Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Five 9/11

It is September 11th, 2009. So far today, the only reminder of what today is (was) is from The View- because they had Rudy Guiliani on. Everything else in my day has been completely normal- nobody said anything about it at work...I know this is because I haven't looked at a newspaper or turned on the news, or whatever...but still, it seems weird how normal today can be, you know?

1. I am going to have a five pointer for my first point...c'mon, Bumbershoot this past weekend...I cant cover it all in one quick point. Top five of Bumbershoot 1. Raphael Saadiq. He played in the KEXP music lounge I worked...and he was so much fun. It was a whole SHOW, like a production. Go see him. 2. Cute photographers. I'll just leave it at that. 3. I got threatened by a guy that wanted in to the music lounge and had to call security to have him escorted off the grounds. Ridiculous. 4. Brett Dennen's barefoot, hippie dancing. Nobody does it better than that awkward redhead. 5. Being a part of the unbelievable crew of people that create, plan, execute, breakdown, and everything in between that make this music and arts festival all that it is. the amount of time, energy, tears, sweat, etc that goes into this weekend is amazing...props to One Reel!

2. Oh my gosh, have you been to the Goodwill lately? Apparently I have not. I decided on Tuesday (after having about 3 hours of sleep) that I needed to rearrange my bedroom...purge it of the summer-ness and welcome Fall. Which means sweaters and layering- which means my current dresser isn't nearly big enough to hold my clothes. So I went to goodwill in search of a new dresser. While I did not find one, I did find myself wandering through the rows of clothes. And came away with a perfect pair of seven jeans for $7, some cute Levis, a pair of Nine West brown boots for $ was crazy. Why do people even go shopping at normal stores. I don't think I will ever again.

3. Adventurer's Club finally had another get together. It has been awhile...schedules have been busy, I suppose. We made our way down to South Seattle, to this warehouse where they sell stuff the city doesn't want. So much random stuff. The reason we decided to go is they sell the old street signs. Different areas of the city's street signs get replaced on a regular they have all these old, dirty (some not so dirty) street signs from all over. They sell them for between $5-$10, depending on their condition. Pretty cool. I didn't find any that were meaningful to me, so I didn't buy any...but a cool gift idea or new room decor thought.

4. I'm very, very sad to say that I may be losing my Disney seasonal status. I know, devastating. The last time I worked, they didn't get my hours into the system in time for my one year necessary work time...I DID work within the year, but they made some mistake somewhere- which they acknowledged, but apparently I needed to have caught that within a week to have it fixed. My manager didn't seem to think there was anything that could be done. I got in touch with a few other people...a little higher up, who had it I am currently okay. BUT, my manager said I can no longer just perm greet...I must work at the attraction, which means I have to do a week of training to get recertified, and then work a week- to make it worth their time to re train me...which means two weeks of being in Orlando. Which I can't really do with my, then I have to get a shift in every six months, instead of every year. That will get pretty darn pricey. So, I may have to give it up. So, so sad. Especially since my wallet was stolen with my Disney ID in it, so I can't even keep that as a souvenir.

5. Went over to my pal's house last night for a little Twilight get together. It has been o-so long since I have watched the movie, or really even checked into what is happening in the Twilight world. So we got together and watched the movie with commentary...which was pretty funny. And also kind of annoying. I'm glad they got a new director for New Moon...that first lady is a wee bit c-r-a-z-y! But more than watching the movie, the highlight of the evening was the delicious dinner Olga prepared for us! She is the cutest little hostess ever! She made us some italiano (to fit the Twilight theme...Bella IS italian, right?) and the most delicious little lemon cakes with amazing glaze frosting. Seriously...good work,'re the best.

And that's it for this edition. Have a great weekend...catch ya next Friday.

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