Friday, March 6, 2009

TGIF- 3/6

Thank goodness Friday is here. I am EXHAUSTED! Had a pretty stellar week....

1. I went to a concert on Wednesday (def a reason for my current exhaustion!) I went to Neumo's with Amy to see Donovan Frankenreiter (I didn't even look up how to spell that)...he is kind of a Jack Johnson-mellow-feel good- kind of sound. I did a meet and greet with him a few years ago at the gorge when I was working at the station (along with Jack Johnson and Mr. G.Love), but haven't really seen or heard much of him since. I had a good time...I ended up staying for the whole show, even though I had to open at Starbucks the next morning (which left me with 3 hrs of sleep...hence, the exhaustion). Everyone in the band wore hats and about halfway through the show, Donovan traded hats with someone in the audience...which I felt the need to pull a pen out of my bag and write down on my hand to include in my tour book. The opener was Gary Jules...and he was hilarious. When I lived in Chicago, these two guys that I worked with at Starbucks used to annoy me on purpose by playing Gary Jules' version of Mad World over and over and over. At first they just liked the song, but then they discovered that it pushed my it made me laugh, and think about those boys o-so endearingly when Gary played that song.

2. Didn't do a whole lot of reading this week. I finished 'Water For Elephants', which was great- I recommend it...def an interesting and easy read. I wasn't totally into the ending...but I have been having trouble with endings lately anyway. I also zipped through a Sarah Dessen book that my sis let me borrow. I need to make a trip to the library...I have been doing a tad bit of TV watching this week in replacement of the reading. As long as it doesn't become a habit, I suppose that is okay. But man, there is some seriously bad TV on- wowza. Friday Night Lights tonight- wooo-yeah. (NOT an example of bad tv).

3. So this past weekend I babysat both Friday night and Saturday wasn't the most exciting of weekends. I decided to do something I wouldn't normally do- and while it wasn't necessarily "out of my comfort zone", as I have challenged myself to have each week (and the subject of point 3 in the Friday Five), it still was something I don't generally decide to do. I went out. I know, I built that thought I did something crazy. The radio crew celebrated Brian's birthday with a pub crawl, that began at 4pm, hitting a different Ballard bar each hour...and I caught up with them at midnight. As you can imagine...they were all pretty trashed. Which is why it was a little out of the comfort zone...I mean, joining a group, totally sober, while everyone else has been gone for HOURS doesn't sound like much fun...but, it was pretty hilarious. Plus, I recieved many a-hug...which for this non-hugger, had the potential to be uncomfortable. See, this activity totally fits for Point number 3, I take it back.

4. I am heading down to Orlando at the end of this week, and I can't WAIT! I just checked out and it is like 80 degrees. Usually Disney trips aren't especially relaxing...especially with my mom (I'm totally not complaining AT ALL...she and I rock Disney and have the best time every single trip)...but she has a conference this time and is going to be away for a couple days...and my plan, is to kick it at several of the resort pools. Fully sunscreened, mind you. I will not come home with a tan. But I am going to RELAX. And read. And work on my book. And I am going to get my day of work in...and mom and I do have some meal reservations and she needs to do some 'research' for her guide book she is writing. I'm really excited to stroll around the world showcase, now that I have actually been to some of those countries. Yay, can't wait. Hopefully next week will fly by.

5. I have had a big friend week. And I love it. That is why I started the blog with what a stellar week I've had. I hung out with a few of my awesome close friends that I see all the time, and I did yoga and lunch last weekend with one of my favorite friends that I don't see nearly enough, and I had coffee with my old office mate, I went out Sat night with a bunch of the radio kids, I spent an afternoon with my sister, I have re-connected with a few old friends on Facebook...this has just been a super friendly week. And I just need to say how unbelievably grateful and lucky I am to have SUCH amazing people in my life. I have those insecure moments every once in a while (not often, but every so often) about not having a "normal" career or not being married with kids, or whatever other societal norms I don't fit into...but then I take a look at the support I have around me and realize how great it is that I feel comfortable enough to make those choices. And when I have weeks like this one, it just reinforces those choices and priorities in my life. So thank you, pals (and that includes my fam). You are the best...I am so so fortunate.

And on that sappy note, I am peace-ing out...going to make up a big ol thing of lasagna to last me the week. Woo.

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