Friday, January 9, 2009

First Friday Five...

As I was doing a little research for the book I am working on, I looked up the young adult author, Sarah Dessen. I started reading her blog...which is really funny- totally reminds me of my friend Jen...and she does this thing on Fridays where she bullet points 5 things she has been thinking about or that have happened during the week. And I like the idea. So I'm stealing it for my new blog. I have no idea where this will go...but it seems like an easy, not-too-much-time-involved way to keep a journal and write. Here goes...

1. I don't really do new years resolutions, but I have decided to do one this year. I am going to finish everything I start. I have realized that I am a little flaky in this area. I am totally into coming up with ideas, and getting the ball rolling. When I get into something, I get REALLY into it...which is both good and bad. I am horrible about finishing. Even when I was working my "real" job in radio...I always had a hard time getting my recaps out to clients on time. I get so focused on something that I think I burn out and need to move on to something else...which I think is strange, considering I am such a would think I could work on more that one thing at a time. But I think when it is an "idea"...something new that I get really excited about, I just want to focus on it full-force. So anyway...I am going to limit myself from taking on projects that I don't see finishing...and I am absolutely going to finish those that I start. It is in writing I have to.

2. London Fog Tea Lattes. The new promotion at Starbucks is the Tazo Tea Lattes...and I am totally in love with the London Fog. It started out mostly because I liked the name. I feel like I should develop an accent just by drinking it (unfortunately, I haven' What it is- earl grey tea (infused with lavendar...totally calming) with half water and half milk. It comes with vanilla syrup, but I skip the sweetener. Sometimes i do like to have it with soy milk, which sweetens it up. Big fan...give it a try. But don't think you will start talking with an attractive accent by drinking it...won't happen.

3. Friday Night Lights. Olga insisted I watch the show- she let me borrow her first and second season on DVD. I humored her, since she humored me by reading Twilight. I didn't get into the show at first...the whole premise...the small town Texas high school football craze...everything in the town revolving around the game on Friday night...I just thought it was kind of dumb. But, the characters are likeable...which is important to me. I love a good, likeable, root-for-them character. So I kept watching...and yep, she was is a great show. I finished the second season up last now I have to wait for the third season to come on, hiss. So, if you have some free time on your hands, and are looking for a new show to rent on your netflix...Friday Night Lights...I recommend it. And I love Tim Riggins.

4. Painting. I decided, in an effort to make my life here in Seattle a tad more permanent, to paint a wall in my bedroom (which I haven't actually moved in to...despite it being available to me on January 1st...) In an effort to finish what I start, I got the idea, did a little research about texture painting and good colors for a bedroom, etc...and went right out and bought the paint. I am not a good decision maker. For two reasons... the first being that usually, I honestly just don't care...I know I'll be happy with anything, so I would rather someone else, that maybe does care, make the decision, because I know I can live with whatever it is. And second...oh my gosh, there are just so many options out there. It stresses me out. What if I pick something and then I find something I like more. It's the whole commitment thing...what if there is something better that I just haven't figured out yet. BUT, I made myself just make a decision (it was tough because Home depot has Disney colors...and I really wanted to pick the color just based on the name...). So I went straight to the apartment and was going to do the job right then...and my bedroom light was I painted in the near dark...the hallway light was streaming through the door. I did one wall a solid color and then did a sponge thing on two of the other walls. Hoefully it looks okay...I have no idea because there wasn't a light. :)

5. Calorie content on menus. I stayed downtown in a hotel with my mom that past couple of days. She had a conference. It was really fun...I was done with work in the afternoon and didn't have my car because it was being worked on (oh, I could have a Friday 6 and rant about my car...grrr, but I won't...because I love her...I love you jeep, I do, please be nice!) so I had the lovely opportunity to kick it in the hotel room, with awesome views of the city, and sit and read, and work on my book...and just relax and pretend to be on vacation. I love hotels. Last night we went to the cheesecake factory for dinner, it was right underneath the hotel. And I discovered they have a full book (you know how their menu is a novel in itself) a full book of the nutritional information of their food. And it was a really depressing book to read, I tell you. it is no flippin wonder that we are an obese country when the SIDE salads are between 600 and 1200 calories each. I don't recommend reading it. If you are going to go out to eat...then go out and enjoy your food. Just don't do it all the time. And maybe go to the gym and run. That is what I will be doing tomorrow morning.

And there you first Friday Five of 2009. Which, by the way, is going to be a kick ass year. It just is.

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