- Some snow highs and lows. *High- as previously mentioned (many times), the jeep is a champ in the snow. Sometimes she can be tough on a regular basis with her occasional stalling, but I just get so proud of her in the snow. *High- we had a late start at work one day, and when B and got into the office, we were nearly the only ones. We were sure to send emails out so people would know what dedicated employees we are. Then we had Thursday off...that was a major high.

- Brian and I decided to make the trek downtown Thursday afternoon to see Beauty and the Beast in theaters (we planned to go to Northgate, but couldn't think of a route that didn't involve having to drive down a hill). Beauty and the Beast is my FAVORITE movie...not just fav Disney movie...favorite movie. I had to see it while it was back in theaters...despite it being in 3-D (ugh). It makes me mad that Disney is bringing back the old movies in 3-D...not just because it gives me a headache, but because I think every kid should have a chance to see these classic movies in the theater, but with the addition of 3-D, they are so expensive. It would cost a family of four $60, not including any popcorn or treats. That's crazy. But...I still went...because I just love that movie.
- Ever since I moved out of my old apartment, I haven't been able to keep up with any of my TV shows (other than HIMYM)...which, honestly, is probably a good thing....but I do miss having cable and especially DVR. Anyway...since Brian received a couple of video games for Christmas, I've decided to catch myself up on Parenthood on my computer. I LOVE this show! I remembered liking it, though I was thinking it was more a nostalgia thing since the show has actors from several of my old favorite shows (Lauren Graham from Gilmore Girls, Michael B Jordan from Friday Night Lights, etc)...but as I've been catching up on this season, I think it is actually a great show...I regularly find myself laughing out loud or tearing up a bit...great characters and a realistic family storyline (it isn't overly dramatic). I'm almost all caught up, which is disappointing...I'll have to wait in real time for the new episodes soon.

- I recently joined Pinterest (if you don't know, it's a website that allows you to 'pin' different websites or ideas onto different boards that you create- I have a board for recipes, craft ideas, home decorating, trips, etc- and then you follow other's boards to get ideas to pin on your own), and even more recently have actually started using some of the things I've pinned. I've made a couple of recipes. Last weekend I made breakfast for a few people at Brian's...this Martha Stewart recipe turned out better than I anticipated. I figured it would be tasty, but it was actually pretty delicious, and totally easy. Lots of variations to it also.

- Awards season has begun...People's Choice (which is a silly one) and Golden Globes have happened. Looking forward to the next couple of months and having to watch all of the movies/actors nominated. Going off of the Golden Globes nominations for Best Picture, I have seen The Help, Hugo, Ides of March Moneyball, 50/50, The Artist, and Midnight In Paris...still need to see My Week With Marilyn, Bridesmaids, War Horse, and The Descendants (featuring George Clooney in Tommy Bahama gear...keep an eye out for the marlin). Probably my personal favorite of those was Midnight In Paris....but not necessarily for best picture.
And that's all for this week- hope you are warm and with power!
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