Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday Five, First Sunday Edition

Well here is the first attempt at Sunday blogging. I guess I didn't make it in time for you to read while sipping coffee in a cozy cafe...but perhaps the Monday morning work blues will be a good time. I still need a new name for the blog...

1. The new job. Yep, yep...I am three weeks into the new job at Tommy Bahama. Without going into much detail (I definitely had to sign something about not discussing work stuff on the internet), I'll just say, I'm very happy to be here. The company is great, the people I work with are really nice, the schedule is pretty awesome (I mean really, anything beats waking up at 3:30 in the morning, as far as schedules go). Aside from the occasional paper cut, life is pretty darn good on the work front. And boy is my family excited for the 30 day window to be over and for me to be able to use my discount to buy TB stuff!

2. Went to a great concert on Tuesday night...Alberta Cross. My friend Jessica had me listen to their EP when I was in Princeton last year, and I really liked it, and have turned it on from time to time since of their songs made it onto my "Reminds Me of 2009" mix...but they weren't touring much, and they kinda left my radar. Luckily, my roommate emailed me at work and mentioned something about liking Alberta Cross, blah, blah...turned out they were playing THAT NIGHT, and I almost missed the show. Gasp. But didn't. Went...they definitely still look like they haven't been around for long...they need more experience, and I kind of felt like they were putting on a show- not in a musical sense, but in a kind of immature sort of way. Like, the clothes they were wearing and the way they danced while they played were more of a focus than the actual music. Which is too bad, because the music is super awesome. They'll grow up...and I think they'll be big...check em out.

3. Well, Jersey Shore has sadly, come to an end. At least this season has...because luckily, they will be back next year for another summer of GTL (gym, tan, laundry...duh).How am I ever going to fill my time now that the show is over...oh, not to worry, the DVR is nearly full of other random, crap tv. Phew. And Grey's Anatomy is back on...Lost is starting soon...and OH, the next season of Friday Night, so soon...I can't wait! I got the first season of FNL for Christmas, and I have been watching an episode or two (or four) here and there...I know I've said it before...but really, it's so good. And I'd really like to watch the first three seasons again with someone who hasn't watched it before...anyone? Anyone? C'mon.

4. Started and finished a kids book series. The Underland Chronicles. I was housesitting for a family I babysit for, and was looking through the kids' books, found the first three. I remembered the mom saying she liked this particular series, so I started reading them, and went through the first three books in about a week. They didn't own the last two, so I checked them out at the library. Really, really liked the series. Gregor is a 10-year old boy who follows his two yr old sister down a chute in their laundry room that leads to the Underland. A whole world of people and creatures that live miles underground. There is much turmoil and war in the Underland, and the people have been waiting for a warrior- because of a prophecy left to them by the founder of the Underland- and they decide Gregor is the one. So he goes through all kinds of adventure, creates realtionships, learns valuable lessons about life, etc...with the people, rats (gnawers), bats (flyers), mice (nibblers), cockroaches (crawlers), spiders (spinners), and others...great creation of another world by the author, and really great characters. I hope she is planning to write more!

5. I know you have been wondering, what about the Adventurer's Club...what have you crazy kids been up to lately? Not to worry, we are still around and hanging out. We haven't been very adventurous least not out in the world...BUT, we have been quite adventurous in the board game arena. Oh yeah...we have had several board game night get togethers. There is usually a round of taboo involved, but we have learned several new games...Willow likes to explore the game section at goodwill. Recently she found a game- Jungle Speed- but since she got the game at Goodwill, the directions were in French. They looked up instructions on we had it mostly figured out, though questions did come up as we went, and Willow would attempt to read what she thought to be the answer, in French. I've been trying to make an effort to go out more- be more social, meet new people, discover new places, etc...but game night is always my much laughing.

Alright...that's all for now...have a super productive week...see you again on Sunday.
Currently Listening to: Will Hoge, Blackbird on a Lonely Wire


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. YAY! I'm soooo happy you caught Alberta Cross!!! You can say "You saw them when..."
