant and therefore not smoking, though I suppose an elementary kid might not realize that, and second...if we were, was he planning on lecturing us about picking up garbage or the health of our lungs? I almost wish we had said yes.

5. I have to get going...I'm sure I had a really interesting point to let you know about...but it isn't coming to me at the moment. Friday Four works too.

Have a great week's edition will be as I am packing for my trip to the East coast...woo.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Five- 4/17

Guess what? It's Friday...again! On Wednesday I was thinking, 'OH! This week isn't going by as fast as usual...I can write that in my blog'...but alas, now that Friday is here, I am pretty sure the week flew by. Maybe it was Thursday that flew by. Maybe Thursday has been the time machine all along. Here are your five for this week:

1. My old pals, Carbon Leaf, made a pit stop into the music lounge on show, just a promotional thing. Because of my time working at KMTT, I have seen the Carbon Leaf guys too much to count. BUT, sadly, they have made a few changes in their lineup recently...and it just isn't the same. I haven't been to a show for a couple of years...both because I have been traveling and they have been recording/not touring as much. So I wasn't sure what to expect for the music lounge. And I have to admit, it was sad. Like, they sounded like them, but it wasn't the band that I knew and loved...but because it SOUNDED like them, it reminded me that it WASN'T them...I just wanted Scott to give me a big hug after they were done playing. But he wasn't there. It was nice chatting with Barry, Terry and Carter, and I was reminded of what nice guys they are. Carter is going to have a baby soon and he is really excited about it. It left me with the 'oh, I miss the good ol days' feeling.

2. I have been trying to think of areas I can cut back my spending- and let me tell you, there are not many...I haven't shopped in who knows how long! So I have decided to do a trial run of not having a car...see if I can live without a vehicle. I did it in college. I should be able to do it now. I have been pretending that I just don't have the option of driving places. I have been taking the bus- and even better, I have been walking a ton. Taking a car takes so much less time, but I forget how much I enjoy walking! How much better you get to know the neighborhood...the smells and sounds that you don't get inside the car. Not to mention the extra exercise it gives me. I still have to drive when I open at Starbucks- there isn't a bus that runs early enough for that. It would be so great if I could cut out my car insurance, gas, AND all the stupid parking tickets I get when I work downtown...ugh! It is still a work in progress, but so far so good....especially when the sunshine is out!

3. I watched American Idol this week. I know nothing of this season...this is the first time I have watched. They are down to their final 7...and I have to say, sounded like a pretty good group. It was 'songs from the movies' week...which seems like a fun theme. Except just about everyone picked super lame songs. The most generic movie songs ever. ONE guy did the song from Once by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova...which I absolutely love. I was soooo glad he sang that song...just a little bit obscure. I also really appreciate that a couple of them actually play instruments...I think that is important and those guys get extra points right off the bat. I don't like that, since there are four judges, they don't all comment on each performance...they did a two and two thing. Let's be honest, we all just want to hear what Simon has to say. BUT THEN, the second night, the voting off show....ugh, I was so annoyed. Apparently this season the judges get one "save"...they can save a contestant that the viewers voted off. And they decided to use it on the piano playing guy...who I liked (the piano thing always gets me)...but they put on this big show...Simon being against it, the other judges rooting him just looked soooo scripted and fake. At least make it appear that it isn't fixed. It was really bad. I was home by myself and I was rolling my eyes, and possibly shouted at the screen. It was horrible...and I have no intention of watching anymore...just because of that. And because next week is disco.

4. I am reading a new book right now. My mom gave it to is called "A Whole New Mind" and it is about how right brain people are going to rule the future. Basically it is saying that through outsourcing, automation, and the abundance of STUFF we are capable of having, just being a "left brain" thinker/worker isn't enough anymore. We can't just rely on being book smart. The only way to rise above those, is to be creative...make the normal, abnormal. Make things beautiful and interesting. Design. Create. Play. Find meaning. I feel like I have been doing more creating and actively TRYING to be creative lately...TRYING to find an alternate solution, or another idea. And by actively TRYING, it has become easier. I don't have to try so much...the ideas come. I feel myself BEING more creative. And in that, I feel smarter. I have more confidence and feel like I can figure out anything. I recommend the book. And on another, sort of related note...I have mentioned how much I enjoy a good character in a book. I don't care what the book is actually about, as long as I like the characters. I went back and re-read one of my favorite characters- Stargirl. Have you read it? Go get it now and read it. And there is a new-ish sequel to the story...which I felt a little unsure about, and didn't like at ALL in the beginning. But in good ol Stargirl/Jerry Spinelli fashion- the story has some great characters. There is a boy- Perry. And he doesn't seem like a character you would like. He skips school, he steals things, he was sent away to bad kids boot camp, he has a "harem" of girls that call themselves the Honeybees who follow him around...and yet, the way Spinelli writes him, you really like him. He and Stargirl get along because they are those right brain kind of people....they are always looking for a different way to do something, they don't care about what they are SUPPOSED to do. There is a joke in that imagineer book I read, "Q. How many imagineers does it take to change a lightbulb? A. Does it have to be a lightbulb?" I like it. This is a totally scattered and incomplete #4 point...but take what you can. And read Stargirl.

5. On Wednesday I closed at Starbucks. We had a box of the mini Top Pot donuts that we had to mark out, so we decided to open em up and sample a few. Or many. I left work feeling like I needed to do some major running. I haven't been very good about running lately- like 3 miles tops. But I decided I was going to do the Green Lake circle twice- 5.6 miles. The weather was GORGEOUS. I got there about 7:40pm, and it seriously took everything in me not to do the Phoebe run. I just wanted to hold my arms out and pretend I was flying. Maybe it was all that right brain reading I had done on the bus right before that...I don't know. But man, it was such an amazing night for a run...I made it around twice, no prob at all.

Have a fab weekend...see you again before you know it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Five 4/10- Good Friday

Welcome to another edition of the Friday Five...on Friday. Okay, seriously...I feel like the weeks have fewer days, or hours, or something...I feel like I was JUST writing up my last blog...this week flew. Here ya go:

1. We are halfway into APRIL! That is ridiculous. And because we are halfway into April, I feel that it is time to start putting out reminders of my upcoming birthday. Hurray, Hurray for the 8th of's Eryn's Birthday. I've decided I'll be turning 22 this birthday. I'll be spending the actual day in New Jersey...or NY or Philly...whichever city I happen to be in...I won't be in Seattle. Which means I'll have to celebrate with my Seattle pals another day...which, as an optimistic, "look at the brightside" kid from divorced parents who gets to celebrate every holiday many-a-time; turning the birthDAY into a birthWEEK or birthMONTH, isn't a bad thing.

2. Ohhhh, my mom had a Twilight DVD party last weekend! It was so dorky and fun. We created a different alcoholic beverage for each of the Vampires- the Cullen's anyway. And we made little recipe cards with descriptions about why that particular drink was that character's fav. For example: Jasper's drink was the "Bloody Jasper" (aka Bloody Mary)..."Tortured by his uncontrollable blood thirst, as well as his uncanny ability to feel and control every emotion in the room, Jasper Hale likes to sit back at the end of the day with this bloddy beverage- almost as tasty as Bella herself. Plus, Jasper knows how you feel the morning after a raging party- he'd like to prepare one of these drinks to help you feel better." Fun, fun.

3. Made a trip to the dentist yesterday. For most people, this isn't a joyous general, visiting the dentist is, at best, tolerable. But I haven't had dental insurance for a little while, so I was a little overdue my 6 month appointment; plus, I have the greatest dentist I was totally looking forward to it. The good news- everyone at the office was as friendly and wonderful as ever (seriously, Dr. Jacka in Federal Way...awesome!), bad news...I have to get a few sealants redone...which, at my age (soon to be 22, you remember), those aren't covered by insurance. Boo. But, teeth are o-so I suppose it must be done. Definitely one of those moments I realized how much it sucks being older and having to spend big chunks of money on things that aren't fun. And then I was thinking, how about being a parent and having to spend those big chunks of money on thing that aren't fun- FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

4. I had a fun day of video chatting yesterday. Yay for my computer that has a video camera now. I talked to my pal, Jessica, in Chicago. We discussed a new project we are working on (oh, how I LOOOOVE new fun!)....we had a good 2.5 hr brainstorming session that was very productive and now involves notecards on the corkboard above my desk (see how productive I am with my new desk!). Then I talked to Rachel, who is living in England, but was in NY teaching some class. Strange how having her in NY- which is still o-so far away- felt like she was just next store, since she has been in another country, on another continent for awhile. She is a funny lady. THEN, just as I was about to sign off, I noticed the family I nanny'd for in Europe was online. So I got to video chat with the kids...which involved some Sound of Music singing (mostly by the dads, hehe), the kids asking if my room is messy (yeah, they saw it on a daily basis in Europe), and some little kiddo feet blocking the camera- to be funny. I tell ya, technology kills me sometimes...there are moments where I feel so disconnected from people because of it, but then there are days, like yesterday, where I was able to connect on a much more personal level with important people in my life, that are far away...because of technology. Love/hate, hate/love.

5. I need to hear some of your bad/funny date stories. Email me, have your friends email me- pass it along. I need to stories for a new project. I know you have them. Send em my way-

And that is all for this week. Have a stellar weekend...Happy Easter...good luck finding the Easter eggs that the bunny hides! P.S. I was told by a 7 yr old I was babysitting last weekend that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. WHAT?!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

4/4...a Saturday

I know, I know...I missed my Friday deadline for the Friday Five. I am very sorry. I have a sort of excuse. It was a super busy week, and by the time I had the opportunity to sit and write and then post, I was housesitting in a house without an internet connection. (had nothing to do with the fact that I thought about writing it on Thursday and then completely slipped my mind the entire day on Friday...nothing like that at all.) But yes, it was a busy week. Here are your six on Saturday (hmmm, that has a ring to it?)

1. Last Friday, I went out with my pal Jen to the Can Can to see the first of what will probably be a series of local songwriters night. One of Jen's friends created an evening of several local musicians, playing a few of their songs, followed up by an interview. It was a serious pain in the arse to find a parking spot...and actually, now that I am thinking of it- that was last thursday...didn't even happen this week. I just remembered that because we very nearly gave up on the parking search (after waiting for a spot where we realized people were making out in their car- clearly not leaving anytime soon, and another car was enjoying a meal in their spot...grrr, annoying) to go home and catch that evening's episode of Grey's Anatomy...I mean, McDreamy was going to be operating on Izzy in a nearly impossible surgery with the goal of regaining his confidence in his ability to save people...heavy stuff people. BUT, literally, as we said "let's just go home" a car pulled out RIGHT in front of us (when you stop searching, it finds you, right?). We didn't stay at the show for very long...I mean, it was a Thursday night, after all...but it was a cool event and I looke forward to future shows.

2. I found myself a new Young Adult book series that I am totally loving. I got the recommendation from Sarah Dessen's blog (where I got the idea for a Friday Five...she is great). Apparently the final book (number 7..yes! I still have plenty to read) is coming out soon. So I went to the library and checked out the first three in the Jessica Darling series. It is a typical YA book- girl in high school dealing with the normal high school stuff. BUT, it isn't overly dramatic, like a lot of the YA books are...there aren't any alcoholic parents, rapes, feels like MY real high school experience. But what I LOVE is the main character...Jessica Darling. She kills me. She is so funny. She sort of reminds me of me (although, I think that is giving me a lot more credit than I deserve) in that she is friends with all the different groups, and her main "group" is the popular kids...but she can't handle the ridiculous silly drama in their lives. Like, she goes along with it, all the while, her internal dialogue is great. She is so sarcastic. I finished the second book last night (also having nothing to do with why this didn't get written until today) and I am thinking about checking out the third one on CD to listen to in the car. That might be fun.

3. My dad's birthday shindig was a good time. We all met up at one of his spots in Renton...the one that he takes us all out to when we turn 21. It's a chinese restaurant...kind of random. was fun having everyone together...Danielle, Ryan, Amy and I sat together on one side of the table and laughed at the adults to ourselves. There was a lot of kicking each other under the table about stuff the adults were saying. And Dad loved the present we got siblings and I all got together a couple weekends ago and had family pictures taken, by one of my friends. They turned out really well! We did some posed shots and some fun, hanging out shots. I love capturing people laughing...those pictures are so genuine, and Jen is great at getting those- she always takes a bazillion pictures when our girls camping group gets together. I printed out a few of those shots and put them in a cool frame...I think it came out really nice. And my dad LOVES that kind of stuff. He is such a cornball about how he is the richest man in the world because of his family.

4. This week was spring break for the Seattle elementary kids, so on top of my usual Starbucks schedule and my normal weekly babysitting schedule, I watched a couple of the kids I used to watch in college, during the day. I was working looong days! It was fun to see them...they are so grown up now. I mean, the oldest of the kids I used to watch in college, are going to MIDDLE SCHOOL next year. WHAT?! Nick had to practice his piano (which he has been playing since he was, like, 4...and is amazing at) and his newly aquired clarinet...which brought back those terrible memories of having to practice my own clarinet, back in elementary school. Yikes! We also spent one afternoon at the Museum of Flight. Which was REALLY cool! I had no idea. I have been there before- for a music lounge with the radio station, but never through the exhibits. The boys are old pros at the museum and knew where all their favorite exhibits were, and they showed me around. I was surprised at my level of interest...their favorite exhibit is the WWI and WWII areas, so we spent a lot of time there. And honestly, it was probably just as, if not more, informative and interesting as the WWII memorial museum in Normandy.

5. We also spent an afternoon at the movie theater, watching Monsters v Aliens in 3-D. I don't usually go to cartoon movies that aren't Disney. I have found they are usually dumb and disappointing. BUT, I enjoyed the movie. The boys were cracking up through the whole thing, and I actually found myself laughing out loud in a few parts. It isn't a Disney movie...but, it was good. AND, I also found out that Disney plans to re-release (I think I heard 13) of their old movies back into theaters in 3-D. Starting with Toy Story, and the Beauty and the Beast! I don't really care that much about 3-D...I think having to wear glasses is kind of annoying actually...but getting to see Beauty and the Beast in theaters again is so sooo exciting! I can't wait to hear what other movies...Aladdin?!

6 (since it is Saturday, after all). I got a new desk...well, it isn't new- at all. But, new to me. And I kind of like that it is old...I am planning on doing some work on it...painting, gluing, etc. I rearranged my room. Cleaned it. Started making plans for making it creative and interesting. I am actually okay with people coming over and seeing my room (I still need to hide the fact that my bed is a blowup mattress...hehe). But I have been using it to write, and have a pile of "things to get done"'s all very organized for me. I like it. I feel I am going to be very productive with my life from now on. Wish me luck on that.

Okay, Jen is here to work on literacy board stuff, so I must go. Have a great week!!