Thursday, January 12, 2012


Ohhh, I feel like this week has been incredibly long. Possibly because it is the first full week of work I’ve had in a few weeks…don’t know, but I am TIRED and very much looking forward to the weekend. Not only to sleep, but also because of the possibility of…SNOWPOCOLYPSE. We’ll see….

      1. Okay, seriously…Seattle is THE most gorgeous city…I won’t say in the world, but certainly in the US. I am not going to add the disclaimer that ‘I might be biased’…because whether I am or not, the statement is still true. We have had the most amazing sunrises the last few days…I mean, the mountains are crystal clear- and completely surround the city…whichever direction you look, there are snowy and jagged STUNNING mountains. And then you add the vibrant oranges and purples from the sun…and it just demands that you pause in your rush to get to work and appreciate it. Pic on the left was taken right outside my house…those trees are the border of the Zoo. And then the other pic is one that has been floating around. 

      2. Ohhh, last week we had a Feng Shui master come in to our office (this is something that has been happening since the beginning of TB), and since I am covering facilities for the time being, I got to be a part of it. Meaning, I followed him around to the various offices and took notes about what changes needed to be made. Then, since I was new to the Feng Shui experience, he did my ‘reading’…using my birth date, year, and time…fascinating. Apparently I am VERY lucky…born the year of the dog and the day of the rabbit (those two get along very well), he assured me that I will be very happy my WHOLE life, into old age. Which, I mean really- minus the old age part, I already knew. Being happy doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen, it just means you handle those things in a certain way. He did say that this next year will be fine…nothing special, but then the four years following will be VERY good years, particularly 2016. So, you know, that’s always good to hear. He also told me to avoid oily foods, to which I made an incredibly oily soup for dinner that night and got a terrible stomachache. Great. 
     3. Tuesday evening I had basketball practice (still, completely LOVING coaching this group/age) and Brian was planning to cut Doug (the Christmas tree) up and clean up around his house. Pretty low key evening. We were trying to find something to watch…and decided on…Never Say Never- the Justin Bieber movie. Yep. And it was good. I like that kid. He is actually talented and he seems to have a good sense of humor…I’m sure he has his teenage boy moments, and his heartthrob star moments…but for the most part, he seems like a nice kid that works hard. I hope he gets out of the pop scene eventually…I think he is capable of some cool stuff. Purple is his color....

4.      Meanwhile, while we were enjoying some Baby, Baby, Baby whoa…we were missing the January Round. We weren’t planning to go, but it was still there in the back of my mind, as it always is when I don’t go (what if I’m missing some great local musician that I don’t know about…like a Bryan John Appleby)…Brian’s roommate went. AND, he came home with one of the paintings! I have always wanted to buy one of the paintings that is created right there and then auctioned off, but I’ve never really looked into it…never had any idea how much they go for, etc. So first off, I thought it was cool that he went and bought one…and then I saw who the artist was…Henry! Who has murals all over Ballard and Wallingford. I LOVE Henry. I want to have a Henry mural painted in a kids room. SOOO bummed to have missed him. BUT, Jared bought one, which is pretty exciting. 

5.      Wednesday night was the first movie night of 2012…and it was a hit. The theme was Summer Blockbuster, and we had popcorn and classic movie candy (hot tamales, junior mints, whoppers, milk duds, licorice, etc) and watched Super 8! Love that movie. There are definitely things about it that I thought could have been done different (I just didn’t like the ‘monster’…it needed to be something that was easier to have compassion for), but it was cast so well…those kids are each so perfect for their roles. So fun. And as always, love having people over and chatting and laughing.

There you go. Here’s hoping for some epic snow this weekend into next week…or really, any snow at all, it doesn’t need to be epic. But my jeep would love something epic.

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