Saturday, August 4, 2012

What an evening!

Ahhh, I had the most magical evening last night. One of our friends hosted a Creative Lounge at her house...the invite said:  

It will be an evening of lounging around with inspiring people and eating treats. If you have something creative you're working on, (a short story, a photo journal, a blog entry, a painting, sewing project, a monologue, a song etc) please bring it to share. Works in progress are perfect. At the very least bring an open mind and an illuminated heart! 

What a brave event to could go wrong in so many ways (although I suppose with your friends, it will always be alright)...but it was truly amazing, and beautiful, and inspiring, and really just so full of magic. 

First, Bridget set the perfect scene in their backyard...she strung up curtains to create a little flowery stage, she spread a blanket out on the ground filled with art supplies and magazines for collaging. There were delightful treats from Trader Joes set out on pretty little plates. And then, the people...the yard was filled with the kind of people that you are comfortable with the first time you meet them...they are interested in you and love any imperfection you might reveal...they ask questions and smile and laugh. As the sun went down and the yard started to darken, Beau and Jamie pulled out twinkly lights and strung them around the yard...the lights playing off of the people and the colors all around...swoon! And then the performances...there were poems read, short plays performed, a Platter family music wonder, people were painting and coloring and cutting up books. 

And Brian performed a song he wrote. I didn't even know he was planning to play anything, let alone that he had written something. He slipped his guitar in the car while I was at my house. I am still amazed at how brave he was to get up and sing his own song. He announced that he had recently purchased one of Bridget's paintings (our host) and had used the painting for inspiration...what an incredible gift to share! And I loved the song...everyone loved the song. I know it sounds corny, but I'm just so proud of him. Here is the painting and the song

The only reminders that the evening wasn't a dream are the large mosquito bites I'm covered in...oh how those bugs like me. 

I can't WAIT for the next one. But before then, I'll need to find SOMETHING I can contribute. I would say my greatest gift to art is my appreciation of it...although I would actually say my appreciation is maybe less of the actual art, more of the people that created it. The stories behind it, the need to get it out, and the courage to share it. Big time appreciator.

And speaking of appreciating...I need to get outside into the glorious sunshine! More later...more exciting things to blog!

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