Friday, January 2, 2015


Christmas came too fast this year. I know everyone felt like that a little bit, because Thanksgiving was so late this year...but I felt like I almost totally missed it. I never got a peppermint mocha (apparently peppermint isn't good while nursing). I hardly even listened to Christmas music. We didn't do any decorating until the 23rd when we finally got a Christmas tree- which I do love, and we plan to keep up for another week. We don't have stockings, because I am feeling picky about what kind of stocking to get Sadie (since it will be with her forever!)...every one that I see at other houses that I really like are homemade...and I don't have that kind of crafting skill. BUT, seeing as I have a whole year until we need them, maybe I will figure out how to make one. I did look on Etsy, but the ones I liked were too expensive. We were terrible about Christmas presents/shopping this year. I figure we have an excuse this one year with a brand new baby, so I don't feel so bad (but still a little). 

Brian had to work Christmas Eve, but was able to leave work a bit early. Sadie and I picked him up at work and we headed down to my Grandma Karen's to spend a few hours with my dad's side of the family. There are soooo many people there now- so many kiddos! When I was little, there were a lot of kids...and then we had a few years where numbers went down and there weren't really any kids around. Christmas is a little dull without kids. And then suddenly my cousins and siblings started having kids, and the house is back full of laughs...chaos, but the best kind. We only had time to visit for a bit- we couldn't stay for presents or dinner. Then we packed up and headed to Brian's Grandma's, where Tami had prepared a delicious dinner. Brian's sister Julie was in town for Christmas, so it was fun to visit with her. 

When I was a kid, we always spent Christmas Eve night at my Grandma Cary's house. And then when she moved, I always stayed the night at my mom's house. That is what Brian and I have done the past couple of years. But we decided, now that we have a kid, that we want to wake up in our own house on Christmas morning. So we started that tradition this year. I have to admit, I was a little sad waking up, knowing that Santa hadn't actually come to the house (he always came to my mom's house). We prepped breakfast and had my mom and Ron over. We ate, visited, opened stockings and presents. I hope one day we have the kind of house that we can host a big Christmas. My mom and Ron had a few places they had to be that day, so they headed out, and we drove up to Brian's parents to celebrate with some more grandparents. More visiting, lots more food....and then Gregg and Tami were on their way to the airport to head up to Alaska...where we would join a couple days later. 

I'm sad that Christmas went by so quickly this really is a magical time. I can't wait for the Christmases to come with Sadie...ahhh, so much to look forward to!

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