Friday, July 10, 2009

Feeling Lazy

I'm not feeling especially blog chatty today...I think it'll be a short Friday Five.

1. 4th of July was great. Had a few different options, and really didn't know where I was going to end up when I left the house. I made some delicious brownies (from the barefoot contessa) and figured I could bring them wherever I showed up. I decided I would meet up with Darby and Friends out on their boat, for a little while and then go meet some other people. Well, I got to the park where D&F (Darby and Friends) were...and had to kayak out to the boat (good thing I forgot, and left the brownies sitting in the car). Well, it was so nice out on the water and the company was delightful (and there was promise of good food to come), I never made it off the boat...we went over NEAR Lake Union (close enough to have a great view of the fireworks, far enough to not get stuck in boat traffic after the show)...the fireworks were awesome...some really cool ones that I've never seen before. And yeah...some delicious BBQ with all the sides. Mmmm.

2. I've been doing a lot of deck sitting and reading since I have been housesitting and it has been super nice out. I've been doing a bit of gardening (well, more like watering, and picking raspberries and tomatoes...don't know if that constitiutes gardening), watering plants, feeding a's kind of fun having a house to stay at. Though I find myself being really lazy (like how I REALLY don't feel like writing up the blog right now, even though I don't have anywhere to be for another hour) and overall not being productive. Reading counts as productive, right? I haven't turned on the tv since I have been here.

3. Speaking of reading, so I have book club on Monday and hadn't started the book yet. I put it on hold at the library, but there are like 50 holds before me, so I'll never get it in time for book club. Soooo, I have visited Barnes and Noble a couple of times in the past week, grabbed the book ($25, c'mon!) and read for an hour here and there in the cafe, before returning it to its shelf. My friend that worked at Barnes and Noble said that if I return it to it's shelf, they don't really care that much. It is a little bit like stealing though. We are reading 'Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet'. I'm only about 100 pages in, so I'll give the review next week. It is about the Japanese Internment camp stuff that happened here in Seattle.

4. So I lied a little bit earlier (stealing and lying all in one blog, man)I said I haven't watched the tv since I have been here...which is technically true. I have been watching a few shows on my computer though. I checked out Cupid...which has been cancelled, but I enjoyed. And Samantha Who? I've never watched it before...but it's like all the side characters from other shows I have loved...Suki from Gilmore Girls, one of the sisters from Related, and Barry Watson from the show What About Brian (you could also say 7th Heaven, though I never was into that show) I am enjoying Samantha Who?

5. What's my last point? I don't know...and I'm too lazy to think of something. Have a great weekend/week. Later....E

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