Happy 2012! I started my 2011 blog saying I was going to switch
formats to This I Believe’s…and then I just stopped writing because it was
intimidating. When I finally did get back into writing, it was rarely an actual
Five, and rarely on Friday. So…for 2012…no rules for the blog. Maybe a Five
pointer, maybe on Friday, maybe about things I believe…who knows.
In the meantime…
1. New Year’s Eve was great…B and I made the loooong drive down to Olympia, almost Shelton, to my Uncle Roy and Aunt Debby’s house. They are the family party house…they host parties all year long, and I always want to go, but having that hour and a half drive each way is rough. I’m glad we decided to go though…all of my mom’s siblings were there (which always makes for a lot of noise, if nothing else…no, no…I REALLY like them all, so much fun!), most of my cousins, and then the occasional neighbor or random. We ate, drank, played cards (shanghai rummy is a tradition, but I think we may have overdone it this year…), and then ate more. Last year I was able to ring the new year in with some of my best friends at a wedding, and this year with my family…I have always liked the idea that how you spend your New Year’s is reflective on the rest of your year…I’d say friends and family is a good way to go.
2. January 4th was my two-year anniversary with Tommy Bahama. That’s pretty exciting…certainly my longest ‘real’ job. Still happy to be here, still enjoying the people in my department, and this year has definitely provided lots of opportunity to learn with my added facilities role. I continue to think about going back to school for a Masters in Teaching…or maybe Nursing…and then I think, well…maybe I should get my HR certification, because this Human Resources stuff isn’t so bad…just always keeping the door open for whatever comes along my way.
3. 4th/5th grade basketball season started on Tuesday for the Boys and Girls Club. I had my first practice, and oh my…the difference between the 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th is NIGHT and DAY! I was surprised when we had our coaches meeting and I learned that the 4th/5th graders play with all the normal rules of basketball…they shoot free throws, there are 3 pointers, over and back, traveling, double dribbles, 10 ft hoop, etc. I figured there would obviously be an improvement between the two age groups…but whoa. These girls on my new team (we get to be the Storm this season…woohoo!) listened, paid attention, did what I asked (which included running waaaay more than my other girls ever did, and pushups, and defensive slides, etc). In our very first practice we could play shooting games (I could never play games with the younger girls because they could barely get the ball to the hoop), we played a rebounding game, they tried to beat me when we ran lines, etc. They worked HARD, and they didn’t complain. I’m really excited for this season…I think there will actually be some coaching involved! Plus, I have an assistant coach…another gal that just wanted to get involved and doesn’t have kids on a team…so that will be really fun…have some help and get to bounce ideas off each other. REALLY looking forward to this season.
4. Brian and I went to the Cinerama last night to see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I didn’t see the Swedish version, but have read the book, so I knew the story and knew what to expect…but ish, that is a tough movie. It’s just so disturbing. I waited to see the American version, thinking it would be a little bit milder, but it was still pretty graphic…I’m surprised it could be rated R. Good movie…definitely an interesting story line, and even though the movie is two and a half hours, you are never checking your watch…the music is great and very much adds to the suspense. But you leave the theater feeling upset and disturbed. Good movie…pretty sure I will never watch it again.
5. While the movie was tough, the previews before the movie were aaaawwesoooome! First up, the Hunger Games. Looks so good…I can’t wait! And it is only a couple of months away. I was nervous about them doing it well, but the preview got my hopes up! Next, the upcoming Batman movie. I’m not as excited as Brian for this one, just because I’m not as into the action movies…but the Dark Knight was great (I need to work on using other words than great…I always read other words…amazing, fantastic, phenomenal…and think it sounds like trying to use something other than great…sometimes things are just great…better than good or fine…but stellar is over the top)….anyway…preview shows promise (how about that one?). And the final preview was…The Hobbit. Soooo excited for this one, even in 3-D (or especially in 3-D? Since they used new 3-D technology…). Brian bought the Lord of the Rings trilogy on Blue Ray, and we have been moving through those (not that I haven’t seen them all a few times), and one of our friends does a New Year’s Day viewing of all three movies right in a row (we only stayed for a couple of hours)…so the story and those characters and that world is all very fresh. But I haven’t ever read the Hobbit…so I just started last night…exciting!
Have a super amazing, fantastically epic week. Or just a great
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