Thursday, August 9, 2012


Oh my, I am tired. I have been working a lot of hours lately and in an effort to not give up any after-school activities, have taken to going in bright and early. Which I do prefer to staying late, but my head has started to have that haze that I had each day when I opened at Starbucks (not to worry, I’m not going in to work THAT early!). But such sacrifices must be made in order to keep up the fun post-work activities. 

A couple pieces of exciting news, catch up of activity, and a horror story to follow...

1. First bit of very exciting news- my little sister has finally announced to facebook that she is pregnant (aka, I can talk about the news I heard back on the 4th of July)…and not just regular ol pregnant…TWINS! Oh my. The weekend before she told me, I had just been telling Brian that I bet she would be having another kid sometime soon (she is such an amazing mom…it was only a matter of time)- and then a few days later she sent me the ultrasound picture…with two little blobs. As the aunt, I am so excited for a little pair of cuties…but thinking about my sister, I can’t even imagine how overwhelmed she must be feeling (she told me she isn’t focusing on that just yet, just working on getting past the nausea)…but I have to say, if anyone can handle it, she can. I have been so proud of her as she has grown up and continued to step into new responsibilities and handled everything with such grace. And, I know that she has a great support system around her of family and friends- I’m hoping that these new additions will force her to ask for help though!

2. Second bit of exciting news- one of my very best pals got engaged last week! And while that is exciting news on a personal level in itself, they somehow ended up with an internet sensation engagement story. Joel managed to figure out a way to get Jen out of the house and down to the capital area in Austin (where they live), and got down on one knee, while they had the whole pretty park area to themselves, and popped the question…very sweet, private moment for the two of them. I woke up the next morning with a text from Jen and a picture of her hand with the ring on. Great news! Turns out, they weren’t totally by themselves and someone managed to snap a beautiful picture right at the moment he asked…and then posted the picture to the Austin sub-reddit, hoping the couple would find it. Long story short, friend of a friend, etc…the picture found them, and they have since been blogged about, interviewed, on the local news…so fun! And what a cool thing to have a truly genuine candid shot of the moment. Meanwhile, they are in Paris at the moment inhaling croissants, strolling along the Seine, and probably being super mushy and romantic. They had the Paris trip planned for a while- and let’s be honest, we all figured the engagement would happen there-but now they get to just relax and enjoy the trip without any of that kind of pressure…love it!

3. Here is the transition point between exciting news and activity catch up...Entercommies are champs of the Summer kickball league! Woot, woot! I’ve had so much fun playing on the team this summer…they used to be a little bit intimidating to me (I mean, they are superstars compared to the Bahama Bombers team), but this past season has been great. It helps that we were undefeated. I’ve moved from the outfield to third base, which I like (outfield is such pressure!), and have been focusing on the art of bunting. I’ve known most everyone on the team for quite a while (everyone worked at the radio station at some point), but it has been fun to see them each week…they are so encouraging on the field…it isn’t intimidating at all. Anyway…Champions. Feels good. Fall ball has already started. 

4. We saw the Dark Knight Rises for the second time last night. We saw it the first time during opening weekend…did the whole sitting for a couple of hours outside of the Imax theater to insure good seats…for sure a great movie…though it was hard to let myself get immersed in the movie because of the Colorado shooting…the movie is super intense and I was constantly thinking about those people sitting in the theater, enthralled in the movie, and then the confusion and panic that ensued after. I could imagine being in the movie and not understanding that what was happening was real. I was hoping I’d be able to relax and enjoy the movie a little more the second time…but not really. I still found myself glancing at the exit doors every so often, and jumping a little every time someone stood up to go to the bathroom. BUT, it is a great movie…particularly in the giant Science Center 6-story Imax theater…also fun to pick up little things along the way that you missed the first time. Ohhh, and we ate dinner in the Center House before the movie..I hadn’t been there since they remodeled…there are some pretty tasty food options now. I ate at the little pie place…had a chicken pot pie for dinner and took a little berry pie into the movie with me. Yum!

5. Tonight is movie night…in honor of the Olympics and America…we are watching Captain America, and planning to BBQ out in the backyard before. I decided to make some ice cream again…I had been on a big ice cream making kick for a while there, but haven’t made any in quite a while…I looked up different recipes and decided on a Tin Roof Sundae…which has a vanilla ice cream base. And called for actually using vanilla bean to soak in the milk custard. I’ve never used REAL vanilla bean before…sliced open the pod and scraped the seeds out…mmm, smelled so good. I had to make the milk custard base last night so it could chill in the fridge overnight…I snuck a little taste of the mixture this morning and I think it will be a good batch! Have to add the chocolate covered peanuts and a fudge ripple too! Planning to make little ice cream cone cookies as well…we’ll see how much time there is after work.

6. And finally…eek, the scary story! Last week Brian and I were hanging out at my house. I was in the other room when Brian came running out of my room… ‘Eryn, you know I don’t normally get freaked out by spiders, but…’, and then he described a monster of a spider that crawled out from behind my dresser, ran across the floor and under the bed. He made a claw with his fist in describing the size. As mentioned MANY times in my blog, I don’t love spiders, but they sure seem to love me, and so I manage to deal with them. I was picturing a creepy wolf spider that nobody wants to deal with, but rolled my eyes a little bit. BUT, also knew I probably wouldn’t get great sleep knowing there is a large-ish spider under my bed…so we decided to hunt it down. I got some cleaning spray and a shoe, Brian had a curtain rod…he stood on top of the bed and rustled it…I was watching the sides, waiting for the critter to escape. And I saw him. He crawled out behind a large cookbook I had sitting next to my bed. Despite the thickness of said cookbook, I could see the spider over the top of it…he was THAT TALL. I froze. I let out a scream (I don’t scream). I whispered to Brian…we exchanged spots- him on the floor with the curtain rod poised over his shoulder like a baseball bat. I crouched down low and started spraying the cleaner at it…didn’t even phase him! But he did move…and Brian started swinging, getting pieces of him, but he kept running. Finally, with a loud crunch (I’m not exaggerating, it was loud), he was finished. We both let out a sigh, but didn’t let our guard down, fully expecting him to somehow come back to life (as they always do in scary movies). Brian stuffed the giant spider body under my bookshelf, out of sight, where he still is now. Shudder. I know it sounds silly, but this spider was LARGE. I mean, what had he been living on in my room to get to that size? He was like a daddy long legs on steroids…so tall. Ugh.

Do you have shivers? If not, would you like to stop by and take the spider corpse out of my room?

That’s all for now…have a super weekend!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What an evening!

Ahhh, I had the most magical evening last night. One of our friends hosted a Creative Lounge at her house...the invite said:  

It will be an evening of lounging around with inspiring people and eating treats. If you have something creative you're working on, (a short story, a photo journal, a blog entry, a painting, sewing project, a monologue, a song etc) please bring it to share. Works in progress are perfect. At the very least bring an open mind and an illuminated heart! 

What a brave event to could go wrong in so many ways (although I suppose with your friends, it will always be alright)...but it was truly amazing, and beautiful, and inspiring, and really just so full of magic. 

First, Bridget set the perfect scene in their backyard...she strung up curtains to create a little flowery stage, she spread a blanket out on the ground filled with art supplies and magazines for collaging. There were delightful treats from Trader Joes set out on pretty little plates. And then, the people...the yard was filled with the kind of people that you are comfortable with the first time you meet them...they are interested in you and love any imperfection you might reveal...they ask questions and smile and laugh. As the sun went down and the yard started to darken, Beau and Jamie pulled out twinkly lights and strung them around the yard...the lights playing off of the people and the colors all around...swoon! And then the performances...there were poems read, short plays performed, a Platter family music wonder, people were painting and coloring and cutting up books. 

And Brian performed a song he wrote. I didn't even know he was planning to play anything, let alone that he had written something. He slipped his guitar in the car while I was at my house. I am still amazed at how brave he was to get up and sing his own song. He announced that he had recently purchased one of Bridget's paintings (our host) and had used the painting for inspiration...what an incredible gift to share! And I loved the song...everyone loved the song. I know it sounds corny, but I'm just so proud of him. Here is the painting and the song

The only reminders that the evening wasn't a dream are the large mosquito bites I'm covered in...oh how those bugs like me. 

I can't WAIT for the next one. But before then, I'll need to find SOMETHING I can contribute. I would say my greatest gift to art is my appreciation of it...although I would actually say my appreciation is maybe less of the actual art, more of the people that created it. The stories behind it, the need to get it out, and the courage to share it. Big time appreciator.

And speaking of appreciating...I need to get outside into the glorious sunshine! More later...more exciting things to blog!