Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday 11/20

Hey! Hope you had a good week. Mine was full of early mornings, lots of writing, and rain- so much rain, with some wind thrown in there. Here are your Five for the week:

1. It is with a heavy heart that I report- I think my blowup mattress bed is dying. Every day when I get home, she is more than a little bit deflated. Where I used to put more air in her MAYBE once a week, I have had to do it every night this week. I'm not sure what happened. Was I irresponsible and let a tack fall under her? I suppose it could be the fact that she is lodged in between my desk and dresser- forcing me to shove my workout clothes drawer into her sides every day. That might be it. Regardless, she is certainly dying, and it will soon be time for a new bed. Luckily, I will be getting an actual bed sometime in the near future...I am just waiting for travel arrangements to be made. A real bed. I sure am growing up.

2. My book club is meeting on Friday...I just finished our recent choice earlier this week. We read "Wordy Shipmates" by Sarah Vowell. The book is Vowell's commentary on much research and actual writings of the Puritans who created America. This is a subject that could be terribly boring....but Sarah Vowell's observations and comments are hilarious! She manages to put together an interesting, educational, and entertaining story about those crazy kids that made America...the "city upon a hill". Some examples from the front: " Was Massachusetts Bay Colony governor John Winthrop a communitarian, a Christ-like Christian, or conformity's tyrannical enforcer? YES!" or "What was the Puritans'pet name for the Pope? A. The Great Whore of Babylon". I enjoyed (enjoyed might not be the right word, since lots of people died, but maybe found it interesting) to know about the Native American tribes that were involved way back when, and are now the owners of the Mohegan Sun casino...where I've been. It is still a slow read- there is a lot of information, and you do have to pay attention...but Vowell makes it doable.

3. With all this rain and wind and general stormy-ness of the week, I have reintroduced pho into my life. I enjoyed some of that cozy noodle soup, and delightful cream puff pre-dinner dessert several times this week. In fact, as I write this, I am killing a little time (I know, I should be working on my story...but hey, I am getting there- I have written over 25 pages this week...give a girl a break) before I go meet my pal for some pho. The last time we got together to eat pho, we came up with possible reasons or excuses for ways to convince the waiter that we would need multiple more cream puffs. I think we might try them out tonight.

4. OMG! Guess what came out today?! As if I need to tell you...if you have been any part of normal civilization for the past few weeks, you have seen the previews involving hunky, pale vampires and husky, tough werewolves...and of course an awkward and klutzy mortal girl. Yes! New Moon is out. I can't actually go see it tonight...but tomorrow- oh yes, I'll be there. And there will be a full report next week, I'm sure (unless somehow next week is VERY eventful and there isn't room to include a dumb little movie review...very likely). I just want you readers to know...while I may put on a "Crazy Twilight Girl" show for you...I am aware of the ridiculousness and am not really THAT crazy...I mean, I enjoy the whole getting really into something and being excited for it...but I'm not going to go stalk the actors or anything. I probably wouldn't even stop for an autograph if I happened to be eating in the same restaurant as them. So don't judge me. I'm just excited. :)

5. Okay, so...I think I have come to the conclusion that I want to stay in Seattle. I mean, I would always move if the right job came along (come on Disney...already!), but ideally, I'd love to work for Disney from here (they do have an office here...I know there aren't a ton of jobs out there right now- I also know there are SOME though. Sooo readers here in Seattle (or elsewhere that might know of something interesting...) if you hear about or know of an opening, I'd love to know! Much of my work experience (other than making coffee!) has been in promotions, marketing, special events, etc...but I don't want to limit my options to that...I pick things up if you know of something...pass it along, please! Thanks!

Have a great weekend!

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