Yawn...we got back from our two week magical Italy vacation/honeymoon yesterday afternoon. I like to pretend that I'm immune to jet lag, but at the moment, I just don't think that's true. I went to bed last night at 7pm, and woke up feeling great at 6:30am...I figured I had beat the jet lag! But...I'm currently contemplating if the effort to make dinner is worth it, or if a bowl of cereal will be just fine. And wondering if I can possibly make it until 8:30 this evening before climbing into bed.
I have lots of trip blogging to do...and I will! But first thing- the GOALS for 2014. I don't like resolutions, but I LOVE goals! Brian and I had a good 9 hour flight yesterday to think about and talk about some goals for the coming year (we didn't spend 9 hours doing that...maybe 20 minutes)...here goes...
Health goals:
- vegetables, vegetables, vegetables...a large portion on every plate! This hasn't been a big enough priority in our meal plans! I want to make a weekly meal plan and grocery shop in an organized way.
- eat dinner at home 5x/week. We eat at restaurants and fast food way too often.
- get up early enough to have breakfast at home every day. I require breakfast, so if I don't make something at home, I end up getting a croissant or muffin or something else incredibly unhealthy at a coffee shop.
- get a gym membership and exercise at least 4x/week. In an effort to save money, I gave up my gym membership a long while back. This is fine during the spring and summer, but I am not motivated enough to exercise in the cold rain. I need to get back into a regular routine. Brian and I joined a soccer team (which I am truly terrified about- I have never played soccer), which will be fantastic exercise one day a week...but we need to keep it up throughout the week.
School goals:
- study for and take the GRE test. I have never studied for any of the big basic tests we take in our life (I'm sure my SAT score would have been much higher if I had)...I want to be prepared for this test before taking it!
- apply to nursing schools. I need to take my GRE, and finish one (maybe two, depending on the school) pre-reqs and then I can start applying. Nervous and excited!
Financial goals:
- savings, savings, savings! I have added some extra hours in my work week- picked up a couple of hours a day with a new family...I want ALL of this extra money to go to savings.
Volunteer goals:
I gave up my Boys & Girls Club coaching this year- since we moved to West Seattle, that Ballard location is too far...I am sad about that loss. I was hoping to find some other opportunity...
So I'm volunteering once a month in the nursery at our church, AND
Brian and I are leading (with a few other people!) a middle school Young Life group here in West Seattle. I'm SO excited for this! I loved Young Life in high school, and my leaders were a huge part of that, and were a huge part in my relationship with Christ (it was really the start of my understanding the personal relationship aspect in my faith)...I'm nervous and excited to be a part of that for these kids! Plus, Young Life is just super fun...summer camp!
Okay...those are the big ones. I make goals on a pretty regular basis...monthly, weekly, sometimes daily if I need it...so there will be more...but I'm hoping these will last the whole year.
Wishing you an awesome 2014!! According to the Feng Shui guy that gave me some predictions a few years ago (when I was at Tommy Bahama), this year is going to be a great one...I think he said a 95 out of 100. So, looking forward to that.
Paris and Italy fun to come...
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