Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Five 9/4

Hey ya'll...hope you have fun things planned for this Labor Day weekend...Take Back the Summer! I think Summer might be over here...we usually have a nice September, but I have a hunch this rainy Labor Day weekend may be the beginning of the ol Seattle weather. Oh well. Here are your Five:

1. My mom was in Seattle for a conference this past weekend, so before she left town on Sunday, she came over to West Seattle, where I was housesitting, to meet me for lunch. We had lunch at Cafe Nouveau...which is a french bakery...that is AMAZING. Sooo good. Like, really french. Besides the people speaking in English and having some customer service, I thought I might be in the cafe down the street from my apartment in Paris. Okay, not really. But the almond croissant is are the sandwiches, the yummy dessert pastries...seriously, if you haven't been there, you should go.

2. I saw the SADDEST movie on Tuesday. I finished helping my mom with her classroom (School has started!) and had some time to kill before meeting my little I decided to hit up the $1 movie theater. I saw My Sister's Keeper. It was between that and Night At the Museum 2...and when I go to a movie by myself, I feel silly going to a silly movie. Well, I pretty much cried through the entire movie. Kid gets leukemia, parents and brother aren't matching donors, so parents have a genetically perfect kid to give spare parts to the dying sister. As kid grows up, she sues parents for rights to her own body...she doesn't want to be forced to keep giving away her body parts, even if it means her sister will die. Ohhh, it is so sad. The whole kid with cancer thing is just so hard...I cry when the St Jude commercials come on.

3. Finally finished Julie and Julia the other day. It was okay. I would say...don't start it. I was thinking that perhaps this would be one rare occasion where the movie is better than the book (and I love Amy Adams)...but I've heard from a reliable source that the movie wasn't good either. Sad. But, like I said before, even if I didn't car for the book so much, it has definitely inspired me to do some experimental cooking...trying out new recipes. So that may become a new addition to the Friday Five...some new recipe.

4. Unfortunately, this week, I haven't done much for fun, new recipes...because- I've been detoxing. One of my fav young adult authors (the Jessica Darling series) is a facebook "friend"- her updates are hilarious- and she is writing an article for a health magazine and had to do a detox. And at first she was all bummed out to have to give up coffee and diet coke...but then she kept talking about how much more energy she had and how great she I thought, hmmm, I'm tired a lot...maybe I'll give it a try. So no caffeine, dairy, sugar, gluten, etc....I had a horrible coffee headache the first day, but have been fine after that. I've been eating lots of fruit and vegetable...sit fry central here in mi casa. I bought some quinoa and learned how to cook that (a biot experimental, I suppose). But...I really haven't felt any different. Probably because I have stir fry most days really isn't THAT far off my usual food intake. I do enjoy sweet treats (seriously Cafe Nouveau!)...but I think my being tired is more due to the fact that I wake up at 3:30am most days of the week. More sleep may be the answer...not detox. And I made cupcakes for my manager's birthday today...I had to try one! (or 3)

5. Bumbershoot this weekend! Yeah! I'll be working most of the days...I got some contract work through One Reel (the organization that puts on Bumbershoot, and many other fabulous Seattle events), so I'll be kicking it in the KEXP music lounge most of the weekend (indoors...phew, since it might rain!) and I'll be done by 6:30 every day, so I can still go out and enjoy some shows. AAANNNDDD, I get free lunch from the vendors, and free catered dinner- how great is that?! I'll let you know how it all goes next week.

And until then...later dude.


  1. Eryn, I liked Julie & Julia, the movie. Mostly because I like to watch people cook.
    Also, Everyday Food is a new favorite source for recipes for me. They're usually fast and delicious!
    ooh and I really like this cooking blog: most of the stuff looks really healthy, but it's also very very good. Keep us posted on your cooking adventures!

  2. Awesome...thanks Kelly...I will def check out that blog.
