Thursday, December 15, 2011

Back to the Five...

Okay...since coming back to the blogging, I have strayed a bit from the usual template…rather than writing five points, I’ve just been sharing what’s been going on. I’m going to attempt to move back to the five point post…mostly to keep my rambling to as much of a minimum as possible.

1. Santa Claus. I have been seeing/reading a lot this year about parents giving up on the Santa thing…to each his own, obviously, but oh, it makes me sad. I was/am a big fan of Santa. I used to wake up in the middle of the night Christmas Eve and sneak downstairs to see what Santa left for me (Santa didn’t wrap presents- he displayed them), and I would peak through my stocking, careful not to disturb the way it looked and give away that I had been there. Santa always left a stuffed animal on my little rocking horse that sits next to the tree, and I would take my new friend back up to bed with me. It never occurred to me that might give my sneaking away. What was more important than the Santa thing (which really, was one day of the whole Christmas season…I always knew the Santas at the stores weren’t the real guy), was that I learned the Christmas story. We saw the Christmas pageants at church, and we talked about what Christmas is actually about. We had the nativity scenes around the house that I would sit and play with. I definitely understood what Christmas was. I can see how people might worry that, for a kid, Santa could overshadow Jesus. But I know that believing in Santa never did that for me. I really think that having conversations about what the Christmas season is about is what matters. I have also heard the argument that we teach our kids to trust us and then we lie to them…. I NEVER once even considered it being a lie. It never made me mad that my family created a magical story for my childhood (okay, not going to lie…Santa still stops at my house). That would be like getting pissed about Disney. Anyway…I know I'm not a parent, and everyone has their own traditions and beliefs...but, for me, Santa never took away from the reason for Christmas- Santa was/is just a fun and silly way to enjoy family and get excited for the big day…and I can’t wait for what crazy antics Santa will have planned for my kids one day!

2. Elf on the Shelf- Speaking of magical stories for kids…do you know about the Elf on the Shelf? They are these little stuffed animal/plastic faced toy elves that Santa sends out to households to keep an eye on the kids. Your family’s elf (who the kid has to name before the magic will start…my friend’s elf is Mr. Doodle Paws…apparently the naming was quite a process) flies back to the North Pole each night and reports to Santa if the kid should be on the good list or the naughty list. And then he flies back to the house and is usually found causing mischief somewhere in the house for the kids to find each morning. My mom has been talking about these elves for a couple of years and what a fun tradition it is…well, I took one look at the creepy elves and decided I wasn’t interested. Until this year…I joined Pinterest, and have seen pictures of all kinds of creative things to have your elf doing for the kids to find…SO FUN. I might want to find a different elf though…Brian suggested perhaps an Elvis on the Shelvis. Nice.

3. Charity Gifts? I’m looking for some thoughts and opinions on this one. As I’ve been making my Christmas gift list (the list of who and what to buy for), I started thinking again about an option I have considered for the past few years. What are your thoughts on spending the money you would on an okay gift (I have a lot of people to buy for…I’m not getting exceptional things for them!), to make a donation toward a cause that would be important to that person? Rather than getting them a mug and gift card to Starbucks (which I’m sure they would love and would use, but would be forgotten after a week), I make a donation that is personal to that person’s interests or cares? Or do you think it is a little bit lame and really, people would rather be able to treat themselves to a peppermint mocha when they normally only allow themselves an Americano? I really go back and forth. What do you think?

4. Snow. I mean, really…are you tired of reading about snow from me? I know, I know…but I refuse to give up. Most of the time that snow is predicted, it doesn’t happen, so who can say that it won’t happen when it isn’t predicted? Two days ago there were snow showers in the forecast for right before Christmas…and a few hours later, they were gone. It has been so cold…right on that cusp of snow and rain. The fluffy white flakes would just really make my holiday time as magical as could be…pleeeeeassssseeee??

5. May Disney trip. I’m still planning on taking the 30th birthday trip in May down to Disney World…if you’ve been looking for an excuse to visit, what better time than then? Registration just opened up for the Expedition Everest Challenge (May 5th), so if you are interested in coming along for my birthday trip, and participating in the race (really, it’s super fun and low key…no need to be any kind of runner), head on over to the page and take a look. It is a partner race, so you have to sign up with someone to race with. Here is the link and info…

And that’s all for this week…hope your has been fantastic!

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