Gum wall |
My legs are SO. SORE. Particularly my calves, shins, and feet.
Brian, my friends Willow and Rachel, and I did an Amazing Race Seattle
competition on Sunday. When I got up and dressed on Sunday morning, I was imagining
more of the obstacle/task parts of the show Amazing Race…which prompted me to
put on jeans, a sweatshirt,
and a pair of TOMS. You know, rather than running
shorts, a sports bra, and tennis shoes…which turns out, would have been much
more appropriate. Because we RAN all over Seattle…for just about 3 hours.
Ivar's on Pier |
event started up on Capitol Hill at Cal Anderson Park…the way the game worked
is we were given our first clue, which prompted the team to find a specific
location- once there, you take a picture of your team (to prove you are all there),
email it in to ‘headquarters’, and then they email you back your next clue…which
sends you off to a new location. The only rules were that your team had to stay
together (3 of the 4 team members needed to be in the picture), and no wheels,
other than a bus were allowed (no car, bike, rollerskates). As I said, we
started at Cal Anderson Park…first clue sent us down to the gum wall in Pike
Place Market. Most of the
teams headed to a bus stop to wait for a bus…we
decided to get a jump on everyone and just run there…no waiting for bus stops,
and separating ourselves from the other teams. It worked…we were ahead of most
teams…but almost 2 miles later, we were a little exhausted…with 8 more stops to
go! The next clue took us to the Space Needle, and then to the Ivars on Pier
54. We still weren’t interested in waiting on a bus…we’re still
running/walking/running. We knew there was one team ahead of us the whole time…this
group of guys in Sounders jerseys…they were always on their way to the next
clue just when we reached the current clue. And then there were two other teams
right around us…one stop they’d be behind us, one stop in front of us…just
depended on the route taken. After Ivars, we headed to Safeco field,
Bruce Lee's gravesite |
and then
to Uwajimaya, then to Pioneer Square (all to specific spots at each of these
locations), then to the big public library, and then we had to get to the cemetery
where Bruce Lee is buried. At this point, we had been run/walk/running for
somewhere between 7-8 miles (we mapped it when we got home)…we were all dying…felt
that our knees were going to fall off, ankles doubled in size, joints not
working as they are supposed to (somehow we just kept getting the energy to run
a little bit longer…we would see a team following us and that competitiveness
would kick in and make us move a little faster), and the cemetery was 2 miles
away…so we hopped a bus. This particular bus was already driving right next to
us when we realized we needed to catch it about a block and a half ahead…so
somehow we dug down deep and SPRINTED UP HILL to get on this bus….and we made
it. We were still in the front pack of teams…and then, we decided to get cute. The
other front teams made a run for the front gate…we decided to try and find an
alternate entrance…turns out- there isn’t an alternate entrance…and that’s when
we fell behind. We missed the next bus that the other teams got on, putting us
over 20 minutes behind. But at that point, we were so tired, we were okay with
just sitting down and waiting. And that’s the story of Amazing Race Seattle.
Very fun…so sore.
yes, yes, yes YES YES YES YES!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!