That said, I DID finally sign up for Washington state health insurance- that will last me until the Affordable Care Act goes into affect in I do have a very basic health plan now. Which is a huge relief.
Fall quarter started last week, though I haven't actually had class yet- this Saturday is my first lab. I'm taking Microbiology, and I'm not really looking forward to it much. Remember how I complained about all the microscope lab work in Anatomy- not enough dissections? So this will be ALL microscope work. Gives me a headache. I have heard good things about the class though- that it is interesting. Hope so.
A couple of months ago, Brian and I were hanging out at Costco...wandering the aisles, eating know- really living life. There was a group there with samples hoping to get into Costco- they were called Fishpeople. And I loved every sample I tried (they had a few different varieties), and ended up buying a sample pack from them. I haven't seen them in Costco yet, but you can find them in Whole Foods, PCC, and QFC. It is a 7oz pouch of a seafood entree- they have Coconut Yellow Curry Tuna, Thai Coconut Lemongrass Tuna, Salmon in Chardonnay Dill Cream Sauce, and Smoked Salmon and Oyster Chowder. They are super yummy- and you literally just put the pouch in boiling water for 3 minutes and pour it over some rice. AND- you can go to their website, type in the batch number on your bag, and it tells you where every ingredient in it comes, which fisherman on which boat caught the fish, which farm the onions and garlic comes from, etc...I hope they get into Costco, because they are a little pricey (not super pricey for what you get, but still...) Anyway- I recommend giving it a try.
Brian has been playing his guitar more recently...the cats were a little scared at first, but now they love it and hang out with him. Frank requested lessons, so here they are. And then Frank was kind of jealous

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