Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Happy Friday, friends...hope the week was fab. I'm going to share a secret with you right now...I'm writing this on Wednesday....why?

1. Because I'm a procrastinator. Such a terrible procrastinator. Right now I should be writing. I have committed myself to writing for NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month)...I am supposed to write 50,000 words by November 30th. That's about 150 pages. Which means I need to average about five pages a day. As of November 4th, I have half a page written. I blame it on my 4th grade teacher. He gave us a report to write- on anything we wanted. I decided to do mine on Michael Jordan. And I started it the night before it was due. My mom was pissed. And it was a poorly, poorly put together project (certainly not worthy of Michael's greatness), and she figured I would learn my procrastination lesson with my bad grade. I got an A+ on that report...and had Michael spelled wrong throughout the entire thing. Procrastinator for life. Thanks a lot Mr. Atkins. (by the may seem that by writing on Wed, I am actually NOT procrastinating...but I should be writing my novel, so therefore I am.)

2. I just got my new health insurance card and made all my doctor appointments...I went to get my moles checked...certain that the inevitable skin cancer would be found somewhere in one of my moles. Instead of getting a thorough check, the doctor made me feel kind of dumb about going. Her: "well is there one in particular you are concerned about?" Me: "Not really. But the people I know that HAVE had skin cancer had it from moles that they WEREN'T concerned about, so I'd just like to get them checked." Her: "Do you have skin cancer in your family?" Me: "No" Her: "Oookkaaayy (followed by a you're wasting my time look)". Then at the end of the check- of which she found nothing out of the ordinary, she said "I wouldn't wait a decade to come back, but you really don't need to do this regularly." Thanks doctor. I'm trying to be responsible and proactive about staying healthy, and she is telling me it's unnecessary. Won't be returning to her...though, on a brighter note...apparently I don't have skin cancer.

3. Okay the end of daylight savings has thrown me way off. I can't handle it getting dark sooo early. I got home at 4:15 the other day...made some soup, ate...looked outside and got the feeling it was time to start getting ready for bed. Then looked at the clock. 6pm. It felt like 9. BUT, I have been getting a good amount of sleep lately...I figure if my body is feeling ready for bed, I might as well go to I have been getting 7-8 hrs asleep, despite my early 3:30am alarm. THAT is exciting. Not very productive though, I tell you. Of course, you know what else isn't productive? Procrastinating. Not productive at all.

4. I was babysitting the other night, and after the kids went to bed, found myself browsing through their cookbooks (something I do from time to time while babysitting the sleeping children) and found a book called "artisan bread in 5 minutes"...whaaaat? 5min? So I began reading. The book gives a basic dough recipe, and then a bunch of variations you can do. And it tells you to make this dough- which literally took less than 5 minutes to mix kneading- and then store it in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, because it is enough for several loaves. There is a two hour period where the dough needs to rise, but then once that is done, you have dough for bread, for two weeks. I made the dough, let it rise and stuck it in the fridge last night. I haven't actually baked it yet, so can't tell you how it turned out (I was too tired to wait a half hour for it to bake last night at 8pm...that's right, I was in bed at 8pm.) I'll let you know next week...but finally, FINALLY I am making the bread I have been wanting to make for weeks.

5. Once again, I got nothing...sorry. This is Friday afternoon now (I wrote the first three on Wed), and I need to nap before I work out and before book I don't have the patience to think of another something going on this week. Sorry. I'm disappointing, I know.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh Eryn! I have the bread book! The best part is the sound the bread makes when you take it out of the oven. The book calls it "singing" I think and that's TOTALLY what it is. Don't expect it to be loud though, it's like the snap, crackle and pop of a bowl of Rice Krispies.

  2. Oh the bread is really good too. That's another part to mention.
