- I went to the downtown Sumner Wine Walk on Saturday with my mom and one of her wine bar friends. It is $20…you get a little souvenir wine glass and six tasting tickets (we bought extras, because there were about 12 tastings). A bunch of the cute little shops along Main St have tastings, ‘appetizers’, along with City of Sumner trivia questions (rhubarb pie capital of the world…who knew). I know there are lots of sweet little ‘main streets’ around, but if you do happen to be in Sumner for some reason, it really is a cute area with lots of darling little shops (if you are in the market for holiday decorations…woo-eee…shop to your hearts content).
- Monday night I planned to drop Brian off at his kickball game and then go for a much needed run (I am SO out of running shape…ish)…but the team was short on people at the start of the game, so I was recruited to fill in until other members showed up. I like playing kickball, but this team makes me a little nervous- for two reasons. First, they are good. They win games by high scores. They throw the ball really hard at the basemen (basepeople). Second, the last time I filled in for them, I had about the worst game ever and I am pretty sure they never wanted me to play again. Anyway…all was fine…I played a few innings- no big mistakes, but boy was I sore the next two days from sprinting to first base. Yikes, yet another reason I need to get back to running.
- Went to the Mariners game on Tuesday against the Yankees. It was a nice night for a game, not because it was warm and sunny, but because it was cooler, and the sky was dark, and it just felt crisp and Fall-y….but still without rain. Also cool thing about the game- Mariano Rivera got his 600th career save (aka, the M’s lost), putting him one save away from the record set by Trevor Hoffman. It was disappointing that there wasn’t any acknowledgment of the accomplishment at the game, but his teammates all went out to the mound and congratulated him, which was cool.
- Last night was Potluck…which really is something I look forward to every other week (not that I only look forward to it biweekly- it only happens biweekly). A few things I look forward to- I like having an excuse to make something…it usually ends up being a dessert, and it is fun to search for something new to try, that will actually get eaten and not leave me to eat an entire pie by myself.
There is usually some kind of game involved (last night we played A-Z which was SO fun, and I have already done a search for it to buy it myself). And, I really, truly enjoy the people involved. Anyway…the point of this point, was to display our Potluck contribution from last night. The theme was cheeseburgers. We brought dessert. How cute are these?! Nilla wafers, grasshopper cookies, green food coloring on coconut, frosting, etc…
And finally…back to the squirrel.
As I was walking down the pathway from my house to the street, I noticed a squirrel a little ways ahead in the middle of the path. I slowed down a bit, to give it time to scamper away. It didn’t scamper. Then a little baby squirrel came hopping over to where I was standing. I backed up a little, and it moved forward…right onto my feet. I backed up, it hopped back on…apparently really wanting to sit on my feet. Sooo, I ran. To the backyard, and the baby ran behind the fence. I peeked around the corner of the house, waiting for the big squirrel (clearly mom), still standing in the middle of the path- in an attack pounce position at this point (she may have snarled with fierce teeth displayed)- to go away (all the while I am getting later and later for work). Finally, after a few moments, she ran in the same direction as her baby, behind the fence. I decided to make a run for it…as I passed the end of the fence, I looked back…and there was the mom squirrel- WAITING FOR ME AT THE EDGE OF THE FENCE. I was paralyzed with fear for a brief moment, and then continued the sprint to the safety of the street…it was terrifying. I’m a little bit nervous about what traps that mom squirrel might be plotting for my return home after work. I am pretty sure the baby squirrel had me mistaken for a Disney Princess, and was hoping I would sing it a song if it sat on my feet.
That's all.
aaaand, still amazed at those cheeseburgers. We'll be talking about those epic little guys for years.