Friday, July 17, 2009

heartbroken in the best way...7/17

Hey, hey! Welcome to Friday, once again...

1. Last weekend I made the loooong drive out to Ocean Shores to hang out with some of the fam. My uncle and aunt have a house out there that they bought for the purpose of getting away and hanging out with friends and family. It is a beautiful house, and BIG...lots of room for lots of people. I had two sets of aunts and uncles, some cousins, grandparents, and a few others...and let me tell you, we had a FEAST on Saturday night! We had amazing salmon, and crabcakes (from crab my uncles and cousins caught), oysters, good was really, really fun. We walked across the street and made our way to the ocean, went into town and visited the learning center- which they have actually done a pretty good job with- there is some interesting stuff there (and the super eager lady that worked there informed us that she has had 22 people come in that have either seen, heard, or smelled bigfoot. True story.) The evening progressed into my aunts, grandma and I watching Singing Bee (seriously, have you ever heard me sing? Prob not because I avoid doing so around pretty much's a horrible sound....and I most definitely got it from my mom's side of the family) we were all a-singing out loud to country tunes...not pretty, not pretty. My grandma did show us some of her old dance moves she used to do in high that her mom dragged her off the dance floor for because it was too sexy. Whoa Grandma. I also got to spend some quality time with my newest cousin, Tyler...who has developed a little personality and is sooo adorable and smiley and giggly. Love him!

2. Moving on. Tuesday I had a dentist appointment. I had to get a cavity filled. Trauma! I try to take really good care of my teeth (I still wear my retainer from 8th grade!), so the cavity thing doesn't make me happy. Plus, I am a bit of a nervous wreck about that kind of stuff anyway. I nearly talked myself out of getting my wisdom teeth extracted my freshman year...I went to the bathroom and got myself so worked up about it, I was truly seconds away from sneaking out and waiting for my mom in the car...before I reminded myself I would just have to go back another time. Anyway...the cavity...the gal gave me two shots of the numbing stuff...but I wasn't fully numbed up, so I got another one...and oh my gosh...the left side of my face was out of commission for about five hours. I felt ridiculous...certain I was drooling out the side of my face. I decided to go sit in a movie for a bit, so as not to interact with anyone, but of course, my dentist is in Federal I ran into people I know. Jeez. Finally, about 7pm, my face started tingling and the feeling returned...though my jaw has been a bit sore since then. Despite the need for a filling, I still love my dentist mucho.

3. During my hours of numbness I went to see UP...because it's Disney, I'd heard pretty good reviews, and it was at a time that worked for me. Very cute movie. It wasn't quite as good as I was expecting (those darn expectations!)...several people told me how good it was and that they cried throughout. And yes, I did cry...a few different times in the movie (I know, who is this girl with feelings)...there was some really sweet moments that I loved...but I felt like there was also a fair amount of filler. That was just okay. Definitely go see it with your significant I said, it's very sweet.

4. My facial blushing is OUT OF CONTROL. I have always had a bit of a condition...when cute boys are around, or I am giving a speech, or interviewing- no matter how comfortable I am, when the attention is on face gets BRIGHT RED. (I "randomly" got assigned facial blushing in my anatomy class to give a presentation on...needless to say, I gave a perfect demonstration)If you read my blog, I'm guessing you know me, and have seen this occurance for yourself. It's embarrassing, but I'd like to hope, a little endearing. As I have gotten a little older, I have gotten better at controlling it so in the past few years it hasn't been too bad. But lately, it has returned. Mostly at work. Most of the people I work with are married or in long term relationships, so we like to pick a "boyfriend of the week" for me each week amoungst our regular customers. Even though I would be perfectly fine talking to these people the week before; as soon as the choice has been decided for the week, I can't talk to or interact with this person without turning a lovely shade of lobster. Because I know everyone I am working with is watching...Today, one such fellow mentioned that it looked like I had gotten some sun...I thought, "yes, go with it, it's just a sunburn...not blushing, sunburn" and then proceeded to ramble on to him about how my legs were all sunburned from sitting outside in short shorts...and then hearing myself and realizing I was talking about my face turned even darker...I could feel the heat radiating off. Oh, those are my favorite moments. Yes, the facial blushing has returned.

5. And I've saved my last point for my re-falling in love and having my heart broken in the best way with music. Lately I have been pretty uninspired by just hasn't been exciting to me. I have been going about much of my day without music on because there isn't anything I care about listening to. It was always such a big part of my life, it was getting depressing. But last night I went and saw Counting Crows and Augustana at Marymoor and it was exactly what I needed. First of all, it was a great show...the two bands played together pretty much the entire wasn't an opener and headliner kind of thing. Adam and Dan (the two lead singers) took turns singing versus to each others songs and there were a plethora of great covers. Very cool format. And their voices went together so well. I have to admit, while I absolutely loooove Counting Crows (August and Everything After....c'mon!), I was really excited to see Augustana because I haven't before, and their song "Boston" has been a sort of theme song of mine for awhile. I listened to that thing over and over and over as I was packing to move home from Chicago, and when I was getting ready to move to Europe. My passport photo is terrible because the song randomly came on the radio on my way to getting the picture taken and I pretty much started sobbing. I know, I know. It's just one of those songs that hits me. Breaks my heart a little bit every time. The singer's voice just kills me. And the two bands together hit that music thing that does it for me...I don't know...I was (and most definitely still am) thrilled to have found that love again. Yay! Though I did turn on Augustana when I got home last night before I went to bed, and I had to turn it off because it just breaks my heart...I'm probably going to need to put Boston on a few times in a row and just cry it out here soon.

So there you go folks. Big happenings this weekend...going to see Andrew Bird and the Decemberists tonight, and big Adventurers Club game day on Sunday. Hope you have fun plans for this beautiful weekend. Talk to you soon! E

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