Oh my goodness, I haven't blogged in such a long time.
So here is a big ol catch up of life the last several weeks.
I've been sick. Ugh. I don't get sick very often, so I'm kind of a wimp about it. I was feeling pretty proud of myself because everyone around me was sick- Brian, the kids I watch, the parents of the kids I watch, etc...and I was holding strong and healthy. Then I got it (just a cold, but oh, the runny nose is annoying), and I drank my tea and loads of water, and got healthy in a short four days...everyone else had it for two weeks. And then I got my flu shot, and it came back...and I've had it for another four days and it doesn't feel like it is getting better. boo.
Holidays- I have felt a little lame regarding the holidays this year. It's been a combination of being busy, being lazy, and having kittens that get into everything...but we haven't done any decorating or much in the way of celebrating. I had pretty much the lamest Halloween costume...the 3 yr old I watch had been asking me for WEEKS what I was going to be for Halloween (although more important to her was what Frank and Millie were going to be...she asked multiple times a day), so I felt a little pressure to wear SOMETHING on
Halloween day. I cut out some orange construction paper triangles, glued them onto a headband...drew some whiskers on my face and told Olive I was Millie for Halloween (Millie isn't orange)....she loved it. I did spend about thirty minutes cutting up brown paper bags and taping some construction paper on them to make a monster door, hoping to encourage trick-or-treaters to come to our door. We had two. I'm excited for Thanksgiving...I have been craving mashed potatoes in a big way (I almost broke down and went to the KFC by our house the other day...and KFC is like the lowest on my list of fast food-maybe tied with Taco Bell). But I haven't done any of the seasonal food partaking...I mean, I was into pumpkin in a big way in October...but I really puttered out after that. I think I need to make a pie or something. And Christmas...I'm so sad we aren't getting a Christmas tree this year. We won't be here ON Christmas, and with the kittens...it just doesn't seem like the best idea this year. Brian did suggest getting a large wreath to decorate, so maybe we'll go for that. We might put some lights up around the house (but the cats LOVE chewing on cords...I just imagine that scene in Christmas Vacation when the cat goes under the chair with the cord...)...
Movies- We saw Ender's Game a couple weeks ago, and I was SO disappointed. I loved the book- I didn't read it when I was a kid, and so it was all new and fresh for me prior to the movie. And I just felt like they did a crappy job with it...maybe I was biased because I had read the book so recently, but Brian didn't really like it either. They just missed so much of the point of the book...Ender is the smallest kid and gets picked on and very slowly gains the respect of the other kids...the movie goes through none of the process of him gaining respect- it was almost just easy for him. AND, he was bigger than the mean kid that he gets in a fight with. And the character Bean is so great, and he is barely a character in the movie. Oh well, the book is great.
We also managed to catch a viewing of The Last Unicorn at the Cinerama.I remembered loving it when I was a kid, but also that it made me really sad...but I really didn't remember the storyline at all. Just bits and pieces in my brain. The Cinerama had the author of the book (sadly, I didn't know it was a book) there signing autographs, and giving away raffle items, and answering questions...and I didn't realize that The Last Unicorn was one of those nerdy obsessions (I say nerdy obsession in a positive way...I love when people are really into something). Anyway...I don't know that I would have loved it having seen it as an adult for the first time, but I did love watching it. And I remembered the parts that made my little kid heart sad...there is one scene where she (the unicorn) is captured and kept in a cage for a circus-type show, and as a kid I felt like this was the worst thing that could ever happen...it seemed like a huge part of the movie to me, and watching it now...it is like a five minute scene.
Last night we went and saw the newest Hunger Games movie- Catching Fire. It was SO good!! Ahhh, it is very rare (if ever!) to feel like a movie is as good as the book...and I was so entertained and satisfied with this movie.
Books- Besides joyfully reading about bacteria genetics in my microbiology book, I just finished the Divergent series. I read all three of them in a couple of weeks.I was a bit shocked by the ending, but other than that, I loved the series. Usually when there is a love story involved, the great, strong girl character does some annoying and stupid stuff, but I felt like that was pretty minimal. The first movie comes out in March- there was a preview before Catching Fire...I don't think it will be awesome, but hopefully entertaining. I do like that Kate Winslet is in it...I feel like she gives any movie more cred.
Sports- well, the Sounders season ended earlier than hoped...but really, with the way they had been playing toward the end of the season, it wasn't totally unexpected. It's just a little bit harder when the Timbers are the ones to knock us out though. The President of the Mariners has announced his retirement, which Brian is beyond thrilled about. As previously mentioned, Brian has such a love/hate relationship with the team...he is hoping this change higher up will make a difference on the field. We'll see. And the Seahawks. Woot! Brian just put a picture of Russell Wilson on my phone and the 3 yr old I watch was looking through my pictures and saw that one and asked me 'is that Brian?'...he feels pretty good about that. Typically, football isn't my favorite sport to watch...though we do a lot of it...Brian and I started dating around Thanksgiving, so the beginning of our relationship basically consisted of watching football. But the Seahawks...they are SO fun to watch...good grief, they are really good. Like sometimes Angels in the Outfield really good. How does Russell get some of those throws off, and how does Golden Tate make those catches? My dad has always been the biggest Seahawks fan I know...through all of those bad years...it's an exciting year.
Another blog soon...
Happy Thanksgiving!!