Saturday, March 17, 2012

a quick check in...

Okay, I am very happy living in Seattle. The weather typically doesn’t bother me. I think the grey, rainy days help you to appreciate the times when the sun does shine (or when the snow does fall, for that matter). But I could really use a couple of sunny days to help me remember that I don’t mind this drear. I’m feeling pretty over it at the moment…I am motivated to run, I REALLY am, but not in this awful rain…I’ve even convinced myself that it will be fun to run in the rain…like being a kid and dodging puddles and not worrying about getting soaked…but then when the time comes to actually do it…ugh, it’s pouring and wretched and I’m not doing it. ->I started writing that yesterday, and then it ended up being a lovely evening last night, complete with a run and a very pink sunset. Just when I was starting to feel depressed, I got a little of what I needed to keep me going. And then it snowed this morning. 

Speaking of this morning...guess what I didn't do? The St Paddy's Day Dash. Ohhh, so lame. It's such a fun run to do...and I don't know if you remember my run last year? I ran the whole second half of the race with Detlef Schrempf...what a highlight! I knew it was coming up, and I knew it was this weekend...but somehow I never put together that this weekend was so soon. So I missed it. I'm sure Det was disappointed. 

Speaking of not realizing this weekend was St Patrick's Day...I'm currently wearing a purple sweater. WHAT? I love color themed holidays. Ugh. Luckily, I grabbed my Sounders scarf on the way out the door, since tonight is the season opener! I don't get to go to tonight's game (split my season ticket, so I only have half the games...and tonight isn't one...wah wah wah)...BUT, I do get to hang out with my pal, Olga, that I haven't seen in far too long. We need to watch Breaking Dawn...

This past week wasn't too busy...though it seemed full due to the number of games that needed to be watched each evening. 

On Tuesday we went to a RadioLab listening get-together. I love listening to podcasts at work while I file, but hadn't listened to any of the Radiolab podcasts yet, so was excited to hear one. We listened to one about Choice...which was super interesting and entertaining...definitely went home and downloaded a few other episodes for file room listening. It was also fun to listen to the podcast with a few other people- we were able to talk about it together after, which I don't think I've ever been able to do. I liked, whenever you get together with a group, there is usually food involved...and I'm always a fan of that.

Wednesday was the second game in the CONCACAF aggregate...ish. Not good, not good. We won the first match 2-1, and well, did not win the second. So we were knocked out...super bummer. And it was a pretty ugly game...hopefully they have been able to let that game go in getting prepped for tonight's season opener. (did I mention I'm bummed to not be going to the game?!)

One more week until the Hunger Games movie comes out! 

And I bought some Snoqualmie Falls pancake mix...and it is bomb. 

Okay...that's all for now. I know I had other things to write...but I need to pay attention to these basketball games! Bummed Gonzaga is out...

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