Oh my goodness, I haven't blogged in such a long time.
So here is a big ol catch up of life the last several weeks.
I've been sick. Ugh. I don't get sick very often, so I'm kind of a wimp about it. I was feeling pretty proud of myself because everyone around me was sick- Brian, the kids I watch, the parents of the kids I watch, etc...and I was holding strong and healthy. Then I got it (just a cold, but oh, the runny nose is annoying), and I drank my tea and loads of water, and got healthy in a short four days...everyone else had it for two weeks. And then I got my flu shot, and it came back...and I've had it for another four days and it doesn't feel like it is getting better. boo.
Holidays- I have felt a little lame regarding the holidays this year. It's been a combination of being busy, being lazy, and having kittens that get into everything...but we haven't done any decorating or much in the way of celebrating. I had pretty much the lamest Halloween costume...the 3 yr old I watch had been asking me for WEEKS what I was going to be for Halloween (although more important to her was what Frank and Millie were going to be...she asked multiple times a day), so I felt a little pressure to wear SOMETHING on
Halloween day. I cut out some orange construction paper triangles, glued them onto a headband...drew some whiskers on my face and told Olive I was Millie for Halloween (Millie isn't orange)....she loved it. I did spend about thirty minutes cutting up brown paper bags and taping some construction paper on them to make a monster door, hoping to encourage trick-or-treaters to come to our door. We had two. I'm excited for Thanksgiving...I have been craving mashed potatoes in a big way (I almost broke down and went to the KFC by our house the other day...and KFC is like the lowest on my list of fast food-maybe tied with Taco Bell). But I haven't done any of the seasonal food partaking...I mean, I was into pumpkin in a big way in October...but I really puttered out after that. I think I need to make a pie or something. And Christmas...I'm so sad we aren't getting a Christmas tree this year. We won't be here ON Christmas, and with the kittens...it just doesn't seem like the best idea this year. Brian did suggest getting a large wreath to decorate, so maybe we'll go for that. We might put some lights up around the house (but the cats LOVE chewing on cords...I just imagine that scene in Christmas Vacation when the cat goes under the chair with the cord...)...
Movies- We saw Ender's Game a couple weeks ago, and I was SO disappointed. I loved the book- I didn't read it when I was a kid, and so it was all new and fresh for me prior to the movie. And I just felt like they did a crappy job with it...maybe I was biased because I had read the book so recently, but Brian didn't really like it either. They just missed so much of the point of the book...Ender is the smallest kid and gets picked on and very slowly gains the respect of the other kids...the movie goes through none of the process of him gaining respect- it was almost just easy for him. AND, he was bigger than the mean kid that he gets in a fight with. And the character Bean is so great, and he is barely a character in the movie. Oh well, the book is great.
We also managed to catch a viewing of The Last Unicorn at the Cinerama.I remembered loving it when I was a kid, but also that it made me really sad...but I really didn't remember the storyline at all. Just bits and pieces in my brain. The Cinerama had the author of the book (sadly, I didn't know it was a book) there signing autographs, and giving away raffle items, and answering questions...and I didn't realize that The Last Unicorn was one of those nerdy obsessions (I say nerdy obsession in a positive way...I love when people are really into something). Anyway...I don't know that I would have loved it having seen it as an adult for the first time, but I did love watching it. And I remembered the parts that made my little kid heart sad...there is one scene where she (the unicorn) is captured and kept in a cage for a circus-type show, and as a kid I felt like this was the worst thing that could ever happen...it seemed like a huge part of the movie to me, and watching it now...it is like a five minute scene.
Last night we went and saw the newest Hunger Games movie- Catching Fire. It was SO good!! Ahhh, it is very rare (if ever!) to feel like a movie is as good as the book...and I was so entertained and satisfied with this movie.
Books- Besides joyfully reading about bacteria genetics in my microbiology book, I just finished the Divergent series. I read all three of them in a couple of weeks.I was a bit shocked by the ending, but other than that, I loved the series. Usually when there is a love story involved, the great, strong girl character does some annoying and stupid stuff, but I felt like that was pretty minimal. The first movie comes out in March- there was a preview before Catching Fire...I don't think it will be awesome, but hopefully entertaining. I do like that Kate Winslet is in it...I feel like she gives any movie more cred.
Sports- well, the Sounders season ended earlier than hoped...but really, with the way they had been playing toward the end of the season, it wasn't totally unexpected. It's just a little bit harder when the Timbers are the ones to knock us out though. The President of the Mariners has announced his retirement, which Brian is beyond thrilled about. As previously mentioned, Brian has such a love/hate relationship with the team...he is hoping this change higher up will make a difference on the field. We'll see. And the Seahawks. Woot! Brian just put a picture of Russell Wilson on my phone and the 3 yr old I watch was looking through my pictures and saw that one and asked me 'is that Brian?'...he feels pretty good about that. Typically, football isn't my favorite sport to watch...though we do a lot of it...Brian and I started dating around Thanksgiving, so the beginning of our relationship basically consisted of watching football. But the Seahawks...they are SO fun to watch...good grief, they are really good. Like sometimes Angels in the Outfield really good. How does Russell get some of those throws off, and how does Golden Tate make those catches? My dad has always been the biggest Seahawks fan I know...through all of those bad years...it's an exciting year.
Another blog soon...
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
October 11
Well, I have the day off today- my one Friday a month. And today Millie is getting spayed. I dropped her off at the vet early this morning and am picking her up this afternoon. I know that spaying is a very routine surgery, but it is still surgery...she is still going under, and there can be all kinds of side effects. Plus, she is still so little. The vet waited as long as possible (she could be going into heat any time now) because she is so small. Frank was already fixed when we got him, so we never had to worry about that- though the neuter is much simpler than the spay anyway. I'm a little nervous.
Last Friday we saw Gravity- the space movie with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney that just came out. It has had such amazing reviews- I hate going into a movie with super high expectations. Earlier that day I listened to a review on the radio that just went on and on and on about how great the movie is. I think the thing that saved me from the high expectations is that I really didn't know what to expect- I didn't understand what the story was...the preview doesn't show much. Here is the thing- the movie is amazing, but I didn't like it. I wasn't expecting that. It was SO stressful to watch! When I was a kid I always wanted to go to space camp...I didn't necessarily want to be an astronaut, but I REALLY wanted to go to space camp...space is SO fascinating...this movie made me uncomfortable and claustrophobic....I felt pretty much completely immersed in it, and I have NO interest in being an astronaut..ish, such small spaces. I definitely recommend seeing it- but see it in a great theater. We saw it at the Cinerama, which was perfect. Also- it is in 3D, and I don't like 3D, but there wasn't ever a moment that I thought about it being in 3D.
I had my first week of lab...it was better than I anticipated. I like my lab partner. The class is 4.5 hours long, and it actually went by pretty quickly.We also got assigned a group project- four people in a group- we have to give a presentation NEXT week (so soon!) on botulism. We also have our first test on Monday...which means it is an online test, because there isn't actually class on Monday. I'm a little worried about the online test because that means it is open book, which means it will be HARD. We'll see.
Our Italy trip is quickly approaching...we have basically decided on the itinerary. We fly in to Milan, and will fly immediately to Paris for four days. We already got our flight to Paris, and found the place we will stay in Paris. I managed to find a pretty reasonably priced place in the Latin Quarter...I'm not expecting anything fancy, but it is a great location, which is what I wanted for Paris. Then we fly back to Milan, hopefully to catch a soccer game (there is a huge match that day, we are just trying to figure out the details in getting the tickets...they don't sell them far in advance like they do here). Then we will train to Rome for a few days. Up to Florence, with a day trip to Sienna, and then on to Venice. I found a place for us to stay in Florence and Rome, but am still looking in Venice. We were really hoping to be able to get some stuff paid for ahead of time, so we wouldn't need to pay a huge chunk over that time, but most of the places we stay only take a deposit for the room and require payment upon arrival. I suppose that is nice if we decide to change our plan for some reason, but doesn't help with the pre-pay plan. Next, we need to research some food places!
Ohhh, I just got the call from the vet- Millie is out of surgery and starting to wake up. Phew.
Here is Frank's latest...Brian was changing the light in the kitchen...Frank offered to hold the ladder for him...such a helpful kitten.
Last Friday we saw Gravity- the space movie with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney that just came out. It has had such amazing reviews- I hate going into a movie with super high expectations. Earlier that day I listened to a review on the radio that just went on and on and on about how great the movie is. I think the thing that saved me from the high expectations is that I really didn't know what to expect- I didn't understand what the story was...the preview doesn't show much. Here is the thing- the movie is amazing, but I didn't like it. I wasn't expecting that. It was SO stressful to watch! When I was a kid I always wanted to go to space camp...I didn't necessarily want to be an astronaut, but I REALLY wanted to go to space camp...space is SO fascinating...this movie made me uncomfortable and claustrophobic....I felt pretty much completely immersed in it, and I have NO interest in being an astronaut..ish, such small spaces. I definitely recommend seeing it- but see it in a great theater. We saw it at the Cinerama, which was perfect. Also- it is in 3D, and I don't like 3D, but there wasn't ever a moment that I thought about it being in 3D.
I had my first week of lab...it was better than I anticipated. I like my lab partner. The class is 4.5 hours long, and it actually went by pretty quickly.We also got assigned a group project- four people in a group- we have to give a presentation NEXT week (so soon!) on botulism. We also have our first test on Monday...which means it is an online test, because there isn't actually class on Monday. I'm a little worried about the online test because that means it is open book, which means it will be HARD. We'll see.
Our Italy trip is quickly approaching...we have basically decided on the itinerary. We fly in to Milan, and will fly immediately to Paris for four days. We already got our flight to Paris, and found the place we will stay in Paris. I managed to find a pretty reasonably priced place in the Latin Quarter...I'm not expecting anything fancy, but it is a great location, which is what I wanted for Paris. Then we fly back to Milan, hopefully to catch a soccer game (there is a huge match that day, we are just trying to figure out the details in getting the tickets...they don't sell them far in advance like they do here). Then we will train to Rome for a few days. Up to Florence, with a day trip to Sienna, and then on to Venice. I found a place for us to stay in Florence and Rome, but am still looking in Venice. We were really hoping to be able to get some stuff paid for ahead of time, so we wouldn't need to pay a huge chunk over that time, but most of the places we stay only take a deposit for the room and require payment upon arrival. I suppose that is nice if we decide to change our plan for some reason, but doesn't help with the pre-pay plan. Next, we need to research some food places!
Ohhh, I just got the call from the vet- Millie is out of surgery and starting to wake up. Phew.
Here is Frank's latest...Brian was changing the light in the kitchen...Frank offered to hold the ladder for him...such a helpful kitten.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Healthcare, Microbiology, and Yahtzee
I know, I know...everyone is tired of hearing about the government
shutdown and the Affordable Care Act. But can I just say that Brian and I
should do a commercial for the Affordable Care Act... Brian works for a small company
that doesn't offer health insurance. I work less than full time because
I am in school part time, and so am not offered health insurance. Brian
is allowed to be on his parents health insurance for a couple more
years because of the Affordable Care Act. I have been without health insurance since
January, when I left my job to start the long process of nursing school.
I'm pretty healthy, so I haven't been that worried about getting sick
(though I am constantly in search of skin cancer on this pale, pale
palette), but every time I get in a car, I think about a car
accident...when I play kickball, I worry about making a weird turn on a
base and breaking a bone. I am ecstatic about the Affordable Care Act.
That's my piece. (Also, if you have any questions about it, I have done
quite a bit of research and would be happy to try to answer)...
That said, I DID finally sign up for Washington state health insurance- that will last me until the Affordable Care Act goes into affect in January...so I do have a very basic health plan now. Which is a huge relief.
Fall quarter started last week, though I haven't actually had class yet- this Saturday is my first lab. I'm taking Microbiology, and I'm not really looking forward to it much. Remember how I complained about all the microscope lab work in Anatomy- not enough dissections? So this will be ALL microscope work. Gives me a headache. I have heard good things about the class though- that it is interesting. Hope so.
A couple of months ago, Brian and I were hanging out at Costco...wandering the aisles, eating samples...you know- really living life. There was a group there with samples hoping to get into Costco- they were called Fishpeople. And I loved every sample I tried (they had a few different varieties), and ended up buying a sample pack from them. I haven't seen them in Costco yet, but you can find them in Whole Foods, PCC, and QFC. It is a 7oz pouch of a seafood entree- they have Coconut Yellow Curry Tuna, Thai Coconut Lemongrass Tuna, Salmon in Chardonnay Dill Cream Sauce, and Smoked Salmon and Oyster Chowder. They are super yummy- and you literally just put the pouch in boiling water for 3 minutes and pour it over some rice. AND- you can go to their website, type in the batch number on your bag, and it tells you where every ingredient in it comes from...like, which fisherman on which boat caught the fish, which farm the onions and garlic comes from, etc...I hope they get into Costco, because they are a little pricey (not super pricey for what you get, but still...) Anyway- I recommend giving it a try. www.fishpeopleseafood.com
Brian has been playing his guitar more recently...the cats were a little scared at first, but now they love it and hang out with him. Frank requested lessons, so here they are. And then Frank was kind of jealous
we were playing Yahtzee and leaving him out, so we taught him how to
play that too. He really likes hanging out with us. Millie watches
everything from atop the toasty warm cable box- her favorite spot.
That said, I DID finally sign up for Washington state health insurance- that will last me until the Affordable Care Act goes into affect in January...so I do have a very basic health plan now. Which is a huge relief.
Fall quarter started last week, though I haven't actually had class yet- this Saturday is my first lab. I'm taking Microbiology, and I'm not really looking forward to it much. Remember how I complained about all the microscope lab work in Anatomy- not enough dissections? So this will be ALL microscope work. Gives me a headache. I have heard good things about the class though- that it is interesting. Hope so.
A couple of months ago, Brian and I were hanging out at Costco...wandering the aisles, eating samples...you know- really living life. There was a group there with samples hoping to get into Costco- they were called Fishpeople. And I loved every sample I tried (they had a few different varieties), and ended up buying a sample pack from them. I haven't seen them in Costco yet, but you can find them in Whole Foods, PCC, and QFC. It is a 7oz pouch of a seafood entree- they have Coconut Yellow Curry Tuna, Thai Coconut Lemongrass Tuna, Salmon in Chardonnay Dill Cream Sauce, and Smoked Salmon and Oyster Chowder. They are super yummy- and you literally just put the pouch in boiling water for 3 minutes and pour it over some rice. AND- you can go to their website, type in the batch number on your bag, and it tells you where every ingredient in it comes from...like, which fisherman on which boat caught the fish, which farm the onions and garlic comes from, etc...I hope they get into Costco, because they are a little pricey (not super pricey for what you get, but still...) Anyway- I recommend giving it a try. www.fishpeopleseafood.com
Brian has been playing his guitar more recently...the cats were a little scared at first, but now they love it and hang out with him. Frank requested lessons, so here they are. And then Frank was kind of jealous

Monday, September 23, 2013
You are the light of the world...
'You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.'
Matthew 5:14-16
In church last week, we heard about being the light of Christ in this world. I feel like I need to read this passage every morning when I wake up. I should probably have a cheat sheet written on my arm, to remind me throughout the day. Every choice I make, every word I say, every reaction I have- is a reflection of Christ. I feel like there has been so much darkness recently. Not especially in MY little world, but people around me that I love- have been going through some tough stuff. Cancer. Ugh, I can't stand it. Kids with cancer. No. Suicide. No. Our country is so divided- just stop. War- innocent people dying, scared. And on and on. Really, the thing that has helped me deal with all the hurt people are dealing with, is knowing that it is my responsibility to be a light- the light- in this dark world. I'm trying.
Brian and I love having people over...love entertaining and especially making food and feeding friends. But we have been pretty lame in that department since getting married. First it was the moving thing...boxes everywhere, organizing- the house was in no order to have guests. And then we got the kittens, and that certainly caused some chaos in our little home. And school made it tough. Finally, we have had the chance to have a few people over...in the last week and a half we watched a movie with friends at the house, had friends over for football, invited NEW friends over (exciting- new friends!), and had a friend over for some Fall tv. We really need to get a regular movie night going again. I hope we can keep it up.It makes me happy!
These two are little lights too. Snuggling on a Sonics blanket together.
Matthew 5:14-16
In church last week, we heard about being the light of Christ in this world. I feel like I need to read this passage every morning when I wake up. I should probably have a cheat sheet written on my arm, to remind me throughout the day. Every choice I make, every word I say, every reaction I have- is a reflection of Christ. I feel like there has been so much darkness recently. Not especially in MY little world, but people around me that I love- have been going through some tough stuff. Cancer. Ugh, I can't stand it. Kids with cancer. No. Suicide. No. Our country is so divided- just stop. War- innocent people dying, scared. And on and on. Really, the thing that has helped me deal with all the hurt people are dealing with, is knowing that it is my responsibility to be a light- the light- in this dark world. I'm trying.
Brian and I love having people over...love entertaining and especially making food and feeding friends. But we have been pretty lame in that department since getting married. First it was the moving thing...boxes everywhere, organizing- the house was in no order to have guests. And then we got the kittens, and that certainly caused some chaos in our little home. And school made it tough. Finally, we have had the chance to have a few people over...in the last week and a half we watched a movie with friends at the house, had friends over for football, invited NEW friends over (exciting- new friends!), and had a friend over for some Fall tv. We really need to get a regular movie night going again. I hope we can keep it up.It makes me happy!
These two are little lights too. Snuggling on a Sonics blanket together.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Three days of Dave
Ohhh, I love all the first-day-of-school pictures up on Facebook! I actually think those pictures- the excitement and anticipation of a brand new year- put me in the mood for Fall. The thunder and rain helps too (while I'm not looking forward to a constant grey drizzle- I do LOVE a good rainstorm). Starting September 2nd, I have switched to the tastes of the upcoming season. I enjoyed a pumpkin spice latte, an apple spice donut (!), I have had Starbucks' new chocolate chai latte (it wasn't too sweet- I was surprised)...I am okay with the season change, I think.
Another thing that helped me make the transition was a throwback Labor Day weekend. We spent three days at the Gorge enjoying DMB...with a little VIP treatment. One of my friends does some work on the tour and was able to get us awesome tickets to the shows- and passes into a lounge with free snacks and
beverages. Brian hadn't ever been to the Gorge- what a treat to show him!, and had never seen Dave before. We left later than we had hoped on Friday afternoon, so got to there just as the band was going on. As we walked through the parking lot into the venue, there were multiple couples fighting, crying, break ups happening...I told Brian- this is the drama of Dave weekend- breakups, makeups, hookups...all over the course of one evening. And sure enough, once we were inside, and the music was playing- people making out all over the place. I'm sure the glass of wine I had without any food had something to do with it, but once we got there, were hanging out with Jessica and Luke, listening/watching the show, being able to share all that with Brian- I was so overwhelmed with happiness. (and we also met Colin Farrell...so pretty!)

Damien Rice, Matt Nathanson, Flight of the Conchords, Jack Johnson, G.Love, John Butler Trio, Brett Dennen, RYAN ADAMS, David Gray, Amos Lee, Ben Lee, and of course, Howie Day, etc etc etc...I could go on and on). I went to concerts twice a week, I made more lanyards than you might think possible....sigh, I could go on and on. I loved that station. It was my home for a good six years. In that, it also taught me about the importance of work boundaries. All over. But, I was able to celebrate with three days of Dave! :)
In kitten news...Frank seems to be doing better! The prescription food seems to be what he needed to calm his tummy. We have started transitioning back to regular food...and I was talked into doing some wet food. Gross...that was my one thing when we got the kittens 'I will NOT do wet food'...it's so gross. But, as I was researching food to give them, I just kept reading how important it is for them to have the wet food...apparently domestic cats come from desert cats- so they lack a thirst mechanism- they depend on getting water from their food sources...without wet food, cats are generally always dehydrated. Besides being gross, canned food is also expensive- so we are doing a mixture of both. The first time I gave them the canned food, it was like they didn't know life could be SO GOOD. I have never seen Millie sit in front of her food for so long. They love it. Millie went through a growth spurt last week- she is still svelte, but she got way longer...and when we got home from the weekend- her little meow deepened! It seems she has hit puberty. Ha.
Okay...I have a list of things to get done today (the family I nanny for is on vacation- I have picked up some hours with another family, but have some extra time off...it has been nice!)...must get on with my day!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Summer is leeeaaaving....
Bah, the sun is setting so much earlier...the wading pools are closing down...some trees are actually starting to turn yellows and reds...I'M NOT READY FOR SUMMER TO END. Usually I am pumped for Fall...I'm ready to bring the sweaters out, start planning crock pot meals, pumpkin spice everything, and hello-apple spice donuts at Mighty-O (I'm not bitter that they messed up my wedding donut order and DIDN'T make the apple spice donuts I especially requested). But no...I'm not there yet. This summer has been beautiful and I have spent more time outside than any past summer I can remember (nannying...parks every day)...but there are so many things I still want to do. Like camping...we never went camping this summer. And hiking- not a single hike happened! And the West Seattle pool with salt water- never went there. Alki- hardly spent any time at the best beach we have in our city and is a few minutes away. I actually don't think I even put a swim suit on once this summer. Etc. Etc. Etc. Please September...take your time transitioning into Fall.
With Summer quarter being done, I have finally found some time to read. I just finished the third book in the Ender's Game series. I have zipped through all three of those books- I don't know how I hadn't ever read Ender's Game before...I just started my new book club book yesterday and am already almost halfway done- Where'd You Go Bernadette. It is based in Seattle, and while I think it might be a little over the top with the Seattle references...it is pretty funny and spot on with some of the jokes.
Brian and I spent some time last night working on our Honeymoon itinerary. I think we are going to do four days in Paris, and then Rome, Venice, and probably a smaller(ish) city in Tuscany...maybe we will go to Florence, but I am hoping to decide on one of the smaller ones. We sent in our request for midnight mass at the Vatican with the Pope. Hopefully that will work out...it sounds like we should be able to get in since there are only two of us. Trying to figure out what we want to do for accommodations...hotel? hostel? airbnb? It is that balance between wanting to stay in a somewhat decent place, but also- we will be out exploring most of the time...how much do we really want to spend? It didn't even occur to me today, but of course we will go to Disneyland Paris! We have been craving a Disney trip for quite a while, and checking flights...ultimately deciding each time that we can't do Disney before Italy...but now we will get both!
Oh my goodness, the twins are growing up so fast! They are 7 months old now, and Lily is already starting
to crawl (not the actual crawl, but the push and scoot). They don't look like infants anymore...they are actual babies. Sitting up and playing.
To further the point from my first paragraph...this morning (afternoon, really), Brian and I went over to Alki, grabbed a drink from Starbucks and walked for about an hour up Alki, and along Beach Dr. We went down onto the rocky beach and slid our way along the seaweed. Admired the homes, read about the sea animal sightings. We made our way back to the main strip of Alki, and had lunch at Cactus- YUM. Why haven't we been doing this all summer?
Tomorrow night is the HUGE Sounders vs Portland match, with Clint Dempsey's home debut. The match is sold out...neeeervous!!
That's all- have a fantastic week! (And Labor Day weekend!)
With Summer quarter being done, I have finally found some time to read. I just finished the third book in the Ender's Game series. I have zipped through all three of those books- I don't know how I hadn't ever read Ender's Game before...I just started my new book club book yesterday and am already almost halfway done- Where'd You Go Bernadette. It is based in Seattle, and while I think it might be a little over the top with the Seattle references...it is pretty funny and spot on with some of the jokes.
Brian and I spent some time last night working on our Honeymoon itinerary. I think we are going to do four days in Paris, and then Rome, Venice, and probably a smaller(ish) city in Tuscany...maybe we will go to Florence, but I am hoping to decide on one of the smaller ones. We sent in our request for midnight mass at the Vatican with the Pope. Hopefully that will work out...it sounds like we should be able to get in since there are only two of us. Trying to figure out what we want to do for accommodations...hotel? hostel? airbnb? It is that balance between wanting to stay in a somewhat decent place, but also- we will be out exploring most of the time...how much do we really want to spend? It didn't even occur to me today, but of course we will go to Disneyland Paris! We have been craving a Disney trip for quite a while, and checking flights...ultimately deciding each time that we can't do Disney before Italy...but now we will get both!
Oh my goodness, the twins are growing up so fast! They are 7 months old now, and Lily is already starting
to crawl (not the actual crawl, but the push and scoot). They don't look like infants anymore...they are actual babies. Sitting up and playing.
To further the point from my first paragraph...this morning (afternoon, really), Brian and I went over to Alki, grabbed a drink from Starbucks and walked for about an hour up Alki, and along Beach Dr. We went down onto the rocky beach and slid our way along the seaweed. Admired the homes, read about the sea animal sightings. We made our way back to the main strip of Alki, and had lunch at Cactus- YUM. Why haven't we been doing this all summer?
Tomorrow night is the HUGE Sounders vs Portland match, with Clint Dempsey's home debut. The match is sold out...neeeervous!!
That's all- have a fantastic week! (And Labor Day weekend!)
Saturday, August 17, 2013
One year
Yesterday afternoon, about an hour before I was leaving to pick him up from work, Brian sent me a text that said 'before you leave, will you: feed the cats, leave a light on for the cats, dress nicely."
I picked him up and he drove us up north, we caught the Whidbey Island ferry, and went to dinner at the restaurant we ate at a year ago when he proposed! What a guy.
It was so crazy to reflect on the past year...so much happened! We both left our jobs and started new ones. We planned a wedding. And got married. We moved into a house. We have kittens. I have completed a full year of school. My goodness.
I love that we get to celebrate on Whidbey Island every year!
I picked him up and he drove us up north, we caught the Whidbey Island ferry, and went to dinner at the restaurant we ate at a year ago when he proposed! What a guy.
It was so crazy to reflect on the past year...so much happened! We both left our jobs and started new ones. We planned a wedding. And got married. We moved into a house. We have kittens. I have completed a full year of school. My goodness.
I love that we get to celebrate on Whidbey Island every year!
Friday, August 16, 2013
A Friday Five
I have the day off today, Friday...and while I have a huge list of To-Dos for the day, I figured I would take a second to write an actual Friday Five.
1. Summer quarter is OVER. My goodness, this class was tough! I don't know if it was the teacher, if it was the fact that the quarter was 3 weeks shorter than a normal quarter, if the material was especially difficult...probably a nice mix of all three...but this class really took up much more time and effort than any of the other classes I have taken. I really have no idea where I am as far as my grade goes because 100 points were completed in the last week (out of 400 for the whole quarter), and 2 out of the 3 homework assignments hadn't been graded yet. We'll see...whatever the grade ends up being, I certainly learned! Next quarter is microbiology and hopefully an online math class (I still have to take the placement test, and I'm so annoyed by that- it's a 100 level math class- why do I have to take a placement test?- that I've been putting it off.)...and then I will start applying to programs in November.
2. Speaking of school- I just made my final student loan payment today. The last $117. I didn't have a HUGE loan to payoff in the first place, thankfully...I hear about the amounts that kids are leaving school with and it just about gives me a panic attack. How does college cost that much?! I have always been a HUGE advocate for college- you'll never regret having an education...but sometimes I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe you would regret $60,000 of debt. Anyway...mine is paid off...just in time to start accumulating some more. Woo.
3. Brian and I got a new bed this week. We never set up the bed frame I had when we moved into the new house- Brian didn't like the bed, and figured if we set it up then we would never get a new one. So we have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I have been trying to put off buying a new bed, but Brian hasn't been sleeping very well, and feeling sore every day...so it was time. We found a good deal for a latex mattress on Amazon- hundreds of 5-star reviews. And we went to Ikea and picked out a new bed frame. I know it is a well known thing...but for the love, putting Ikea furniture together couldn't be a bigger pain. After several hours over two evenings, we finally completed the project last night. And then discovered that none of our sheets fit the new bed. Bah (that is something on my to-do list today).
4. My mom turned 50 this summer (I know, she is so young)...and she was out of town on her birthday in
June...so the huge birthday kind of went unacknowledged. Then about a month ago, one of my mom's awesome friends emailed me and said she wanted to have a surprise party for my mom. Each summer they do a progressive dinner with a few couples, and it would be a perfect way to get everybody in one place without my mom being suspicious at all. Katie's house was the final stop on the progressive dinner agenda, so she had dessert, and themed the stop Disney (obviously)...so the guests arrived while they were having dinner at another house
(all the stops were houses on the lake, so they drove from place to place by boat- and did I mention that each course of the meal is themed- including costumes?)...it was awesome. My mom was totally surprised- cried and everything- in her awesome construction costume. And here is the cake that one of her friends made- amazing! The whole thing was so great!
5. The kittens go in for their last round of shots tomorrow. Frank still has diarrhea- it has been about a month now. They are currently teething. Did you know that happens to kittens? They are losing their baby teeth and their grown up teeth are coming in. Last night Millie had a loose tooth hanging out the side of her mouth, and this morning, it was gone. Frank has a big tooth coming in right next to his baby tooth- we can see the crazy
size difference (big tooth is about twice as big as the baby tooth). Apparently their gums are sore just like a teething baby...and is why they are chewing on things more. They love our new bed, and hung out in the bedroom with us the whole time we were building it. They are enjoying playing on the old mattress- it is their new favorite obstacle course. Millie nearly escaped this week...when I got home from work and opened the front door, she was RIGHT there, and snuck out onto the porch. She didn't run, so I was able to grab her easily, but yikes! I'm not going to do it, because I know it is silly, but I want to get them leashes so I can take them outside...I know they want to go out!
That's all for this week. Have a super weekend...I'm off to get stuff DONE!
1. Summer quarter is OVER. My goodness, this class was tough! I don't know if it was the teacher, if it was the fact that the quarter was 3 weeks shorter than a normal quarter, if the material was especially difficult...probably a nice mix of all three...but this class really took up much more time and effort than any of the other classes I have taken. I really have no idea where I am as far as my grade goes because 100 points were completed in the last week (out of 400 for the whole quarter), and 2 out of the 3 homework assignments hadn't been graded yet. We'll see...whatever the grade ends up being, I certainly learned! Next quarter is microbiology and hopefully an online math class (I still have to take the placement test, and I'm so annoyed by that- it's a 100 level math class- why do I have to take a placement test?- that I've been putting it off.)...and then I will start applying to programs in November.
2. Speaking of school- I just made my final student loan payment today. The last $117. I didn't have a HUGE loan to payoff in the first place, thankfully...I hear about the amounts that kids are leaving school with and it just about gives me a panic attack. How does college cost that much?! I have always been a HUGE advocate for college- you'll never regret having an education...but sometimes I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe you would regret $60,000 of debt. Anyway...mine is paid off...just in time to start accumulating some more. Woo.
3. Brian and I got a new bed this week. We never set up the bed frame I had when we moved into the new house- Brian didn't like the bed, and figured if we set it up then we would never get a new one. So we have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I have been trying to put off buying a new bed, but Brian hasn't been sleeping very well, and feeling sore every day...so it was time. We found a good deal for a latex mattress on Amazon- hundreds of 5-star reviews. And we went to Ikea and picked out a new bed frame. I know it is a well known thing...but for the love, putting Ikea furniture together couldn't be a bigger pain. After several hours over two evenings, we finally completed the project last night. And then discovered that none of our sheets fit the new bed. Bah (that is something on my to-do list today).
4. My mom turned 50 this summer (I know, she is so young)...and she was out of town on her birthday in

(all the stops were houses on the lake, so they drove from place to place by boat- and did I mention that each course of the meal is themed- including costumes?)...it was awesome. My mom was totally surprised- cried and everything- in her awesome construction costume. And here is the cake that one of her friends made- amazing! The whole thing was so great!
5. The kittens go in for their last round of shots tomorrow. Frank still has diarrhea- it has been about a month now. They are currently teething. Did you know that happens to kittens? They are losing their baby teeth and their grown up teeth are coming in. Last night Millie had a loose tooth hanging out the side of her mouth, and this morning, it was gone. Frank has a big tooth coming in right next to his baby tooth- we can see the crazy
size difference (big tooth is about twice as big as the baby tooth). Apparently their gums are sore just like a teething baby...and is why they are chewing on things more. They love our new bed, and hung out in the bedroom with us the whole time we were building it. They are enjoying playing on the old mattress- it is their new favorite obstacle course. Millie nearly escaped this week...when I got home from work and opened the front door, she was RIGHT there, and snuck out onto the porch. She didn't run, so I was able to grab her easily, but yikes! I'm not going to do it, because I know it is silly, but I want to get them leashes so I can take them outside...I know they want to go out!
That's all for this week. Have a super weekend...I'm off to get stuff DONE!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Class, kickball, and diarrhea
Yup...that is pretty much been all that has been happening in my life this last month. Class is mine, kickball is mine and Brian's, and the diarrhea is Frank the cat.
Class is pretty crazy. We have had 5 weeks straight that included tests. A Monday, Monday, Monday, Wednesday, and next week is a test on Monday and the final on Wednesday. An 8 week quarter to get 11 weeks worth of information into. I constantly feel like I am playing catch up. She starts the lecture on the the next set of chapters before we have taken the test on the previous set of chapters, and then asks if there are any questions. NO, no questions yet because I am still wrapping my brain around the last set of chapters. I usually feel like I am at mediocre understanding by test day. BUT, I still feel like I have learned SO much more than I did last quarter. I do like this professor quite a bit...she is very fair. And thank goodness, she does lots of partial credit on tests. One week left to go. Lecture and lab is over. Just an exam and the final. Study, study, study.
And right in the middle of the crazy school load is the period of time in kickball where we have playoffs for summer season, and have already started fall season. For example, on Tuesday- the night before my final- we have a summer playoff game...if we win that, we play the championship game immediately following. Then we head over to Greenlake for a 9:30pm fall season game. I'll probably have to keep my notes in the dugout.
Then there is Frank- the biggest kitten I have ever seen in my life, despite three weeks of diarrhea. The cat just keeps on eating. He has had an antibiotic, which didn't do anything. We were given parasite medicine, even though all of his tests have come back negative for parasites. And currently we have him on a probiotic...hoping that maybe he just needs some good bacteria back in his system. Though he threw up a couple of times earlier this week. I have been worried off and on...but considering he literally just FLEW through the air in front of my face- about three feet off the ground- in pursuit of Millie...I think he is probably doing okay.
I don't know how cats age compared to people...but I think Frank might be going through either a 3 yr old or a 13 yr old stage...he is testing us on EVERYTHING. We carry a spray bottle of water with us around the house...he climbs on the table and just looks at us. Stays up there as we grab the spray bottle, watches, watches...and just as we get close enough for the spray, he jumps down. Little monster. Meanwhile, little Millie has just been a champ. She is still tiny- getting longer (I think she looks like a mongoose...I would have called her Riki Tiki Tavi if I had noticed when we first got her)...and so, so sweet. She is so well behaved (and is currently curled up on my stomach, purring as I type- probably for protection from Frank)...
And in other non-cat, non-school, non-kickball news...man, haven't we had an amazing summer?! What a fantastic summer to be a nanny...sorry to brag. Any time those kids start pressing my patience (which happens a lot- they are 3 and 1), I think about how I get to spend my day at the zoo or the park...looking into the newest spray park, which kid band is playing at which library or park...it could be so much worse!
The Mariners continue to disappoint (still managing to make it to a game here and there), the Sounders just signed Clint Dempsey...a HUGE deal. Brian just wrote a blog regarding these two loves of his and how different the organizations are run...pretty interesting- http://bterreson.wordpress.com
Brian and I are making an attempt to get healthier...thus far food is the only aspect we have made an effort with, but we are discussing options for working out. Because we are so busy, we find ourselves eating at restaurants a lot- which usually isn't particularly healthy, not to mention expensive. I don't want to get too ambitious right away, so right now we are just making an effort with our dinners to fill as much of our plate with vegetables, make healthy protein choices, and keep the carbs to a minimum.We have done pretty well this week. We'll see how next week goes.
Busy weekend ahead...I'm getting my hair cut today- finally...my last haircut was in March. I have book club this afternoon- which I haven't been able to go to in probably 6 months. Babysitting tonight. Tomorrow one of my college roommates is in town and is coming over to visit (SO excited!), Mariners game in the evening. And, of course, lots of studying in there.
Aaaand some pics...
Class is pretty crazy. We have had 5 weeks straight that included tests. A Monday, Monday, Monday, Wednesday, and next week is a test on Monday and the final on Wednesday. An 8 week quarter to get 11 weeks worth of information into. I constantly feel like I am playing catch up. She starts the lecture on the the next set of chapters before we have taken the test on the previous set of chapters, and then asks if there are any questions. NO, no questions yet because I am still wrapping my brain around the last set of chapters. I usually feel like I am at mediocre understanding by test day. BUT, I still feel like I have learned SO much more than I did last quarter. I do like this professor quite a bit...she is very fair. And thank goodness, she does lots of partial credit on tests. One week left to go. Lecture and lab is over. Just an exam and the final. Study, study, study.
And right in the middle of the crazy school load is the period of time in kickball where we have playoffs for summer season, and have already started fall season. For example, on Tuesday- the night before my final- we have a summer playoff game...if we win that, we play the championship game immediately following. Then we head over to Greenlake for a 9:30pm fall season game. I'll probably have to keep my notes in the dugout.
Then there is Frank- the biggest kitten I have ever seen in my life, despite three weeks of diarrhea. The cat just keeps on eating. He has had an antibiotic, which didn't do anything. We were given parasite medicine, even though all of his tests have come back negative for parasites. And currently we have him on a probiotic...hoping that maybe he just needs some good bacteria back in his system. Though he threw up a couple of times earlier this week. I have been worried off and on...but considering he literally just FLEW through the air in front of my face- about three feet off the ground- in pursuit of Millie...I think he is probably doing okay.
I don't know how cats age compared to people...but I think Frank might be going through either a 3 yr old or a 13 yr old stage...he is testing us on EVERYTHING. We carry a spray bottle of water with us around the house...he climbs on the table and just looks at us. Stays up there as we grab the spray bottle, watches, watches...and just as we get close enough for the spray, he jumps down. Little monster. Meanwhile, little Millie has just been a champ. She is still tiny- getting longer (I think she looks like a mongoose...I would have called her Riki Tiki Tavi if I had noticed when we first got her)...and so, so sweet. She is so well behaved (and is currently curled up on my stomach, purring as I type- probably for protection from Frank)...
And in other non-cat, non-school, non-kickball news...man, haven't we had an amazing summer?! What a fantastic summer to be a nanny...sorry to brag. Any time those kids start pressing my patience (which happens a lot- they are 3 and 1), I think about how I get to spend my day at the zoo or the park...looking into the newest spray park, which kid band is playing at which library or park...it could be so much worse!
The Mariners continue to disappoint (still managing to make it to a game here and there), the Sounders just signed Clint Dempsey...a HUGE deal. Brian just wrote a blog regarding these two loves of his and how different the organizations are run...pretty interesting- http://bterreson.wordpress.com
Brian and I are making an attempt to get healthier...thus far food is the only aspect we have made an effort with, but we are discussing options for working out. Because we are so busy, we find ourselves eating at restaurants a lot- which usually isn't particularly healthy, not to mention expensive. I don't want to get too ambitious right away, so right now we are just making an effort with our dinners to fill as much of our plate with vegetables, make healthy protein choices, and keep the carbs to a minimum.We have done pretty well this week. We'll see how next week goes.
Busy weekend ahead...I'm getting my hair cut today- finally...my last haircut was in March. I have book club this afternoon- which I haven't been able to go to in probably 6 months. Babysitting tonight. Tomorrow one of my college roommates is in town and is coming over to visit (SO excited!), Mariners game in the evening. And, of course, lots of studying in there.
Aaaand some pics...
Frank the part-dog |
Greetings upon arriving home |
Nap time for everyone |
Play time |
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Another Week!
Brian was away at camp all last week. I had intentions of making plans with friends and happy hours and Greenlake walks...until I realized that between school and kickball, I only had one available evening...and the poor kittens needed some attention. This is the first year that he has gone away for the week that I felt like the week went by pretty quickly. I thought I would be a little nervous about being at the house by myself, but the kitties kept me company. It all went a-okay. Brian had fun at camp- great group of kids, weather couldn't have been better...I know he probably would have liked to stay a little longer. BUT, it is awesome to have him home. I know Frank missed playing with the laser pointer with him!
Speaking of Frank...ugh, kitty is sick. Really unsure about taking him to the vet. Without getting graphic, he clearly has an upset stomach. Also, his 'third eyelid' has been out on both eyes. I hadn't ever heard of this or seen it before- I noticed he had a white film covering half of both eyes- freaked me out!, so looked it up. Basically, it is an extra layer of protection to the cats eyes, but can also make an appearance when they are sick or stressed out. He has had the stomach issue and eyelid thing now for almost a week, but everything else seems fine. He runs around and plays with Millie, he continues eating and drinking fine...he has been a little more snuggly (usually he sprawls out next to us, but he has been curling up more). I have called the vet, made multiple appointments, but then keep cancelling them. I keep thinking I am overreacting...you can't take them to the vet every time something comes up...if he was an outdoor cat and didn't use a litter box, I wouldn't even know anything is wrong. The vet doesn't seem overly concerned...as long as he isn't getting dehydrated. But I keep having moments of panic. Millie keeps checking on him- they bump noses. I just made a trip to the grocery store to get him some rice and chicken...something mellow for his stomach. I'm sure we will end up taking him in early this week. Hopefully it isn't any big thing...Maybe he was just stressed about Brian being gone all week.
I spent half of my last blog post complaining about school and being certain I was going to fail my exam on Monday...and I ended up getting the best test grade I've had so far. Go figure. I keep having these moments (or days) of doubt about whether I am doing the right thing, back in school, nursing. Could it possibly just be fear? In church today they talked about God continuing to challenge us with that THING- our personal crux...how we can't just stop, you have to push through it. My crux has been- for quite some time- when things get difficult, I assume it is because I'm doing the wrong thing. If it isn't working, then I should probably do something else...I am a big believer in getting yourself out of a bad situation...the whole 'definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result'...don't sit still if you are unhappy, DO something, make a change. BUT, I also think that is sometimes a copout for me. Sometimes you have to push through. I feel pretty confident that God has pushed me to where I am...He wants me in school. He has put me in the right situation to be able to make this happen. And I knew from the beginning that this wasn't going to be something I could just do on my own. Of course I have to trust that God will help me out. He has to- I can't do this myself. I was feeling pretty defeated by school last week...and then got just the bump I needed to remind me that I am right where I should be. Who knows if I will get into nursing school in the first round of applications. If I don't, then that gives Brian and I a little more time to live a newly married, normal life before the craziness of full time school and worrying about tuition with a part time work schedule, etc. And I will apply again. If I do get in, then I will be able to get this whole thing moving a little sooner. Faith, Faith, Faith. It'll be fine. Just keep going. I'm glad I am currently feeling that way, because I have another test tomorrow, and another the following Monday...three Mondays in a row. Gulp.
Brian left camp early on Friday, and I went and picked him up at the ferry- because we had the opportunity to see Paul McCartney at Safeco on Friday night!! Brian's parents got tickets for us, and the four of us went- it was SO AMAZING. I mean, that guy...what a rock star. Not only is he who he is, hello Beatles...but he is 71 years old and played for THREE HOURS! The last hour he played with the three living members of Nirvana! I mean, they were doing the rockier/harder Beatles stuff, and he was yelling and sounded incredible...after already playing for two hours. It was so impressive. And what an entertainer- telling jokes, fist pumping, thumb up giving. We both felt so grateful that we had the opportunity to see him...definitely a once in a lifetime kind of thing!
And as if Friday could get any better after the show...but Jimmy Fallon had Jesse & the Rippers on his show! Whaaaa?! Yes, as in Uncle Jesse's band on Full House. And after they played a four song medley, including their #1 in Japan hit song "Forever", Becky- Uncle Jesse's wife, came out and gave him a kiss. It was so great.
We were up late, and got up bright and early to make it back up to camp for breakfast on Saturday. We spent the morning there, and then headed over to Langley for the Useless Bay coffee stop. And then into the long ferry line back home. I wish we could have stayed in Langley all day...the sun had just burned through the clouds about 30 minutes before we left. BUT, you never know how long that ferry line is going to be and I had to babysit Saturday night.
Alright, I am off to study for my test.
But look- they are snuggling with each other (and me)...
Speaking of Frank...ugh, kitty is sick. Really unsure about taking him to the vet. Without getting graphic, he clearly has an upset stomach. Also, his 'third eyelid' has been out on both eyes. I hadn't ever heard of this or seen it before- I noticed he had a white film covering half of both eyes- freaked me out!, so looked it up. Basically, it is an extra layer of protection to the cats eyes, but can also make an appearance when they are sick or stressed out. He has had the stomach issue and eyelid thing now for almost a week, but everything else seems fine. He runs around and plays with Millie, he continues eating and drinking fine...he has been a little more snuggly (usually he sprawls out next to us, but he has been curling up more). I have called the vet, made multiple appointments, but then keep cancelling them. I keep thinking I am overreacting...you can't take them to the vet every time something comes up...if he was an outdoor cat and didn't use a litter box, I wouldn't even know anything is wrong. The vet doesn't seem overly concerned...as long as he isn't getting dehydrated. But I keep having moments of panic. Millie keeps checking on him- they bump noses. I just made a trip to the grocery store to get him some rice and chicken...something mellow for his stomach. I'm sure we will end up taking him in early this week. Hopefully it isn't any big thing...Maybe he was just stressed about Brian being gone all week.
I spent half of my last blog post complaining about school and being certain I was going to fail my exam on Monday...and I ended up getting the best test grade I've had so far. Go figure. I keep having these moments (or days) of doubt about whether I am doing the right thing, back in school, nursing. Could it possibly just be fear? In church today they talked about God continuing to challenge us with that THING- our personal crux...how we can't just stop, you have to push through it. My crux has been- for quite some time- when things get difficult, I assume it is because I'm doing the wrong thing. If it isn't working, then I should probably do something else...I am a big believer in getting yourself out of a bad situation...the whole 'definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result'...don't sit still if you are unhappy, DO something, make a change. BUT, I also think that is sometimes a copout for me. Sometimes you have to push through. I feel pretty confident that God has pushed me to where I am...He wants me in school. He has put me in the right situation to be able to make this happen. And I knew from the beginning that this wasn't going to be something I could just do on my own. Of course I have to trust that God will help me out. He has to- I can't do this myself. I was feeling pretty defeated by school last week...and then got just the bump I needed to remind me that I am right where I should be. Who knows if I will get into nursing school in the first round of applications. If I don't, then that gives Brian and I a little more time to live a newly married, normal life before the craziness of full time school and worrying about tuition with a part time work schedule, etc. And I will apply again. If I do get in, then I will be able to get this whole thing moving a little sooner. Faith, Faith, Faith. It'll be fine. Just keep going. I'm glad I am currently feeling that way, because I have another test tomorrow, and another the following Monday...three Mondays in a row. Gulp.
Brian left camp early on Friday, and I went and picked him up at the ferry- because we had the opportunity to see Paul McCartney at Safeco on Friday night!! Brian's parents got tickets for us, and the four of us went- it was SO AMAZING. I mean, that guy...what a rock star. Not only is he who he is, hello Beatles...but he is 71 years old and played for THREE HOURS! The last hour he played with the three living members of Nirvana! I mean, they were doing the rockier/harder Beatles stuff, and he was yelling and sounded incredible...after already playing for two hours. It was so impressive. And what an entertainer- telling jokes, fist pumping, thumb up giving. We both felt so grateful that we had the opportunity to see him...definitely a once in a lifetime kind of thing!
And as if Friday could get any better after the show...but Jimmy Fallon had Jesse & the Rippers on his show! Whaaaa?! Yes, as in Uncle Jesse's band on Full House. And after they played a four song medley, including their #1 in Japan hit song "Forever", Becky- Uncle Jesse's wife, came out and gave him a kiss. It was so great.
We were up late, and got up bright and early to make it back up to camp for breakfast on Saturday. We spent the morning there, and then headed over to Langley for the Useless Bay coffee stop. And then into the long ferry line back home. I wish we could have stayed in Langley all day...the sun had just burned through the clouds about 30 minutes before we left. BUT, you never know how long that ferry line is going to be and I had to babysit Saturday night.
Alright, I am off to study for my test.
But look- they are snuggling with each other (and me)...
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The last couple of weeks
I am in a phase of hating school. Ugh. I know that this is
because I have an exam tomorrow and feel totally unprepared. But I hate that it
takes up 10 hours of my evenings IN class (let alone the preparing, reading,
studying- which the professor said to expect to spend 20 hours a week doing
that…20 hours a week studying for ONE class), and it is beautiful outside. I
hate having to say no to plans with Brian. But mostly I hate that it makes me
feel stupid. School used to make me feel smart…this class makes me feel stupid.
And makes me think ‘what the heck am I thinking?’. But then I think about how
lucky I am to even be able to take classes- to have the time, to have the
money, to have a goal.
Okay, got that rant out. I should be studying for said
unprepared test, but I’m blogging, because I’m tired of studying and I think it’s
a little hopeless at this point.
An evening that I do look forward to each week is kickball.
Spring league is over- we made it all through some very dramatic playoff games-
rain outs, delays…in the game before the final, we got 2 innings in (up by 8)
and the lights on the field went out. We were told we would start the game back
up where we left off. Well…when the game was finally rescheduled, the league
made us start over AND the team showed up with completely different players…they
loaded their team…for kickball. And after the end of 2 innings, we were, once
again, up by 8. Immediately following that game, we played the championship. It
was such a great game, back and forth…tied going into the bottom of the 7th
(we only play 7 innings), and literally three seconds after they scored a run,
all the lights on the field went out. It was very dramatic. Summer season is in
full swing.
I bought a huge half flat of strawberries the week before
the 4th (the berries were overflowing…it was probably enough to fill
a full flat)…they were so sweet and yummy. I was trying to think of something
to make with them with all of the activities we had going on and decided on strawberry
salsa. Brian loved it, so I made three batches of it (super easy- pint of
strawberries, 4 roma tomatoes, 1 jalepeno, couple cloves of garlic, juice of a
lime, T of olive oil, and some cilantro).
When Olga mentioned that Millie might have ear mites, I
called the vet and changed the appointment we had scheduled for the following
week (to get their booster shots). Unfortunately I had class when they were
available to see the cats (paragraph one, again), so Brian had to take them by
himself. I wrote up a list of questions for the vet about each one, along with
their personality traits, etc…I got them all packed up in their box and sent
Brian on his way. He said that Frank did great, just sat there and let the vet
do his thing. Millie scratched and fought, and he said she looked sad. And she
did have ear mites AND an ear infection, poor girl. So we have ear drops to
give her every 12 hours…first couple of times that was rough, but she has
gotten pretty used to it now. And her ears are much cleaner.Other than that, the vet said they are very healthy kittens, and that Frank probably won't be THAT gigantic. He is big, but also seems much bigger because Millie is actually a very small kitten. Frank is literally more than twice her size- she is 2.5 lbs and he is almost 6lbs.
grandma with my little cousins |
This weekend I went over to Ocean Shores with my fam. Brian
had plans, so couldn’t make it, but I always love the ocean trips with
everyone, so I was going…despite the test I have tomorrow. The weather at the
ocean is usually freezing and windy and overcast, but the sun actually came out
every day, and it was SO PRETTY. My aunt and I went running on the beach in the
morning…it is so amazing how much I enjoy running on the beach…I haven’t been
running much lately, but I wasn’t checking the time, wasn’t tired, my breathing
was slow and easy, my legs felt great…ahhh, I wish I could run barefoot every
day at the beach…I would be in such great shape! Brian text me that Millie
missed me while I was gone and kept sitting in my spot.
And because they are just so darn cute and I love them to
pieces…here are a few kitten photos. Brian let me know that he bought a new remote control car 'for the cats'...
playing with the car |
Size difference |
Friday, June 28, 2013
Frank update
I feel like Frank needs an introduction- now that he has come out of hiding, we are seeing lots of his personality.
This is Frank. As previously mentioned, he is huge. His mom is Maine Coon (though when doing some research I found that purebred Main Coon owners are kind of snotty about people using the name- that true Maine Coons are very rare, and how dare you think that your simple large tabby cat is one of these greats...so, I am ignorantly claiming the name). Maine Coons are known as 'gentle giants', are very smart and rainable- they can be taught tricks. They are supposed to be very loyal and great companion cats.
Frank is cautious- still a little skittish. He prefers me to Brian right now, mostly because Brian tends to make quick or abrupt movement...I'm slower when Frank is around, so he trusts me a little more, plus Brian vacuums. But he loves playing with Brian- they play with a baseball, a laser pointer (Frank goes crazy for that). He licks our hands and fingers all the time. He also nips and bats at our hands- his bites are always gentle, and he never scratches us. I read that the licking and gentle biting is what mom cats do to their kittens, and is how he learned to show care- and that he is claiming us. Sounds so sweet...we are probably creating bad habits. He doesn't like being picked up, but he does love to sprawl out on our laps. He 'holds' things with his paws, like our arm when he wants us to pet him. He has round eyes, which I have never noticed on a cat before...it gives his face a very innocent look. He has a big raccoon tail...when you only see him from behind, you could mistake him for a small raccoon.
He is teaching Millie some habits. Here, Millie is watching Frank eat out of the bowl...she just sat there and
watched. Millie has been much better with the litter boxes. She also doesn't use her claws hardly at all anymore...that might have just been her figuring it out, but I like to think Frank helped her. Millie has also started biting a little bit- she isn't as gentle with her teeth as Frank, but it seems like she is trying to do it like Frank does. The two of them play together now- though sometimes I worry about Millie because Frank is SO much bigger, and seems like he is a little bit rougher when they play...Millie meows sometimes, but there isn't any hissing...that means she is okay, right? We are also a little worried that maybe Frank is a bit
of a bully. Whenever Millie is sitting on one of our laps, Frank squeezes his way in between, and gives Millie a little shoulder push away. When Millie starts eating, Frank will start eating out of her bowl, even though he was just eating out of his own bowl. Normal or concern?
They are no longer locked into rooms when we leave...they have free reign of the downstairs- they aren't allowed upstairs at night or during the day when we aren't here. They are much happier being free (obviously), and it makes me feel better when we are gone for a long time.
I have to say, they are REALLY good kittens- very sweet and easy. They are super distracting to my studying!
This is Frank. As previously mentioned, he is huge. His mom is Maine Coon (though when doing some research I found that purebred Main Coon owners are kind of snotty about people using the name- that true Maine Coons are very rare, and how dare you think that your simple large tabby cat is one of these greats...so, I am ignorantly claiming the name). Maine Coons are known as 'gentle giants', are very smart and rainable- they can be taught tricks. They are supposed to be very loyal and great companion cats.
Frank is cautious- still a little skittish. He prefers me to Brian right now, mostly because Brian tends to make quick or abrupt movement...I'm slower when Frank is around, so he trusts me a little more, plus Brian vacuums. But he loves playing with Brian- they play with a baseball, a laser pointer (Frank goes crazy for that). He licks our hands and fingers all the time. He also nips and bats at our hands- his bites are always gentle, and he never scratches us. I read that the licking and gentle biting is what mom cats do to their kittens, and is how he learned to show care- and that he is claiming us. Sounds so sweet...we are probably creating bad habits. He doesn't like being picked up, but he does love to sprawl out on our laps. He 'holds' things with his paws, like our arm when he wants us to pet him. He has round eyes, which I have never noticed on a cat before...it gives his face a very innocent look. He has a big raccoon tail...when you only see him from behind, you could mistake him for a small raccoon.
He is teaching Millie some habits. Here, Millie is watching Frank eat out of the bowl...she just sat there and
watched. Millie has been much better with the litter boxes. She also doesn't use her claws hardly at all anymore...that might have just been her figuring it out, but I like to think Frank helped her. Millie has also started biting a little bit- she isn't as gentle with her teeth as Frank, but it seems like she is trying to do it like Frank does. The two of them play together now- though sometimes I worry about Millie because Frank is SO much bigger, and seems like he is a little bit rougher when they play...Millie meows sometimes, but there isn't any hissing...that means she is okay, right? We are also a little worried that maybe Frank is a bit
of a bully. Whenever Millie is sitting on one of our laps, Frank squeezes his way in between, and gives Millie a little shoulder push away. When Millie starts eating, Frank will start eating out of her bowl, even though he was just eating out of his own bowl. Normal or concern?
They are no longer locked into rooms when we leave...they have free reign of the downstairs- they aren't allowed upstairs at night or during the day when we aren't here. They are much happier being free (obviously), and it makes me feel better when we are gone for a long time.
I have to say, they are REALLY good kittens- very sweet and easy. They are super distracting to my studying!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Millie and Frank
On Saturday morning, we drove down to Kitty Harbor in West Seattle, with our cardboard cat carrier boxes in hand, to adopt a couple of kittens.
Meet Millie. Her name is Amelia, after Amelia Earhart, because she likes riding up in the air (she rode around on my shoulder most of the time we were at the shelter), and she is quite the explorer...she has made her way around to just about every corner of our house. She is 9 weeks old and was found in a parking lot in Burien. She doesn't have a timid bone in her tiny little body. She made herself right at home as soon as we opened her carrier in our house. She moves between the two of us constantly, like she is so overwhelmed with being pet, she can't decide who she
likes more. As soon as one of us gets up and walks to another room, she is up and following them. Brian will walk back and forth just to see how long she will follow, and he definitely tires of the game before she does. Her claws are out pretty much all the time- she doesn't know how to retract them yet, so she gets stuck in everything...the carpet, pillows, my skin. She knows how to use the litter box, but generally chooses to go right next to it. She takes pieces of her food out of the dish, lines a few of them up on the floor, and eats them one at a time. She likes to sit on Brian's computer, preferably while he is using it, but anytime it is open. We keep her in the bathroom while we are out and at night, and she knows how to do the guilt meow...oh, she sounds SO sad when we shut that door.
And this is Frank. The second we walked in the door, he took off and managed to find a small hole in the
wall behind the dryer to hide in. Since he went into hiding in the wall, we named him Frank. Anne Frank. He is 11 weeks old and is about twice as big as Millie. His mama is a Maine Coon, so we are guessing he is
going to be a monster sized cat. We checked on him a few times in the wall, and realized he wasn't only hiding, but was stuck...unable to get out of the wall. We tried all kinds of things, and only when Brian pulled out a saw- to make the hole in the wall a little bigger- did he jump up into a position that I was able to help him maneuver through the pipes and out. After which he immediately hid behind the couch in our extra room.
Every so often, I pull the couch out and sit back there, and pet him, and talk to him...hoping he warms up a bit, and isn't so scared. It doesn't help that every time I give him a little attention, Millie is RIGHT there. He FINALLY came out of the room on his own...slowly and cautiously, he has made his way around the room, smelling everything. And finally, FINALLY, he sat next to me on the couch for about two minutes, before tearing back into his hiding spot. He is great with his litter box, eats his food. He stays in the extra room when we are out or sleeping...and he is thrilled with that.Since he hasn't been out much, and runs with every movement we make, we don't have many pictures of him yet.
They had previously showed mild interest in each other- Millie more than Frank, obviously. There has been some hissing. And only tonight, in the last hour, have they started playing together! Yay! They will be friends. And soon sweet Frank will get comfortable and hang out with us. And maybe he will teach Millie how to retract her claws.
I promise I won't blog about them much...probably the occasional picture.
Meet Millie. Her name is Amelia, after Amelia Earhart, because she likes riding up in the air (she rode around on my shoulder most of the time we were at the shelter), and she is quite the explorer...she has made her way around to just about every corner of our house. She is 9 weeks old and was found in a parking lot in Burien. She doesn't have a timid bone in her tiny little body. She made herself right at home as soon as we opened her carrier in our house. She moves between the two of us constantly, like she is so overwhelmed with being pet, she can't decide who she
likes more. As soon as one of us gets up and walks to another room, she is up and following them. Brian will walk back and forth just to see how long she will follow, and he definitely tires of the game before she does. Her claws are out pretty much all the time- she doesn't know how to retract them yet, so she gets stuck in everything...the carpet, pillows, my skin. She knows how to use the litter box, but generally chooses to go right next to it. She takes pieces of her food out of the dish, lines a few of them up on the floor, and eats them one at a time. She likes to sit on Brian's computer, preferably while he is using it, but anytime it is open. We keep her in the bathroom while we are out and at night, and she knows how to do the guilt meow...oh, she sounds SO sad when we shut that door.
And this is Frank. The second we walked in the door, he took off and managed to find a small hole in the
wall behind the dryer to hide in. Since he went into hiding in the wall, we named him Frank. Anne Frank. He is 11 weeks old and is about twice as big as Millie. His mama is a Maine Coon, so we are guessing he is
going to be a monster sized cat. We checked on him a few times in the wall, and realized he wasn't only hiding, but was stuck...unable to get out of the wall. We tried all kinds of things, and only when Brian pulled out a saw- to make the hole in the wall a little bigger- did he jump up into a position that I was able to help him maneuver through the pipes and out. After which he immediately hid behind the couch in our extra room.
They had previously showed mild interest in each other- Millie more than Frank, obviously. There has been some hissing. And only tonight, in the last hour, have they started playing together! Yay! They will be friends. And soon sweet Frank will get comfortable and hang out with us. And maybe he will teach Millie how to retract her claws.
I promise I won't blog about them much...probably the occasional picture.
The Week in Review
We had a semi-busy week last week...
1. Monday we went and saw the new Star Trek movie at the IMAX at the Science Center. I didn't see the first new Star Trek in the theater, so Brian got it from Red Box a few weeks ago in preparation for the new movie. It was great- fun action, good characters. And you just can't beat seeing a movie at the real IMAX. Plus, we always go to the Armory (the food court at the centerhouse), which is pretty great now. We got pizza and beer at MOD pizza, and then I got a mini peach pie from PIE to take in to the movie. I love those little pies...so much crust, which is my favorite. Yum.
2. Tuesday we were supposed to have our first kickball game of the Summer season, but it was cancelled because of the one hour of rain that happened that day (so weird, it was a beautiful day otherwise)...so Brian bought some last minute tickets to the US Men's National Team game at Century Link. Brian and I both realized that we hadn't ever been to a United States sporting event. There is always a certain amount of pride you have for your own home team...I mean, we love those Sounders. But it's a whole different level when you have many-a-people showing up in stars and striped pants (how do so many people have American flag pants?)...it was a super fun game- we won, which always helps. On to the World Cup!
3. Wednesday we considered going to the Mariners game, but decided to stay home and use the grill. I had some salmon to bbq, and Brian got a delicious steak from Trader Joe's, we had some corn on the cob...yum. We watched some more of the new Arrested Development season, some Fringe. Was nice. My Thursday and Friday evening were similar, as Brian had plans.
4. Thursday I got off work early, it was the 2 yr old's last day of pre-school, so there was a party that the parents went to. I drove down to the eff dub, and visited my sisters and the twins. Jessica got a new kitten, so I was excited to meet her. Darling little thing. And very sweet with the twins (at least while I was there), batting at their little hands without any claws out.
5. Saturday was a big day...we adopted two kittens! Separate post on them...but the adoption process wasn't as intense as they made it sound. We adopted at a little cat shelter in West Seattle called Kitty Harbor. We filled out the paperwork ahead of time, and got there 20 minutes before it opened. I hadn't slept well the night before, anxious that there wouldn't be enough kittens for us. Once it opened, they had the group go in and play with the kittens and decide which you wanted- they require that you adopt two if you are getting kittens...and really, once we were there, they didn't ask us any questions- it seemed like they were just happy to have nice people taking their cats home...which is how I felt like the whole experience should be!
We went to a show at the Crocodile that evening- one of the guys Brian works with is in a band that did a Bowie cover night...was fun! And they were great.
6. On Sunday, Brian's dad came over to West Seattle and we went out to Brunch at Endolyne Joes. We came home for a little bit, and then went down to my dad's for a bbq with the fam. Busy, busy!
But more on the kittens!
1. Monday we went and saw the new Star Trek movie at the IMAX at the Science Center. I didn't see the first new Star Trek in the theater, so Brian got it from Red Box a few weeks ago in preparation for the new movie. It was great- fun action, good characters. And you just can't beat seeing a movie at the real IMAX. Plus, we always go to the Armory (the food court at the centerhouse), which is pretty great now. We got pizza and beer at MOD pizza, and then I got a mini peach pie from PIE to take in to the movie. I love those little pies...so much crust, which is my favorite. Yum.
2. Tuesday we were supposed to have our first kickball game of the Summer season, but it was cancelled because of the one hour of rain that happened that day (so weird, it was a beautiful day otherwise)...so Brian bought some last minute tickets to the US Men's National Team game at Century Link. Brian and I both realized that we hadn't ever been to a United States sporting event. There is always a certain amount of pride you have for your own home team...I mean, we love those Sounders. But it's a whole different level when you have many-a-people showing up in stars and striped pants (how do so many people have American flag pants?)...it was a super fun game- we won, which always helps. On to the World Cup!
3. Wednesday we considered going to the Mariners game, but decided to stay home and use the grill. I had some salmon to bbq, and Brian got a delicious steak from Trader Joe's, we had some corn on the cob...yum. We watched some more of the new Arrested Development season, some Fringe. Was nice. My Thursday and Friday evening were similar, as Brian had plans.
4. Thursday I got off work early, it was the 2 yr old's last day of pre-school, so there was a party that the parents went to. I drove down to the eff dub, and visited my sisters and the twins. Jessica got a new kitten, so I was excited to meet her. Darling little thing. And very sweet with the twins (at least while I was there), batting at their little hands without any claws out.
5. Saturday was a big day...we adopted two kittens! Separate post on them...but the adoption process wasn't as intense as they made it sound. We adopted at a little cat shelter in West Seattle called Kitty Harbor. We filled out the paperwork ahead of time, and got there 20 minutes before it opened. I hadn't slept well the night before, anxious that there wouldn't be enough kittens for us. Once it opened, they had the group go in and play with the kittens and decide which you wanted- they require that you adopt two if you are getting kittens...and really, once we were there, they didn't ask us any questions- it seemed like they were just happy to have nice people taking their cats home...which is how I felt like the whole experience should be!
We went to a show at the Crocodile that evening- one of the guys Brian works with is in a band that did a Bowie cover night...was fun! And they were great.
6. On Sunday, Brian's dad came over to West Seattle and we went out to Brunch at Endolyne Joes. We came home for a little bit, and then went down to my dad's for a bbq with the fam. Busy, busy!
But more on the kittens!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Warning...sheep brain pic
I have the day off today...my nanny family went on a short vacation, so I had Thursday and Monday off...which was awesome timing because I had my final on Saturday, and we had our BBQ party on Sunday. There was so much to do- so great to have a little extra time at home.
1. We celebrated Brian's birthday and the cleaning of our house on Sunday with a little BBQ at the house. I wish it had been a little warmer out, but it didn't rain so that's certainly something. Brian and I both love to host and have people over, so we were so excited to finally have the house in order. Hopefully we will be able to have more events this summer. We had such a smattering of friends- from all kinds of different areas
of our lives...sometimes that can be nerve wracking...when people don't know each other...but luckily, we have awesome friends that are friendly and great, and are happy to chat with and make new friends. Plus, all the delicious food...we have so much stuff left over here...we are going to be eating well for days! Here is Brian blowing out the candles (from a distance) on his gorgeous cake (that I didn't make- it was randomly donated to us).
2. My Spring quarter is OVER! Yay...I have two weeks before Summer
quarter starts up. I'm pretty sure this was the hardest class I have to take...and as previously mentioned, it was a bit of a frustrating class...but it is done, and for the Summer I have part 2 of Anatomy & Physiology. I will actually be going to class...I'm not doing that crazy hybrid- learn it all on your own- stuff anymore! Our last lab of the quarter, we FINALLY got to dissect something...we dissected a sheep brain. Most of our labs have been filling out worksheets with fill-in-the-blanks from the text...I always completed the assignment at home before even going to lab...so, I was pretty excited to have an actual activity. Here is the brain...sorry if it makes you squeamish. :)
3. Our kickball team started playoffs last week...our game was scheduled for 9:45pm- which is late and awful as it is...but then the game before us was late getting started AND went into extra innings. We didn't even start playing our game until around 10:30...and then all of the lights went out at the end of the second inning...argh. SO, we have to reschedule the game...though we were up 8-0 in the second inning, so that is promising. Summer league starts this week...
4. We had a great trip to Iowa/Chicago. I had a brief moment of panic as we stood in the security line at SeaTac airport, and I pulled my drivers license out only to realize it expired in May...would they let me travel? Yes, the TSA guy let me through with a 'you should get this taken care of' comment. Next concern was the rental car in Chicago. Brian isn't old enough to rent a car, and my license was expired...what would we do? Turns out Brian is old enough to rent a car in Illinois...and I guess since it was pre-paid, they didn't charge us extra for his age...phew! After flying the red eye, we were EXHAUSTED, and then had a 4 hour drive ahead of us. We made it, checked into the hotel, Brian left to pick up his tux, I took a nap...and apparently while I was sleeping, the tornado sirens went off on a bit of a warning. That night was the rehearsal dinner, which was great- it was at a 'Supper Club', which sounded super exclusive. Then Friday, Brian had to be at the church in the morning to start pictures, so I was on my own in Dubuque for most of the day. I finished my lab assignment and emailed that in to my teacher, found a little house to get my nails done, went on a massive search for coffee- only to end up at a grocery store Starbucks. Then headed to the church for the ceremony. After the ceremony, we rode around town in a trolley, and then on to the reception. We did some dancing, ate some cake, fun times! We had an awesome time hanging out with Dan and Sarah and their super cute and funny kiddos...I haven't spent much time with them, so it was great to hang out! We headed back to Chicago Saturday morning...boy, we ate some delicious and terribly unhealthy food! We went to my favorite breakfast place- Orange. I always have a hard time ordering here- do I go with an old favorite or try something new- I haven't ever had anything that I didn't LOVE. I happened to have seen a 'best burger in the US' article, with one of the spots being in Chicago...Au Cheval...not only was it amazing, but they were SO NICE. We got there about 1 minutes before the kitchen was closing, on the day that we were flying out...the hostess told us there just was no way we would be able to get in- they were packed and the kitchen was closing...as we walked out with our shoulders slumped, she followed us out, and said she would sneak us in. And then continued checking up on us and kept saying 'Thank YOU' to us, every time we thanked her. We also went to a Cubs game (obviously), with a two hour rain delay...late night! Not nearly enough time in that great city, but we got a lot in.
5. I was planning to spend part of my day today adopting our kittens. But, it looks like the weekends are the best times to do that, as the shelters aren't open, and pet store adoption events happen on the weekends. I have been looking on craigslist, but I keep seeing three kittens, and it makes me sad to think about separating one of them. I also look at pictures and want to adopt the least cutest, because I feel sad that maybe they won't get adopted because they aren't as cute. Sigh...I'm the worst.
1. We celebrated Brian's birthday and the cleaning of our house on Sunday with a little BBQ at the house. I wish it had been a little warmer out, but it didn't rain so that's certainly something. Brian and I both love to host and have people over, so we were so excited to finally have the house in order. Hopefully we will be able to have more events this summer. We had such a smattering of friends- from all kinds of different areas
of our lives...sometimes that can be nerve wracking...when people don't know each other...but luckily, we have awesome friends that are friendly and great, and are happy to chat with and make new friends. Plus, all the delicious food...we have so much stuff left over here...we are going to be eating well for days! Here is Brian blowing out the candles (from a distance) on his gorgeous cake (that I didn't make- it was randomly donated to us).
2. My Spring quarter is OVER! Yay...I have two weeks before Summer
quarter starts up. I'm pretty sure this was the hardest class I have to take...and as previously mentioned, it was a bit of a frustrating class...but it is done, and for the Summer I have part 2 of Anatomy & Physiology. I will actually be going to class...I'm not doing that crazy hybrid- learn it all on your own- stuff anymore! Our last lab of the quarter, we FINALLY got to dissect something...we dissected a sheep brain. Most of our labs have been filling out worksheets with fill-in-the-blanks from the text...I always completed the assignment at home before even going to lab...so, I was pretty excited to have an actual activity. Here is the brain...sorry if it makes you squeamish. :)
3. Our kickball team started playoffs last week...our game was scheduled for 9:45pm- which is late and awful as it is...but then the game before us was late getting started AND went into extra innings. We didn't even start playing our game until around 10:30...and then all of the lights went out at the end of the second inning...argh. SO, we have to reschedule the game...though we were up 8-0 in the second inning, so that is promising. Summer league starts this week...
4. We had a great trip to Iowa/Chicago. I had a brief moment of panic as we stood in the security line at SeaTac airport, and I pulled my drivers license out only to realize it expired in May...would they let me travel? Yes, the TSA guy let me through with a 'you should get this taken care of' comment. Next concern was the rental car in Chicago. Brian isn't old enough to rent a car, and my license was expired...what would we do? Turns out Brian is old enough to rent a car in Illinois...and I guess since it was pre-paid, they didn't charge us extra for his age...phew! After flying the red eye, we were EXHAUSTED, and then had a 4 hour drive ahead of us. We made it, checked into the hotel, Brian left to pick up his tux, I took a nap...and apparently while I was sleeping, the tornado sirens went off on a bit of a warning. That night was the rehearsal dinner, which was great- it was at a 'Supper Club', which sounded super exclusive. Then Friday, Brian had to be at the church in the morning to start pictures, so I was on my own in Dubuque for most of the day. I finished my lab assignment and emailed that in to my teacher, found a little house to get my nails done, went on a massive search for coffee- only to end up at a grocery store Starbucks. Then headed to the church for the ceremony. After the ceremony, we rode around town in a trolley, and then on to the reception. We did some dancing, ate some cake, fun times! We had an awesome time hanging out with Dan and Sarah and their super cute and funny kiddos...I haven't spent much time with them, so it was great to hang out! We headed back to Chicago Saturday morning...boy, we ate some delicious and terribly unhealthy food! We went to my favorite breakfast place- Orange. I always have a hard time ordering here- do I go with an old favorite or try something new- I haven't ever had anything that I didn't LOVE. I happened to have seen a 'best burger in the US' article, with one of the spots being in Chicago...Au Cheval...not only was it amazing, but they were SO NICE. We got there about 1 minutes before the kitchen was closing, on the day that we were flying out...the hostess told us there just was no way we would be able to get in- they were packed and the kitchen was closing...as we walked out with our shoulders slumped, she followed us out, and said she would sneak us in. And then continued checking up on us and kept saying 'Thank YOU' to us, every time we thanked her. We also went to a Cubs game (obviously), with a two hour rain delay...late night! Not nearly enough time in that great city, but we got a lot in.
5. I was planning to spend part of my day today adopting our kittens. But, it looks like the weekends are the best times to do that, as the shelters aren't open, and pet store adoption events happen on the weekends. I have been looking on craigslist, but I keep seeing three kittens, and it makes me sad to think about separating one of them. I also look at pictures and want to adopt the least cutest, because I feel sad that maybe they won't get adopted because they aren't as cute. Sigh...I'm the worst.
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