Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Five 4/10- Good Friday

Welcome to another edition of the Friday Five...on Friday. Okay, seriously...I feel like the weeks have fewer days, or hours, or something...I feel like I was JUST writing up my last blog...this week flew. Here ya go:

1. We are halfway into APRIL! That is ridiculous. And because we are halfway into April, I feel that it is time to start putting out reminders of my upcoming birthday. Hurray, Hurray for the 8th of's Eryn's Birthday. I've decided I'll be turning 22 this birthday. I'll be spending the actual day in New Jersey...or NY or Philly...whichever city I happen to be in...I won't be in Seattle. Which means I'll have to celebrate with my Seattle pals another day...which, as an optimistic, "look at the brightside" kid from divorced parents who gets to celebrate every holiday many-a-time; turning the birthDAY into a birthWEEK or birthMONTH, isn't a bad thing.

2. Ohhhh, my mom had a Twilight DVD party last weekend! It was so dorky and fun. We created a different alcoholic beverage for each of the Vampires- the Cullen's anyway. And we made little recipe cards with descriptions about why that particular drink was that character's fav. For example: Jasper's drink was the "Bloody Jasper" (aka Bloody Mary)..."Tortured by his uncontrollable blood thirst, as well as his uncanny ability to feel and control every emotion in the room, Jasper Hale likes to sit back at the end of the day with this bloddy beverage- almost as tasty as Bella herself. Plus, Jasper knows how you feel the morning after a raging party- he'd like to prepare one of these drinks to help you feel better." Fun, fun.

3. Made a trip to the dentist yesterday. For most people, this isn't a joyous general, visiting the dentist is, at best, tolerable. But I haven't had dental insurance for a little while, so I was a little overdue my 6 month appointment; plus, I have the greatest dentist I was totally looking forward to it. The good news- everyone at the office was as friendly and wonderful as ever (seriously, Dr. Jacka in Federal Way...awesome!), bad news...I have to get a few sealants redone...which, at my age (soon to be 22, you remember), those aren't covered by insurance. Boo. But, teeth are o-so I suppose it must be done. Definitely one of those moments I realized how much it sucks being older and having to spend big chunks of money on things that aren't fun. And then I was thinking, how about being a parent and having to spend those big chunks of money on thing that aren't fun- FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

4. I had a fun day of video chatting yesterday. Yay for my computer that has a video camera now. I talked to my pal, Jessica, in Chicago. We discussed a new project we are working on (oh, how I LOOOOVE new fun!)....we had a good 2.5 hr brainstorming session that was very productive and now involves notecards on the corkboard above my desk (see how productive I am with my new desk!). Then I talked to Rachel, who is living in England, but was in NY teaching some class. Strange how having her in NY- which is still o-so far away- felt like she was just next store, since she has been in another country, on another continent for awhile. She is a funny lady. THEN, just as I was about to sign off, I noticed the family I nanny'd for in Europe was online. So I got to video chat with the kids...which involved some Sound of Music singing (mostly by the dads, hehe), the kids asking if my room is messy (yeah, they saw it on a daily basis in Europe), and some little kiddo feet blocking the camera- to be funny. I tell ya, technology kills me sometimes...there are moments where I feel so disconnected from people because of it, but then there are days, like yesterday, where I was able to connect on a much more personal level with important people in my life, that are far away...because of technology. Love/hate, hate/love.

5. I need to hear some of your bad/funny date stories. Email me, have your friends email me- pass it along. I need to stories for a new project. I know you have them. Send em my way-

And that is all for this week. Have a stellar weekend...Happy Easter...good luck finding the Easter eggs that the bunny hides! P.S. I was told by a 7 yr old I was babysitting last weekend that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. WHAT?!


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