Friday, June 26, 2009


Ohhh, what a week, what a week...

1. I'm going to go ahead and begin with Michael Jackson. On Thursday, when the news came out that he died and people were posting all over Facebook and Twitter, and I was walking down the street in my neighborhood hearing MJ music blasting out of apartment buildings, I was a little bit annoyed. Yes, it is totally sad that someone died. But, every single one of these people would have been posting something negative about him if he was in the news for a different reason (as he has been) I decided I didn't want to write about it here. BUT, then today...I feel different. It's weird. It makes me feel old. I think about how my nieces and nephew will have no memory of a living Michael Jackson, and that is really strange. I feel like my dad when he talks about Elvis Presley. We have lost such a pop's sad. And it's also sad that poor Farrah Fawcett's death was completely overshadowed. Tough/weird day yesterday.

2. Have you read To Kill A Mockingbird lately? Like, since 9th grade when you had to? You should definitely go read it again. It is an amazingly good book. The voice of Scout is so perfect...such a child- figuring things out, assuming one thing and learning another...the cover says it's a "coming of age" story which always sounds so hokey...but Harper Lee writes Scout so beautifully- it doesn't have an ounce of "coming of age" corny. And then, of course, it hits on racism and the segregation in the such a sad way. I found myself unable to blink on my bus ride home the other day because I knew the tears were pooling up and if I blinked, they would be running down my face. And the relationship between brother and sister, father and children, friends...sigh, it really is such a fantastic book. I remember liking it in 9th definitely wasn't one of those school books you have to force yourself to get through the assigned chapters each night...but I don't remember it being SO good. Which is why I am re-reading all those school books. Really though- go buy a copy (don't even check it out from the library...go buy it), and re-read it. Next up...hmmm, perhaps Great Gatsby?

3. Enjoyed a delightful Happy Hour at Chapel on Tuesday with some of the old radio folks. It was fun to get together and chat with people I don't see on a regular basis and catch up...and I was so excited to go to Chapel. Back in my National Promo Dir days, a group of us used to go up there almost once a week for their happy hour...they have a huuuge list of fun flavored martinis that are $5 (used to be $4 though!) and then some food items. I doubt I'll make it back there for quite awhile...because well, I just don't go out very much...but if you are in search of a new should give it a try. It's on Capitol Hill and it's a cool building...and the drinks are pretty strong (I had ONE martini...and chatted for about three hours and could still feel it a bit...granted, I'm a total lightwight...but still, only one.)

4. Oh man, I bought the last season of Gilmore Girls on DVD last...ummm, like, day after Thanksgiving or something...and JUST found it, so I have been watching an episode every night in bed before I fall asleep. I heart the Gilmore Girls. You know this...I am Rory, and my mom is Lorelai. I watched the CUTEST episode last night. Christopher (Rory's dad) and Lorelai have started dating again and he tells her he is going to take her out but won't say where (a surprise...I love it)...and he picked her up in some old convertible car (to which she replied "enjoy my hair now, because it won't look like this for long" I can vouch for that after driving with the jeep top down)...he drives her out to the middle of nowhere (she is trying to guess all along the way and has turned NYC dates into "are you going to murder me" dates...and he pulls up in front of this old abandoned barn and has set up a movie to play on the a drive in movie...and has packed all her favorite movie treats and they watched some old black and white movie. Sigh...sooo cute. THEN, same episode!, Logan (who I flipping adore) is working in London so he and Rory are working on doing this long distance relationship thing...and he calls her and tells her to go up to the roof because there is a meteor shower that he wants to "watch with her" (which, by the way, is cute enough on its own)...but instead- he is THERE, with a table all set up for dinner...surprise! Oh, I love it. And this is why I don't have a boyfriend. :-)

5. Good luck to all the Rock and Roll marathoners this weekend! I soooo wish I was running the year, next year. Carb load up tonight, make sure you bring lots of packets of goo to slurp down on the course, drink your water...and have fun, enjoy the music! Those of you not running (probs most of you!)...I wouldn't plan to go anywhere tomorrow....check out the race course to find out which roads will be closed and how to get around town...pretty sure it will be a nightmare.

Have a great weekend!

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