Saturday, January 19, 2013

What an end to a week

What a week it has been.

* My little sister had her twin babies last night! We knew it could happen at any time...and I had been thinking about her A LOT the last week. Just as I left work last night, I got the 'it's go time, admitted at the hospital' text message. So I picked Brian up, we stopped for some dinner, and then headed to the hospital. She sent the text at 5:30, we got to the hospital about 8:30pm, just as she had been taken in to the operating room. And we had two new little babies by 9:05 and happened so fast! And they were both huge (for twins, anyway, and considering they were a few weeks early)...6lbs 11oz for little girl Lily Blue, and 7lbs 1 oz for little boy Sawyer Zane. Sawyer is spending some time in the NICU because his little lungs are having a tough time, but he should be a-okay And my sister is just such a sport...I mean, she just had twins, and there were probably 20 people in her room, getting in all her business...and she was just chatting and smiling with the occasional 'can you guys turn around?'. We all got to see Lily pretty much right after the birth, while Sawyer was in the NICU. Then everyone left the room for a little while while the nurses took care of some stuff with Jess....then my dad, Brian, and I decided we were going to leave, so went in to say goodbye...just as they were bringing Sawyer in to just the three of us were able to meet him early...that was a sweet little moment. I am so so thrilled for her!

* Also exciting, at least in mine and Brian's world, is we found a place to live! Brian has been spending a ton of time searching for places, contacting them, setting up times to view them, and searching some more. I mean, we have visited more apartments over the last few week than I have the rest of my life combined (and I have moved many times)...I suppose it is because we have plenty of time to find what we seems like usually when you start looking, you are in a bit of a rush. We found a place that we both really liked...has almost everything on our checklist...and is a house, rather than apartment...which is a huge bonus. There is a good sized yard, which will be so great when the weather is nice...blah, blah. We applied for the place and found out yesterday that we were accepted! And the people that currently live there are moving across the country, so are getting rid of most of their furniture...we are going to 'shopping' next week to see if there is anything we might need. Not totally sure about timing for move in yet, but most likely I will be the one to move in a little early and hopefully we can have everything in and settled by wedding time. Can't wait.

* We also finally got prints made of our invitations, I took them to my mom's for a little crafting party (for assembly), my mom and Ron did some envelope printing, she had her leadership class stuff envelopes, was a whole group effort...but I love the way they turned out.

And that' all I have for now....this Saturday has already been far too lazy. It's probably a good thing I am babysitting tonight so have to get moving...otherwise I could see never leaving the couch.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Seahawks Sadness

I am still heartbroken by the Seahawks game yesterday.

I went in to last week's game against Washington not feeling as confident as everyone else...I felt like people were already looking ahead thinking that game would be an easy win. And it was an ugly start, some injuries...a little frightening....but we got the win.

I felt better about the Atlanta game. Probably because I knew nothing about Atlanta...I knew plenty about RGIII, and so knew to be cautious of the Redskins. While Atlanta was the number one seed, I hadn't been hearing much of anything about them all season...I felt like we had a good stinking chance.

We started out ugly again...and I grieved the loss a little bit early. I figured they would fight in the second half, but it would be too little too late.

THEN....the comeback. Oh man....the yelling, and jumping, and high-fiving that was happening around our pancakes, bacon, and mimosas. It was SO exciting. And made you believe in the little guy, in sports miracles, in RUSSELL! We took the LEAD. With 30 second left!

And then we lost. I mean, I am not a sports crier. But I almost did...there were just too many emotions. How could we have let them get up the field SO FAST? How did we not get off the field goal at the end of the first half....and all of the other why's and what if's. It was disappointing. I am sad today.

I know we are young and we weren't supposed to be that good this year, and next year we will be one of those 'teams to beat'. But that really isn't as fun, or inspiring. When you are expected to be good and to win, then winning isn't a big deal....when you are the underdog, and your 3rd round rookie turns out to be just what your team needed- out of the blue- that is a beautiful thing.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013


2013. Here we go.

The feng shui guy that gave me a reading last year at work said that 2012 was going to be just an okay year, and that the five years following would be phenomenal and great. I would definitely say that 2012 was just that...some definite wonderful moments, but also plenty of tough ones. I don't believe in the feng shui guy, but I sure hope he is right about these next few years! 

Some 2012 highlights included:
-obviously getting engaged is at the top of the list and made this year one that I will never forget
-trip to Disney World for the big 3-0 birthday
-traveling to the east coast for some baseball and a visit with B's sister
-starting school again and having a goal to work toward
-many potlucks and movie nights with friends
-sounders season tickets and enough mariners game to feel like a season ticket holder 
-ref 74 passed, which was somehow more emotional for me than I expected
-was inspired by so many creative people...I always wish I was more creative, but being able to surround myself with those who are is almost as great
-a beautiful wedding last April that made me excited about having one myself
-learning how to use my lacrosse sticks...kinda
-sunny days in the park playing catch
-new recipes from pinterest
-my little sister's soon-to-be babies (twins in a few weeks!)

2013 is going to be a big year, and while I don't like resolutions, I do like goals. So my big goal for 2013 is to hand my worry over to God. Starting with this first quarter because it is going to be a doozy. New job, class that I have to attend, coaching, planning the wedding (3 months!), finding a place for us to live...

Other excitement for 2013 I am anticipating...applying for nursing school, traveling to both Texas and Iowa for weddings, traveling somewhere far and amazing for a honeymoon, creating new traditions...and who knows what else!

2013. Here we gooooo.....