Ohhh, what a week, what a week...
1. I'm going to go ahead and begin with Michael Jackson. On Thursday, when the news came out that he died and people were posting all over Facebook and Twitter, and I was walking down the street in my neighborhood hearing MJ music blasting out of apartment buildings, I was a little bit annoyed. Yes, it is totally sad that someone died. But, every single one of these people would have been posting something negative about him if he was in the news for a different reason (as he has been)...so I decided I didn't want to write about it here. BUT, then today...I feel different. It's weird. It makes me feel old. I think about how my nieces and nephew will have no memory of a living Michael Jackson, and that is really strange. I feel like my dad when he talks about Elvis Presley. We have lost such a pop icon...it's sad. And it's also sad that poor Farrah Fawcett's death was completely overshadowed. Tough/weird day yesterday.
2. Have you read To Kill A Mockingbird lately? Like, since 9th grade when you had to? You should definitely go read it again. It is an amazingly good book. The voice of Scout is so perfect...such a child- figuring things out, assuming one thing and learning another...the cover says it's a "coming of age" story which always sounds so hokey...but Harper Lee writes Scout so beautifully- it doesn't have an ounce of "coming of age" corny. And then, of course, it hits on racism and the segregation in the south...in such a sad way. I found myself unable to blink on my bus ride home the other day because I knew the tears were pooling up and if I blinked, they would be running down my face. And the relationship between brother and sister, father and children, friends...sigh, it really is such a fantastic book. I remember liking it in 9th grade...it definitely wasn't one of those school books you have to force yourself to get through the assigned chapters each night...but I don't remember it being SO good. Which is why I am re-reading all those school books. Really though- go buy a copy (don't even check it out from the library...go buy it), and re-read it. Next up...hmmm, perhaps Great Gatsby?
3. Enjoyed a delightful Happy Hour at Chapel on Tuesday with some of the old radio folks. It was fun to get together and chat with people I don't see on a regular basis and catch up...and I was so excited to go to Chapel. Back in my National Promo Dir days, a group of us used to go up there almost once a week for their happy hour...they have a huuuge list of fun flavored martinis that are $5 (used to be $4 though!) and then some food items. I doubt I'll make it back there for quite awhile...because well, I just don't go out very much...but if you are in search of a new locale...you should give it a try. It's on Capitol Hill and it's a cool building...and the drinks are pretty strong (I had ONE martini...and chatted for about three hours and could still feel it a bit...granted, I'm a total lightwight...but still, only one.)
4. Oh man, I bought the last season of Gilmore Girls on DVD last...ummm, like, day after Thanksgiving or something...and JUST found it, so I have been watching an episode every night in bed before I fall asleep. I heart the Gilmore Girls. You know this...I am Rory, and my mom is Lorelai. I watched the CUTEST episode last night. Christopher (Rory's dad) and Lorelai have started dating again and he tells her he is going to take her out but won't say where (a surprise...I love it)...and he picked her up in some old convertible car (to which she replied "enjoy my hair now, because it won't look like this for long" I can vouch for that after driving with the jeep top down)...he drives her out to the middle of nowhere (she is trying to guess all along the way and has turned NYC dates into "are you going to murder me" dates...and he pulls up in front of this old abandoned barn and has set up a movie to play on the wall...like a drive in movie...and has packed all her favorite movie treats and they watched some old black and white movie. Sigh...sooo cute. THEN, same episode!, Logan (who I flipping adore) is working in London so he and Rory are working on doing this long distance relationship thing...and he calls her and tells her to go up to the roof because there is a meteor shower that he wants to "watch with her" (which, by the way, is cute enough on its own)...but instead- he is THERE, with a table all set up for dinner...surprise! Oh, I love it. And this is why I don't have a boyfriend. :-)
5. Good luck to all the Rock and Roll marathoners this weekend! I soooo wish I was running the half..next year, next year. Carb load up tonight, make sure you bring lots of packets of goo to slurp down on the course, drink your water...and have fun, enjoy the music! Those of you not running (probs most of you!)...I wouldn't plan to go anywhere tomorrow....check out the race course to find out which roads will be closed and how to get around town...pretty sure it will be a nightmare.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday Five 6/19
Thank goodness this week went by faster than last's...I actually think last week might STILL be happening somewhere. BUT, here is your Friday Five for THIS week...woo.
1. Thank you rain gods. It's about time. We were one day away from setting a record for days without any rain. I know I have been praying and hoping for continued sunshine due to the condition of my jeep (and it's lack of a functioning top), but the humidity that was happening here was ridiculous. This is the Northwest- we don't do humidity...we leave that miserable, sticky, gross feeling to you east coasters, and southerners, and mid-westerners. Not over here in the west. And certainly not here in Seattle, where air conditioning doesn't really exist. But rain it did- I was slightly surprised at the lifting of my heart, as I was frothing milk and pulling espresso shots, to see the rain start falling outside our store. Yes, my heart...it lifted. It is still a bit humid- but it is a tad better. The sky is overcast and I am happy.
2. Ohhh, the jeep. The jeep, the jeep. So I spent a good deal of time searching for the parts I need to keep the soft top from flying off as I drive (as it currently does)...Finally, I found them. I went to a jeep dealership, they helped me find the right parts and they have been ordered. The parts haven't arrived yet, so I can't drive in the rain...I put the top up temporarily (didn't put the windows in though...I haven't checked out the status of the inside since it started raining. I'm sure it's fine.) But, the parts are ordered. Sigh of relief. Let me tell you a little bit about the pride I felt when I drove into the jeep dealership. I pulled in, someone came out to meet me and asked how they can help me. And then asked what year my jeep was...and was blown away by the good condition it's in for how old it is. Then we walked in, and a whole group of the guys that worked there grouped around me and started talking about how the Sahara edition (what I have) was THE jeep to get back in the day, and how cool it was to see, and they all wanted to go check her out. Yeah...all you jeep naysayers...she is rad. The jeep people know.
3. I started and finished The Golden Compass this week. And I really liked it! The dads and I watched the movie last year in Barcelona...I didn't really know much about it, didn't even know it was a book (a trilogy, actually)...and someone left the book at my store, so I took it home and read it. Pretty fast. It has that sort of Lord of the Rings feel to it (not as good)...the whole innocence vs evil, magic, monsters- good and bad, twists and turns, etc. I have heard the first book is the best of the three, which is always a little disappointing to hear, but I am still planning on checking out the other two. If you haven't yet, I recommend the read. Now I have started my first re-read of To Kill A Mockingbird. Very excited.
4. Starbucks Shared Planet...I took a Barista 200 class this week for Starbucks and learned a lot more about what Starbucks' Shared Planet initiative is about. Before the class, I had heard the term tossed around a bit in the store, but never knew WHAT it was or what we, as partners or as customers, could do to be a part of it (or even if we wanted to be a part of it...really no clue what it was about). But, I learned. And it is really pretty cool. Starbucks has some hefty goals they are planning to reach by the year 2015- which are totally doable...IF we know about the tools they have provided and USE them. Right now I feel like there isn't much being done, at a store level, to implement changes and work toward our goals. So, I decided I am going to be the Shared Planet Embassador at my store...hehe. I'll post more information about it as I get things rolling. In the meantime, if you are interested in more information- go to www.starbucks.com/sharedplanet
5. I am looking into putting together an Adventurer's Club camping trip. Those involved in Adventurer's Club thus far (it isn't exclusive...you can be part if you want...just let me know and I'll give you the login to our event calendar!) are fairly indecisive and easygoing...which is nice, but means I have to make decisions, which I'm not so good at. They don't care where we camp- ocean, mountains, islands, eastern wa, etc...if you have any suggestions of cool campsites you recommend (that aren't too pricey- remember the objectives of A.C....cheap being one- and that will still have openings this late in the year), PLEASE pass them along so I can get this trip a-going. Yay.
That's it for this week...hope yours was stellar...see ya next week.
1. Thank you rain gods. It's about time. We were one day away from setting a record for days without any rain. I know I have been praying and hoping for continued sunshine due to the condition of my jeep (and it's lack of a functioning top), but the humidity that was happening here was ridiculous. This is the Northwest- we don't do humidity...we leave that miserable, sticky, gross feeling to you east coasters, and southerners, and mid-westerners. Not over here in the west. And certainly not here in Seattle, where air conditioning doesn't really exist. But rain it did- I was slightly surprised at the lifting of my heart, as I was frothing milk and pulling espresso shots, to see the rain start falling outside our store. Yes, my heart...it lifted. It is still a bit humid- but it is a tad better. The sky is overcast and I am happy.
2. Ohhh, the jeep. The jeep, the jeep. So I spent a good deal of time searching for the parts I need to keep the soft top from flying off as I drive (as it currently does)...Finally, I found them. I went to a jeep dealership, they helped me find the right parts and they have been ordered. The parts haven't arrived yet, so I can't drive in the rain...I put the top up temporarily (didn't put the windows in though...I haven't checked out the status of the inside since it started raining. I'm sure it's fine.) But, the parts are ordered. Sigh of relief. Let me tell you a little bit about the pride I felt when I drove into the jeep dealership. I pulled in, someone came out to meet me and asked how they can help me. And then asked what year my jeep was...and was blown away by the good condition it's in for how old it is. Then we walked in, and a whole group of the guys that worked there grouped around me and started talking about how the Sahara edition (what I have) was THE jeep to get back in the day, and how cool it was to see, and they all wanted to go check her out. Yeah...all you jeep naysayers...she is rad. The jeep people know.
3. I started and finished The Golden Compass this week. And I really liked it! The dads and I watched the movie last year in Barcelona...I didn't really know much about it, didn't even know it was a book (a trilogy, actually)...and someone left the book at my store, so I took it home and read it. Pretty fast. It has that sort of Lord of the Rings feel to it (not as good)...the whole innocence vs evil, magic, monsters- good and bad, twists and turns, etc. I have heard the first book is the best of the three, which is always a little disappointing to hear, but I am still planning on checking out the other two. If you haven't yet, I recommend the read. Now I have started my first re-read of To Kill A Mockingbird. Very excited.
4. Starbucks Shared Planet...I took a Barista 200 class this week for Starbucks and learned a lot more about what Starbucks' Shared Planet initiative is about. Before the class, I had heard the term tossed around a bit in the store, but never knew WHAT it was or what we, as partners or as customers, could do to be a part of it (or even if we wanted to be a part of it...really no clue what it was about). But, I learned. And it is really pretty cool. Starbucks has some hefty goals they are planning to reach by the year 2015- which are totally doable...IF we know about the tools they have provided and USE them. Right now I feel like there isn't much being done, at a store level, to implement changes and work toward our goals. So, I decided I am going to be the Shared Planet Embassador at my store...hehe. I'll post more information about it as I get things rolling. In the meantime, if you are interested in more information- go to www.starbucks.com/sharedplanet
5. I am looking into putting together an Adventurer's Club camping trip. Those involved in Adventurer's Club thus far (it isn't exclusive...you can be part if you want...just let me know and I'll give you the login to our event calendar!) are fairly indecisive and easygoing...which is nice, but means I have to make decisions, which I'm not so good at. They don't care where we camp- ocean, mountains, islands, eastern wa, etc...if you have any suggestions of cool campsites you recommend (that aren't too pricey- remember the objectives of A.C....cheap being one- and that will still have openings this late in the year), PLEASE pass them along so I can get this trip a-going. Yay.
That's it for this week...hope yours was stellar...see ya next week.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday Five- Ways to Save a Buck
As I was thinking about what I would include in my Friday Five this week, I realized I have had a REALLY boring week. And that is because, in the past two weeks, I have spent a total of $20- $15 for gas and $5 for parking. I know, you are impressed/sad for me. My friend gave me the brilliant idea of Five Way to Save a Buck...so, here they are:
1. Search through the free weekly newspaper (Seattle Weekly, The Stranger) for free festivals or free classes. The Adventurers Club found a free class last weekend at a local mind/body/soul-type place. It was the first class in a series of regular, so the first one was free ($15 normally...what a steal!) We participated in some Nia. I told Rachel, prior to the start of class, that what happened in that room was not to leave that room- for two reasons- 1. I watched an online video about what Nia is, and I was already feeling uncomfortable before even arriving, and 2. I am the most uncoordinated dancer ever. It's embarrassing. Really. BUT, after going, and fully participating (it took me a few minutes to full on go for it)...I decided it was fun and definitely worth talking about. It was a lot of pretending, which I can TOTALLY do..."pretend you are wearing a cape and you have to hide inside of it, you are peaking around a corner..." Yeah, really. It wasn't the most difficult work out- though I think they were taking it easy because it was a free class, but it was definitely fun...and more importantly, cost NOTHING.
2. Make coffee beverages at home. It isn't as fun, I know. But, it helps if you find a mug that you really like...I have been collecting starbucks city mugs from all the places I've lived, and I like to drink my coffee drinks out of them, sit on my couch, and pretend the Eiffel Tower is right outside my window (I told you I am a really good pretender). Plus, I used a couple of my partner beverages (the free drinks I get when I work) to take home a few pumps of the mocha syrup or the chai syrup...so I can make a real starbucks beverage at home. You non-partners can't really do that...but maybe invest in some syrups, or chocolate syrup...or honey on top is pretty delicious (speaking of honey...I just saw some Honey Moon at QFC...as in Blue Moon...my favorite beer...I haven't had it yet, and sadly, I am babysitting tonight so will not be tasting it...but perhaps tomorrow? I'll let you know...) I digress...coffee at home, yes, saves you lots of money. Though if you had any intentions of visiting me at my store, by all means, pull out the cash and come say hello...it will make my day.
3. textsfromlastnight.com Ummm, have you been to this website yet? Yes? Well, then you know what I am talking about....tens of minutes of entertainment that is...oh yeah, free. No, you haven't? Ummm, go there right now. And be prepared to both laugh and be disgusted. In a funny way mostly though. People post their ridiculous texts from last night on the site...love it. Check it out. Totally free.
4. I know you have been wondering, since the beginning of my post, "Eryn- if you have spent $20 in the last two weeks and only on your beloved jeep...what are you eating?" Well, let me tell you about a little bit of deliciousness called gourmet box mac and cheese. Step 1. Take your preferred brand of box mac and cheese (kraft, annie's, trader joe's, safeway select, etc), prepare as directed on the box. 2. Go through your veggie drawer and pull out those vegetables that haven't quite gone bad yet (but are prob getting close?), throw them in the boiling water for the last 2 minutes of noodle boiling, 3. Search through your pantry for the emergency stash of tuna fish you have in the back, and throw that in the fully mixed dish. Voila...gourmet mac and cheese with all your basic food groups. This is also a fantastic meal option while touring around the country in a bus with a band...It's delicious. (I haven't really been living on that for two weeks...I've actually only had it once...though other similar creations have been discovered with random ingredients in said fridge and pantry). Your welcome.
5. So it's a beautiful, sunshiney day...and you really want to go out and enjoy it...but you know that if you go outside, you will be tempted to get some ice cream, perhaps at Molly Moon's? Then your super friend texts and asks if you want to stroll around Greenlake. Brilliant. Amy and I made ourselves some delicious coffee beverages at my apartment (if you are confused, refer to point number 2 in this issue of the Friday Five), and then walked over to Greenlake and around the lake and then back to the apartment. Awesome friend catching up time, vitamin D intake, and a false feeling of partaking in a work out. So good. Then Amy decided she REALLY wanted a Mighty O donut. So we hopped in the jeeper (still topless folks, the sun has not left me yet!) and turned the summer mix CD up, and did some dancing, singing, and mostly feeling rad and drove up to Mighty O. Ohhhh, closed. Luckily, Zoka is right across the street. Amy and I shared the largest slice of Key Lime pie in the world. Save money tip...share with a friend (unfortunately for Amy, she didn't actually save any money because she bought the full piece...I just ate half of it).
And that's how it works, kids. Today was payday...I just treated myself to a store-bought coffee...mostly because I have three hours to kill on Mercer Island between babysitting jobs...I figured I should purchase a drink instead of loitering.
Have a great weekend!
1. Search through the free weekly newspaper (Seattle Weekly, The Stranger) for free festivals or free classes. The Adventurers Club found a free class last weekend at a local mind/body/soul-type place. It was the first class in a series of regular, so the first one was free ($15 normally...what a steal!) We participated in some Nia. I told Rachel, prior to the start of class, that what happened in that room was not to leave that room- for two reasons- 1. I watched an online video about what Nia is, and I was already feeling uncomfortable before even arriving, and 2. I am the most uncoordinated dancer ever. It's embarrassing. Really. BUT, after going, and fully participating (it took me a few minutes to full on go for it)...I decided it was fun and definitely worth talking about. It was a lot of pretending, which I can TOTALLY do..."pretend you are wearing a cape and you have to hide inside of it, you are peaking around a corner..." Yeah, really. It wasn't the most difficult work out- though I think they were taking it easy because it was a free class, but it was definitely fun...and more importantly, cost NOTHING.
2. Make coffee beverages at home. It isn't as fun, I know. But, it helps if you find a mug that you really like...I have been collecting starbucks city mugs from all the places I've lived, and I like to drink my coffee drinks out of them, sit on my couch, and pretend the Eiffel Tower is right outside my window (I told you I am a really good pretender). Plus, I used a couple of my partner beverages (the free drinks I get when I work) to take home a few pumps of the mocha syrup or the chai syrup...so I can make a real starbucks beverage at home. You non-partners can't really do that...but maybe invest in some syrups, or chocolate syrup...or honey on top is pretty delicious (speaking of honey...I just saw some Honey Moon at QFC...as in Blue Moon...my favorite beer...I haven't had it yet, and sadly, I am babysitting tonight so will not be tasting it...but perhaps tomorrow? I'll let you know...) I digress...coffee at home, yes, saves you lots of money. Though if you had any intentions of visiting me at my store, by all means, pull out the cash and come say hello...it will make my day.
3. textsfromlastnight.com Ummm, have you been to this website yet? Yes? Well, then you know what I am talking about....tens of minutes of entertainment that is...oh yeah, free. No, you haven't? Ummm, go there right now. And be prepared to both laugh and be disgusted. In a funny way mostly though. People post their ridiculous texts from last night on the site...love it. Check it out. Totally free.
4. I know you have been wondering, since the beginning of my post, "Eryn- if you have spent $20 in the last two weeks and only on your beloved jeep...what are you eating?" Well, let me tell you about a little bit of deliciousness called gourmet box mac and cheese. Step 1. Take your preferred brand of box mac and cheese (kraft, annie's, trader joe's, safeway select, etc), prepare as directed on the box. 2. Go through your veggie drawer and pull out those vegetables that haven't quite gone bad yet (but are prob getting close?), throw them in the boiling water for the last 2 minutes of noodle boiling, 3. Search through your pantry for the emergency stash of tuna fish you have in the back, and throw that in the fully mixed dish. Voila...gourmet mac and cheese with all your basic food groups. This is also a fantastic meal option while touring around the country in a bus with a band...It's delicious. (I haven't really been living on that for two weeks...I've actually only had it once...though other similar creations have been discovered with random ingredients in said fridge and pantry). Your welcome.
5. So it's a beautiful, sunshiney day...and you really want to go out and enjoy it...but you know that if you go outside, you will be tempted to get some ice cream, perhaps at Molly Moon's? Then your super friend texts and asks if you want to stroll around Greenlake. Brilliant. Amy and I made ourselves some delicious coffee beverages at my apartment (if you are confused, refer to point number 2 in this issue of the Friday Five), and then walked over to Greenlake and around the lake and then back to the apartment. Awesome friend catching up time, vitamin D intake, and a false feeling of partaking in a work out. So good. Then Amy decided she REALLY wanted a Mighty O donut. So we hopped in the jeeper (still topless folks, the sun has not left me yet!) and turned the summer mix CD up, and did some dancing, singing, and mostly feeling rad and drove up to Mighty O. Ohhhh, closed. Luckily, Zoka is right across the street. Amy and I shared the largest slice of Key Lime pie in the world. Save money tip...share with a friend (unfortunately for Amy, she didn't actually save any money because she bought the full piece...I just ate half of it).
And that's how it works, kids. Today was payday...I just treated myself to a store-bought coffee...mostly because I have three hours to kill on Mercer Island between babysitting jobs...I figured I should purchase a drink instead of loitering.
Have a great weekend!
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 5th!
Hello Summer! This week has been H-O-T-T! Hope you all have been getting outside, with a thick layer of sunscreen on. Here's the Friday Five...
1. Adventurer's Club went on their second excursion on Saturday. We drove up to Granite Falls
to hike to Lake 22. It was about a three mile hike each way...and it was challenging enough that we were sweating, but not too much that we couldn't chit chat along the way. It was really a beautiful hike, though, you get so used to staring at the ground to
avoid stumbling over rocks, sometimes you forget to look around. The last half mile or 3/4 mile was snowy, which we weren't expecting. And it was that melty snow that I think will probably be dangerous to hike on in the next couple of days. We made it though. And the view at the top...of the mountains and the still mostly frozen lake and the trees...sooo pretty. We realized we had a problem when we reached the top though, looked around...no where to pee. And enough people around to make it difficult to hide behind a tree. Willow and I risked our lives, in the treacherous snow to find a semi-hidden spot. All was well. This weekend, Adventurer's Club will try a Nia class at Green Lake...combo yoga, dance and martial arts...I'm sure I'll look foolish.
2. Some of you know about the Disneyland that my step dad has built in the backyard of my
parent's house. I hopped in the ol jeeper and headed down to Bonney Lake Saturday night to hang with my cousins and enjoy the crazy backyard party house that has been built since I moved out. It's amazing. So, Ron built a series of sheds along the back fence that look like an old mining town...one of them is storage, and one is a full on bar. Fully stocked. Heater and airconditioner, flat screen tv...and any booze you can think of. There are still plans in the works to add on a wine bar, and possibly a pub of sorts. outside of the "town" is a pond, with waterfalls draining into it on both ends. (I helped build the dock!) He has also put in a giant fire pit....that draws the neighbors over every weekend. And most recently, they bought a new hot tub and put in a whole outdoor kitchen area, with a big ol BBQ, sink, fridge, etc. It's amazing. Such a cool place to hang out and have people over.
3. While I was home, I enlisted my aunt and cousins, who were in town visiting, to help me take the hard top off my jeep and throw the soft top back on, so I can fully enjoy the weather. We got the hard top off, and then I realized I was missing a couple pieces that attach the soft top to the jeep. Crap. No idea where they are. Hoping to find these pieces at a junk yard or something? I don't really know how that works...I need to look into it. Yikes. But can I just tell you how I have totally fallen back in love with my jeep over the last week. Swoon. I love having the top down. It does nothing for my hair...I will be sporting a ponytail from here on out...BUT, it is so fun! There is a lot of pressure to listen to good music though...everyone can hear and judge. So far I have had Ben Lee and Will Hoge in rotation...I made a summertime mix that I need to burn onto a CD. While I am completely loving it...the worrier in my started thinking about what might happen if I got in a car accident and my jeep flipped over. I mean, really? Doesn't that sound horrible...would the whole car just land right on top of me. I've been told that's what the "roll bar" is for...right, like that's going to keep me safe. Ish. Or what if a truck in front of me kicks something up from the road and flies in and hits me in the eye...and I am blinded and driving out of control...and then the jeep flips over. Oh the scenes that go through my head. :(
4. I had lunch with my Grandma on Thursday afternoon...for my birthday (she lives in Arizona for half the year, so she wasn't around on my actual birthday). We went to Greenlake and ate outside, grabbed some ice cream and strolled around the lake. Turns out, I don't know why I never put it together, but she grew up right up the street from Greenlake. She and her sisters used to walk down there everyday in the summer and hang out...it's where she learned how to swim, and later had her first job as a lifeguard there. She drove me by the house where she gre up, and showed me where the meat market was, the bakery, etc. It was cool listening to her stories and watching her as she thought back on those days, as we strolled. Very fun...thanks Grandma!
5. I got a Sonicare this weekend, from my mom, for my birthday (this birthday has really stretched out...just as I like it!). When I went to the dentist for my cleaning a few weeks back, they told me that I should get a Sonicare...while I DO floss everyday, people just can't do the same as the sonicare can. SOOO, I tried it out...and holy hell, I've never drooled so much in my life. I quickly realized the problem...my mom's makes a beeping sound every 30 seconds, indicating she should move on to the next section; mine doesn't. It just goes for the full two minutes. So I brushed each section of my mouth for two minutes...which may have been a bit much! I have figured it out since then...not nearly as much spittage gushing into the sink. I know, it's a lovely picture in your head, isn't it?
Well, I hope you have a fantastic weekend...be safe...wear sunscreen!
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