1. Adventurer's Club went on their second excursion on Saturday. We drove up to Granite Falls
to hike to Lake 22. It was about a three mile hike each way...and it was challenging enough that we were sweating, but not too much that we couldn't chit chat along the way. It was really a beautiful hike, though, you get so used to staring at the ground to
avoid stumbling over rocks, sometimes you forget to look around. The last half mile or 3/4 mile was snowy, which we weren't expecting. And it was that melty snow that I think will probably be dangerous to hike on in the next couple of days. We made it though. And the view at the top...of the mountains and the still mostly frozen lake and the trees...sooo pretty. We realized we had a problem when we reached the top though, looked around...no where to pee. And enough people around to make it difficult to hide behind a tree. Willow and I risked our lives, in the treacherous snow to find a semi-hidden spot. All was well. This weekend, Adventurer's Club will try a Nia class at Green Lake...combo yoga, dance and martial arts...I'm sure I'll look foolish.
2. Some of you know about the Disneyland that my step dad has built in the backyard of my
parent's house. I hopped in the ol jeeper and headed down to Bonney Lake Saturday night to hang with my cousins and enjoy the crazy backyard party house that has been built since I moved out. It's amazing. So, Ron built a series of sheds along the back fence that look like an old mining town...one of them is storage, and one is a full on bar. Fully stocked. Heater and airconditioner, flat screen tv...and any booze you can think of. There are still plans in the works to add on a wine bar, and possibly a pub of sorts. outside of the "town" is a pond, with waterfalls draining into it on both ends. (I helped build the dock!) He has also put in a giant fire pit....that draws the neighbors over every weekend. And most recently, they bought a new hot tub and put in a whole outdoor kitchen area, with a big ol BBQ, sink, fridge, etc. It's amazing. Such a cool place to hang out and have people over.
3. While I was home, I enlisted my aunt and cousins, who were in town visiting, to help me take the hard top off my jeep and throw the soft top back on, so I can fully enjoy the weather. We got the hard top off, and then I realized I was missing a couple pieces that attach the soft top to the jeep. Crap. No idea where they are. Hoping to find these pieces at a junk yard or something? I don't really know how that works...I need to look into it. Yikes. But can I just tell you how I have totally fallen back in love with my jeep over the last week. Swoon. I love having the top down. It does nothing for my hair...I will be sporting a ponytail from here on out...BUT, it is so fun! There is a lot of pressure to listen to good music though...everyone can hear and judge. So far I have had Ben Lee and Will Hoge in rotation...I made a summertime mix that I need to burn onto a CD. While I am completely loving it...the worrier in my started thinking about what might happen if I got in a car accident and my jeep flipped over. I mean, really? Doesn't that sound horrible...would the whole car just land right on top of me. I've been told that's what the "roll bar" is for...right, like that's going to keep me safe. Ish. Or what if a truck in front of me kicks something up from the road and flies in and hits me in the eye...and I am blinded and driving out of control...and then the jeep flips over. Oh the scenes that go through my head. :(
4. I had lunch with my Grandma on Thursday afternoon...for my birthday (she lives in Arizona for half the year, so she wasn't around on my actual birthday). We went to Greenlake and ate outside, grabbed some ice cream and strolled around the lake. Turns out, I don't know why I never put it together, but she grew up right up the street from Greenlake. She and her sisters used to walk down there everyday in the summer and hang out...it's where she learned how to swim, and later had her first job as a lifeguard there. She drove me by the house where she gre up, and showed me where the meat market was, the bakery, etc. It was cool listening to her stories and watching her as she thought back on those days, as we strolled. Very fun...thanks Grandma!
5. I got a Sonicare this weekend, from my mom, for my birthday (this birthday has really stretched out...just as I like it!). When I went to the dentist for my cleaning a few weeks back, they told me that I should get a Sonicare...while I DO floss everyday, people just can't do the same as the sonicare can. SOOO, I tried it out...and holy hell, I've never drooled so much in my life. I quickly realized the problem...my mom's makes a beeping sound every 30 seconds, indicating she should move on to the next section; mine doesn't. It just goes for the full two minutes. So I brushed each section of my mouth for two minutes...which may have been a bit much! I have figured it out since then...not nearly as much spittage gushing into the sink. I know, it's a lovely picture in your head, isn't it?
Well, I hope you have a fantastic weekend...be safe...wear sunscreen!
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