Well, I have the day off today- my one Friday a month. And today Millie is getting spayed. I dropped her off at the vet early this morning and am picking her up this afternoon. I know that spaying is a very routine surgery, but it is still surgery...she is still going under, and there can be all kinds of side effects. Plus, she is still so little. The vet waited as long as possible (she could be going into heat any time now) because she is so small. Frank was already fixed when we got him, so we never had to worry about that- though the neuter is much simpler than the spay anyway. I'm a little nervous.
Last Friday we saw Gravity- the space movie with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney that just came out. It has had such amazing reviews- I hate going into a movie with super high expectations. Earlier that day I listened to a review on the radio that just went on and on and on about how great the movie is. I think the thing that saved me from the high expectations is that I really didn't know what to expect- I didn't understand what the story was...the preview doesn't show much. Here is the thing- the movie is amazing, but I didn't like it. I wasn't expecting that. It was SO stressful to watch! When I was a kid I always wanted to go to space camp...I didn't necessarily want to be an astronaut, but I REALLY wanted to go to space camp...space is SO fascinating...this movie made me uncomfortable and claustrophobic....I felt pretty much completely immersed in it, and I have NO interest in being an astronaut..ish, such small spaces. I definitely recommend seeing it- but see it in a great theater. We saw it at the Cinerama, which was perfect. Also- it is in 3D, and I don't like 3D, but there wasn't ever a moment that I thought about it being in 3D.
I had my first week of lab...it was better than I anticipated. I like my lab partner. The class is 4.5 hours long, and it actually went by pretty quickly.We also got assigned a group project- four people in a group- we have to give a presentation NEXT week (so soon!) on botulism. We also have our first test on Monday...which means it is an online test, because there isn't actually class on Monday. I'm a little worried about the online test because that means it is open book, which means it will be HARD. We'll see.
Our Italy trip is quickly approaching...we have basically decided on the itinerary. We fly in to Milan, and will fly immediately to Paris for four days. We already got our flight to Paris, and found the place we will stay in Paris. I managed to find a pretty reasonably priced place in the Latin Quarter...I'm not expecting anything fancy, but it is a great location, which is what I wanted for Paris. Then we fly back to Milan, hopefully to catch a soccer game (there is a huge match that day, we are just trying to figure out the details in getting the tickets...they don't sell them far in advance like they do here). Then we will train to Rome for a few days. Up to Florence, with a day trip to Sienna, and then on to Venice. I found a place for us to stay in Florence and Rome, but am still looking in Venice. We were really hoping to be able to get some stuff paid for ahead of time, so we wouldn't need to pay a huge chunk over that time, but most of the places we stay only take a deposit for the room and require payment upon arrival. I suppose that is nice if we decide to change our plan for some reason, but doesn't help with the pre-pay plan. Next, we need to research some food places!
Ohhh, I just got the call from the vet- Millie is out of surgery and starting to wake up. Phew.
Here is Frank's latest...Brian was changing the light in the kitchen...Frank offered to hold the ladder for him...such a helpful kitten.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Healthcare, Microbiology, and Yahtzee
I know, I know...everyone is tired of hearing about the government
shutdown and the Affordable Care Act. But can I just say that Brian and I
should do a commercial for the Affordable Care Act... Brian works for a small company
that doesn't offer health insurance. I work less than full time because
I am in school part time, and so am not offered health insurance. Brian
is allowed to be on his parents health insurance for a couple more
years because of the Affordable Care Act. I have been without health insurance since
January, when I left my job to start the long process of nursing school.
I'm pretty healthy, so I haven't been that worried about getting sick
(though I am constantly in search of skin cancer on this pale, pale
palette), but every time I get in a car, I think about a car
accident...when I play kickball, I worry about making a weird turn on a
base and breaking a bone. I am ecstatic about the Affordable Care Act.
That's my piece. (Also, if you have any questions about it, I have done
quite a bit of research and would be happy to try to answer)...
That said, I DID finally sign up for Washington state health insurance- that will last me until the Affordable Care Act goes into affect in January...so I do have a very basic health plan now. Which is a huge relief.
Fall quarter started last week, though I haven't actually had class yet- this Saturday is my first lab. I'm taking Microbiology, and I'm not really looking forward to it much. Remember how I complained about all the microscope lab work in Anatomy- not enough dissections? So this will be ALL microscope work. Gives me a headache. I have heard good things about the class though- that it is interesting. Hope so.
A couple of months ago, Brian and I were hanging out at Costco...wandering the aisles, eating samples...you know- really living life. There was a group there with samples hoping to get into Costco- they were called Fishpeople. And I loved every sample I tried (they had a few different varieties), and ended up buying a sample pack from them. I haven't seen them in Costco yet, but you can find them in Whole Foods, PCC, and QFC. It is a 7oz pouch of a seafood entree- they have Coconut Yellow Curry Tuna, Thai Coconut Lemongrass Tuna, Salmon in Chardonnay Dill Cream Sauce, and Smoked Salmon and Oyster Chowder. They are super yummy- and you literally just put the pouch in boiling water for 3 minutes and pour it over some rice. AND- you can go to their website, type in the batch number on your bag, and it tells you where every ingredient in it comes from...like, which fisherman on which boat caught the fish, which farm the onions and garlic comes from, etc...I hope they get into Costco, because they are a little pricey (not super pricey for what you get, but still...) Anyway- I recommend giving it a try. www.fishpeopleseafood.com
Brian has been playing his guitar more recently...the cats were a little scared at first, but now they love it and hang out with him. Frank requested lessons, so here they are. And then Frank was kind of jealous
we were playing Yahtzee and leaving him out, so we taught him how to
play that too. He really likes hanging out with us. Millie watches
everything from atop the toasty warm cable box- her favorite spot.
That said, I DID finally sign up for Washington state health insurance- that will last me until the Affordable Care Act goes into affect in January...so I do have a very basic health plan now. Which is a huge relief.
Fall quarter started last week, though I haven't actually had class yet- this Saturday is my first lab. I'm taking Microbiology, and I'm not really looking forward to it much. Remember how I complained about all the microscope lab work in Anatomy- not enough dissections? So this will be ALL microscope work. Gives me a headache. I have heard good things about the class though- that it is interesting. Hope so.
A couple of months ago, Brian and I were hanging out at Costco...wandering the aisles, eating samples...you know- really living life. There was a group there with samples hoping to get into Costco- they were called Fishpeople. And I loved every sample I tried (they had a few different varieties), and ended up buying a sample pack from them. I haven't seen them in Costco yet, but you can find them in Whole Foods, PCC, and QFC. It is a 7oz pouch of a seafood entree- they have Coconut Yellow Curry Tuna, Thai Coconut Lemongrass Tuna, Salmon in Chardonnay Dill Cream Sauce, and Smoked Salmon and Oyster Chowder. They are super yummy- and you literally just put the pouch in boiling water for 3 minutes and pour it over some rice. AND- you can go to their website, type in the batch number on your bag, and it tells you where every ingredient in it comes from...like, which fisherman on which boat caught the fish, which farm the onions and garlic comes from, etc...I hope they get into Costco, because they are a little pricey (not super pricey for what you get, but still...) Anyway- I recommend giving it a try. www.fishpeopleseafood.com
Brian has been playing his guitar more recently...the cats were a little scared at first, but now they love it and hang out with him. Frank requested lessons, so here they are. And then Frank was kind of jealous

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