Sunday, July 15, 2012


Well, Brian is gone for the week at summer camp, so I may get some extra blogging in this week. Besides having a little extra time on my hands (I do have a huge list of to-dos, as well as having filled my week with friend dates, so really, not that much extra time), this past week has been a week full of thinking- a little less sleep than I would like, but some good quality thinking, which might make for some extra posts. Sometimes those kinds of weeks are great and sometimes they are tough. I think I used to have the deep thinking times a lot more often. Silence and wandering can cause deep thinking. 

Anyway…sorry for that to sound a little dramatic. It’s not…I’m happy- very happy -a little stressed as previously mentioned- but overall, jeez louise, so freaking blessed and great. 

I only mention all of that because I would imagine that my upcoming blog posts might be a little all over the place. 

Which brings me to my blog point- Flowers. I just started my new book club book today. We are reading The Language of Flowers. My book club is actually my mom’s book club, and I haven’t been able to make it for the last few months, which SUPER bums me out…I love the group, and while I always read the book, it never bothers me that we spend about 5% of the time talking about the book…more just a catch up on everyone’s lives-they are a cool group of gals. But we have been reading a lot of depressing books, it seems like. Which is probably a common thing for book clubs…when you are choosing one book to read and discuss for the month, you want it to be something deep…but it just seems like we have had some especially tough books lately. And I don’t really want to deal with it, to be honest….I wish we hadn’t already done Tina Fey’s book, because that would be exactly what I would need. 
Rambling, so much rambling…ANYWAY…the current book that I just started today, I am LOVING. It has some tougher stuff in it, but is written in a way that moves on from those things, doesn't linger or focus…the main character in the book has had this hard life and she isn’t particularly pleasant, but she gets relief from flowers and their meanings. 

I love flowers. LOVE. I am not a girly girl. I’m not overly romantic. Bows and pink and giggling aren’t things I need in life. But for some reason there is something about flowers. And I don’t garden. I’ve liked the idea and have made an effort to grow things- they always die…so I know nothing about flowers. But it seems like they are one of those things in life that God created just for the sake of beauty. Just to cheer us up and make us feel good. And the idea that different flowers MEAN different things (in this book club book) is both interesting, and so very sweet. 

That's all I wanted to write 

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