1. Summer quarter is OVER. My goodness, this class was tough! I don't know if it was the teacher, if it was the fact that the quarter was 3 weeks shorter than a normal quarter, if the material was especially difficult...probably a nice mix of all three...but this class really took up much more time and effort than any of the other classes I have taken. I really have no idea where I am as far as my grade goes because 100 points were completed in the last week (out of 400 for the whole quarter), and 2 out of the 3 homework assignments hadn't been graded yet. We'll see...whatever the grade ends up being, I certainly learned! Next quarter is microbiology and hopefully an online math class (I still have to take the placement test, and I'm so annoyed by that- it's a 100 level math class- why do I have to take a placement test?- that I've been putting it off.)...and then I will start applying to programs in November.
2. Speaking of school- I just made my final student loan payment today. The last $117. I didn't have a HUGE loan to payoff in the first place, thankfully...I hear about the amounts that kids are leaving school with and it just about gives me a panic attack. How does college cost that much?! I have always been a HUGE advocate for college- you'll never regret having an education...but sometimes I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe you would regret $60,000 of debt. Anyway...mine is paid off...just in time to start accumulating some more. Woo.
3. Brian and I got a new bed this week. We never set up the bed frame I had when we moved into the new house- Brian didn't like the bed, and figured if we set it up then we would never get a new one. So we have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I have been trying to put off buying a new bed, but Brian hasn't been sleeping very well, and feeling sore every day...so it was time. We found a good deal for a latex mattress on Amazon- hundreds of 5-star reviews. And we went to Ikea and picked out a new bed frame. I know it is a well known thing...but for the love, putting Ikea furniture together couldn't be a bigger pain. After several hours over two evenings, we finally completed the project last night. And then discovered that none of our sheets fit the new bed. Bah (that is something on my to-do list today).
4. My mom turned 50 this summer (I know, she is so young)...and she was out of town on her birthday in

(all the stops were houses on the lake, so they drove from place to place by boat- and did I mention that each course of the meal is themed- including costumes?)...it was awesome. My mom was totally surprised- cried and everything- in her awesome construction costume. And here is the cake that one of her friends made- amazing! The whole thing was so great!
5. The kittens go in for their last round of shots tomorrow. Frank still has diarrhea- it has been about a month now. They are currently teething. Did you know that happens to kittens? They are losing their baby teeth and their grown up teeth are coming in. Last night Millie had a loose tooth hanging out the side of her mouth, and this morning, it was gone. Frank has a big tooth coming in right next to his baby tooth- we can see the crazy
size difference (big tooth is about twice as big as the baby tooth). Apparently their gums are sore just like a teething baby...and is why they are chewing on things more. They love our new bed, and hung out in the bedroom with us the whole time we were building it. They are enjoying playing on the old mattress- it is their new favorite obstacle course. Millie nearly escaped this week...when I got home from work and opened the front door, she was RIGHT there, and snuck out onto the porch. She didn't run, so I was able to grab her easily, but yikes! I'm not going to do it, because I know it is silly, but I want to get them leashes so I can take them outside...I know they want to go out!
That's all for this week. Have a super weekend...I'm off to get stuff DONE!
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