I suppose it is about time...I've been feeling a little invincible as everyone around me caught colds and the flu, the little girls I have nannied for haven't had a single day without a runny nose or cough...and today it happened. I caught a cold. I am currently sitting on the couch, sipping massive amounts of tea with tissue stuffed up my nostrils (my mom can picture this...she has seen this image a few times). Today is the first day of it, and I'm hoping it gets better from here out. I can be hopeful, right?
In other news...
-I got an iPhone. This is my first smart phone ever, folks. I've had a bit of pride in my ability to navigate this big world with my own common sense (and the occasional 'Brian, can you look this up on your phone'), without the assistance of the smart phone. Not to mention I have been/am terrified of becoming a person that can't go five minutes without checking facebook or my email. BUT, it was time. With the new nanny gig, it just seemed like something that made sense. And yes, I'm a little ashamed to say, I am quite pleased with it. I have found myself pulling it out at less than appropriate times...but am aware of it, and working on it...it is still so new!
-My jeep was towed. From the street. For the reason that it was sitting in the same spot for more than 72 hours. Now, I realize that my jeep was sitting there for MUCH longer than 72 hours- like two months- BUT...I think it is bizarre that the law says 72 hours, in a city. I mean, if I took the bus to work- as lots of people in the city do-my car would likely sit in the same place for at least a week. I mean, it was parked around the corner from Brian's house- a street where people park on the street all the time. Towed away. Luckily I got to it pretty quickly, and the bill wasn't as scary as it could have been...but the reason I hadn't driven it in so long was because it wouldn't start. I knew it wasn't a battery, because my battery was fairly new. So as we drove to the towing place, I wasn't quite sure what we were going to do...luckily, the man that worked there offered to give the jeep a jump, went with us to listen to it, and knew exactly what was wrong. The timing of the fuel something or other was off. He reached under the hood, twisted something a little bit, and the jeep started. It sure would be nice to know something about cars!
-Brian and I got a Costco membership recently...and this past weekend we went to Costco. FOR NO REASON. We were those people that just walk up and down the aisles like we have nothing better to do with our weekend. We actually went because they have a car wash there, and Brian's car was in serious need...and hey, why not grab some samples why we are there?
-Some productive time was spent this weekend tasting tasty things for the wedding! We did our 'cake' tasting (we aren't doing cake), and we went down to the Fremont market to sample our favors. YUM! I felt pretty gross after the cake tasting day...way too much sweet stuff in my tummy...so I came home and made a huge bowl of kale...an attempt to even things out.
-Oh, on Friday night we went to see Warm Bodies in the theater. Brian's neighbor wrote the book that the movie is based on, so a group of his friends and family went to a viewing on Friday when it opened. And then a celebration party at the Fremont Abbey afterward...pretty cool for him! And the movie was great too...
All for now...off to sip more tea. I WILL fight this thing off!
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