Friday, April 24, 2009

It's April 24th...a Friday!

Happy Friday to you. I think I jinxed the Thursday time machine epiphany from last week by writing it on here, and letting my co-workers know about it. It didn't happen so much this week. It wasn't a slow week...but just about the length a week should feel like, I guess. I'm sorry Thursday time machine...I won't call you out again.

I have a busy, busy weekend ahead of not a lot of time to write this up...sorry.

1. I got to see one of the kids (Addy) and dads (Rob) I lived with in Europe on Monday..and Grandma Ya-ya...if you were a follower of my Europe blog, you are familiar with all of these characters. They were in town for a relative's birthday and made some time to see me. We met up in Pike Place market- at the original Starbucks- Rob needed to get the starbucks card that is only found there so he can impress his Starbucks baristas back home. We wandered around the market, watched the fish guys, sat and enjoyed some yummy donuts from my favorite little donut stand, and then went out to the park at the end of the market, that has amazing views of the puget sound, the cascades, Mt Ranier, and about a dozen homeless guys sleeping in the grass. Addy saw them and thought it looked like a good idea...she walked up on the grass and layed herself was adorable and hilarious.

2. I took a marathon walk yesterday to the library...the only one I could find that carried the next Jessica Darling book in the series...I'm on the 4th book now...of 5. The fifth JUST came out last week (when I first posted about this series I said there were seven...not so, I was misinformed, only five. Sad.)Anyway, I walked myself to the library, found the book, and have since been the girl that is reading everywhere she goes...on the bus, on my breaks, on the elyptical machine at the gym, walking down the road- I do finish a paragraph and look up while I cross streets. Safety first. I did, however, come extremely close to plowing right into another walker today on my way home from the gym. I think that was his fault though- HE wasn't reading...he could have moved to the other side of the sidewalk. I got the book yesterday and I am just about halfway through...because I am reading it everywhere I go...but soon the series will be over...darn me and my obsessive self. I am especially enjoying this one because Jessica spends some time at Princeton...which is where I will be headed a week from today!

3. As excited as I have been about the sinshine poking her head out lately, it was a nice relief to have some rain yesterday. Both because I am a Seattleite, and am really only comfortable in my raincoat with a slight drizzle around me, and also because I have had major guilt about sitting inside and getting stuff done while it is nice. So I haven't been getting much done...Catholics and our guilt. I have been out walking and visiting- which is most definitely a great thing...but my room is a bit of a mess (shocking) and my writing isn't going anywhere. I love you sun...but I need some rain sometimes too.

4. On one of these sunny days, I made my way out to West Seattle to visit my very pregnant (in the most adorable way!) friend Chrissy. We went down to Alki beach, walked along, stopped for coffee, and sat on some stairs on the beach. Now, it was sunny...but it is still April in Washington. It was not warm. I was wearing a sweatshirt, Chrissy had a sweater on. And there are girls (even a few guys) laying out in their swimsuits on the beach. Walking along the pathway in their bikinis. It is cold! That is ridiculous. Alki elementary school is really close to where we were and there was a class out on the beach, picking up garbage, it looked like. This little boy came up to Chrissy and I and asked if we had been smoking because there were cigarettes on the ground all over the place. We assured him that we weren't to blame, and then cracked up. First of all...Chrissy is clearly pregnant and therefore not smoking, though I suppose an elementary kid might not realize that, and second...if we were, was he planning on lecturing us about picking up garbage or the health of our lungs? I almost wish we had said yes.

5. I have to get going...I'm sure I had a really interesting point to let you know about...but it isn't coming to me at the moment. Friday Four works too.

Have a great week's edition will be as I am packing for my trip to the East coast...woo.

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