The last post of 2011…should be full of deep reflections and favorite things. Should be. But, well…I just haven’t put that much thought into it.
I will say, I have loved this year.
I remember thinking how great 2010 was and being a little nervous about 2011 because it couldn’t possibly live up to 2010. But somehow 2011 was even better.
I decided that since it isn't looking positive for snow any time soon, I'd add some snow to my blog. It does make me happy, even if it isn't even close to the real thing.
Some highlights from the past year:
-Going to Disneyland with Brian. Disney is one of those big tests that could have been a deal breaker...but Brian was quite a sport and kept up. We have a trip to Disney World tentatively planned (it's happening, but reservations haven't been made) for May...I'm sure he has no idea what he is getting in to (pretty sure my mom is going also)...but I'm not worried this time. Really, just something super exciting to look forward to in 2012.
-Getting my own place. I moved into my new place in May...and there are still unpacked boxes in the living room, and I actually don't think I've done any 'living' in the living room...but it's my own space. I was able to close up my storage unit and everything is with me now. I had great visions of decorating cute and buying new things...none of that happened (I did get some more snowflake plates the day after Christmas at Target), so hey...that's something.
-Live music...Brian and I went to so many shows this year...and almost all actually paid for. (After working at the radio station and getting all kinds of free tickets, it took me some time to be okay with purchasing...I still have a few connections, luckily.) Fav shows included: Ryan Adams solo at Benaroya in the 6th row...wowzer. Muse and Arcade Fire at Outsidelands. Beach Boys with Brian's parents, David Gray, a very cool birthday gift to see Jeff Bridges- what a performer. Some pretty fantastic local performances- Ian McFeron Band's latest album release at the Triple Door, multiple Head and the Heart shows, Bryan John Appleby, Campfire OK, Kelli Schaefer at Cathedrals (her mom singing with her- shivers! This doesn't do it justice, but still... ), Fleet Foxes twice...both amazing...I know I'm forgetting shows...great music year though.
-Sports galore! You have no idea how often I have feared that I would never find someone that found great importance in both music AND sports, as I do. Brian and I went to a ton of Mariners games (including Sonics night at Safeco...what a thrill that was!), Sounders games (I even found myself part owner of season tickets next year...who would have thought my first set of season tickets would be for soccer!), we went to a Seahawks game, and Sunday afternoon kid soccer games at Greenlake... we watched just about every major sporting event on TV...I mean, sports are pretty much an every day thing. I'm pretty pumped for the upcoming Sounders season...oh I wish we still had the Sonics! There was also the thrill of playing on the Bahama Bombers kickball team...we weren't good, but we almost won a playoff game. Brian, of course, was recruited to another team that went on to win the championship...what a traitor.
-Trips! We went to Portland twice...once to see the Head and the Heart, and once for an incredible Fleet Foxes show AT Edgefield. We did Disney in April and San Francisco to see Jessica and Luke and a music festival, Ellensburg for the RODEO! Looking forward to another trip to San Fran in February for Rachel's 30th birthday, the D-World trip, and who knows where else we might be off to...I'd love to get back to Chicago, I need to see Jessica and Luke's new place, visit Jen in Austin, I'd love to visit Brian's sisters in Alaska and NYC, and I'd love to leave the country some time soon.
-Volunteering...spent some time at 826 doing the 2nd and 3rd grad Geoduck field trips, and helping high schoolers with their college essays...not as much time spent at 826 as I would have like due to my work schedule. And my little Shooting Fireballs basketball team. Those girls were definitely one of the highlights of my year. I don't think I did much, but I know they had fun, and they were so stinkin funny.
-New friends. I love our weekly tradition of either Potluck or Movie Night. I love hanging out, eating food, playing games, laughing, and boy do I love any event with a theme. It has been tough having several of my very best friends moved away, it has been so great to have met and made so many new friends this year.
Oh dear...Brian just broke his new nerf gun...I gotta go.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Merry Christmas!
I keep thinking it is Friday. It isn’t…it’s Wednesday…but at work, today is MY Friday (minus the Friday coffee with the department…boo) since I am taking Thursday and Friday off. Ohhh, I’m excited to be done at the end of the day today. For multiple reasons…first, I get to see my super awesome buddy Amy, who is a big, bad music gal in LA now. I miss her and she is in town and we are going to happy hour tonight. THEN, I’m going to see Mission Impossible at the IMAX, which Brian already saw and insisted on seeing again…he said it is really cool…really, just going to the IMAX is an exciting adventure…if the movie is good, that’s a bonus.
THEN, tomorrow morning I get to see my dentist. Weird to be excited about that? I know…but I really, really like my dentist… With all of my moving and traveling, I always managed to get appointments in while I was home visiting. Plus, I'm a little bit crazy about my teeth and taking care of them (I still have my retainer from 8th grade!), so a trip to the dentist to take care of my teeth is both exciting and a relief. Dr. Jacka in Federal Way (I even make the trip down to Fed Way)…everyone at the office is great. THEN, tomorrow is the Dinner Club Christmas party! This is one of my FAVORITE Christmas traditions…because I love this group of people so much, and Christmas is just the best time to hang out with those important people.
THEN, it really is Friday, and boy do I have a ton of stuff to take care of, but luckily I’ll have some good company in Rachel (another CA friend in town visiting), to make the errands and tasks more enjoyable.
Then comes the actual holiday…Brian and I are running around all over the place. Initially, it all seemed easy and doable and no big deal. Now, as the small logistics are being figured out, I’m getting stressed about making it all happen. I really look forward to the day when I can have everyone over to my house and host. Buuuuut, really, if you are going to have a problem, having an abundance of family to hang out with on Christmas is probably about the best problem to have. I’m sure it will all be magical.
My cold has hung on, but just at the level it was on the first day. It hasn’t progressed at all. Still just a little swollen throat and a bit of a headache…the headache is even subsiding though (that may have been a coffee related headache, actually). Brian has definitely caught something similar and I’m hoping he will be able to fight it off. He is also taking tomorrow off, so hopefully a good nights sleep and being able to sleep in will keep the sick away.
And for a final basketball update- My basketball season has come to an end. We had our final game last Saturday (it was a rough one…we were short people, and the other team was really good). And then last night we had our banquet. It’s interesting how when I played sports, I never thought about how the coach has to put together the banquet. And where do the trophies come from? And, how do you go about ordering the pizza so the coach isn’t out $300? The Boys and Girls Club told me coaches just do their own thing for banquets…so I had to figure it out. We ended up going to Zeeks for pizza. The grandpa guy that took stats all season put together some participation certificates (and then proceeded to call out their stats for EVERY SINGLE GAME…oh my). I wrote a little note to each girl in a Christmas card and made little ornaments with their name. It was definitely my rookie season…but I had a lot of fun and I think the girls had a good time…which is the most important thing…I just want them to keep playing! Looking forward to next season with the 4th/5th grade girls.
Okay...this is it for me until after Christmas. Hope you have the best holiday full of everything you love. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
THEN, tomorrow morning I get to see my dentist. Weird to be excited about that? I know…but I really, really like my dentist… With all of my moving and traveling, I always managed to get appointments in while I was home visiting. Plus, I'm a little bit crazy about my teeth and taking care of them (I still have my retainer from 8th grade!), so a trip to the dentist to take care of my teeth is both exciting and a relief. Dr. Jacka in Federal Way (I even make the trip down to Fed Way)…everyone at the office is great. THEN, tomorrow is the Dinner Club Christmas party! This is one of my FAVORITE Christmas traditions…because I love this group of people so much, and Christmas is just the best time to hang out with those important people.
THEN, it really is Friday, and boy do I have a ton of stuff to take care of, but luckily I’ll have some good company in Rachel (another CA friend in town visiting), to make the errands and tasks more enjoyable.
Then comes the actual holiday…Brian and I are running around all over the place. Initially, it all seemed easy and doable and no big deal. Now, as the small logistics are being figured out, I’m getting stressed about making it all happen. I really look forward to the day when I can have everyone over to my house and host. Buuuuut, really, if you are going to have a problem, having an abundance of family to hang out with on Christmas is probably about the best problem to have. I’m sure it will all be magical.
My cold has hung on, but just at the level it was on the first day. It hasn’t progressed at all. Still just a little swollen throat and a bit of a headache…the headache is even subsiding though (that may have been a coffee related headache, actually). Brian has definitely caught something similar and I’m hoping he will be able to fight it off. He is also taking tomorrow off, so hopefully a good nights sleep and being able to sleep in will keep the sick away.
And for a final basketball update- My basketball season has come to an end. We had our final game last Saturday (it was a rough one…we were short people, and the other team was really good). And then last night we had our banquet. It’s interesting how when I played sports, I never thought about how the coach has to put together the banquet. And where do the trophies come from? And, how do you go about ordering the pizza so the coach isn’t out $300? The Boys and Girls Club told me coaches just do their own thing for banquets…so I had to figure it out. We ended up going to Zeeks for pizza. The grandpa guy that took stats all season put together some participation certificates (and then proceeded to call out their stats for EVERY SINGLE GAME…oh my). I wrote a little note to each girl in a Christmas card and made little ornaments with their name. It was definitely my rookie season…but I had a lot of fun and I think the girls had a good time…which is the most important thing…I just want them to keep playing! Looking forward to next season with the 4th/5th grade girls.
Okay...this is it for me until after Christmas. Hope you have the best holiday full of everything you love. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Monday, December 19, 2011
And now I'm stressed....
Up until today I was feeling so good about Christmas. Loving the season, getting gifts and recipes prepared slowly but surely…and then all of a sudden, today, I am totally stressed out…feel like there is too much to do, not enough time to do it, plans every night…AND…I can feel a cold coming on. Ugh. I am totally going to be sick over Christmas.
Deep breath.
I am taking two days off of work this week to avoid this feeling. To give myself time for all of the last minute things…to wrap the presents and to do the baking of the recipes that I’ve prepared for. But I didn’t prepare for a cold and just wanting to drink tea in bed and watch movies. Crap.
Deep breath.
I am taking two days off of work this week to avoid this feeling. To give myself time for all of the last minute things…to wrap the presents and to do the baking of the recipes that I’ve prepared for. But I didn’t prepare for a cold and just wanting to drink tea in bed and watch movies. Crap.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Back to the Five...
Okay...since coming back to the blogging, I have strayed a bit from the usual template…rather than writing five points, I’ve just been sharing what’s been going on. I’m going to attempt to move back to the five point post…mostly to keep my rambling to as much of a minimum as possible.
1. Santa Claus. I have been seeing/reading a lot this year about parents giving up on the Santa thing…to each his own, obviously, but oh, it makes me sad. I was/am a big fan of Santa. I used to wake up in the middle of the night Christmas Eve and sneak downstairs to see what Santa left for me (Santa didn’t wrap presents- he displayed them), and I would peak through my stocking, careful not to disturb the way it looked and give away that I had been there. Santa always left a stuffed animal on my little rocking horse that sits next to the tree, and I would take my new friend back up to bed with me. It never occurred to me that might give my sneaking away. What was more important than the Santa thing (which really, was one day of the whole Christmas season…I always knew the Santas at the stores weren’t the real guy), was that I learned the Christmas story. We saw the Christmas pageants at church, and we talked about what Christmas is actually about. We had the nativity scenes around the house that I would sit and play with. I definitely understood what Christmas was. I can see how people might worry that, for a kid, Santa could overshadow Jesus. But I know that believing in Santa never did that for me. I really think that having conversations about what the Christmas season is about is what matters. I have also heard the argument that we teach our kids to trust us and then we lie to them…. I NEVER once even considered it being a lie. It never made me mad that my family created a magical story for my childhood (okay, not going to lie…Santa still stops at my house). That would be like getting pissed about Disney. Anyway…I know I'm not a parent, and everyone has their own traditions and beliefs...but, for me, Santa never took away from the reason for Christmas- Santa was/is just a fun and silly way to enjoy family and get excited for the big day…and I can’t wait for what crazy antics Santa will have planned for my kids one day!
2. Elf on the Shelf- Speaking of magical stories for kids…do you know about the Elf on the Shelf? They are these little stuffed animal/plastic faced toy elves that Santa sends out to households to keep an eye on the kids. Your family’s elf (who the kid has to name before the magic will start…my friend’s elf is Mr. Doodle Paws…apparently the naming was quite a process) flies back to the North Pole each night and reports to Santa if the kid should be on the good list or the naughty list. And then he flies back to the house and is usually found causing mischief somewhere in the house for the kids to find each morning. My mom has been talking about these elves for a couple of years and what a fun tradition it is…well, I took one look at the creepy elves and decided I wasn’t interested. Until this year…I joined Pinterest, and have seen pictures of all kinds of creative things to have your elf doing for the kids to find…SO FUN. I might want to find a different elf though…Brian suggested perhaps an Elvis on the Shelvis. Nice.
3. Charity Gifts? I’m looking for some thoughts and opinions on this one. As I’ve been making my Christmas gift list (the list of who and what to buy for), I started thinking again about an option I have considered for the past few years. What are your thoughts on spending the money you would on an okay gift (I have a lot of people to buy for…I’m not getting exceptional things for them!), to make a donation toward a cause that would be important to that person? Rather than getting them a mug and gift card to Starbucks (which I’m sure they would love and would use, but would be forgotten after a week), I make a donation that is personal to that person’s interests or cares? Or do you think it is a little bit lame and really, people would rather be able to treat themselves to a peppermint mocha when they normally only allow themselves an Americano? I really go back and forth. What do you think?
4. Snow. I mean, really…are you tired of reading about snow from me? I know, I know…but I refuse to give up. Most of the time that snow is predicted, it doesn’t happen, so who can say that it won’t happen when it isn’t predicted? Two days ago there were snow showers in the forecast for right before Christmas…and a few hours later, they were gone. It has been so cold…right on that cusp of snow and rain. The fluffy white flakes would just really make my holiday time as magical as could be…pleeeeeassssseeee??
5. May Disney trip. I’m still planning on taking the 30th birthday trip in May down to Disney World…if you’ve been looking for an excuse to visit, what better time than then? Registration just opened up for the Expedition Everest Challenge (May 5th), so if you are interested in coming along for my birthday trip, and participating in the race (really, it’s super fun and low key…no need to be any kind of runner), head on over to the page and take a look. It is a partner race, so you have to sign up with someone to race with. Here is the link and info…
And that’s all for this week…hope your has been fantastic!
1. Santa Claus. I have been seeing/reading a lot this year about parents giving up on the Santa thing…to each his own, obviously, but oh, it makes me sad. I was/am a big fan of Santa. I used to wake up in the middle of the night Christmas Eve and sneak downstairs to see what Santa left for me (Santa didn’t wrap presents- he displayed them), and I would peak through my stocking, careful not to disturb the way it looked and give away that I had been there. Santa always left a stuffed animal on my little rocking horse that sits next to the tree, and I would take my new friend back up to bed with me. It never occurred to me that might give my sneaking away. What was more important than the Santa thing (which really, was one day of the whole Christmas season…I always knew the Santas at the stores weren’t the real guy), was that I learned the Christmas story. We saw the Christmas pageants at church, and we talked about what Christmas is actually about. We had the nativity scenes around the house that I would sit and play with. I definitely understood what Christmas was. I can see how people might worry that, for a kid, Santa could overshadow Jesus. But I know that believing in Santa never did that for me. I really think that having conversations about what the Christmas season is about is what matters. I have also heard the argument that we teach our kids to trust us and then we lie to them…. I NEVER once even considered it being a lie. It never made me mad that my family created a magical story for my childhood (okay, not going to lie…Santa still stops at my house). That would be like getting pissed about Disney. Anyway…I know I'm not a parent, and everyone has their own traditions and beliefs...but, for me, Santa never took away from the reason for Christmas- Santa was/is just a fun and silly way to enjoy family and get excited for the big day…and I can’t wait for what crazy antics Santa will have planned for my kids one day!
2. Elf on the Shelf- Speaking of magical stories for kids…do you know about the Elf on the Shelf? They are these little stuffed animal/plastic faced toy elves that Santa sends out to households to keep an eye on the kids. Your family’s elf (who the kid has to name before the magic will start…my friend’s elf is Mr. Doodle Paws…apparently the naming was quite a process) flies back to the North Pole each night and reports to Santa if the kid should be on the good list or the naughty list. And then he flies back to the house and is usually found causing mischief somewhere in the house for the kids to find each morning. My mom has been talking about these elves for a couple of years and what a fun tradition it is…well, I took one look at the creepy elves and decided I wasn’t interested. Until this year…I joined Pinterest, and have seen pictures of all kinds of creative things to have your elf doing for the kids to find…SO FUN. I might want to find a different elf though…Brian suggested perhaps an Elvis on the Shelvis. Nice.
3. Charity Gifts? I’m looking for some thoughts and opinions on this one. As I’ve been making my Christmas gift list (the list of who and what to buy for), I started thinking again about an option I have considered for the past few years. What are your thoughts on spending the money you would on an okay gift (I have a lot of people to buy for…I’m not getting exceptional things for them!), to make a donation toward a cause that would be important to that person? Rather than getting them a mug and gift card to Starbucks (which I’m sure they would love and would use, but would be forgotten after a week), I make a donation that is personal to that person’s interests or cares? Or do you think it is a little bit lame and really, people would rather be able to treat themselves to a peppermint mocha when they normally only allow themselves an Americano? I really go back and forth. What do you think?
4. Snow. I mean, really…are you tired of reading about snow from me? I know, I know…but I refuse to give up. Most of the time that snow is predicted, it doesn’t happen, so who can say that it won’t happen when it isn’t predicted? Two days ago there were snow showers in the forecast for right before Christmas…and a few hours later, they were gone. It has been so cold…right on that cusp of snow and rain. The fluffy white flakes would just really make my holiday time as magical as could be…pleeeeeassssseeee??
5. May Disney trip. I’m still planning on taking the 30th birthday trip in May down to Disney World…if you’ve been looking for an excuse to visit, what better time than then? Registration just opened up for the Expedition Everest Challenge (May 5th), so if you are interested in coming along for my birthday trip, and participating in the race (really, it’s super fun and low key…no need to be any kind of runner), head on over to the page and take a look. It is a partner race, so you have to sign up with someone to race with. Here is the link and info…
And that’s all for this week…hope your has been fantastic!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Ahhh, can’t believe it is already Thursday. This week has been a mix of slow motion (I think due to the fact that I’ve been getting to work at 7am, and so am tiiiired…funny how much changes in just a couple of years…I used to get up at 3:45am for work…oh Starbucks…I don’t miss that EVER), but the week has also somehow just FLOWN by…I guess because it has been busy.
I really feel like we have been enjoying the holidays to the max this year, which makes me really happy. We still need to go to ZooLights in Tacoma, ice skating, take a drive through some neighborhood known for its lights, bake Christmas cookies (that doesn’t come until later anyway though)…and then of course, the snow. It must snow. But I have no control over that one.
So far:
Decorating- Nothing compared to my mom’s house…but it takes time to get a collection like that…We have the Christmas tree (Doug), who is still just as handsome as ever. We haven’t put any ornaments on him…just the big, outdoor lights. Then of course, I got crafty and made the felt tree skirt…I can’t think of anything more holiday-y than crafting a tree skirt. Brian was able to snag a nice live wreath from work, complete with pine cones and a big red bow. She was immediately named A-wreath-a…and she will only be complete once she gets a motion sensor attached to play a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T every time a person walks by. I wanted to use some of Doug’s trimmed branches for décor, but have gotten lazy with that.
Gingerbread House- oh yes, Olga and I spent an evening decorating gingerbread houses. She picked up a couple of kits from Costco, made a yummy light dinner, and we spent some time catching up, while sneaking tastes of frosting and gummy candy. I really need to start carrying my camera so I can add photos of these delights I speak of. Maybe a photo blog soon.
We went to our first Christmas party of the season last weekend…which was just about as charming as a Christmas party could possibly be (without cute kids for singing carols anyway)…there were fun and fancy beverages, yummy appetizers, a little gift exchange (Brian was VERY excited for the gift he brought…the nerf guns were on sale at Fred Meyer…he even bought me one of my own…what a guy), popper favors that included tissue paper crowns and a joke, an AMAAAAZING chocolate cake, warm festive comfortable home, and of course…the great company of friends.
The Round had their annual Holiday show at the Triple Door (if you haven’t read the dozens of times I’ve written about the Triple Door…it’s my very favorite place for a show). This year there were two different sets of musicians, that did 3 ‘rounds’ of music each. I really look forward to the Holiday round each year…I love going to the Round anyway…local musicians playing together, poetry, painting, etc…but having a bunch of local musicians sitting around playing Christmas songs is great, because as somber and sad and pretty as they play those songs, they are still Christmas songs, which makes them joyful. Anyway…I was a little bit disappointed with this show…the musicians just didn’t play very many Christmas songs…they did winter-y songs, many original…but only a few traditional songs. Bummer. Still good, just not what I was hoping for.
Speaking of music…I have created myself a nice Christmas playlist on Spotify that I listen to while I process paperwork at work…I have quite a mix of musicians on the list…from Bing Crosby to Elvis to Mariah Carey, to Biebs to She & Him, etc…but my favorites are definitely the Sufjan Stevens songs….jeez, they are so pretty. Listening to them at this very moment and feeling very Merry.
I am more ahead of my Christmas gifts than I usually am…though I still have a ways to go…I have taken a few different shopping trips, getting a few things each time. I took a couple of days off work right before Christmas, so I won’t have to worry about being super stressed out at the last minute. Yay!
Side note…I wish the Elf on a Shelf elves were cuter. I think they are kind of scary looking actually…but I think it is such a cute idea.
In other news…
-Went and saw Hugo, the new Martin Scorsese movie…it was different than I expected, but I really enjoyed it. It’s a 3-D movie, which I don’t generally like, but it was shot in 3-D (however that technology works), so really immerses you in the movie, not just a few things here and there. And no headache, which I usually get in 3-d movies.
-My basketball season is winding down…this is the second to last week. I really have had so much fun…I don’t know how much of a ‘coach’ I was…with the little kids, and not having any practices once games get going…but they have definitely improved dramatically from our first few practices…so that’s something. I went to a coaches meeting last night for next season- 4th/5th grade girls. Amazing the difference. This sounds like real basketball…10 ft hoop, 3-pointers, foul shots, over and back, etc. And I was talking to the other coaches (all dads and me), and I guess they have lost some girls on their teams because they have gone to year round soccer. WHAT? Year round, single sport exclusivity…in 4th/5th grade?! That is crazy. And sad to me. Sad because not only are the girls missing out on other really fun experiences and opportunities, they are also going to have a crazy amount of pressure on them! I mean, even when I was playing basketball year round, I still played other sports. Also sad to me…the 4th/5th grade boys have had a waiting list to get on a team for over a month- there are so many kids that want to play…but the girls…we don’t even have enough for 5 teams. C’mon gals…though I guess when I played at the Boys & Girls Club, there weren’t girls teams…I just played on the boys team.
All for now…have a great weekend!
I really feel like we have been enjoying the holidays to the max this year, which makes me really happy. We still need to go to ZooLights in Tacoma, ice skating, take a drive through some neighborhood known for its lights, bake Christmas cookies (that doesn’t come until later anyway though)…and then of course, the snow. It must snow. But I have no control over that one.
So far:
Decorating- Nothing compared to my mom’s house…but it takes time to get a collection like that…We have the Christmas tree (Doug), who is still just as handsome as ever. We haven’t put any ornaments on him…just the big, outdoor lights. Then of course, I got crafty and made the felt tree skirt…I can’t think of anything more holiday-y than crafting a tree skirt. Brian was able to snag a nice live wreath from work, complete with pine cones and a big red bow. She was immediately named A-wreath-a…and she will only be complete once she gets a motion sensor attached to play a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T every time a person walks by. I wanted to use some of Doug’s trimmed branches for décor, but have gotten lazy with that.
Gingerbread House- oh yes, Olga and I spent an evening decorating gingerbread houses. She picked up a couple of kits from Costco, made a yummy light dinner, and we spent some time catching up, while sneaking tastes of frosting and gummy candy. I really need to start carrying my camera so I can add photos of these delights I speak of. Maybe a photo blog soon.
We went to our first Christmas party of the season last weekend…which was just about as charming as a Christmas party could possibly be (without cute kids for singing carols anyway)…there were fun and fancy beverages, yummy appetizers, a little gift exchange (Brian was VERY excited for the gift he brought…the nerf guns were on sale at Fred Meyer…he even bought me one of my own…what a guy), popper favors that included tissue paper crowns and a joke, an AMAAAAZING chocolate cake, warm festive comfortable home, and of course…the great company of friends.
The Round had their annual Holiday show at the Triple Door (if you haven’t read the dozens of times I’ve written about the Triple Door…it’s my very favorite place for a show). This year there were two different sets of musicians, that did 3 ‘rounds’ of music each. I really look forward to the Holiday round each year…I love going to the Round anyway…local musicians playing together, poetry, painting, etc…but having a bunch of local musicians sitting around playing Christmas songs is great, because as somber and sad and pretty as they play those songs, they are still Christmas songs, which makes them joyful. Anyway…I was a little bit disappointed with this show…the musicians just didn’t play very many Christmas songs…they did winter-y songs, many original…but only a few traditional songs. Bummer. Still good, just not what I was hoping for.
Speaking of music…I have created myself a nice Christmas playlist on Spotify that I listen to while I process paperwork at work…I have quite a mix of musicians on the list…from Bing Crosby to Elvis to Mariah Carey, to Biebs to She & Him, etc…but my favorites are definitely the Sufjan Stevens songs….jeez, they are so pretty. Listening to them at this very moment and feeling very Merry.
I am more ahead of my Christmas gifts than I usually am…though I still have a ways to go…I have taken a few different shopping trips, getting a few things each time. I took a couple of days off work right before Christmas, so I won’t have to worry about being super stressed out at the last minute. Yay!
Side note…I wish the Elf on a Shelf elves were cuter. I think they are kind of scary looking actually…but I think it is such a cute idea.
In other news…
-Went and saw Hugo, the new Martin Scorsese movie…it was different than I expected, but I really enjoyed it. It’s a 3-D movie, which I don’t generally like, but it was shot in 3-D (however that technology works), so really immerses you in the movie, not just a few things here and there. And no headache, which I usually get in 3-d movies.
-My basketball season is winding down…this is the second to last week. I really have had so much fun…I don’t know how much of a ‘coach’ I was…with the little kids, and not having any practices once games get going…but they have definitely improved dramatically from our first few practices…so that’s something. I went to a coaches meeting last night for next season- 4th/5th grade girls. Amazing the difference. This sounds like real basketball…10 ft hoop, 3-pointers, foul shots, over and back, etc. And I was talking to the other coaches (all dads and me), and I guess they have lost some girls on their teams because they have gone to year round soccer. WHAT? Year round, single sport exclusivity…in 4th/5th grade?! That is crazy. And sad to me. Sad because not only are the girls missing out on other really fun experiences and opportunities, they are also going to have a crazy amount of pressure on them! I mean, even when I was playing basketball year round, I still played other sports. Also sad to me…the 4th/5th grade boys have had a waiting list to get on a team for over a month- there are so many kids that want to play…but the girls…we don’t even have enough for 5 teams. C’mon gals…though I guess when I played at the Boys & Girls Club, there weren’t girls teams…I just played on the boys team.
All for now…have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Christmas season is here!
I hope you all had a super awesome Thanksgiving, full of delicious food and delightful company. This year Brian and I got to celebrate Thanksgiving four times! First with my mom and Ron (and the brie stuffed, prosciutto wrapped turkey), then a Friendsgiving with my old roomie, then with Brian’s fam and fun Alaska relatives that I hadn’t met before (SO thankful that I REALLY like Brian’s family and always look forward to seeing them), and then finally wrapped up the tour on Thanksgiving day with my dad’s side of the family, which unfortunately for Brian (or maybe fortunately) turned out to be a pretty mild version of a Pate holiday. Love that we have a holiday specifically to remind us to be thankful for all that we have.
And speaking of Thanksgiving, I’m so glad it is over so that I can legitimately be pumped for Christmas. Christmas music can be played openly, the decorations can officially come out, Christmas movies are allowed…now if only it would just snow. Thinking of getting in the Christmas spirit and preparing for the season, if you are looking for some tasty holiday recipes, my pal Shawn Stewart has started a new blog full of goodies- plus, she is an awesome writer, and just an all around stellar lady...check it out:
Brian grew up with a fake tree for Christmas, so this year he was super excited to find the perfect live one…like the Griswold family trip out to the middle of nowhere to find the tree that heaven shines a light on…but for us, no need for the middle of nowhere part, we found it at Fred Meyer. We may have stolen someone else’s tree…Brian spotted THE tree while someone else was checking it out…the second they stepped away, we stepped in and snatched it up. Next is the tying it to the roof of the car…neither of us had done that before on our own, but we got some twine and figured it out, driving ever so slowly back home. Then we got home and realized we didn’t have a saw to cut off an inch at the bottom…but oh well, the tree (who we have grown quite fond of and named Doug) would probably be fine. Then the tree stand was too small for Doug, so we had to go back to Fred Meyer for another tree stand. Finally we got him up and wrapped four strands of lights around him, plugged him in, and boy was he glorious!
But three days later, the water hadn’t gone down any…Doug was going to die quickly if he didn’t get some water. So we borrowed a saw, took all the lights back off, and in Brian’s living room I hugged the tree steady while Brian sawed an inch or so off, and then trimmed the bottom branches (which was definitely needed). We set Doug back up, re-strung him with lights, and he looks much more like a Christmas tree now. Especially because….
Guess what I did? I got about as crafty as I get, and made a felt tree skirt! We made the trek out to Jo-Ann fabrics to get the material, made a guess at measurements, grabbed the basic Christmas colors (red for the base, sparkly green for some evergreen trees, and white for the snow), and I did some cutting and gluing…and I think it is almost cute. Certainly a nice addition to the full Doug package. I also made a couple of stockings with extra felt…but they turned out like something a 4th grader did during art in school…oh well.
Trader Joes has made me super lazy about cooking. Their frozen options are good, and so easy. Usually I don’t love the meat options there, but Brian and I tried their BBQ pulled chicken the other night, and it was pretty darn good. That will definitely need to be added into the dinner rotation. They have some tasty (with garlic butter and nice seasoning) frozen vegetable medleys also, that even Brian likes…and they make the kitchen smell yummy too.
Oh- I hope you saw the awesome flight deals Alaska Airlines released earlier in the week! One way tickets to destinations you actually want to visit ranging from $40-$150 (some, like Mexico or Alaska were more than that). It seemed like Friday and Sunday travel dates were blocked from the cheap fares, and you have to fly before March…but other than that, pretty easy to book. I’m going to San Fran to celebrate one of my dearest friends 30th birthday in February…after taxes and everything it was $121. So excited to be able to make that trip.
Okay, this is getting too long…wanted to talk about the Apple Cup (Brian and I went and had awesome seats…SO much fun!), but I’ll just leave it at that…great game- way to go Huskies!
Have a great week!
And speaking of Thanksgiving, I’m so glad it is over so that I can legitimately be pumped for Christmas. Christmas music can be played openly, the decorations can officially come out, Christmas movies are allowed…now if only it would just snow. Thinking of getting in the Christmas spirit and preparing for the season, if you are looking for some tasty holiday recipes, my pal Shawn Stewart has started a new blog full of goodies- plus, she is an awesome writer, and just an all around stellar lady...check it out:
Brian grew up with a fake tree for Christmas, so this year he was super excited to find the perfect live one…like the Griswold family trip out to the middle of nowhere to find the tree that heaven shines a light on…but for us, no need for the middle of nowhere part, we found it at Fred Meyer. We may have stolen someone else’s tree…Brian spotted THE tree while someone else was checking it out…the second they stepped away, we stepped in and snatched it up. Next is the tying it to the roof of the car…neither of us had done that before on our own, but we got some twine and figured it out, driving ever so slowly back home. Then we got home and realized we didn’t have a saw to cut off an inch at the bottom…but oh well, the tree (who we have grown quite fond of and named Doug) would probably be fine. Then the tree stand was too small for Doug, so we had to go back to Fred Meyer for another tree stand. Finally we got him up and wrapped four strands of lights around him, plugged him in, and boy was he glorious!
But three days later, the water hadn’t gone down any…Doug was going to die quickly if he didn’t get some water. So we borrowed a saw, took all the lights back off, and in Brian’s living room I hugged the tree steady while Brian sawed an inch or so off, and then trimmed the bottom branches (which was definitely needed). We set Doug back up, re-strung him with lights, and he looks much more like a Christmas tree now. Especially because….
Guess what I did? I got about as crafty as I get, and made a felt tree skirt! We made the trek out to Jo-Ann fabrics to get the material, made a guess at measurements, grabbed the basic Christmas colors (red for the base, sparkly green for some evergreen trees, and white for the snow), and I did some cutting and gluing…and I think it is almost cute. Certainly a nice addition to the full Doug package. I also made a couple of stockings with extra felt…but they turned out like something a 4th grader did during art in school…oh well.
Trader Joes has made me super lazy about cooking. Their frozen options are good, and so easy. Usually I don’t love the meat options there, but Brian and I tried their BBQ pulled chicken the other night, and it was pretty darn good. That will definitely need to be added into the dinner rotation. They have some tasty (with garlic butter and nice seasoning) frozen vegetable medleys also, that even Brian likes…and they make the kitchen smell yummy too.
Oh- I hope you saw the awesome flight deals Alaska Airlines released earlier in the week! One way tickets to destinations you actually want to visit ranging from $40-$150 (some, like Mexico or Alaska were more than that). It seemed like Friday and Sunday travel dates were blocked from the cheap fares, and you have to fly before March…but other than that, pretty easy to book. I’m going to San Fran to celebrate one of my dearest friends 30th birthday in February…after taxes and everything it was $121. So excited to be able to make that trip.
Okay, this is getting too long…wanted to talk about the Apple Cup (Brian and I went and had awesome seats…SO much fun!), but I’ll just leave it at that…great game- way to go Huskies!
Have a great week!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving week
I wrote this a few days ago, but only got to posting it's a little dated.
You know how some days you wake up and then everything just goes your way…even the little things, like the crosswalk turns to walk as soon as you step up to the curb? I had one of those days on Sunday. Well, ALMOST one of those days. Which was much needed after the previous week!
I woke up Sunday morning and jumped in the newly covered jeep (yep, she is all ready for winter and looking like a legitimate rugged vehicle with her hard top back in place). Drove down to 826 for a special volunteer only event. Donuts with Dave…Dave Eggers was in town, so 826 arranged an event for about 40 volunteers to sit and chat and enjoy Mighty O donuts. Dave Eggers and Mighty O- could the day start any better? I don’t think so.
It was a super casual chat…he asked questions about what we were up to at 826, things we like, things we’d like to see happen. He talked about some of the other chapters and even offered to give relationship advice to anyone in need. I loved the way he talked about public education…along with other volunteers in the group- many of who are or have been teachers. Someone asked if 826 ever gets involved with politics (the answer is no, it is a non profit and can’t do any lobbying), in an education way, because the Seattle school district is really awful, etc…and another volunteer responded about how easy it is to group everybody together, but that there are some really amazing teachers and things happening in the Seattle school district. It is easy to only focus on the bad, and that there will be plenty of that- it is a LARGE, urban school district, but it is not lacking in teachers that care and work toward making a difference. She got a little choked up while she was saying this stuff…which I thought was really cool…she certainly cares. Also, Dave recently produced a documentary that follows four teachers around throughout the stages of their careers…it’s called American Teacher, and it looks great. Wish I could remember everything we talked about...
Right after 826, I drove down to U Village to meet up with the Dinner Club gals for the annual Christmas shopping trip. I got there a little earlier than them, so stopped to get a peppermint hot chocolate at Starbucks. So, I realize that I worked at Starbucks and that my drinks might be a little bit high maintenance (they really aren’t that difficult…I don’t ask for a particular temperature or amount of foam…I just think Starbucks drinks are too sweet, so I ask for fewer pumps of syrup…and nonfat milk…and no whip…etc), well…my drink is often made incorrectly. But this Starbucks made my peppermint hot chocolate JUST right. That right there, was enough to make my day great….BUT THEN, as I was leaving, I ran into my friend Olga, that I haven’t seen in waaaay too long. What a treat…a surprise run in with a few minutes to sit and chat. Big smile.
Then shopping with the gals…not super productive…I think we made it to 3 stores in two hours. I made one small purchase. But it was fun to hang out and browse and talk. I had to leave before everyone was done because I had to make a pie for Friendsgiving that night.
The pie-making ended up being the one not perfect part of the day…my TJ’s crust didn’t thaw in time, so we just had to stop at the store and pick one up. Wah wah wah. I don’t think friends at Friendsgiving cared that much though.
In other news…
- Jeep has her winter top….we are all ready and eagerly awaiting the next snow excitement. Took a little longer than usual, as the top gets morphed and re-shaped a little bit more every year. Haven’t come across any bonus spiders while driving yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.
- Had Thanksgiving with my mom and Ron…my mom made turkey that was stuffed with brie and wrapped in prosciutto. Ummm, yum.
- Bought a full pie from A La Mode- the new pie place down the street- for my mom’s thanksgiving. It’s a little bit expensive, but oh my, so good. I wish I could make crust like that. We ordered another pie from there for Thanksgiving with Brian’s family tonight.
And finally, in very sad news…we finished the full series of Friday Night Lights. I have written about FNL plenty of times on here. I love this show. Brian decided he would watch with me, so I got to start all the way at the beginning again, which meant I didn’t watch the final season when it was on TV. I was trying to keep the final season going as long as possible…only watching one episode at a time. But last night, we finished. I’m not going to give anything away because, again, as mentioned many times in previous posts, you should watch it! But, I’m so sad it is over…and I hope they don’t make a movie.
That’s all for this blustery day (I got to wear my Eeyore rainboots today)..have a fantastic holiday weekend…I am so thankful for YOU!
You know how some days you wake up and then everything just goes your way…even the little things, like the crosswalk turns to walk as soon as you step up to the curb? I had one of those days on Sunday. Well, ALMOST one of those days. Which was much needed after the previous week!
I woke up Sunday morning and jumped in the newly covered jeep (yep, she is all ready for winter and looking like a legitimate rugged vehicle with her hard top back in place). Drove down to 826 for a special volunteer only event. Donuts with Dave…Dave Eggers was in town, so 826 arranged an event for about 40 volunteers to sit and chat and enjoy Mighty O donuts. Dave Eggers and Mighty O- could the day start any better? I don’t think so.
It was a super casual chat…he asked questions about what we were up to at 826, things we like, things we’d like to see happen. He talked about some of the other chapters and even offered to give relationship advice to anyone in need. I loved the way he talked about public education…along with other volunteers in the group- many of who are or have been teachers. Someone asked if 826 ever gets involved with politics (the answer is no, it is a non profit and can’t do any lobbying), in an education way, because the Seattle school district is really awful, etc…and another volunteer responded about how easy it is to group everybody together, but that there are some really amazing teachers and things happening in the Seattle school district. It is easy to only focus on the bad, and that there will be plenty of that- it is a LARGE, urban school district, but it is not lacking in teachers that care and work toward making a difference. She got a little choked up while she was saying this stuff…which I thought was really cool…she certainly cares. Also, Dave recently produced a documentary that follows four teachers around throughout the stages of their careers…it’s called American Teacher, and it looks great. Wish I could remember everything we talked about...
Right after 826, I drove down to U Village to meet up with the Dinner Club gals for the annual Christmas shopping trip. I got there a little earlier than them, so stopped to get a peppermint hot chocolate at Starbucks. So, I realize that I worked at Starbucks and that my drinks might be a little bit high maintenance (they really aren’t that difficult…I don’t ask for a particular temperature or amount of foam…I just think Starbucks drinks are too sweet, so I ask for fewer pumps of syrup…and nonfat milk…and no whip…etc), well…my drink is often made incorrectly. But this Starbucks made my peppermint hot chocolate JUST right. That right there, was enough to make my day great….BUT THEN, as I was leaving, I ran into my friend Olga, that I haven’t seen in waaaay too long. What a treat…a surprise run in with a few minutes to sit and chat. Big smile.
Then shopping with the gals…not super productive…I think we made it to 3 stores in two hours. I made one small purchase. But it was fun to hang out and browse and talk. I had to leave before everyone was done because I had to make a pie for Friendsgiving that night.
The pie-making ended up being the one not perfect part of the day…my TJ’s crust didn’t thaw in time, so we just had to stop at the store and pick one up. Wah wah wah. I don’t think friends at Friendsgiving cared that much though.
In other news…
- Jeep has her winter top….we are all ready and eagerly awaiting the next snow excitement. Took a little longer than usual, as the top gets morphed and re-shaped a little bit more every year. Haven’t come across any bonus spiders while driving yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.
- Had Thanksgiving with my mom and Ron…my mom made turkey that was stuffed with brie and wrapped in prosciutto. Ummm, yum.
- Bought a full pie from A La Mode- the new pie place down the street- for my mom’s thanksgiving. It’s a little bit expensive, but oh my, so good. I wish I could make crust like that. We ordered another pie from there for Thanksgiving with Brian’s family tonight.
And finally, in very sad news…we finished the full series of Friday Night Lights. I have written about FNL plenty of times on here. I love this show. Brian decided he would watch with me, so I got to start all the way at the beginning again, which meant I didn’t watch the final season when it was on TV. I was trying to keep the final season going as long as possible…only watching one episode at a time. But last night, we finished. I’m not going to give anything away because, again, as mentioned many times in previous posts, you should watch it! But, I’m so sad it is over…and I hope they don’t make a movie.
That’s all for this blustery day (I got to wear my Eeyore rainboots today)..have a fantastic holiday weekend…I am so thankful for YOU!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Zayda Buddy's...?
Oh my gosh…there is snow in the forecast! I mean, maybe it says rain/snow mix, but at the beginning of the possible snow season, those giant slushy drops are almost just as exciting. Brian and I are heading to my parents’ house this weekend for an early Thanksgiving meal (my mom and Ron are going to Disney World for Thanksgiving…and then another week and half following…those jerks), Christmas decorating, and to put the hard top back on the jeep and get her all ready for the winter. She loves going into 4WD and cruising the snowy streets. She wasn’t running very well for a brief period there, but seems to be fine now…I didn’t do anything…just checked her oil and put some good quality gas in her…I think she just wanted a little attention and so was acting up. Silly jeep.
I took last Friday off from work…which was awesome and needed. My book club all had the day off for Veteran’s Day, and I have missed the last few book clubs, so I decided I wanted to be part of the Friday brunch! Oh brunch…yummm. There was quiche, there was that super cheesy and sour creamy potato casserole, there was a sausage egg casserole, there were muffins and fruit…I made a raspberry cream cheese coffee cake. And we sat and chatted for more than three hours…while it poured rain outside. It was just so nice. I recently got a tv (I haven't had one since I moved into my new place in May)…I can't watch tv, but I can watch movies. So I got home after book club, turned the heat up in my room, and had every intention of cleaning my room while I watched a movie. Guess what? No cleaning was done. I got REAL cozy in a blanket and fell asleep to My Blueberry Nights.
Friday night Brian and I went to the newly made into music venue- Neptune Theater for some local music. Hey Marseilles was releasing something…wasn’t entirely sure what, but they did play a ton of new stuff…so it was something new. I was super excited for Hey Marseilles…I love that band…they are so fun and charming and…whimsical isn’t the right word…but every time I listen to them, I remember strolling around Paris on the weekends. Bryan John Appleby opened…I also adore Bryan John Appleby- though he had a weird setlist that I didn’t so much adore. But oh well. AND the theater was pretty cool! Brian said it would be perfect for a high school Under The Sea dance…and that is very true.
AND, the news you have all been waiting for…how did the Shooting Fireballs/Chicago Sky/Team 9 (my little basketball team, duh) play on Saturday morning? Oh my gosh…they were AMAZING! I was shocked…in awe! They didn’t have any travels, they passed the ball to each other, they rebounded like animals…they ran up and down the court like there was no tomorrow. I mean…I was really proud of them. Mostly I was proud of their passing. During scrimmages at practice, nobody wanted to give the ball up, and when they did it was a weak little bounce pass, easily stolen….but they threw really smart passes. They found people open under the basket. Brian showed up with the snacks (which was still a hot topic, even on the bench while the game was going on…WHERE ARE THE SNACKS!)…we had juice boxes, satsumas, and mini Might O donuts. What a day!
I have been biiiig time craving some Zayda Buddy's recently. Zayda Buddy's is a Minnesota pizza bar down in Ballard. Brian and I went a lot last football season to watch games, and then tend to make it there…maybe once a month just for fun. It’s always a VERY special treat when we decide to go…it can turn a bad day around immediately…and is always the first place we think of when we are starving (though that isn’t always a great idea because sometimes it takes awhile for the pizza to come out) our pizza of choice is the Chelsea Chelsea…it’s pepperoni pizza with shelled macaroni and cheese on top (we tried putting mac and cheese on our pizza at home…sooo not the same)…anyway…we have had plans for the last two weeks to go, but for one reason or another haven’t made it…and I talk about it pretty much every day. I want to go! Yesterday I was going to a craft thing that was providing dinner and Brian was all bummed out that he had to figure out his own dinner. And then he told me he was going to go to Zayda Buddy's! Can you believe that. I told him it was the rudest thing he has ever said to me. Of course, he was kidding…but I really want to go tonight. Maybe? Just maybe…
I took last Friday off from work…which was awesome and needed. My book club all had the day off for Veteran’s Day, and I have missed the last few book clubs, so I decided I wanted to be part of the Friday brunch! Oh brunch…yummm. There was quiche, there was that super cheesy and sour creamy potato casserole, there was a sausage egg casserole, there were muffins and fruit…I made a raspberry cream cheese coffee cake. And we sat and chatted for more than three hours…while it poured rain outside. It was just so nice. I recently got a tv (I haven't had one since I moved into my new place in May)…I can't watch tv, but I can watch movies. So I got home after book club, turned the heat up in my room, and had every intention of cleaning my room while I watched a movie. Guess what? No cleaning was done. I got REAL cozy in a blanket and fell asleep to My Blueberry Nights.
Friday night Brian and I went to the newly made into music venue- Neptune Theater for some local music. Hey Marseilles was releasing something…wasn’t entirely sure what, but they did play a ton of new stuff…so it was something new. I was super excited for Hey Marseilles…I love that band…they are so fun and charming and…whimsical isn’t the right word…but every time I listen to them, I remember strolling around Paris on the weekends. Bryan John Appleby opened…I also adore Bryan John Appleby- though he had a weird setlist that I didn’t so much adore. But oh well. AND the theater was pretty cool! Brian said it would be perfect for a high school Under The Sea dance…and that is very true.
AND, the news you have all been waiting for…how did the Shooting Fireballs/Chicago Sky/Team 9 (my little basketball team, duh) play on Saturday morning? Oh my gosh…they were AMAZING! I was shocked…in awe! They didn’t have any travels, they passed the ball to each other, they rebounded like animals…they ran up and down the court like there was no tomorrow. I mean…I was really proud of them. Mostly I was proud of their passing. During scrimmages at practice, nobody wanted to give the ball up, and when they did it was a weak little bounce pass, easily stolen….but they threw really smart passes. They found people open under the basket. Brian showed up with the snacks (which was still a hot topic, even on the bench while the game was going on…WHERE ARE THE SNACKS!)…we had juice boxes, satsumas, and mini Might O donuts. What a day!
I have been biiiig time craving some Zayda Buddy's recently. Zayda Buddy's is a Minnesota pizza bar down in Ballard. Brian and I went a lot last football season to watch games, and then tend to make it there…maybe once a month just for fun. It’s always a VERY special treat when we decide to go…it can turn a bad day around immediately…and is always the first place we think of when we are starving (though that isn’t always a great idea because sometimes it takes awhile for the pizza to come out) our pizza of choice is the Chelsea Chelsea…it’s pepperoni pizza with shelled macaroni and cheese on top (we tried putting mac and cheese on our pizza at home…sooo not the same)…anyway…we have had plans for the last two weeks to go, but for one reason or another haven’t made it…and I talk about it pretty much every day. I want to go! Yesterday I was going to a craft thing that was providing dinner and Brian was all bummed out that he had to figure out his own dinner. And then he told me he was going to go to Zayda Buddy's! Can you believe that. I told him it was the rudest thing he has ever said to me. Of course, he was kidding…but I really want to go tonight. Maybe? Just maybe…
Monday, November 7, 2011
November already
I can’t believe we are a week into November. We had snow in November last year! Oh, I want it to snow. Every time I step outside in the evening, it smells like snow to me. I think it is probably just everything getting situated with the new temperatures. I’m trying hard to appreciate each sunny Fall day we have been getting (we really have had such a beautiful Fall), but I am so ready for some snow…lots of snow. Though maybe I should get the hard top on the jeep first…
I am finally feeling a little bit of relief from work…I had a huge project two weeks ago, that still has a few loose ends, but is mostly complete, and then a smaller but still significant project that finished up this last Friday. Sigh…glad to be back into a semi-normal routine again. I definitely feel more awake and aware now that those are done.
My basketball team had our last practice on Saturday before our first game next Saturday. Obviously, the game doesn’t matter and they will all go out and play and have fun…but oh dear, I am worried about the game. I think there is maybe one or two girls that have ever played in a game ever…and we have really only been able to scrimmage a couple of times, due to the lack of numbers at each practice. And even those were only half court scrimmages… On Saturday, we sat down and went over the rules…what’s a travel, what’s a double dribble, what is out of bounds, etc. I know they know the answers, but I think when they get into that game setting, it’s all going to go out the window…oh well. It will be a good learning experience for all of us, and, if nothing else, we will have some good snacks after the game!
Sounders season is done. Brian has made a paper chain to count down the days until the 2012 season begins, and I believe is currently watching a video of all the goals the Sounders scored over the year. The playoff game on Wednesday was a rough night for him. It actually was a great game…they played really well, they won 2-0…Kasey Keller’s last game was at home, a shut out, and a win….it just was a bummer that they played SO poorly in the first game of the aggregate. They lost 0-3 in the first game and so had to win by 4 on Wednesday to move on to the next round. But…next year will be here before we know it…and I get to share season tickets! This year I’ve gone to a few games- whenever someone Brian sits with isn’t able to go…but next year, I’m actually sharing a seat with someone.
I went to a super cool show on Saturday night. The Fremont Abbey has started a new event (I think it is monthly? I hope so…) The event is called Cathedrals, and they hold it at St Mark’s on Capitol Hill. They bring in some musicians…the lights are low, the sound is beautiful…everyone sits in silence, just listening. Sigh, it was just really beautiful. This time it was Kelli Schaefer…who I was really excited to see in this setting- I love her voice, Cataldo, and My Brightest Diamond. Kelli Schaefer has a song that is one of my favorite songs- just in general. Gone In Love…it’s so pretty. Anyway…she did that song, with her mom singing harmonies. She said it was the first time they had performed that together. One of the verses- “I will sing my mother hymns of old when she is passing/for every heartache I have caused/oh my mother, I am sorry...I want you to know there is nothing you have done that has been wasted…” singing this in a giant cathedral, with her mom singing behind her…wow. My eyes got a little watery…and then after, some girl came up to her friend behind me and was like “I just bawled through that whole thing”. Very cool…I’m excited to see what other musicians they bring in.
I am giddy for the holidays this year…some years I can be a little bah-humbuggy, and get annoyed with the early holidays in the stores. This year I’m soaking up the pumpkin spice lattes, the Mighty O apple spice donuts, enjoying the Christmas tree displays, pumped about decorating at my mom’s house…and, again…CANT WAIT FOR SNOW.
Have a great week…
I am finally feeling a little bit of relief from work…I had a huge project two weeks ago, that still has a few loose ends, but is mostly complete, and then a smaller but still significant project that finished up this last Friday. Sigh…glad to be back into a semi-normal routine again. I definitely feel more awake and aware now that those are done.
My basketball team had our last practice on Saturday before our first game next Saturday. Obviously, the game doesn’t matter and they will all go out and play and have fun…but oh dear, I am worried about the game. I think there is maybe one or two girls that have ever played in a game ever…and we have really only been able to scrimmage a couple of times, due to the lack of numbers at each practice. And even those were only half court scrimmages… On Saturday, we sat down and went over the rules…what’s a travel, what’s a double dribble, what is out of bounds, etc. I know they know the answers, but I think when they get into that game setting, it’s all going to go out the window…oh well. It will be a good learning experience for all of us, and, if nothing else, we will have some good snacks after the game!
Sounders season is done. Brian has made a paper chain to count down the days until the 2012 season begins, and I believe is currently watching a video of all the goals the Sounders scored over the year. The playoff game on Wednesday was a rough night for him. It actually was a great game…they played really well, they won 2-0…Kasey Keller’s last game was at home, a shut out, and a win….it just was a bummer that they played SO poorly in the first game of the aggregate. They lost 0-3 in the first game and so had to win by 4 on Wednesday to move on to the next round. But…next year will be here before we know it…and I get to share season tickets! This year I’ve gone to a few games- whenever someone Brian sits with isn’t able to go…but next year, I’m actually sharing a seat with someone.
I went to a super cool show on Saturday night. The Fremont Abbey has started a new event (I think it is monthly? I hope so…) The event is called Cathedrals, and they hold it at St Mark’s on Capitol Hill. They bring in some musicians…the lights are low, the sound is beautiful…everyone sits in silence, just listening. Sigh, it was just really beautiful. This time it was Kelli Schaefer…who I was really excited to see in this setting- I love her voice, Cataldo, and My Brightest Diamond. Kelli Schaefer has a song that is one of my favorite songs- just in general. Gone In Love…it’s so pretty. Anyway…she did that song, with her mom singing harmonies. She said it was the first time they had performed that together. One of the verses- “I will sing my mother hymns of old when she is passing/for every heartache I have caused/oh my mother, I am sorry...I want you to know there is nothing you have done that has been wasted…” singing this in a giant cathedral, with her mom singing behind her…wow. My eyes got a little watery…and then after, some girl came up to her friend behind me and was like “I just bawled through that whole thing”. Very cool…I’m excited to see what other musicians they bring in.
I am giddy for the holidays this year…some years I can be a little bah-humbuggy, and get annoyed with the early holidays in the stores. This year I’m soaking up the pumpkin spice lattes, the Mighty O apple spice donuts, enjoying the Christmas tree displays, pumped about decorating at my mom’s house…and, again…CANT WAIT FOR SNOW.
Have a great week…
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween
Sorry for the late blog post. It was a busy, busy end of the week last week, and weekend! Plus, Rachel said she was hoping for some Tuesday blogging (Happy Reformation Day), along with an increase by 5% of my Disney stuffed animal collection. I’ll just start with the Tuesday blog.
First of all…I’m a little bit disappointed in the cute kid Halloween pictures posted on facebook- not that the kids weren’t cute (they are…VERY cute), but there just weren’t enough of the pics…c’mon parents, get those pictures posted.
And on the subject of Halloween. Gals…PUT SOME FLIPPIN CLOTHES ON. Jeez louise. I know that Halloween is the one night a year where it is somehow acceptable to wear next to nothing. But that doesn’t mean you have to or should. Good grief.
I never wrote about our rock star Friday a couple weeks ago. We got to see both The Black Keys AND Ryan Adams- in one night- for free. The new Microsoft store in U Village brought The Black Keys in for their grand opening. Brian took a day off work the day before to stand in line and get the tickets they were giving out. We got to the event on Friday evening there were appetizers being passed around on trays, free Jamba Juice, full slices of deep dish pizza, red carpet, etc. The Black Keys played for about an hour…it was a pretty small group of people in the event space. Very cool. Then, we ZIPPED over to Benaroya Hall for Ryan Adams. Catie gave us the VIP wristbands…which gave us 6th row seats. Wowzer. This was such an unbelievable way to experience Ryan Adams. 6th row at Benaroya Hall! He was funny, he played solo so everything was slow and pretty. It was definitely one of those once in a lifetime shows. Sigh just thinking about it. Thank you Catie!!
I’m a little bit sad that today is November 1, and I’m not even going to attempt NaNoWriMo this year. November is national novel writing month, and NaNoWriMo has a site for you to keep track of the number of words you’ve written, with 50,000 being the goal, over the course of the month. I have attempted the last few years. I haven’t ever made it…I think I am just too stinking busy, but it definitely gets me motivated to write. I’ve been receiving the NaNoWriMo prep emails and I just wish I was motivated this year to try.
This week is picture day for my basketball team. We decided on the name Shooting Fireballs, but then were told we had to have WNBA team name. Lame. So officially, we are the Chicago Sky, unofficially- SHOOTING FIREBALLS. We have had two weeks of practices and I have never had more than 5 girls show up to one practice (between soccer games, weekend trips, etc)…which makes it very difficult to do any scrimmaging. I’m a little (a lot) worried that my girls won’t know what to do in a game situation (I think this is everyone’s first year playing)…one more week before games start. Hopefully everyone will show up for pictures…
Brian and I missed Potluck last week. We missed for a few reason…first, I was just dead…work was exhausting me. I think last week was a combination of work stress, work being busy, and just the seasonal change-it definitely became seriously Autumn over the last two weeks…but I was very much lacking in energy and the motivation to DO anything. Plus, it was Game 6 of the World Series, which was an INCREDIBLE game. The whole World Series this year was pretty great. But Game 6 in particular…there was just no possibility of leaving the house while the game was in the state it was. But, we kept thinking we would make it to Potluck, so we made our dessert item in preparation of going. It was a Dia de los Muertos themed party….we made churros! I’ve never made churros before…they turned out pretty delicious. I’ve never really admitted to liking churros. They were one of those Disneyland snack treats that my family never bought, but I always secretly wanted. We would get the ice cream bars and the popcorn, but we never went for the churro.
That’s all I have for this Tuesday…
First of all…I’m a little bit disappointed in the cute kid Halloween pictures posted on facebook- not that the kids weren’t cute (they are…VERY cute), but there just weren’t enough of the pics…c’mon parents, get those pictures posted.
And on the subject of Halloween. Gals…PUT SOME FLIPPIN CLOTHES ON. Jeez louise. I know that Halloween is the one night a year where it is somehow acceptable to wear next to nothing. But that doesn’t mean you have to or should. Good grief.
I never wrote about our rock star Friday a couple weeks ago. We got to see both The Black Keys AND Ryan Adams- in one night- for free. The new Microsoft store in U Village brought The Black Keys in for their grand opening. Brian took a day off work the day before to stand in line and get the tickets they were giving out. We got to the event on Friday evening there were appetizers being passed around on trays, free Jamba Juice, full slices of deep dish pizza, red carpet, etc. The Black Keys played for about an hour…it was a pretty small group of people in the event space. Very cool. Then, we ZIPPED over to Benaroya Hall for Ryan Adams. Catie gave us the VIP wristbands…which gave us 6th row seats. Wowzer. This was such an unbelievable way to experience Ryan Adams. 6th row at Benaroya Hall! He was funny, he played solo so everything was slow and pretty. It was definitely one of those once in a lifetime shows. Sigh just thinking about it. Thank you Catie!!
I’m a little bit sad that today is November 1, and I’m not even going to attempt NaNoWriMo this year. November is national novel writing month, and NaNoWriMo has a site for you to keep track of the number of words you’ve written, with 50,000 being the goal, over the course of the month. I have attempted the last few years. I haven’t ever made it…I think I am just too stinking busy, but it definitely gets me motivated to write. I’ve been receiving the NaNoWriMo prep emails and I just wish I was motivated this year to try.
This week is picture day for my basketball team. We decided on the name Shooting Fireballs, but then were told we had to have WNBA team name. Lame. So officially, we are the Chicago Sky, unofficially- SHOOTING FIREBALLS. We have had two weeks of practices and I have never had more than 5 girls show up to one practice (between soccer games, weekend trips, etc)…which makes it very difficult to do any scrimmaging. I’m a little (a lot) worried that my girls won’t know what to do in a game situation (I think this is everyone’s first year playing)…one more week before games start. Hopefully everyone will show up for pictures…
Brian and I missed Potluck last week. We missed for a few reason…first, I was just dead…work was exhausting me. I think last week was a combination of work stress, work being busy, and just the seasonal change-it definitely became seriously Autumn over the last two weeks…but I was very much lacking in energy and the motivation to DO anything. Plus, it was Game 6 of the World Series, which was an INCREDIBLE game. The whole World Series this year was pretty great. But Game 6 in particular…there was just no possibility of leaving the house while the game was in the state it was. But, we kept thinking we would make it to Potluck, so we made our dessert item in preparation of going. It was a Dia de los Muertos themed party….we made churros! I’ve never made churros before…they turned out pretty delicious. I’ve never really admitted to liking churros. They were one of those Disneyland snack treats that my family never bought, but I always secretly wanted. We would get the ice cream bars and the popcorn, but we never went for the churro.
That’s all I have for this Tuesday…
Friday, October 21, 2011
Sigh*…my brain is beyond fried this week. There has been so much going on (mostly work related that is boring and I won’t get into), my brain feels like it has been moving nonstop…I can tell because I’ve been having lots of dreams and waking up throughout the nights. Take a rest, brain! It’s the weekend. Ohhh, it’s a busy, busy weekend…sigh*, maybe another time.
*Quick side note- I realize that much of the busy-ness is my doing and I love it. At moments it feels overwhelming, but I wouldn’t want it any other way- Occasionally I just need to sigh a little bit.
First, let me tell you how last week ended because I think it is worth noting and appreciating. Remember how I was commenting on how I don’t know that I would make caramel apples again because of the mess still a-waiting me in my kitchen- all over my kitchen? Well, right after work on Friday I had to go to a training at 826…it was an hour and a half long. Brian picked me up after and we stopped at Mr. Gyro’s for dinner and then went to the new ice cream place on Greenwood (which I actually didn’t totally love…boo)…then we went to my house. AND…Brian had cleaned the whole kitchen while I was at my training! Whaaat! Oh my gosh…what a SUPER fantastic and awesome surprise! Then…I walked further in the living room and there were my favorite flowers in a vase on the table! Yes! I actually felt a little sorry for the flowers because normally I would be so incredibly excited about them…I LOVE flowers…but I was just so thrilled about the clean kitchen, the flowers didn’t get the attention they deserved. Thanks Brian- you’re swell!
This week…
Another 826 field trip…a third grade class this week. It was crazy to me how different this class was from the second grade class last week. Since this is only the second field trip, it might have just been the particular classes versus the age…not sure. But the third grade class was like PULLING TEETH to get anything creative out of them. Every idea they came up with was just like ordinary life…the main character was a Bunny, he lived on a farm with other animals, liked to bounce and was looking for carrots. The volunteers worked hard to spice it up with the carrots being magical carrots that granted wishes, and the bunny can jump over tall buildings and long distances, etc…the kids seemed much more focused on what the other kids in their class were doing…many of the illustrations they did for their story was exactly the same as their neighbor. Do kids start losing that imagination and start worrying about what people think in between second and third grade? I asked my mom about it and she said she guessed it was just the particular class. I guess we will see next time.
On Tuesday night we went to a Theology Pub…one of our friends was giving a talk on Dante’s Divine Comedy. I thought it was super interesting. In the past few years I have been making an effort to read the ‘classics’, knowing that they are classics for a reason. Dante has been in the back of my mind for a while (ever since I encountered ‘Dante’s biggest fan’ in Florence who spends all his days reciting the Divine Comedy to whoever stops to listen), always seeming a little bit too intimidating. But hey, I read The Brothers K, which was SUPER intimidating, and actually liked it…so I think I can give this a try. Especially after the talk, and kind of having an idea of what to expect. I also really enjoy theological discussion in general, though sometimes think it can get a little bit pretentious… Gabriel handled all of the questions that came at him really, really well and never made it feel that way.
I am still on a bit of an ice cream making kick. Well, gelato…I still can’t bring myself to use full on heavy cream. This week we had another batch of the pumpkin- always a Fall favorite, nutella (chocolate-hazelnut) which tasted an awful lot like a frosty, and ‘harvest peach’…which was a bit of an experiment without a recipe. We wanted to do a fruit flavor and Brian suggested peaches…we got a can of peaches, I added a little bit of the juice from the can to the base mix, and then cut the peaches up into small pieces. Added some of the pumpkin pie spices, and called it Harvest Peach. It ended up being my favorite.
I had my first basketball practice with my 2nd/3rd grade girls team last night. Oh my. First of all, chaos. CHAOS. Everybody practices at the Boys and Girls Club (when I played, we practiced at different elementary schools), which means there are up to four teams practicing in one gym at the same time…so we only get a quarter of the court. And it is so loud. Basketballs flying everywhere. And…two of my girls got in a fight with each other. WHAT?! Oh my gosh, I was shocked. But overall, I think it went pretty well. We huddled up at the end and talked about what their favorite drills were, and they seemed to like just about everything. We all gave lots of high fives. And I gave them a homework assignment- to try and use their left hand at home as much as possible…eat with your left hand, brush your teeth with your left hand, etc…we want our left hand to be just as strong as our right hand. One girl refused. Oh well.
That’s this week’s report…have a super fantastic weekend!
*Quick side note- I realize that much of the busy-ness is my doing and I love it. At moments it feels overwhelming, but I wouldn’t want it any other way- Occasionally I just need to sigh a little bit.
First, let me tell you how last week ended because I think it is worth noting and appreciating. Remember how I was commenting on how I don’t know that I would make caramel apples again because of the mess still a-waiting me in my kitchen- all over my kitchen? Well, right after work on Friday I had to go to a training at 826…it was an hour and a half long. Brian picked me up after and we stopped at Mr. Gyro’s for dinner and then went to the new ice cream place on Greenwood (which I actually didn’t totally love…boo)…then we went to my house. AND…Brian had cleaned the whole kitchen while I was at my training! Whaaat! Oh my gosh…what a SUPER fantastic and awesome surprise! Then…I walked further in the living room and there were my favorite flowers in a vase on the table! Yes! I actually felt a little sorry for the flowers because normally I would be so incredibly excited about them…I LOVE flowers…but I was just so thrilled about the clean kitchen, the flowers didn’t get the attention they deserved. Thanks Brian- you’re swell!
This week…
Another 826 field trip…a third grade class this week. It was crazy to me how different this class was from the second grade class last week. Since this is only the second field trip, it might have just been the particular classes versus the age…not sure. But the third grade class was like PULLING TEETH to get anything creative out of them. Every idea they came up with was just like ordinary life…the main character was a Bunny, he lived on a farm with other animals, liked to bounce and was looking for carrots. The volunteers worked hard to spice it up with the carrots being magical carrots that granted wishes, and the bunny can jump over tall buildings and long distances, etc…the kids seemed much more focused on what the other kids in their class were doing…many of the illustrations they did for their story was exactly the same as their neighbor. Do kids start losing that imagination and start worrying about what people think in between second and third grade? I asked my mom about it and she said she guessed it was just the particular class. I guess we will see next time.
On Tuesday night we went to a Theology Pub…one of our friends was giving a talk on Dante’s Divine Comedy. I thought it was super interesting. In the past few years I have been making an effort to read the ‘classics’, knowing that they are classics for a reason. Dante has been in the back of my mind for a while (ever since I encountered ‘Dante’s biggest fan’ in Florence who spends all his days reciting the Divine Comedy to whoever stops to listen), always seeming a little bit too intimidating. But hey, I read The Brothers K, which was SUPER intimidating, and actually liked it…so I think I can give this a try. Especially after the talk, and kind of having an idea of what to expect. I also really enjoy theological discussion in general, though sometimes think it can get a little bit pretentious… Gabriel handled all of the questions that came at him really, really well and never made it feel that way.
I am still on a bit of an ice cream making kick. Well, gelato…I still can’t bring myself to use full on heavy cream. This week we had another batch of the pumpkin- always a Fall favorite, nutella (chocolate-hazelnut) which tasted an awful lot like a frosty, and ‘harvest peach’…which was a bit of an experiment without a recipe. We wanted to do a fruit flavor and Brian suggested peaches…we got a can of peaches, I added a little bit of the juice from the can to the base mix, and then cut the peaches up into small pieces. Added some of the pumpkin pie spices, and called it Harvest Peach. It ended up being my favorite.
I had my first basketball practice with my 2nd/3rd grade girls team last night. Oh my. First of all, chaos. CHAOS. Everybody practices at the Boys and Girls Club (when I played, we practiced at different elementary schools), which means there are up to four teams practicing in one gym at the same time…so we only get a quarter of the court. And it is so loud. Basketballs flying everywhere. And…two of my girls got in a fight with each other. WHAT?! Oh my gosh, I was shocked. But overall, I think it went pretty well. We huddled up at the end and talked about what their favorite drills were, and they seemed to like just about everything. We all gave lots of high fives. And I gave them a homework assignment- to try and use their left hand at home as much as possible…eat with your left hand, brush your teeth with your left hand, etc…we want our left hand to be just as strong as our right hand. One girl refused. Oh well.
That’s this week’s report…have a super fantastic weekend!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Need a nap....
An update- had our first field trip at 826 with a second grade class. Was hilarious. Reminded me of Turtle Talk with Crush at Disney. Kids say such funny things. Our story ended up being about a super hero dog- Super Dog, and his friends at school (Julie the cheetah, Stinker the skunk) Stinker was bullying Julie and took her lunch money…she was sad and ran away. Everyone went on a search to find her. Stinker climbed up to the roof and discovered she had run away to the Fremont Troll…which was bad news, because it happened to be the one day of the year that the troll comes to life. And that was the cliffhanger we left the kids with to finish. My favorite ending was the kid that decided the troll was only interested in finding a Subaru to crush, not hurting any of the animal kids. A Subaru in particular.
We made caramel apples for the northwest-themed potluck this week. They turned out tasty enough, but I don’t know that it would be a choice I would make again…my kitchen is currently a disaster from the preparation. Sticky caramel on many a-dish, on the countertops, pans. Then the food processor needs to be cleaned from the candy we crushed to add to the outsides. Dishes containing the various toppings (nuts, skor bar, and m&ms) spilling out on the counter and floor from rolling the apples over them…ahhh, big mess everywhere. But a fun treat and something new.
This week Brian and I did the Whole Foods Tuesday special…buy two of their take and bake pizzas for the price of one…so we get two big pizzas for $12. Which ends up being at least three meals for each of us (usually dinner, lunch, lunch). A few months ago, we were doing it often…great deal, good pizza, convenient, etc….but then we got tired of the pizza. So we hadn’t done it for a couple of months and just decided to go for it again this week. Ugh…just had my final slice for lunch today and it was all I could do to get it down. Probably not going to be doing that again for a while. I’m still feeling upset about my lunch today.
But on a positive note, tonight we will be (hopefully) stopping in at the new ice cream place that opened today in Greenwood. I could really go for some tasty ice cream, especially ice cream of a seasonal flavor.
Also on the weekend agenda…training at 826 tonight for working on college essays with high school kids, a fall festival tomorrow complete with a corn maze, u-pick apples, hay ride, and of course apple cider. Sounders game Sat night (still tickets available…go to the game!) and a crockpot party on Sunday (with some new homemade ice cream flavor attempts)…should be good.
Though at the moment, I’d just like a nap. Yawn.
We made caramel apples for the northwest-themed potluck this week. They turned out tasty enough, but I don’t know that it would be a choice I would make again…my kitchen is currently a disaster from the preparation. Sticky caramel on many a-dish, on the countertops, pans. Then the food processor needs to be cleaned from the candy we crushed to add to the outsides. Dishes containing the various toppings (nuts, skor bar, and m&ms) spilling out on the counter and floor from rolling the apples over them…ahhh, big mess everywhere. But a fun treat and something new.
This week Brian and I did the Whole Foods Tuesday special…buy two of their take and bake pizzas for the price of one…so we get two big pizzas for $12. Which ends up being at least three meals for each of us (usually dinner, lunch, lunch). A few months ago, we were doing it often…great deal, good pizza, convenient, etc….but then we got tired of the pizza. So we hadn’t done it for a couple of months and just decided to go for it again this week. Ugh…just had my final slice for lunch today and it was all I could do to get it down. Probably not going to be doing that again for a while. I’m still feeling upset about my lunch today.
But on a positive note, tonight we will be (hopefully) stopping in at the new ice cream place that opened today in Greenwood. I could really go for some tasty ice cream, especially ice cream of a seasonal flavor.
Also on the weekend agenda…training at 826 tonight for working on college essays with high school kids, a fall festival tomorrow complete with a corn maze, u-pick apples, hay ride, and of course apple cider. Sounders game Sat night (still tickets available…go to the game!) and a crockpot party on Sunday (with some new homemade ice cream flavor attempts)…should be good.
Though at the moment, I’d just like a nap. Yawn.
Friday, October 7, 2011
dancing, writing, basketball- oh my!
It has been a busy week…I’ve been fighting a bit of a stomach bug since Monday (missed Brian’s championship kickball game), but am finally feeling about 97%. Here’s the Friday Five…
- So I am a little bit embarrassed to say that I didn’t know about DonorsChoose before this week. Starbucks was giving away coupons from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for $10 to donate to the teacher project of your choice. Very cool on the part of the Gates, Starbucks, and all of those teachers that take the time to compose projects to enrich their student’s education. I’m embarrassed because it’s super cool and I wish I had been donating already, but even more so because my mom has two projects up! Jeez louise Mom! Anyway…if you received a coupon from Starbucks and don’t know who to put the certificate toward, or you just feel like it is important and want to donate your own money, here is my mom’s page: I also noticed, via facebook posts that some friends from high school that are now teachers have pages…I think this will be my monthly donation spot for a while.
- Last weekend Brian and I went to a dance party…it’s an annual event that his friends have…theme, costumes, pictures, music, dancing…you know, dance party. I was feeling a little nervous about it. I had been hearing about past dance parties, and it was something Brian was REALLY looking forward to (and I’m just not a big dancer)…this year’s theme was Hipster…which only made me more nervous…what does that mean? And I am a big fan of themes…so I didn’t want to half ass the costume. Brian decided on his costume almost immediately upon hearing the theme. I was still trying to decide the morning of. Luckily, Brian came up with a great idea, I made a quick run to JoAnn Fabrics and Fred Meyers…and voila, a hipster costume was made. Here we are.
Brian is Sufjan Stevens. I am Bon Iver (you know, a ‘Good Winter’). Party ended up being lots of fun…there was other stuff to do besides dance (chat, eat, photo booth, follow the soccer game), but I even found myself doing that some. AND, Brian and I won best costumes. Yes!
- I got a little reprieve from my stomachache on Tuesday evening during the Open Cup championship game. Maybe from adrenaline? I don’t know…because I was jumping up and down, stressed, nervous, excited…all things I would think might upset the stomach. Anyway…AWESOME game on Tuesday. Sounders won 2-0…though it probably should have been like 7-0 (maybe 7-1…Keller had a great bobble save near the end)- we took so many great shots and nothing was going in. So glad we finally got a couple of goals in the second half, because we completely dominated the game and it would have been pretty disappointing otherwise. Final regular season game is on October 15th…looks like they are going to sell out the entire CenturyLink field for the first time (usually the upper bowl is closed)…if you haven’t been to a game or not sure what you think about soccer…go buy a ticket for the last game and check it out!
- Had our ‘dress rehearsal’ at 826 for our upcoming Geoduck field trip that starts next Tuesday! There is a new Programs Coordinator, so he wanted to have some of the veterans of the field trip come in and give the newbies kind of a run through so we know what to expect on Tuesday. It sounds like it will be pretty fast-paced, chaotic, and a bit crazy…lots of different moving pieces…and then throw in 25 2nd graders…yikes! I’m excited for next week to see how it all plays out. I signed up to be trained as the typist…AKA, the one that actually writes the story from all of the kids’ ideas. Will definitely let you know how the real thing goes….eek!
- Finally, I signed up for some more volunteering (I’m anticipating a grey and dreary next several months…might as well spend it doing fun things with other people, right!)…this is something I have been wanting to do for several years, but always seem to remember about a month too late. I’m going to be coaching a basketball team at the Boys and Girls Club! I’ll be coaching a group of 2nd/3rd grade girls. We had a coaches meeting last night- were assigned our teams, and given any tools and resources we might need. Right now my team only has 6 gals on it…will definitely need to do some recruiting! Also, I’d love to have an assistant coach…anyone interested in helping? Our practices and games are Thursday early evenings and Saturday mornings. Something I totally forgot about when I signed up to coach…PICTURE DAY…oh, I can’t wait!
That’s it for this week….
- So I am a little bit embarrassed to say that I didn’t know about DonorsChoose before this week. Starbucks was giving away coupons from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for $10 to donate to the teacher project of your choice. Very cool on the part of the Gates, Starbucks, and all of those teachers that take the time to compose projects to enrich their student’s education. I’m embarrassed because it’s super cool and I wish I had been donating already, but even more so because my mom has two projects up! Jeez louise Mom! Anyway…if you received a coupon from Starbucks and don’t know who to put the certificate toward, or you just feel like it is important and want to donate your own money, here is my mom’s page: I also noticed, via facebook posts that some friends from high school that are now teachers have pages…I think this will be my monthly donation spot for a while.
- Last weekend Brian and I went to a dance party…it’s an annual event that his friends have…theme, costumes, pictures, music, dancing…you know, dance party. I was feeling a little nervous about it. I had been hearing about past dance parties, and it was something Brian was REALLY looking forward to (and I’m just not a big dancer)…this year’s theme was Hipster…which only made me more nervous…what does that mean? And I am a big fan of themes…so I didn’t want to half ass the costume. Brian decided on his costume almost immediately upon hearing the theme. I was still trying to decide the morning of. Luckily, Brian came up with a great idea, I made a quick run to JoAnn Fabrics and Fred Meyers…and voila, a hipster costume was made. Here we are.

- I got a little reprieve from my stomachache on Tuesday evening during the Open Cup championship game. Maybe from adrenaline? I don’t know…because I was jumping up and down, stressed, nervous, excited…all things I would think might upset the stomach. Anyway…AWESOME game on Tuesday. Sounders won 2-0…though it probably should have been like 7-0 (maybe 7-1…Keller had a great bobble save near the end)- we took so many great shots and nothing was going in. So glad we finally got a couple of goals in the second half, because we completely dominated the game and it would have been pretty disappointing otherwise. Final regular season game is on October 15th…looks like they are going to sell out the entire CenturyLink field for the first time (usually the upper bowl is closed)…if you haven’t been to a game or not sure what you think about soccer…go buy a ticket for the last game and check it out!
- Had our ‘dress rehearsal’ at 826 for our upcoming Geoduck field trip that starts next Tuesday! There is a new Programs Coordinator, so he wanted to have some of the veterans of the field trip come in and give the newbies kind of a run through so we know what to expect on Tuesday. It sounds like it will be pretty fast-paced, chaotic, and a bit crazy…lots of different moving pieces…and then throw in 25 2nd graders…yikes! I’m excited for next week to see how it all plays out. I signed up to be trained as the typist…AKA, the one that actually writes the story from all of the kids’ ideas. Will definitely let you know how the real thing goes….eek!
- Finally, I signed up for some more volunteering (I’m anticipating a grey and dreary next several months…might as well spend it doing fun things with other people, right!)…this is something I have been wanting to do for several years, but always seem to remember about a month too late. I’m going to be coaching a basketball team at the Boys and Girls Club! I’ll be coaching a group of 2nd/3rd grade girls. We had a coaches meeting last night- were assigned our teams, and given any tools and resources we might need. Right now my team only has 6 gals on it…will definitely need to do some recruiting! Also, I’d love to have an assistant coach…anyone interested in helping? Our practices and games are Thursday early evenings and Saturday mornings. Something I totally forgot about when I signed up to coach…PICTURE DAY…oh, I can’t wait!
That’s it for this week….
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Still alive...
I know you have been waiting on the edge of your seat to find out if the squirrel was waiting for me when I got home…she was not. Not yet anyway. I’m sure she is plotting away in some nearby tree, watching and keeping track of my schedule. Yikes.
- We had movie night last week and watched one of my favs…Adventures in Babysitting. I couldn’t believe how many of the people at movie night hadn’t ever seen it…I mean, it’s a classic…that was one that I watched over and over again as a kid. It has been my only Thor reference until the movie came out this year. We served babysitting classics…mac and cheese and chocolate milk.
- This past weekend was the Seattle Public Library book sale…which I always put on my calendar as soon as the dates are announced…I get so excited for it. The sale is held at Magnussen Park in one of the giant warehouses…and contains boxes and boxes and tables and tables, and rooms and rooms of books. Thousands…maybe a million (I have no idea…they seem to go on forever)…and hardbacks are all $2, regular books $1. One dollar for books! Most of my literary collection (other than the Bobbsey Twins, Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew series that my mom saved for me) has come from the library book sale. I was a little pickier this year, and only spent about $40. I did almost complete my collection of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I think I still need one or two more.
- My mom and I bought a 90-minute bartending class on Groupon together and used it this weekend. the class was held at Wine World, just off the 45th St exit. I’ve driven past Wine World many times and don’t know how I haven’t stopped in…it’s huge…an entire WORLD of wine. And to be fair, wine accessories. Anyway…the class was taught by a guy with a heavy French accent that gave most of his attention to my mom. Granted, she was quite the participator…answering his questions and coming up with her own…it was pretty funny to watch. Also funny to watch (I’m sure) was me knocking my glass and shaker over multiple times, making a huge mess all over our work space. Luckily it was just water that we practiced with. We made one real drink…which I think came out pretty well…the key is good produce. Looking forward to doing some more experimenting over the holidays.
- I’ve seen a few movies lately…saw the PJ20 movie at the Cinerama last week. It’s a Pearl Jam documentary, written and directed by Cameron Crowe. It was great…I would definitely recommend seeing it. I think the greatest part was the audience though…we did go to the 10:30pm showing the night it was released, so the theater was full of people that LIVE for Pearl Jam. There was a lot of clapping, yelling, etc…very fun. I have seen Pearl Jam live twice, I think, and definitely didn’t know a whole lot about them, so the movie was pretty interesting. Also saw a documentary about a Formula One racecar driver- Senna. Considering I have next to no interest in race car driving, and all of the footage was from the 80’s and 90’s, I was surprised that I stayed interested throughout the whole thing. It was playing at The Crest…for $3…so you really can’t beat that. Also saw Moneyball…the new Brad Pitt movie. Brian was pretty pumped for it-it is one of his favorite books…we had a nice little double date with his parents. It’s a true story about the Oakland A’s using baseball statistics to manage the team…good stuff.
Last M's game of the season (for us) tonight...
I think that’s all for now…have a great week!
- We had movie night last week and watched one of my favs…Adventures in Babysitting. I couldn’t believe how many of the people at movie night hadn’t ever seen it…I mean, it’s a classic…that was one that I watched over and over again as a kid. It has been my only Thor reference until the movie came out this year. We served babysitting classics…mac and cheese and chocolate milk.
- This past weekend was the Seattle Public Library book sale…which I always put on my calendar as soon as the dates are announced…I get so excited for it. The sale is held at Magnussen Park in one of the giant warehouses…and contains boxes and boxes and tables and tables, and rooms and rooms of books. Thousands…maybe a million (I have no idea…they seem to go on forever)…and hardbacks are all $2, regular books $1. One dollar for books! Most of my literary collection (other than the Bobbsey Twins, Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew series that my mom saved for me) has come from the library book sale. I was a little pickier this year, and only spent about $40. I did almost complete my collection of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I think I still need one or two more.
- My mom and I bought a 90-minute bartending class on Groupon together and used it this weekend. the class was held at Wine World, just off the 45th St exit. I’ve driven past Wine World many times and don’t know how I haven’t stopped in…it’s huge…an entire WORLD of wine. And to be fair, wine accessories. Anyway…the class was taught by a guy with a heavy French accent that gave most of his attention to my mom. Granted, she was quite the participator…answering his questions and coming up with her own…it was pretty funny to watch. Also funny to watch (I’m sure) was me knocking my glass and shaker over multiple times, making a huge mess all over our work space. Luckily it was just water that we practiced with. We made one real drink…which I think came out pretty well…the key is good produce. Looking forward to doing some more experimenting over the holidays.
- I’ve seen a few movies lately…saw the PJ20 movie at the Cinerama last week. It’s a Pearl Jam documentary, written and directed by Cameron Crowe. It was great…I would definitely recommend seeing it. I think the greatest part was the audience though…we did go to the 10:30pm showing the night it was released, so the theater was full of people that LIVE for Pearl Jam. There was a lot of clapping, yelling, etc…very fun. I have seen Pearl Jam live twice, I think, and definitely didn’t know a whole lot about them, so the movie was pretty interesting. Also saw a documentary about a Formula One racecar driver- Senna. Considering I have next to no interest in race car driving, and all of the footage was from the 80’s and 90’s, I was surprised that I stayed interested throughout the whole thing. It was playing at The Crest…for $3…so you really can’t beat that. Also saw Moneyball…the new Brad Pitt movie. Brian was pretty pumped for it-it is one of his favorite books…we had a nice little double date with his parents. It’s a true story about the Oakland A’s using baseball statistics to manage the team…good stuff.
Last M's game of the season (for us) tonight...
I think that’s all for now…have a great week!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Squirrel Attack!
I was very nearly attacked by a squirrel this morning, and I don’t feel safe returning home tonight. More on that later….
- I went to the downtown Sumner Wine Walk on Saturday with my mom and one of her wine bar friends. It is $20…you get a little souvenir wine glass and six tasting tickets (we bought extras, because there were about 12 tastings). A bunch of the cute little shops along Main St have tastings, ‘appetizers’, along with City of Sumner trivia questions (rhubarb pie capital of the world…who knew). I know there are lots of sweet little ‘main streets’ around, but if you do happen to be in Sumner for some reason, it really is a cute area with lots of darling little shops (if you are in the market for holiday decorations…woo-eee…shop to your hearts content).
- Monday night I planned to drop Brian off at his kickball game and then go for a much needed run (I am SO out of running shape…ish)…but the team was short on people at the start of the game, so I was recruited to fill in until other members showed up. I like playing kickball, but this team makes me a little nervous- for two reasons. First, they are good. They win games by high scores. They throw the ball really hard at the basemen (basepeople). Second, the last time I filled in for them, I had about the worst game ever and I am pretty sure they never wanted me to play again. Anyway…all was fine…I played a few innings- no big mistakes, but boy was I sore the next two days from sprinting to first base. Yikes, yet another reason I need to get back to running.
- Went to the Mariners game on Tuesday against the Yankees. It was a nice night for a game, not because it was warm and sunny, but because it was cooler, and the sky was dark, and it just felt crisp and Fall-y….but still without rain. Also cool thing about the game- Mariano Rivera got his 600th career save (aka, the M’s lost), putting him one save away from the record set by Trevor Hoffman. It was disappointing that there wasn’t any acknowledgment of the accomplishment at the game, but his teammates all went out to the mound and congratulated him, which was cool.
- Last night was Potluck…which really is something I look forward to every other week (not that I only look forward to it biweekly- it only happens biweekly). A few things I look forward to- I like having an excuse to make something…it usually ends up being a dessert, and it is fun to search for something new to try, that will actually get eaten and not leave me to eat an entire pie by myself.
There is usually some kind of game involved (last night we played A-Z which was SO fun, and I have already done a search for it to buy it myself). And, I really, truly enjoy the people involved. Anyway…the point of this point, was to display our Potluck contribution from last night. The theme was cheeseburgers. We brought dessert. How cute are these?! Nilla wafers, grasshopper cookies, green food coloring on coconut, frosting, etc…
And finally…back to the squirrel.
As I was walking down the pathway from my house to the street, I noticed a squirrel a little ways ahead in the middle of the path. I slowed down a bit, to give it time to scamper away. It didn’t scamper. Then a little baby squirrel came hopping over to where I was standing. I backed up a little, and it moved forward…right onto my feet. I backed up, it hopped back on…apparently really wanting to sit on my feet. Sooo, I ran. To the backyard, and the baby ran behind the fence. I peeked around the corner of the house, waiting for the big squirrel (clearly mom), still standing in the middle of the path- in an attack pounce position at this point (she may have snarled with fierce teeth displayed)- to go away (all the while I am getting later and later for work). Finally, after a few moments, she ran in the same direction as her baby, behind the fence. I decided to make a run for it…as I passed the end of the fence, I looked back…and there was the mom squirrel- WAITING FOR ME AT THE EDGE OF THE FENCE. I was paralyzed with fear for a brief moment, and then continued the sprint to the safety of the street…it was terrifying. I’m a little bit nervous about what traps that mom squirrel might be plotting for my return home after work. I am pretty sure the baby squirrel had me mistaken for a Disney Princess, and was hoping I would sing it a song if it sat on my feet.
That's all.
- I went to the downtown Sumner Wine Walk on Saturday with my mom and one of her wine bar friends. It is $20…you get a little souvenir wine glass and six tasting tickets (we bought extras, because there were about 12 tastings). A bunch of the cute little shops along Main St have tastings, ‘appetizers’, along with City of Sumner trivia questions (rhubarb pie capital of the world…who knew). I know there are lots of sweet little ‘main streets’ around, but if you do happen to be in Sumner for some reason, it really is a cute area with lots of darling little shops (if you are in the market for holiday decorations…woo-eee…shop to your hearts content).
- Monday night I planned to drop Brian off at his kickball game and then go for a much needed run (I am SO out of running shape…ish)…but the team was short on people at the start of the game, so I was recruited to fill in until other members showed up. I like playing kickball, but this team makes me a little nervous- for two reasons. First, they are good. They win games by high scores. They throw the ball really hard at the basemen (basepeople). Second, the last time I filled in for them, I had about the worst game ever and I am pretty sure they never wanted me to play again. Anyway…all was fine…I played a few innings- no big mistakes, but boy was I sore the next two days from sprinting to first base. Yikes, yet another reason I need to get back to running.
- Went to the Mariners game on Tuesday against the Yankees. It was a nice night for a game, not because it was warm and sunny, but because it was cooler, and the sky was dark, and it just felt crisp and Fall-y….but still without rain. Also cool thing about the game- Mariano Rivera got his 600th career save (aka, the M’s lost), putting him one save away from the record set by Trevor Hoffman. It was disappointing that there wasn’t any acknowledgment of the accomplishment at the game, but his teammates all went out to the mound and congratulated him, which was cool.
- Last night was Potluck…which really is something I look forward to every other week (not that I only look forward to it biweekly- it only happens biweekly). A few things I look forward to- I like having an excuse to make something…it usually ends up being a dessert, and it is fun to search for something new to try, that will actually get eaten and not leave me to eat an entire pie by myself.
There is usually some kind of game involved (last night we played A-Z which was SO fun, and I have already done a search for it to buy it myself). And, I really, truly enjoy the people involved. Anyway…the point of this point, was to display our Potluck contribution from last night. The theme was cheeseburgers. We brought dessert. How cute are these?! Nilla wafers, grasshopper cookies, green food coloring on coconut, frosting, etc…
And finally…back to the squirrel.
As I was walking down the pathway from my house to the street, I noticed a squirrel a little ways ahead in the middle of the path. I slowed down a bit, to give it time to scamper away. It didn’t scamper. Then a little baby squirrel came hopping over to where I was standing. I backed up a little, and it moved forward…right onto my feet. I backed up, it hopped back on…apparently really wanting to sit on my feet. Sooo, I ran. To the backyard, and the baby ran behind the fence. I peeked around the corner of the house, waiting for the big squirrel (clearly mom), still standing in the middle of the path- in an attack pounce position at this point (she may have snarled with fierce teeth displayed)- to go away (all the while I am getting later and later for work). Finally, after a few moments, she ran in the same direction as her baby, behind the fence. I decided to make a run for it…as I passed the end of the fence, I looked back…and there was the mom squirrel- WAITING FOR ME AT THE EDGE OF THE FENCE. I was paralyzed with fear for a brief moment, and then continued the sprint to the safety of the street…it was terrifying. I’m a little bit nervous about what traps that mom squirrel might be plotting for my return home after work. I am pretty sure the baby squirrel had me mistaken for a Disney Princess, and was hoping I would sing it a song if it sat on my feet.
That's all.
Friday, September 9, 2011
It looks like summer is planning to stick around a bit longer. It definitely took some time to get here, but I think we have actually had a pretty decent summer…which I hope means we will have a decent winter. I’d really like to get some snow this year. But that’s getting a little ahead of things…
Had such a fun time at rodeo this year. It had been several years since I attended, and as always, it reminded me of what amazing friends my mom has. This group of people (who we have been hanging out with since I was 5 or 6), despite all the random life happenings and changes, still manage to make each other a priority and keep traditions going. I know everyone wishes they saw each other more often, but every time we are able to get together, it’s as if no time has passed and friendships are still strong. Those are special kinds of friendships. One of my favorite Dinner Club memories…I was 12, I think…we were going into our first Christmas after my mom’s divorce…and the group surprised us with fun little gifts on our front porch for the 12 Days of Christmas. Each morning when we woke up there was a new little package outside…I don’t remember what the presents were (I do remember the 8th day…the ‘maids a-milking’ day, there were eight different flavors of school lunch sized milks…yum!), but I do remember being overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of the group. I always hoped and prayed that when I grew up I would have friends like them. The cool thing is that as I’ve grown up (though I still insist on staying in the kids gift exchange!), they have become my friends too.
In other news…
- I have started volunteering! It shouldn’t be as big of a deal as it is…I should have already been volunteering. But I wasn’t, and now I am, and I am so excited about it. I am volunteering with 826 Seattle, which is a non-profit writing center for students 6-18, that helps develop their creative writing skills. It is also a tutoring center- all subjects, not just writing. They do tutoring, in-school projects, field trips, weekend workshops, etc. And just really FUN activities to get kids excited about writing. Starting in October, I will be volunteering with a field trip…I’ll be doing the Geoduck field trip, which is for grades 1-3…they are tasked, by a ‘grouchy publisher’, to write an original, interesting story as a group…or there will be trouble! The group develops characters and the story line together, and then each kid is able to independently write their own ending. Each kid gets to take home a bound and ‘published’ copy of their very own story. So cool. Also so cool, is the storefront of 826…it is a Space Travel Supply Company with lots of fun merchandise. Check it out:
- I finally started using Spotify…a little bit. Have heard lots of great things, decided I needed some tunes at work while I was alphabetizing…but then once I had it up, I had the hardest time thinking of anything I wanted to listen to! I also haven’t had any time to play around with it and create playlists or anything, since I have only used it at work, and am, of course, working hard! So this is still a discovery in process.
-Saw the movie Crazy Stupid Love this week. I almost completely really liked it. Cast is Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, and Emma Stone. The movie felt very genuine. There were some pretty sad parts, that were lightened up a bit with comedy…but not in a silly or stupid way, or a way that took away from the seriousness of the material…which I think is pretty realistic. There was one story line in the movie that I didn’t like at all…it was completely unnecessary to the story and took away from the rest of it. But other than that, I really enjoyed this movie!
-Also recently finished the book One Day (there is a movie out right now with Anne Hathaway)…I haven’t seen the movie, but I HATED the book. That’s a strong word. There really wasn’t anything I enjoyed about the book. The characters weren't likeable (Emma- the Anne Hatheway character- is likeable for parts of the story). The ending was awful. I wish I could give it away so I could talk about how awful the ending was. I should have stopped reading it early on, but I just kept thinking that something redeeming HAD to happen. But no.
That’s all for now…have a super weekend!
Had such a fun time at rodeo this year. It had been several years since I attended, and as always, it reminded me of what amazing friends my mom has. This group of people (who we have been hanging out with since I was 5 or 6), despite all the random life happenings and changes, still manage to make each other a priority and keep traditions going. I know everyone wishes they saw each other more often, but every time we are able to get together, it’s as if no time has passed and friendships are still strong. Those are special kinds of friendships. One of my favorite Dinner Club memories…I was 12, I think…we were going into our first Christmas after my mom’s divorce…and the group surprised us with fun little gifts on our front porch for the 12 Days of Christmas. Each morning when we woke up there was a new little package outside…I don’t remember what the presents were (I do remember the 8th day…the ‘maids a-milking’ day, there were eight different flavors of school lunch sized milks…yum!), but I do remember being overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of the group. I always hoped and prayed that when I grew up I would have friends like them. The cool thing is that as I’ve grown up (though I still insist on staying in the kids gift exchange!), they have become my friends too.
In other news…
- I have started volunteering! It shouldn’t be as big of a deal as it is…I should have already been volunteering. But I wasn’t, and now I am, and I am so excited about it. I am volunteering with 826 Seattle, which is a non-profit writing center for students 6-18, that helps develop their creative writing skills. It is also a tutoring center- all subjects, not just writing. They do tutoring, in-school projects, field trips, weekend workshops, etc. And just really FUN activities to get kids excited about writing. Starting in October, I will be volunteering with a field trip…I’ll be doing the Geoduck field trip, which is for grades 1-3…they are tasked, by a ‘grouchy publisher’, to write an original, interesting story as a group…or there will be trouble! The group develops characters and the story line together, and then each kid is able to independently write their own ending. Each kid gets to take home a bound and ‘published’ copy of their very own story. So cool. Also so cool, is the storefront of 826…it is a Space Travel Supply Company with lots of fun merchandise. Check it out:
- I finally started using Spotify…a little bit. Have heard lots of great things, decided I needed some tunes at work while I was alphabetizing…but then once I had it up, I had the hardest time thinking of anything I wanted to listen to! I also haven’t had any time to play around with it and create playlists or anything, since I have only used it at work, and am, of course, working hard! So this is still a discovery in process.
-Saw the movie Crazy Stupid Love this week. I almost completely really liked it. Cast is Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, and Emma Stone. The movie felt very genuine. There were some pretty sad parts, that were lightened up a bit with comedy…but not in a silly or stupid way, or a way that took away from the seriousness of the material…which I think is pretty realistic. There was one story line in the movie that I didn’t like at all…it was completely unnecessary to the story and took away from the rest of it. But other than that, I really enjoyed this movie!
-Also recently finished the book One Day (there is a movie out right now with Anne Hathaway)…I haven’t seen the movie, but I HATED the book. That’s a strong word. There really wasn’t anything I enjoyed about the book. The characters weren't likeable (Emma- the Anne Hatheway character- is likeable for parts of the story). The ending was awful. I wish I could give it away so I could talk about how awful the ending was. I should have stopped reading it early on, but I just kept thinking that something redeeming HAD to happen. But no.
That’s all for now…have a super weekend!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
mid week catch up
Could it really be the weather that has me feeling a little bummed out? I can’t imagine that it is, but after the gorgeous week we had last week, my contemplative mood seems to have accompanied the grey skies that rolled in early this week. Though I do have to say, every time I step outside and breathe in the cool air, I get images of apple cider, carving pumpkins, cozy sweaters, and feel a little bit excited for all that!
Lots going on since my last post…
- I stubbed my toe on a raised sidewalk last Sunday. I was wearing flip flops and just stubbed it. It was really gross- bloody and bruised and oozy. Yuck. It hurt, but mostly it was just gross…and I was mad at myself for being so clumsy and ruining our perfectly planned day. Brian was patient with my over reacting and made me clean it even though I refused. I had it bandaged up all week- made it look much more dramatic than it actually was- but it seems to be healing up now.
- I started reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I’m not sure how I missed reading those when I was younger! Currently I’m reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I’m so excited to have a great series to spend some time with…I love series…getting attached to characters…my fav. Also really excited that Brian is reading the Hunger Games series…he finished the first book and has started the second. Fun to relive those as he goes.
- Last Wednesday we spent movie night out at Marymoor park for ET. I hadn’t seen that movie is SUCH a long time…definitely caught stuff that I hadn’t noticed before. Marymoor has had a pretty great ‘movies in the park’ lineup this summer…tonight they are showing Up!. Costs $5 to get in, parking is $1 (don’t be fooled by the website that says parking is an additional fee, and think maybe you should find somewhere else to park…it is only $1!) Kettle corn was popping (and smelling delicious), there was a random pirate walking around talking with people and taking pics. It was a nice movie night field trip!
- I went to the Sounders game on Saturday! I have never been super into soccer, but following the Sounders is so much fun! Brian has season tickets and a couple of people he sits with couldn’t go, so his mom and I were the lucky recipients of the tickets. The weather was awesome (almost a bit too warm, since we were sitting- excuse me- standing (!) right in the sun the whole time), Sounders won 6-2…Lamar, from Fed Way, got a hat trick. (Even though I don’t know Lamar at all, my little sis is good pals with him, so I feel connected and proud of him and so happy when he plays well.)
- Speaking of my sister, we went down to her house last weekend for dinner and to hang out with Landin and meet little Bella. We were meant to go swimming at the pool near their place- Landin was PUMPED, and could barely wait for us to get our swimsuits on…and then the pool was closed for maintenance. Ohhh, the poor kid was so disappointed. His head hung, and his little shoulders drooped. It was very cute. But, we made it up to him with hours of hide and seek and sardines play. I think there were some puzzles in there as well.
- Sunday night we finally celebrated my birthday (my birthday present anyway), and went to see Jeff Bridges at Chateau Ste Michelle. Oh my, we were not prepared for a show out there! Show was scheduled to start at 7…we figured doors would be at 6, got there about 6:15. The place was PACKED…full of people with their little lawn chairs, and actual tables- complete with tablecloths, silverware, and gourmet picnic spreads. It was impressive. They brought their own little wine glass holders- to keep them from spilling on the ground…we showed up with a blanket, and some Taco Time. I made Brian hold the Taco Time bag. Show was great- Jeff Bridges is an entertainer, for sure! Certainly not an old pro musician (his lead guitar player had to remind him to re-tune after he took the capo off), but quite the entertainer.
Okay…I suppose that is it for now. Super excited for this weekend…headed back to Ellensburg for the ol rodeo!
Lots going on since my last post…
- I stubbed my toe on a raised sidewalk last Sunday. I was wearing flip flops and just stubbed it. It was really gross- bloody and bruised and oozy. Yuck. It hurt, but mostly it was just gross…and I was mad at myself for being so clumsy and ruining our perfectly planned day. Brian was patient with my over reacting and made me clean it even though I refused. I had it bandaged up all week- made it look much more dramatic than it actually was- but it seems to be healing up now.
- I started reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I’m not sure how I missed reading those when I was younger! Currently I’m reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I’m so excited to have a great series to spend some time with…I love series…getting attached to characters…my fav. Also really excited that Brian is reading the Hunger Games series…he finished the first book and has started the second. Fun to relive those as he goes.
- Last Wednesday we spent movie night out at Marymoor park for ET. I hadn’t seen that movie is SUCH a long time…definitely caught stuff that I hadn’t noticed before. Marymoor has had a pretty great ‘movies in the park’ lineup this summer…tonight they are showing Up!. Costs $5 to get in, parking is $1 (don’t be fooled by the website that says parking is an additional fee, and think maybe you should find somewhere else to park…it is only $1!) Kettle corn was popping (and smelling delicious), there was a random pirate walking around talking with people and taking pics. It was a nice movie night field trip!
- I went to the Sounders game on Saturday! I have never been super into soccer, but following the Sounders is so much fun! Brian has season tickets and a couple of people he sits with couldn’t go, so his mom and I were the lucky recipients of the tickets. The weather was awesome (almost a bit too warm, since we were sitting- excuse me- standing (!) right in the sun the whole time), Sounders won 6-2…Lamar, from Fed Way, got a hat trick. (Even though I don’t know Lamar at all, my little sis is good pals with him, so I feel connected and proud of him and so happy when he plays well.)
- Speaking of my sister, we went down to her house last weekend for dinner and to hang out with Landin and meet little Bella. We were meant to go swimming at the pool near their place- Landin was PUMPED, and could barely wait for us to get our swimsuits on…and then the pool was closed for maintenance. Ohhh, the poor kid was so disappointed. His head hung, and his little shoulders drooped. It was very cute. But, we made it up to him with hours of hide and seek and sardines play. I think there were some puzzles in there as well.
- Sunday night we finally celebrated my birthday (my birthday present anyway), and went to see Jeff Bridges at Chateau Ste Michelle. Oh my, we were not prepared for a show out there! Show was scheduled to start at 7…we figured doors would be at 6, got there about 6:15. The place was PACKED…full of people with their little lawn chairs, and actual tables- complete with tablecloths, silverware, and gourmet picnic spreads. It was impressive. They brought their own little wine glass holders- to keep them from spilling on the ground…we showed up with a blanket, and some Taco Time. I made Brian hold the Taco Time bag. Show was great- Jeff Bridges is an entertainer, for sure! Certainly not an old pro musician (his lead guitar player had to remind him to re-tune after he took the capo off), but quite the entertainer.
Okay…I suppose that is it for now. Super excited for this weekend…headed back to Ellensburg for the ol rodeo!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A random Saturday
Sitting in a coffee shop, munching on a spinach feta croissant and sipping a latte. The windows are wide open because it's beautiful outside. I'm really excited to waste my morning away sitting here and doing nothing in particular.
I've been doing an abundance of blog reading has been a little bit slow this week and I have just had this pull to read about other people's lives. I don't know. You can keep up with friends lives without actually seeing or talking to them through facebook, with their random status updates and pictures, but blogs- it's almost like you are actually talking to people because they are writing about thoughts and upcoming plans and decisions...not just those short bits of info in a status update. I used to hate blogs....but now I love them. Maybe because it is a piece of technology that doesn't require brevity. I wish more of my friends wrote blogs. I wish my mom wrote a blog. Maybe I just wish more of my friends and my mom lived closer...then I wouldn't wish for a blog, but wish that they were sitting with me at this coffee shop.
A few things weighing on my mind recently...
Yesterday the West Memphis Three were freed. I knew a little bit about the case previously just because Eddie Vedder was a supporter of the three guys and had helped with fundraising for their defense, etc. I never read anything about general, I feel like Eddie Vedder is a pretty socially conscious person and if he supports something, he has looked into the information, and it is probably something important. Then I saw the headline yesterday and read the first article that popped up on my yahoo email was a horribly written article that took bits of facts and wrote about them out of context (as happens in the news, I know) left me really confused. I read a few other articles and then felt better about the freeing of the guys. If you aren't familiar, in 1993 three 8-yr old boys were killed, in an awful way (don't read those details...I did and it hasn't left my mind since) and three 17 yr old boys were convicted- one put on death row, the others with life sentences. Many people believed the boys were wrongly convicted and that there wasn't any evidence to support it...they spent almost 20 years in prison fighting it. There was a documentary made about it called Paradise Lost:The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills. I don't think I will watch it, but it is supposed to be really good.
So while I think it is probably a good thing that these three men were let go, I just can't stop thinking about the three little boys (who would now be almost my age) that were killed. The details...that someone could do that to kids. It makes me think of my nieces and nephew, the kids I babysat...and I really just can't get past it. How can people abuse kids? They are so innocent and trusting and dependent on those older than them. It makes you never want to let kids out of your sight....I don't know how parents do they aren't just constantly consumed with worry. I am a worrier in general, I always have been, and it is something I am constantly working on. I think I am pretty good about recognizing a silly worry, praying about it, and letting it go. With my own stuff, I can give it over to God knowing that I have no control and will be able to find the strength to deal with whatever does come along....but I just can't imagine being able to do that with kids...because bad things happen to kids. Bad things happen to grown ups, but grown ups can understand that bad things shouldn't happen, but do. Kids are just so trusting. Sigh...I really need to let this one go...
On a MUCH lighter note, but apartment is still such a mess. I have unpacked the boxes, but the place has never been fully put together. It is possible to walk through (unlike the obstacle course it used to be), but it isn't possible to walk through without stepping on stuff. I hate it. I hate being at home. I know I just need to suck it up and clean it. Just spend a good, solid day getting it together...but my schedule is so busy...those rare moments where I'm not scheduled for something- I want to spend it sitting in a coffee shop, playing catch, or reading a book....not cleaning. Not to mention that summer has finally arrived and I sure don't want to spend a sunny day inside.
And finally, on my mind....I have been thinking and looking more and more into going back to school. Getting my masters and becoming a teacher. Or a school counselor. A few things holding me back...obviously the money for school...though I have always told myself I would never not do something because of money. I can ALWAYS figure out a way to make that work. But But more importantly, I think it would be such a frustrating occupation. My mom is a teacher and my mom is PASSIONATE about public education. She is SO involved in efforts to make necessary positive changes. She is on countless committees and travels all over the US for conferences...she is an incredible speaker and has such a gift for motivating people. And I have watched her do this for years and years and years...and I don't know how she continues to stay positive. With every small step forward, there are 3 huge steps back. She keeps saying it HAS to get better. I am afraid to get into a career that I go home frustrated with every day. I want to be a teacher so I can get kids excited about learning...let them see all of the unbelievably cool things they are capable of...not tell them that they failed a stupid test that in no way measured their intelligence. Sometimes I think maybe I should just stick with babysitting...parents appreciate creative projects. Though I suppose the kids that I babysit for aren't the ones that are in need...they have parents that encourage and provide opportunities. And I guess rather than seeing the frustrations my mom faces, I should notice the fact that she HAS managed to stay positive and does continue to care, and has been a teacher for twenty some must be worth it.
That is all for now...I hope you are having a super great weekend...also, if you have a blog, send it along to me, I want to read it!
I've been doing an abundance of blog reading has been a little bit slow this week and I have just had this pull to read about other people's lives. I don't know. You can keep up with friends lives without actually seeing or talking to them through facebook, with their random status updates and pictures, but blogs- it's almost like you are actually talking to people because they are writing about thoughts and upcoming plans and decisions...not just those short bits of info in a status update. I used to hate blogs....but now I love them. Maybe because it is a piece of technology that doesn't require brevity. I wish more of my friends wrote blogs. I wish my mom wrote a blog. Maybe I just wish more of my friends and my mom lived closer...then I wouldn't wish for a blog, but wish that they were sitting with me at this coffee shop.
A few things weighing on my mind recently...
Yesterday the West Memphis Three were freed. I knew a little bit about the case previously just because Eddie Vedder was a supporter of the three guys and had helped with fundraising for their defense, etc. I never read anything about general, I feel like Eddie Vedder is a pretty socially conscious person and if he supports something, he has looked into the information, and it is probably something important. Then I saw the headline yesterday and read the first article that popped up on my yahoo email was a horribly written article that took bits of facts and wrote about them out of context (as happens in the news, I know) left me really confused. I read a few other articles and then felt better about the freeing of the guys. If you aren't familiar, in 1993 three 8-yr old boys were killed, in an awful way (don't read those details...I did and it hasn't left my mind since) and three 17 yr old boys were convicted- one put on death row, the others with life sentences. Many people believed the boys were wrongly convicted and that there wasn't any evidence to support it...they spent almost 20 years in prison fighting it. There was a documentary made about it called Paradise Lost:The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills. I don't think I will watch it, but it is supposed to be really good.
So while I think it is probably a good thing that these three men were let go, I just can't stop thinking about the three little boys (who would now be almost my age) that were killed. The details...that someone could do that to kids. It makes me think of my nieces and nephew, the kids I babysat...and I really just can't get past it. How can people abuse kids? They are so innocent and trusting and dependent on those older than them. It makes you never want to let kids out of your sight....I don't know how parents do they aren't just constantly consumed with worry. I am a worrier in general, I always have been, and it is something I am constantly working on. I think I am pretty good about recognizing a silly worry, praying about it, and letting it go. With my own stuff, I can give it over to God knowing that I have no control and will be able to find the strength to deal with whatever does come along....but I just can't imagine being able to do that with kids...because bad things happen to kids. Bad things happen to grown ups, but grown ups can understand that bad things shouldn't happen, but do. Kids are just so trusting. Sigh...I really need to let this one go...
On a MUCH lighter note, but apartment is still such a mess. I have unpacked the boxes, but the place has never been fully put together. It is possible to walk through (unlike the obstacle course it used to be), but it isn't possible to walk through without stepping on stuff. I hate it. I hate being at home. I know I just need to suck it up and clean it. Just spend a good, solid day getting it together...but my schedule is so busy...those rare moments where I'm not scheduled for something- I want to spend it sitting in a coffee shop, playing catch, or reading a book....not cleaning. Not to mention that summer has finally arrived and I sure don't want to spend a sunny day inside.
And finally, on my mind....I have been thinking and looking more and more into going back to school. Getting my masters and becoming a teacher. Or a school counselor. A few things holding me back...obviously the money for school...though I have always told myself I would never not do something because of money. I can ALWAYS figure out a way to make that work. But But more importantly, I think it would be such a frustrating occupation. My mom is a teacher and my mom is PASSIONATE about public education. She is SO involved in efforts to make necessary positive changes. She is on countless committees and travels all over the US for conferences...she is an incredible speaker and has such a gift for motivating people. And I have watched her do this for years and years and years...and I don't know how she continues to stay positive. With every small step forward, there are 3 huge steps back. She keeps saying it HAS to get better. I am afraid to get into a career that I go home frustrated with every day. I want to be a teacher so I can get kids excited about learning...let them see all of the unbelievably cool things they are capable of...not tell them that they failed a stupid test that in no way measured their intelligence. Sometimes I think maybe I should just stick with babysitting...parents appreciate creative projects. Though I suppose the kids that I babysit for aren't the ones that are in need...they have parents that encourage and provide opportunities. And I guess rather than seeing the frustrations my mom faces, I should notice the fact that she HAS managed to stay positive and does continue to care, and has been a teacher for twenty some must be worth it.
That is all for now...I hope you are having a super great weekend...also, if you have a blog, send it along to me, I want to read it!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
San Fran!
Returned late last night from six full days in San Fran (you have to drop the ‘cisco part, or you have tourist written all over you…duh). What a fantastic, full week…here is a recap via highs and lows…
HIGH: Seeing Jessica and Luke…I have missed them o-so much…so much fun to visit and have adventures with friends in a new city…thanks for the invite and organizing!!
High: A gorgeous day for a baseball game at one of the nicest parks in baseball…immediately upon arrival to the city (I guess not immediately- we did drop our stuff off), we went to a Giants game- it was a 12:30 afternoon game, hence our 6am flight out of Seattle…the things we do for a baseball game, right. The stadium overlooks the water, and the view actually makes it tough to watch the game. It was windy, and certainly not warm, but the sun was out and the water was sparkling.
Low: That feeling you get once the travel adrenaline has run out and your body remembers it woke up at 3:45am. Oh, and the walk back from the game to the apartment under an overpass…a long walk without any pretty sights. A nap was very much needed.
High: Finding a Banksy in Chinatown. There is street art ALL over the city, and we figured there must be a Banksy somewhere…looked it up and discovered there was record of a few sprinkled around…on our first day of city adventuring (we walked from our place through downtown, Chinatown, North Beach, to Fisherman’s Wharf in the first part of the day), we found one in Chinatown. Of all the locations we went to, this was the only one that still existed (as far as we could tell anyway…maybe others were hidden from our sight). The discovery was exciting, as both Brian and I separately discovered the street art thing (my first intro to it was in Paris on an Urban Art tour through a meetup group I was in…was so interesting to me). As a side note- check out Exit Through the Gift Shop to get an idea of street art and Banksy in particular.
Low: Finding that the others on our list had been painted over…bummer.
High: Tartine in the Mission. A super yummy bakery recommended by a pal. I enjoyed some kind of blueberry almond tart thing and Brian had a piece of lemon meringue pie…both were amazing…I really would have liked to try everything in the case, as well as sat and had a sandwich with a coffee and people watch…had every intention of returning for more, but never was able. Boo…probably need to make a special trip out to West Seattle for a Bakery Nouveau delight very soon.
Low/High: Sea Lions at Fisherman’s Wharf…both hilarious and disgusting. The smell was not delightful, but the playing and barking were.
Moving on to the festival:
- Waaaay overcrowded…it definitely felt like they oversold the festival. There were 3 main stages and it always felt like every stage was beyond its max.
- Weather on the first day was fuuuh-reezing. I knew it wasn’t going to be warm, and was prepared with a few layers, but that first day was borderline miserable with the cold dampness.
- The stages were set up too low. I don’t know what height a normal stage is set up at- how high above the crowd it is, how much the landscape makes a difference, or how much variance there is in a festival setting versus a regular show, etc…but this isn’t the first year of the festival- they aren’t rookies figuring stuff out. Only one of the three main stages was set at a height where the crowd could see anything, viewing from beyond the first small section. The actual main stage, where the headliners played, was not the one good stage. It was tough to see anything.
- The food…this was also a food festival, and the food booths were comprised of local restaurants and cafes…I had read some descriptions ahead of time and was suuuper excited for some good eats…and it was just eh. On the second day we actually stopped at Safeway on our way to the festival to grab sandwiches there. There were a couple of exceptions (to be found in the ‘highs’ area).
- Muni (the bus) rides home after the shows with a bajillion other people…hot and cramped.
- Thinking I was going to die from being squished near the front, for Arcade Fire- people just seem to forget there are other people.
- Well, obviously being AT a music festival…definite high (speaking of festival highs, insert joke about the illegal substances being smoked everywhere…I would say especially the day that Phish played, but really, it was all three days).
- The weather on day 2 and 3 was amazing…chilly in the morning and colder at night, but the daytime was warm without ever getting uncomfortably hot.
- The park was SUCH a beautiful setting for the shows. It was at Golden Gate Park, which is GIGANTIC, and each stage area was surrounded by trees…it was really pretty.
- Catching Rhett Miller performing solo in a little tent that I didn’t even know existed…he is so dreamy.
- Music highlights included: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (way to represent Seattle- such a fun show and pretty full considering it was the first show of the day), OK GO (lots of fun), Black Keys, Mavis Staples (couldn’t make it to church on Sunday, but who needs it when Mavis is singing…and a guest appearance by Win from Arcade Fire on a song), Josh Ritter, John Fogerty (just no end to the hits!), Decemberists (oh the dramatics…and little Sara Watkins from Nickel Creek!), Muse (pretty epic as the headliner the second night…), and Arcade Fire (minus the near death part at the beginning, they put on quite a show…it’s so great to see a band that genuinely seems like they are having fun up there and bring so much energy to this job they do night after night)….
- The Barbary tent…I think this space was missed by most…included random variety act-type entertainment…we made it for several different comedians.
- Sports tent…you don’t find that at most arts festivals…there were tvs with all the different games on, then air hockey, pop a shot, and other games. They also brought in the World Series trophy for pictures a few different times. We definitely found ourselves there a few times, to catch up on scores, warm up, and play some games in the downtime.
- On the third day, we realized the Food Truck Forest was probably the best place to get GOOD food…since the food truck is their THING (whereas the restaurants were cooking out of a booth…not their usual thing)…had a fried chicken sandwich with jalepeno slaw that was bomb. Also the Epic Cookies were pretty delicious. And the mini cupcakes- probably the best deal…$1 per cupcake…probably 9 different flavors. My fav was the blueberries and cream.
And our last day in Ess Eff- our flight took off at 8pm last night, so we had most of the day.
High: Renting bikes to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge- sooo exciting!
Low: Riding bikes in HILLY S.F…ohhh, there was definitely some walking the bike up the hills, and some soreness to follow.
High: Coming home. I loved the trip- really, the highs soooo, soooo outweighed any kind of low…but I love that I was excited to get home. That I have adventures and people here to look forward to pretty much every day (some might say overscheduled…), and a job that I don’t dread returning from vacation to…I’m a pretty lucky gal!
HIGH: Seeing Jessica and Luke…I have missed them o-so much…so much fun to visit and have adventures with friends in a new city…thanks for the invite and organizing!!
High: A gorgeous day for a baseball game at one of the nicest parks in baseball…immediately upon arrival to the city (I guess not immediately- we did drop our stuff off), we went to a Giants game- it was a 12:30 afternoon game, hence our 6am flight out of Seattle…the things we do for a baseball game, right. The stadium overlooks the water, and the view actually makes it tough to watch the game. It was windy, and certainly not warm, but the sun was out and the water was sparkling.
Low: That feeling you get once the travel adrenaline has run out and your body remembers it woke up at 3:45am. Oh, and the walk back from the game to the apartment under an overpass…a long walk without any pretty sights. A nap was very much needed.
High: Finding a Banksy in Chinatown. There is street art ALL over the city, and we figured there must be a Banksy somewhere…looked it up and discovered there was record of a few sprinkled around…on our first day of city adventuring (we walked from our place through downtown, Chinatown, North Beach, to Fisherman’s Wharf in the first part of the day), we found one in Chinatown. Of all the locations we went to, this was the only one that still existed (as far as we could tell anyway…maybe others were hidden from our sight). The discovery was exciting, as both Brian and I separately discovered the street art thing (my first intro to it was in Paris on an Urban Art tour through a meetup group I was in…was so interesting to me). As a side note- check out Exit Through the Gift Shop to get an idea of street art and Banksy in particular.
Low: Finding that the others on our list had been painted over…bummer.
High: Tartine in the Mission. A super yummy bakery recommended by a pal. I enjoyed some kind of blueberry almond tart thing and Brian had a piece of lemon meringue pie…both were amazing…I really would have liked to try everything in the case, as well as sat and had a sandwich with a coffee and people watch…had every intention of returning for more, but never was able. Boo…probably need to make a special trip out to West Seattle for a Bakery Nouveau delight very soon.
Low/High: Sea Lions at Fisherman’s Wharf…both hilarious and disgusting. The smell was not delightful, but the playing and barking were.
Moving on to the festival:
- Waaaay overcrowded…it definitely felt like they oversold the festival. There were 3 main stages and it always felt like every stage was beyond its max.
- Weather on the first day was fuuuh-reezing. I knew it wasn’t going to be warm, and was prepared with a few layers, but that first day was borderline miserable with the cold dampness.
- The stages were set up too low. I don’t know what height a normal stage is set up at- how high above the crowd it is, how much the landscape makes a difference, or how much variance there is in a festival setting versus a regular show, etc…but this isn’t the first year of the festival- they aren’t rookies figuring stuff out. Only one of the three main stages was set at a height where the crowd could see anything, viewing from beyond the first small section. The actual main stage, where the headliners played, was not the one good stage. It was tough to see anything.
- The food…this was also a food festival, and the food booths were comprised of local restaurants and cafes…I had read some descriptions ahead of time and was suuuper excited for some good eats…and it was just eh. On the second day we actually stopped at Safeway on our way to the festival to grab sandwiches there. There were a couple of exceptions (to be found in the ‘highs’ area).
- Muni (the bus) rides home after the shows with a bajillion other people…hot and cramped.
- Thinking I was going to die from being squished near the front, for Arcade Fire- people just seem to forget there are other people.
- Well, obviously being AT a music festival…definite high (speaking of festival highs, insert joke about the illegal substances being smoked everywhere…I would say especially the day that Phish played, but really, it was all three days).
- The weather on day 2 and 3 was amazing…chilly in the morning and colder at night, but the daytime was warm without ever getting uncomfortably hot.
- The park was SUCH a beautiful setting for the shows. It was at Golden Gate Park, which is GIGANTIC, and each stage area was surrounded by trees…it was really pretty.
- Catching Rhett Miller performing solo in a little tent that I didn’t even know existed…he is so dreamy.
- Music highlights included: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (way to represent Seattle- such a fun show and pretty full considering it was the first show of the day), OK GO (lots of fun), Black Keys, Mavis Staples (couldn’t make it to church on Sunday, but who needs it when Mavis is singing…and a guest appearance by Win from Arcade Fire on a song), Josh Ritter, John Fogerty (just no end to the hits!), Decemberists (oh the dramatics…and little Sara Watkins from Nickel Creek!), Muse (pretty epic as the headliner the second night…), and Arcade Fire (minus the near death part at the beginning, they put on quite a show…it’s so great to see a band that genuinely seems like they are having fun up there and bring so much energy to this job they do night after night)….
- The Barbary tent…I think this space was missed by most…included random variety act-type entertainment…we made it for several different comedians.
- Sports tent…you don’t find that at most arts festivals…there were tvs with all the different games on, then air hockey, pop a shot, and other games. They also brought in the World Series trophy for pictures a few different times. We definitely found ourselves there a few times, to catch up on scores, warm up, and play some games in the downtime.
- On the third day, we realized the Food Truck Forest was probably the best place to get GOOD food…since the food truck is their THING (whereas the restaurants were cooking out of a booth…not their usual thing)…had a fried chicken sandwich with jalepeno slaw that was bomb. Also the Epic Cookies were pretty delicious. And the mini cupcakes- probably the best deal…$1 per cupcake…probably 9 different flavors. My fav was the blueberries and cream.
And our last day in Ess Eff- our flight took off at 8pm last night, so we had most of the day.
High: Renting bikes to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge- sooo exciting!
Low: Riding bikes in HILLY S.F…ohhh, there was definitely some walking the bike up the hills, and some soreness to follow.
High: Coming home. I loved the trip- really, the highs soooo, soooo outweighed any kind of low…but I love that I was excited to get home. That I have adventures and people here to look forward to pretty much every day (some might say overscheduled…), and a job that I don’t dread returning from vacation to…I’m a pretty lucky gal!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Happy Friday- 8/5
Another busy week- I actually can’t believe it is already Friday. Just a quick follow up- Sonics night at the Mariner game was awesome. The actual game was not so awesome…but Sonics night WAS.
1. Seafair is upon us…which is a busy time around Seattle…lots of different events- parades, fun runs, the hydroplane races, pirates, etc….but nothing says Seafair to me more than the Blue Angels. As a kid, I remember hearing those thundering engines in the sky and SPRINTING out to the deck at my dad’s house, completely overjoyed to watch the Blue Angels practice. Every year it was a shock to me when it was happening-being that I was a kid and didn’t realize this happened the same time every year, or really what time of year it was. I also didn’t realize that the Blue Angels weren’t just our own special Seattle gift. Literally, it was college when I found out they fly in cities all over. Anyway…I bring this up because the Blue Angels came into our office this week! True, it was mostly the maintenance crew, which doesn’t sound quite as exciting…BUT, there were a couple pilots, AND even if it was only the maintenance crew, it was still thrilling! They were like celebrities…we were all gathered around them in awe in the lobby. They were o-so nice and humored us with answers to all of our silly questions.
2. Well, the Bahama Bombers kickball season came to an end Tuesday night. We had a playoff game against a team we had already beat in the regular season- we were feeling good, confident…we had magic marker and glitter signs made and hung on our dugout, we had a cheering section (my mom came out to the game!), a full team of players…all was looking promising. We scored 5 runs in our first inning…how could we lose? But we did. Final score was 12-10…and I’m not one to place blame on the ump usually…but as Brian said in a ‘pep talk’ in the 5th inning…’clearly we are playing the Seahawks Super Bowl game here’…there were some bad calls made that changed not just the momentum of the game, but were game changers. It took away some of the fun of playing. We made some mistakes, for sure…but we were a better team and should have won the game. Boo. Oh well, it’s just kickball, right.
3. Yesterday half of my work day was spent in a First Aid/CPR class…which I was PUMPED to be able to take. I’m a bit of a worrier, in general…I’m not a pessimist by any means, but I do expect that accidents will happen at some point- I definitely prefer to feel like I am prepared for unexpected situations. The last time I took CPR was 8th grade health, and it seems that there have been some changes since then…such as using an AED (automated external defibrillator), which we got to practice with on dummies! It is also just reassuring to get re-trained in the proper ways to handle certain situations…like choking. That was always one of those babysitting anxiety things for me…with as much babysitting as I did, I was sure that at some point I would have to do the Heimlich (haven’t yet…) Also learning the differences between adult, child, and infant CPR and choking procedures. I babysat a little girl for a while that had an extreme dairy allergy…I knew where the epi pens were, and I had read the directions several times…but it still always made me nervous that I would have to use one and not know if I was doing it right. Our trainer had actual training epi pens…the real thing without a needle…so we could see what it feels like and do the actual steps. Cool.
4. Another treat from yesterday (CPR being the first treat), was heading down to the Snoqualmie Casino for an outdoor show with the Beach Boys! Awesome! It was for Brian’s dad’s birthday…so the four of us spent the evening out in the sunshine, listening, singing and dancing to those loveable Beach Boys. Brian’s dad has seen them play several different times, so he gave us the 411 about the current band before we got there. Apparently there is only one original member of the Boys still in the band- Mike Love (plus the ‘6th Beach Boy’- Bruce Johnston). Mike Love is the one that I think of when I think of the Beach Boys because of his/their appearances on Full House. We were really hoping Jesse and the Rippers would be opening the show…no such luck, though there was a John Stamos reference- which was good enough for me. The combination of great people watching, familiar songs, beautiful evening, and of course, lovely company made for such a fun night!
5. Forgot to mention earlier in the post about last weekend’s show…we went to the CD release party for Bryan John Appleby out at the Columbia City Theatre. Really like the new album…definitely recommend checking it out, and recommend going to a show…he is great. He is playing at the Tractor on August 19th- if you can, go see him. Also, tonight after work is a free show at the Mural in the Seattle Center with the Maldives, Hey Marseilles (haven’t seen them play in so, so long- very excited!) and the Black Whales. Should be a fun evening- hoping the sun manages to break through the morning clouds!
All for now…have a great weekend!
1. Seafair is upon us…which is a busy time around Seattle…lots of different events- parades, fun runs, the hydroplane races, pirates, etc….but nothing says Seafair to me more than the Blue Angels. As a kid, I remember hearing those thundering engines in the sky and SPRINTING out to the deck at my dad’s house, completely overjoyed to watch the Blue Angels practice. Every year it was a shock to me when it was happening-being that I was a kid and didn’t realize this happened the same time every year, or really what time of year it was. I also didn’t realize that the Blue Angels weren’t just our own special Seattle gift. Literally, it was college when I found out they fly in cities all over. Anyway…I bring this up because the Blue Angels came into our office this week! True, it was mostly the maintenance crew, which doesn’t sound quite as exciting…BUT, there were a couple pilots, AND even if it was only the maintenance crew, it was still thrilling! They were like celebrities…we were all gathered around them in awe in the lobby. They were o-so nice and humored us with answers to all of our silly questions.
2. Well, the Bahama Bombers kickball season came to an end Tuesday night. We had a playoff game against a team we had already beat in the regular season- we were feeling good, confident…we had magic marker and glitter signs made and hung on our dugout, we had a cheering section (my mom came out to the game!), a full team of players…all was looking promising. We scored 5 runs in our first inning…how could we lose? But we did. Final score was 12-10…and I’m not one to place blame on the ump usually…but as Brian said in a ‘pep talk’ in the 5th inning…’clearly we are playing the Seahawks Super Bowl game here’…there were some bad calls made that changed not just the momentum of the game, but were game changers. It took away some of the fun of playing. We made some mistakes, for sure…but we were a better team and should have won the game. Boo. Oh well, it’s just kickball, right.
3. Yesterday half of my work day was spent in a First Aid/CPR class…which I was PUMPED to be able to take. I’m a bit of a worrier, in general…I’m not a pessimist by any means, but I do expect that accidents will happen at some point- I definitely prefer to feel like I am prepared for unexpected situations. The last time I took CPR was 8th grade health, and it seems that there have been some changes since then…such as using an AED (automated external defibrillator), which we got to practice with on dummies! It is also just reassuring to get re-trained in the proper ways to handle certain situations…like choking. That was always one of those babysitting anxiety things for me…with as much babysitting as I did, I was sure that at some point I would have to do the Heimlich (haven’t yet…) Also learning the differences between adult, child, and infant CPR and choking procedures. I babysat a little girl for a while that had an extreme dairy allergy…I knew where the epi pens were, and I had read the directions several times…but it still always made me nervous that I would have to use one and not know if I was doing it right. Our trainer had actual training epi pens…the real thing without a needle…so we could see what it feels like and do the actual steps. Cool.
4. Another treat from yesterday (CPR being the first treat), was heading down to the Snoqualmie Casino for an outdoor show with the Beach Boys! Awesome! It was for Brian’s dad’s birthday…so the four of us spent the evening out in the sunshine, listening, singing and dancing to those loveable Beach Boys. Brian’s dad has seen them play several different times, so he gave us the 411 about the current band before we got there. Apparently there is only one original member of the Boys still in the band- Mike Love (plus the ‘6th Beach Boy’- Bruce Johnston). Mike Love is the one that I think of when I think of the Beach Boys because of his/their appearances on Full House. We were really hoping Jesse and the Rippers would be opening the show…no such luck, though there was a John Stamos reference- which was good enough for me. The combination of great people watching, familiar songs, beautiful evening, and of course, lovely company made for such a fun night!
5. Forgot to mention earlier in the post about last weekend’s show…we went to the CD release party for Bryan John Appleby out at the Columbia City Theatre. Really like the new album…definitely recommend checking it out, and recommend going to a show…he is great. He is playing at the Tractor on August 19th- if you can, go see him. Also, tonight after work is a free show at the Mural in the Seattle Center with the Maldives, Hey Marseilles (haven’t seen them play in so, so long- very excited!) and the Black Whales. Should be a fun evening- hoping the sun manages to break through the morning clouds!
All for now…have a great weekend!
Friday, July 29, 2011
what a week...
Oh my, it has been a busy, busy week….and yet, somehow has just dragged onnnnnn…but, Friday has arrived….
1. Sunday afternoon Brian and I drove down to Troutdale, Oregon, to the Edgefield- one of the many wonderful McMenamins properties. I had noticed they had an outdoor amphitheater on previous visits, but hadn’t ever been to a show there (Ian played in the winery when I went down there last year). After checking out their lineup, I realized I should probably just move down there for the summer, because I’d be thrilled to see just about every show they had booked! We were already planning to see Fleet Foxes at their next Seattle show, but decided to hit this one instead. If you haven’t ever been to Edgefield, I’d totally recommend it- show or no show. They have a winery, a brewery, and a distillery…something like 5 different bars on site, that are all super cute (the bar in my parents backyard is themed after one of them). They also have a movie theater onsite, a spa with a salt water soaking pool…and the hotel itself is charming and quirky. I really love it. Anyway…saw the Fleet Foxes…which was so, so good. They always just SOUND so good. The weather was amazing, we made friends with some people on the grass that shared their blanket with us, ate pizza, drank McMenamins beer, the opener (Alela Diane) was great....It really couldn’t have been any better at all.
2. Early Monday morning, I woke up to the LOUDEST, so completely frightening noise there at Edgefield. The idea of a bomb actually crossed my mind, though I thought it more likely a plane crash, since there is an airport right there. I mean, it was so loud, and went on for a good little while. I went out to the window, and caught an actual bolt of lightning…not just the sky lighting up like the lightning we usually get in the PNW, but an actual bolt. So apparently the loud noise was just thunder. There were a few more rounds of it- but nothing like that first one. Then it downpoured for a few minutes…it was a legitimate mid-summer thunderstorm. Which was super cool, because we just don’t get those very often. And then it stopped- the sun came out, and you’d never know it had happened.
3. Wednesday was movie night…movie of the week was Free Willy. I saw this at the theater when I was…what- 8 years old?…I adopted a whale after seeing it, because they had that number at the end of the credits to call and adopt. I mean, how could you resist after sitting through that Michael Jackson song, watching the whales frolic in the ocean?? (I recently found the adoption certificate for my whale- part of the J-pod- when I was cleaning out my storage unit). We like to provide some kind of themed snack to go with the movie…but are also working on sticking to a budget, so we opted out of going all out for this particular night…we had some Swedish fish on the table for snacking, and then took a break halfway through for some Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream. Mmmmm.
4. Thursday night was the Bahama Bombers last regular season kickball game. We weren’t feeling especially confident going into the game, as we were playing the undefeated first place team in our league, and we were missing some players, and were coming off a 20-1 loss the week before (ouch, that one hurt)…but we were going to give it our all and play our best. Actually ended up being a super fun game! We had probably our best defensive games of the year (held the undefeated team to 5 runs!)…unfortunately our kicking skills didn’t match our defense, and they shut us out. But…I think we left feeling a lot more confident going in to playoffs- seeing how well we could play out in the field. Playoffs start next week…not sure the schedule yet…should be fun!
5. So…lots of fun stuff this week…but TONIGHT…tonight is the highlight of the week…it is Sonics appreciation night at the Mariner’s game. Yes! Check out the lineup of players that are going to be there: Downtown Freddie Brown, Michael Cage, Tom Chambers, Dale Ellis, Hersey Hawkins, George Karl, Shawn Kemp, Gary Payton, Detlef Schrempf (who I ran the St Paddy’s Day dash with…no big deal), Jack Sikma, Slick Watts, Lenny Wilkens, and more! Luckily, I recently pulled out all my old Sonics gear while I was clearing out the storage unit…so I have jerseys, t-shirts, fleeces, and sweatbands galore! I considered bringing along the BBQ set or lunch box that we had as a giveaway at some point…but thought that might be a hindrance to my wild yelling and cheering. Needless to say, I’m pumped, and I miss the Sonics.
Hope you have a great weekend!
1. Sunday afternoon Brian and I drove down to Troutdale, Oregon, to the Edgefield- one of the many wonderful McMenamins properties. I had noticed they had an outdoor amphitheater on previous visits, but hadn’t ever been to a show there (Ian played in the winery when I went down there last year). After checking out their lineup, I realized I should probably just move down there for the summer, because I’d be thrilled to see just about every show they had booked! We were already planning to see Fleet Foxes at their next Seattle show, but decided to hit this one instead. If you haven’t ever been to Edgefield, I’d totally recommend it- show or no show. They have a winery, a brewery, and a distillery…something like 5 different bars on site, that are all super cute (the bar in my parents backyard is themed after one of them). They also have a movie theater onsite, a spa with a salt water soaking pool…and the hotel itself is charming and quirky. I really love it. Anyway…saw the Fleet Foxes…which was so, so good. They always just SOUND so good. The weather was amazing, we made friends with some people on the grass that shared their blanket with us, ate pizza, drank McMenamins beer, the opener (Alela Diane) was great....It really couldn’t have been any better at all.
2. Early Monday morning, I woke up to the LOUDEST, so completely frightening noise there at Edgefield. The idea of a bomb actually crossed my mind, though I thought it more likely a plane crash, since there is an airport right there. I mean, it was so loud, and went on for a good little while. I went out to the window, and caught an actual bolt of lightning…not just the sky lighting up like the lightning we usually get in the PNW, but an actual bolt. So apparently the loud noise was just thunder. There were a few more rounds of it- but nothing like that first one. Then it downpoured for a few minutes…it was a legitimate mid-summer thunderstorm. Which was super cool, because we just don’t get those very often. And then it stopped- the sun came out, and you’d never know it had happened.
3. Wednesday was movie night…movie of the week was Free Willy. I saw this at the theater when I was…what- 8 years old?…I adopted a whale after seeing it, because they had that number at the end of the credits to call and adopt. I mean, how could you resist after sitting through that Michael Jackson song, watching the whales frolic in the ocean?? (I recently found the adoption certificate for my whale- part of the J-pod- when I was cleaning out my storage unit). We like to provide some kind of themed snack to go with the movie…but are also working on sticking to a budget, so we opted out of going all out for this particular night…we had some Swedish fish on the table for snacking, and then took a break halfway through for some Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream. Mmmmm.
4. Thursday night was the Bahama Bombers last regular season kickball game. We weren’t feeling especially confident going into the game, as we were playing the undefeated first place team in our league, and we were missing some players, and were coming off a 20-1 loss the week before (ouch, that one hurt)…but we were going to give it our all and play our best. Actually ended up being a super fun game! We had probably our best defensive games of the year (held the undefeated team to 5 runs!)…unfortunately our kicking skills didn’t match our defense, and they shut us out. But…I think we left feeling a lot more confident going in to playoffs- seeing how well we could play out in the field. Playoffs start next week…not sure the schedule yet…should be fun!
5. So…lots of fun stuff this week…but TONIGHT…tonight is the highlight of the week…it is Sonics appreciation night at the Mariner’s game. Yes! Check out the lineup of players that are going to be there: Downtown Freddie Brown, Michael Cage, Tom Chambers, Dale Ellis, Hersey Hawkins, George Karl, Shawn Kemp, Gary Payton, Detlef Schrempf (who I ran the St Paddy’s Day dash with…no big deal), Jack Sikma, Slick Watts, Lenny Wilkens, and more! Luckily, I recently pulled out all my old Sonics gear while I was clearing out the storage unit…so I have jerseys, t-shirts, fleeces, and sweatbands galore! I considered bringing along the BBQ set or lunch box that we had as a giveaway at some point…but thought that might be a hindrance to my wild yelling and cheering. Needless to say, I’m pumped, and I miss the Sonics.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wait, it isn't Friday....
I’m back…it’s time for a blog entry. Every morning I ease my way into the workday by glancing through various blogs for a few minutes (just a few!). And then remind myself that I need to get my own blog written. This happens every single day. And yet, I just can’t seem to get one posted. Here you go, finally.
1. I have given up on Summer for the year. It’s okay, I’m not upset about it. I generally take the optimistic approach to most things, but I’ve concluded that when it comes to sunshine (or snow, for that matter) in Seattle, it is better not to expect or hope for it, and be pleasantly surprised when it makes an appearance. Like today, for example. I am (still) without internet at home…and currently without the aid of a smart phone…so I looked out the window this morning to decide what to wear…the sky was grey, there was some fog, the ground was still wet from the rain yesterday…so I layered up with a long sleeve shirt. And what do you know…bright blue skies, 75 degrees. What a lovely surprise! I don’t expect the same tomorrow…but I will check the weather before I go home today, so I can dress appropriately.
2. The Bahama Bombers kickball season is in full swing. We are over halfway through the season, and playoffs are looming. We are currently holding our best record in Bombers history at 2-2. It’s exciting…but oh, the pressure. No. Not really at all…it has been a super fun season. We have a bunch of new players on the team this year, which has caused a lot less stress come game day when people start canceling- we always have a full roster. And we also have the opportunity to move people around in different positions and try different kicking strategies.
3. Try to contain your excitement with my next bit of news…there is now a Potbelly’s IN Seattle! Whaaaa? I know, it’s a dream come true. Potbelly’s (just in case you aren’t familiar) is a sandwich place from Chicago. They are ALL over Chicago, and was the first place I had lunch when I moved there (right before heading to Wrigley for my first Cubs game). It is tough to describe the delight of Potbelly’s…they are a much better Quiznos- toasted sammys. While the sandwiches are great, the true gems are the cookies. They are certainly at homemade cookie level, and possibly on the upper end of all homemade cookies. The next time you are downtown, give it a try. Looks like they are also planning to open one in Bellevue soon.
4. I have been to a couple of movies lately…seriously, I love going to movies…it never gets old. Doesn’t even really matter what movie (I get disappointed with bad movies because of the price of the ticket…but still enjoy being there)- it really is the experience….the smell of popcorn, snacks-sneaking ice cream in is the best, finding the center seat, your shoes getting stuck to the sticky floor (I don’t actually love that part),etc…love going to a movie. There are certainly better theaters, which I have only started realizing and appreciating due to Brian’s theater needs. We went and saw Super 8 at the Science Center Imax…which was absolutely the best place to see it. Such a nostalgic, fun film…fantastic casting! Saw the final Harry Potter this weekend at the Cinerama…which is for sure the go-to theater for big releases…PLUS, the snacks are super cheap! Was very happy with the final HP…sad that it is over, though I definitely didn’t feel the same mourning as when I finished the last book. That really was the ‘ending’ for me….the movies were fun to watch, but were never UNBELIEVABLE. But I definitely left the theater satisfied. Also recently saw Midnight in Paris. Which was not at all what I expected. I hadn’t seen any previews and didn’t know what it was supposed to be about…I just knew it was a Woody Allen film, so would probably have some weird sexual elements to the story, that it had an interesting mix of actors, and that it was in Paris…and really, I don’t care how cheesy it could have been, I would have seen it just for scenes of Paris. But it turned out to be a great movie! Really fun concept…a few things could have been done better (I think), but overall, REALLY liked and recommend it.
5. I’m sure after my last few posts you have imagined me kicking back in my new apartment, all put together and organized by this point (I mean, I have lived there for 2.5 months now)….BUT, no. Still boxes. Don’t get me wrong…there has been a significant amount of time and work put into it…there is just SO MUCH STUFF. But, this is the week…it will be 92.7% complete after this week. I have gotten to the point where I am tired of going through boxes, so it is much easier to just get rid of stuff. There will be several trips to the Goodwill in the next couple of days. I can’t wait to be done. Can’t wait for the area between the kitchen and my bedroom (also known as the living room) to not be an obstacle course- this is the week.
There you have it. Enjoy the sunshine.
1. I have given up on Summer for the year. It’s okay, I’m not upset about it. I generally take the optimistic approach to most things, but I’ve concluded that when it comes to sunshine (or snow, for that matter) in Seattle, it is better not to expect or hope for it, and be pleasantly surprised when it makes an appearance. Like today, for example. I am (still) without internet at home…and currently without the aid of a smart phone…so I looked out the window this morning to decide what to wear…the sky was grey, there was some fog, the ground was still wet from the rain yesterday…so I layered up with a long sleeve shirt. And what do you know…bright blue skies, 75 degrees. What a lovely surprise! I don’t expect the same tomorrow…but I will check the weather before I go home today, so I can dress appropriately.
2. The Bahama Bombers kickball season is in full swing. We are over halfway through the season, and playoffs are looming. We are currently holding our best record in Bombers history at 2-2. It’s exciting…but oh, the pressure. No. Not really at all…it has been a super fun season. We have a bunch of new players on the team this year, which has caused a lot less stress come game day when people start canceling- we always have a full roster. And we also have the opportunity to move people around in different positions and try different kicking strategies.
3. Try to contain your excitement with my next bit of news…there is now a Potbelly’s IN Seattle! Whaaaa? I know, it’s a dream come true. Potbelly’s (just in case you aren’t familiar) is a sandwich place from Chicago. They are ALL over Chicago, and was the first place I had lunch when I moved there (right before heading to Wrigley for my first Cubs game). It is tough to describe the delight of Potbelly’s…they are a much better Quiznos- toasted sammys. While the sandwiches are great, the true gems are the cookies. They are certainly at homemade cookie level, and possibly on the upper end of all homemade cookies. The next time you are downtown, give it a try. Looks like they are also planning to open one in Bellevue soon.
4. I have been to a couple of movies lately…seriously, I love going to movies…it never gets old. Doesn’t even really matter what movie (I get disappointed with bad movies because of the price of the ticket…but still enjoy being there)- it really is the experience….the smell of popcorn, snacks-sneaking ice cream in is the best, finding the center seat, your shoes getting stuck to the sticky floor (I don’t actually love that part),etc…love going to a movie. There are certainly better theaters, which I have only started realizing and appreciating due to Brian’s theater needs. We went and saw Super 8 at the Science Center Imax…which was absolutely the best place to see it. Such a nostalgic, fun film…fantastic casting! Saw the final Harry Potter this weekend at the Cinerama…which is for sure the go-to theater for big releases…PLUS, the snacks are super cheap! Was very happy with the final HP…sad that it is over, though I definitely didn’t feel the same mourning as when I finished the last book. That really was the ‘ending’ for me….the movies were fun to watch, but were never UNBELIEVABLE. But I definitely left the theater satisfied. Also recently saw Midnight in Paris. Which was not at all what I expected. I hadn’t seen any previews and didn’t know what it was supposed to be about…I just knew it was a Woody Allen film, so would probably have some weird sexual elements to the story, that it had an interesting mix of actors, and that it was in Paris…and really, I don’t care how cheesy it could have been, I would have seen it just for scenes of Paris. But it turned out to be a great movie! Really fun concept…a few things could have been done better (I think), but overall, REALLY liked and recommend it.
5. I’m sure after my last few posts you have imagined me kicking back in my new apartment, all put together and organized by this point (I mean, I have lived there for 2.5 months now)….BUT, no. Still boxes. Don’t get me wrong…there has been a significant amount of time and work put into it…there is just SO MUCH STUFF. But, this is the week…it will be 92.7% complete after this week. I have gotten to the point where I am tired of going through boxes, so it is much easier to just get rid of stuff. There will be several trips to the Goodwill in the next couple of days. I can’t wait to be done. Can’t wait for the area between the kitchen and my bedroom (also known as the living room) to not be an obstacle course- this is the week.
There you have it. Enjoy the sunshine.
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