Oh my gosh…I am the worst blog writer of 2010. Clearly, the Sunday blog switch has not worked out (Sundays, I have realized, aren’t for scheduled activity…they are for going where the day takes you)…so perhaps I won’t make any more blog writing promises. I’ll just try to write. Since it has been awhile, there is much to catch up on…here are your More than Five on Friday:
1. First of all, I just want to say- I am really happy. I planned for 2010 to be a great year, and thus far, it hasn’t disappointed. I know a lot of it has to do with my new job…and not necessarily the JOB itself, but that it has put me in a comfortable place…I feel settled. I don’t have that urge to pick up and move away. And I know (as much as I hate to admit) it also has something to do with not having to dig coins out of drawers and pockets to buy myself a coffee as payday approaches…I am, by no means, making lots of money- AT ALL- but I’m also not living paycheck to paycheck…which always feels a little more comfortable. I’ve never thought the rain and grey and gloom of Seattle affected me, but I do think the amazing weather we have had this year has helped with the sunny disposition. The flowers bloomed early, the cherry blossoms are just SO Spring-y and hopeful…I just walk outside and it is near impossible not to appreciate being here. And as a side note- NO, my silly happiness has nothing to do with a boy…I’m not dating anyone (people keep asking me that)- I’m just happy. :)
2. Back in January (2 months ago…whoa!), my mom and I went to the Guiding Lights conference again. This is a super inspiring weekend focused on creativity and mentoring. This year they did something a little different and had a focus for the weekend, which was the Opportunity Gap. While I think I liked the old format a little better, where there were more topics, I do think the opportunity gap is a huge issue that needs to be addressed. I know I have said this before, but it is just SO inspiring to be in a room with a hundreds of people focused on improving the lives and opportunities of the youth in their communities. And there is always a group of youth ambassadors- middle school and high school kids who are committed to making a difference- that are just so amazing. I mean, when I was in high school, I was worried about which socks to wear for my basketball game that night…these kids are already focusing their sights on improving the world…think of what they will accomplish with the help of committed mentors…amazing
3. I just finished our latest book club book- Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. And I read it on my mom’s new kindle. While I enjoyed reading the book- it is a mystery with a few different side stories- keeps you interested, some fascinating characters, enjoyed the writing style…I don’t think I would recommend it because I HATED the end. I mean, I tend to have a tough time with book endings in general, because if it ends happy then it isn’t realistic, if it ends sad then you don’t feel the closure you need…but this ending was TERRIBLE. Things didn’t get wrapped up, no resolution with the characters…like, I actually thought perhaps the kindle hadn’t finished downloading the book and there was more. Nope. BUT, I did get my first use of the Kindle, which I have been curious about. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, soooo convenient…great for reading on the bus, taking to work and reading at lunch…it’s just so easy. However- what I didn’t like about it, and would, very likely, keep me from using it- is not being able to flip back to past pages. I mean, you CAN go to previous pages…but you can’t easily flip back to chapter 3 where that one character was first introduced and you can’t remember how they were related to that other character, and it is kind of important in following the story. Or when you have a giant family, to where the author actually includes a diagram and you’d like to be able to reference that diagram as you read. I didn’t realize how much I do that when I read, until using the Kindle.
4. With my new little extra cash flow, I have been going to see more live music…I have always had a hard time BUYING tickets to shows since I went so long getting free tickets…but, the time has come where I actually need to make the purchase. Recently, I saw We Were Promised Jet Packs…from Scotland, they were fun- would totally recommend seeing them, although the sound at Neumos was not stellar…opening at that show was the Lonely Forest, a local band which I have been hearing about for awhile, but hadn’t actually seen yet. Really liked them as well. I went with my pal to the End’s little private performance with Temper Trap at the new Hard Rock…ran into lots of friends, which is always a fun surprise. Saw a local SXSW send off party with…a hip hop group that I can’t remember, Hey Marseilles and Visqueen. Again, I had been hearing about Visqueen for a looong time, but hadn’t ever managed to see them, so was looking forward to that. They were different than I expected…The lead singer is hilarious and great, and has a really beautiful voice- which was unexpected for me (I didn’t imagine her as having a terrible voice, but more rock, I guess). And I have seen Hey Marseilles a couple of times in the last few months and REALLY enjoy them. Lots of energy, fun instruments, great lyrics, and adorable boys…def my latest fav! Ian and the band had a bit of send off show at the Triple Door, as he and Alisa prepare to head out for their three-month cross-country duo tour…if you are in another city, look them up and go to the show…they’d very much appreciate it. I feel like there has been other shows…hmmm
5. Well Lent has arrived…and is nearly over…Easter is just around the corner. This year I gave up sweets, per the usual, and gave up TV (well, not entirely…I was allowed to watch 1 hour a day)…which I’m hoping to continue post-Lent. It is so easy to come home from work and just collapse on the couch and turn the brain off. Since Lent started, I’ve been doing a ton more reading, have been spending more time outside (thanks to the sunshine), and enjoying hanging out and catching up with pals. I do have to admit, I didn’t count the NCAA tournament as TV time…I spent a little bit of my time in Chicago and pretty much all the time in Europe without TV, and it is so nice to have to use your brain and find activities…you really don’t miss the TV at all. There are definitely certain shows that I wouldn’t want to miss (Modern Family…c’mon!) which is why the hour a day was nice…I could make the decision of which shows to watch each week. I am sort of cheating today on my no sweets rule…Mom and I are going to Teatro Zinzanni tonight, and I am NOT skipping a Tom Douglas dessert…just isn’t happening. So I am giving up my free Sunday (I’m Catholic…Sundays don’t count during Lent!) for sweets today. It’s sort of fair.
6. Have had a fun couple of race events lately…ran the St Paddy’s Day Dash for the first time in a few years…and it was SO fun! I was thinking it was a 5k, which is no big deal, but it ended up being a 4 miler, which is fine, but a little above my normal 2.8 miles around Greenlake run I’ve been doing…and I woke up with a cold the day before…boo…but I ended up with a pretty decent time (I forgot that I get a little competitive with myself for these times events) and enjoyed hanging out with some new friends…I really want to sign up for some more fun runs! Also did the Big Climb for Leukemia, up the Columbia tower…69 flights to the top…a little bit of hell. I’ve done this event quite a few times, and know that it is really hard, but you always forget just how miserable it is until you are actually doing it…about floor 10- legs are already exhausted, throat is burning, side is throbbing…and you still have 59 more flights to go…gulp. But it is over quick…I finished around 16 minutes, and the recovery happens pretty fast, and all of a sudden you think, “that wasn’t so bad…I could probably do it again.”
7. I started downloading and listening to a couple of podcasts lately. I always liked the idea of the podcast, but never felt like I had time to listen- or the RIGHT time to listen, I guess…but, with the new job…I do a fair amount of data entry and filing…perfect for podcast listening. Obviously, This American Life…so great…always look forward to the weekly update…but my current obsession is Stuff You Should Know. I downloaded a bunch of their old ones, and then get their new addition each week. It’s two normal (funny) guys chatting with each other about random people, ideas, scientific studies, diseases, etc…I mean, these podcasts are about EVERYTHING. And it is mostly stuff you feel like you SHOULD know..you’ve heard it, but don’t really know the details and are afraid to admit your ignorance. Recently, I have listened to “What are hangovers, really?”, “Who were the Vikings?”, “How bounty hunters work”, “Why are the honeybees disappearing?”, “How the sun works”. I enjoy sharing tidbits of information to my coworkers throughout the day…and I’m sure all my newfound knowledge will be helpful at the next trivia night.
8. Finally, the NCAA tournament. Oh man…I have been more into this year than usual (I always keep up on the bracket and watch a few games here and there)…the upsets have made it so exciting! I keep ESPN up on my computer at work, so I can follow the scores in real time, and then race myself home to turn them on TV (since they don’t count for Lent), or if it’s really nice out and I feel guilty about sitting on the couch watching basketball, I waltz my way down the hill in Fremont to a bar and enjoy the games somewhere else. Love it! Watching U.W. has been awesome…of course, until the sloppy, ugly game they played last night…but it’s always more exciting when you have your home team to root for, especially when they are an underdog and are playing well. So fun.
Okay…that about catches you up (if you even got through the whole thing…sorry)…I’m not sure when the next entry will appear…but hopefully a tad more regularly. Have a fantastic weekend!