Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Five 2/13

Happy Friday, the 13th! Anyone have any fun stories? We had a few crazies come in to the store this morning...but that is fairly normal...prob not due to the date. But speaking of dates...

1. So tomorrow is Valentine's Day. And while I think it is a super dumb holiday- expectations are always too high, and why do we need to have a day to tell someone we love them, etc...despite that- I love Valentine's Day. I don't like to admit it. I pretend that I won't have anything to do with it...but what was I doing last night? Writing Hannah Montana Valentine cards for the people I work with. And what was I doing at 4am this morning? Looking for something pink to wear in my hair at work (we aren't open tomorrow). And how did I just spend my afternoon? Baking heart shaped brownies and raspberry white chocolate bars...and cutting out construction paper hearts for my pals. What am I about to do? Go in my closet and find as much pink to wear tomorrow as possible. Yeah, I love Valentine's Day. Shhhh....

2. I went to The Round on Tuesday night...filled my music quota for the week. I always forget what a cool event it is. Once a month (second Tuesday of the month) a few local musicians, a couple poets and a painter or two get together on a stage, at the Fremont Abbey and put together an art extravaganza. The musicians sit and play songs- in a round- and once they get to know each other's music a bit, they start playing together and backing each other up...meanwhile an unbelievable painting is being created right in front of you...and then slam poets perform between rounds. It is totally volunteer driven, with the procedes benefiting different organizations each month. This week was the anti-Valentine's round...although Nathan (the curator) explained that they are certainly not against love, chocolate or even the color pink. The musicians were really entertaining...on top of the music...they were hilarious. As a group, we ended up creating the last song of the night...which was ridiculous. I really, really recommend going to one of these events. Second Tuesday of the month.

3. I finally finished 'A Prayer For Owen Meany'. And after all this time, and all that reading...I STILL don't know how I feel about it. I actually think I need to read it again. So weird. There were parts that I really liked...and some parts that I just thought were unnecessary...but knowing how it all turns out, I feel like those parts that were, perhaps, unnecessary probably had some deep meaning that I just didn't get at the time...and I need to read it again. One thing that I really liked about the book- the themes made me think about stuff in my life...and life in general. I don't know. I really don't know what I think about it. I have now started 'the Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian' by Sherman Alexie. So far I am enjoying has great cartoon drawings throughout that add some humor...but I think it is going to be a sad book (both because I can see it coming...and because Jen told me "it's a really sad book".)

4. I gave in on my tv watching this week. Last weekend, while I was being very productive and cleaning my room, I watched a couple of the Private Practice episodes on my computer...and I think I MAAAY have gotten a little sucked in. I did wait all the way until today to watch the last two that I hadn't seen of this almost a whole week...barely sucked in. But I do like the show...I like the characters. And this last episode, some of the doctors came back to Seattle Grey's...combining Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy...and if there is one thing I like, it is combining two good things...Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys super mysteries, hello?!

5. I'm editing this...if you have already read it. If not...then don't know any different. When i was writing yesterday, I knew there was something movie-related, but I couldn't think of what, so I threw in the Twilight plug. But then I remembered. I went and saw 'He's Just Not That Into You' last weekend with a couple of my gal pals. It was opening weekend, and the whole theater was full of groups of gal pals. Just a fun environment to watch that movie...the whole group reaction to particular scenes...the 'awwwww's and the groans, and the 'oh, I've done that' reactions...pretty funny. The movie was good...a bit over the top in parts, but not too bad. I mean, I can probably think of one of my friends (or me!) that has done every single thing in that movie. And it has a great cast. I recommend...funny movie...go see it.

Here is my previous #5 entry: Good news folks. The Twilight movie has made it's way to the know, the $3 movie theater that plays the movies after they are out of the regular theaters. I may or may not be spending my Valentine's evening with Mr. Cullen...I mean, really, is there anyone more romantic than Edward? Don't think so. I have been enjoying creating the lead guy in my book though...hehe. It's okay, make fun of me...I def am.

And I suppose that is it for this week. Have a fab weekend...a completely loveable Valentine's Day...until next Friday...

Oh, I almost forgot to include...Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore...engaged? What in the world....

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