I keep thinking it is Friday. It isn’t…it’s Wednesday…but at work, today is MY Friday (minus the Friday coffee with the department…boo) since I am taking Thursday and Friday off. Ohhh, I’m excited to be done at the end of the day today. For multiple reasons…first, I get to see my super awesome buddy Amy, who is a big, bad music gal in LA now. I miss her and she is in town and we are going to happy hour tonight. THEN, I’m going to see Mission Impossible at the IMAX, which Brian already saw and insisted on seeing again…he said it is really cool…really, just going to the IMAX is an exciting adventure…if the movie is good, that’s a bonus.
THEN, tomorrow morning I get to see my dentist. Weird to be excited about that? I know…but I really, really like my dentist… With all of my moving and traveling, I always managed to get appointments in while I was home visiting. Plus, I'm a little bit crazy about my teeth and taking care of them (I still have my retainer from 8th grade!), so a trip to the dentist to take care of my teeth is both exciting and a relief. Dr. Jacka in Federal Way (I even make the trip down to Fed Way)…everyone at the office is great. THEN, tomorrow is the Dinner Club Christmas party! This is one of my FAVORITE Christmas traditions…because I love this group of people so much, and Christmas is just the best time to hang out with those important people.
THEN, it really is Friday, and boy do I have a ton of stuff to take care of, but luckily I’ll have some good company in Rachel (another CA friend in town visiting), to make the errands and tasks more enjoyable.
Then comes the actual holiday…Brian and I are running around all over the place. Initially, it all seemed easy and doable and no big deal. Now, as the small logistics are being figured out, I’m getting stressed about making it all happen. I really look forward to the day when I can have everyone over to my house and host. Buuuuut, really, if you are going to have a problem, having an abundance of family to hang out with on Christmas is probably about the best problem to have. I’m sure it will all be magical.
My cold has hung on, but just at the level it was on the first day. It hasn’t progressed at all. Still just a little swollen throat and a bit of a headache…the headache is even subsiding though (that may have been a coffee related headache, actually). Brian has definitely caught something similar and I’m hoping he will be able to fight it off. He is also taking tomorrow off, so hopefully a good nights sleep and being able to sleep in will keep the sick away.
And for a final basketball update- My basketball season has come to an end. We had our final game last Saturday (it was a rough one…we were short people, and the other team was really good). And then last night we had our banquet. It’s interesting how when I played sports, I never thought about how the coach has to put together the banquet. And where do the trophies come from? And, how do you go about ordering the pizza so the coach isn’t out $300? The Boys and Girls Club told me coaches just do their own thing for banquets…so I had to figure it out. We ended up going to Zeeks for pizza. The grandpa guy that took stats all season put together some participation certificates (and then proceeded to call out their stats for EVERY SINGLE GAME…oh my). I wrote a little note to each girl in a Christmas card and made little ornaments with their name. It was definitely my rookie season…but I had a lot of fun and I think the girls had a good time…which is the most important thing…I just want them to keep playing! Looking forward to next season with the 4th/5th grade girls.
Okay...this is it for me until after Christmas. Hope you have the best holiday full of everything you love. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
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