Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Five back in Seattle

Happy Friday! I know I said I was going to post another blog in between Fridays to keep my trip updated, but well, I didn't. I hope you were okay with that. Here's my Friday Five:

1. I am supposed to be in Chicago right now. I have never cancelled a trip like this before. It's sort of strange. Sort of like I am in two places at once right now- Harry Potter time-travel like. It's like when you are a kid and you stay home from school, and then realize that school is still going on even if you aren't there...I feel like my Chicago trip is still going on, even though I am sitting at my Starbucks right now, getting ready to work. Man, I wish I could be in two places at once...that would be sweet. I would get so much more done...and be able to visit so many more people. Anyway...I'll be making a trip out to Chicago later this summer sometime...I wasn't giving the trip the proper attention it needed for my return to Chicago. I need to do the normal Eryn planning...Cubs game, perhaps a concert, def a few skillet cookies, etc...oh how I miss that city. In a I'm so happy to not live there anymore kind of way.

2. With my unexpected time in Seattle, due to my cancelled trip, I was hoping to be productive and get ish done. I hadn't made any plans- no babysitting, nothing. BUT, in typical me fashion, I have already filled up pretty much the entire weekend. Ugh. I mean, good, yay! I picked up a shift at my Starbucks today and then I am booking it immediately from work to my apartment where Ian and the band are picking me up for a trip out to Eastern Washington- Electric City to be exact...did you know such a city existed? for a show. We are staying overnight in said Electric City...I'm looking forward to it...though am slightly stressed about leaving so quick after work...I'm sure I will forget to do something important. I thought it was going to be this blog that I wouldn't be able to get to, but since I had to drive to work, I had to get here an hour before my shift (to be able to find a parking spot...curse you downtown parking), so here I am a-writing away.

3. I went and saw Little Ashes last night...the Harvard Exit theater was doing a free screening, so Olga and I headed over to Capitol Hill for the movie. I don't know what I was expecting...all I knew about it was it is about Salvadore Dali, that it was made fairly low budget without the intention of going to major theaters- but due to the current Robert Pattinson craze, it found its way there (the movie was made before he made Twilight, but is just coming out now). After having seen it, I can't really say that I LIKED it, but I think that is just because it was a heavier movie than I was expecting. I'm not sure why Robert was cast in the film- he has to fake the spanish accent when everyone else in the cast is much more natural, and he is very awkward- which DOES work for the Dali character, except that after being super awkward in Twilight, I feel like it is just him, and not his acting skills. The movie was a little bit slow. It dealt with the Spain during Franco's time and how people that were part of the resistence were just taken out to fields and killed in mass numbers...which is just really hard to think about. I know it isn't a new concept in our world, it has happened numerous times in history (and still is), but more than the actual killing, it just really upsets me how these people are killed so anonymously, just one person in such a huge number. How easy it is to forget that each and every one of those people had friends and families that loved them...they weren't just a number, they were real. This movie really showed that. I do think I recommend it...I also recommend reading Ghosts of Spain- it's a book I read while I was living in Barcelona that talked about all the stuff that went on during the Franco time. Crazy.

4. On a lighter note, a friend at Starbucks and I have been talking about going out and hiking and doing outdoor Pacific Northwest type stuff, and then how there are so many Seattle things that, as residents, we just don't do. So we decided we should make regular excursions...and then took a step farther and decided we needed to create a club. Yup, nerd alert. So we are going to try to get in the first meeting of our adventurers club this weekend. I'm pretty sure we will have a secret handshake, secret code words and a song by next week. Maybe even matching sashes. I don't know. I am excited about having an excuse to plan adventures...keep things prepared for Seattle visitors...that kind of thing. Another thing I really want to find, and I don't know if it is going to be with this group or not, but I am just going to throw it out there in case any of you readers are interested- I really want to start playing a sport again...I'm getting so bored with running. I miss playing team sports...but I'm just not that into drunk kickball-which is the only team sport I know people who participate in. So, if you have a team and are in need of a player, or if you have been hoping to get involved in something...lemme know! I really want to!

5. And finally, a recap of the east coast trip. On Saturday Luke and I ran some errands while Jessica was at work, and then made the ever-important stop at TWIST, again. Oh man, do I miss twist! Jessica and I talked yesterday and she said they got a new wild blueberry flavor yogurt...mmmm. Sunday Jessica and I went to yoga at her store (she works at Lululemon) and got coffee and hung out. Then we grabbed Luke and all headed out to an lovely outdoor sculpture park. The sun decided to finally make an appearance for my visit (thanks sun). It was really nice to just wander through the trees and chat and enjoy art. It was a really pretty place...very picturesque (we did, in fact, get some pics...but I can't find my camera cord to take them off my camera...argh). Then I headed back into Philly for a last visit with my Philly pal, since I was flying out of Philadelphia Monday afternoon. I experienced the friendliest Starbucks EVER there, in Dave's little neighborhood. And he took me to his favorite little diner, Bob's...which was adorable...and then forced me to eat scrapple, without telling me what it was. I knew it was something gross, but I couldn't remember exactly I tasted it and then was informed that it is basically all the scraps of the unwanted parts of animals mushed together in a loaf, held together with some cornmeal, and then cut into slices and fried. Yeah. And the Philadelphians can't get enough of it.

Alright...I have about 15 min til work, so I am going to sign off here...have a great weekend.

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